1892 LADY WINDERMERE'S FAN by Oscar Wilde THE PERSONS OF THE PLAY - Lord Windermere Lord Darlington Lord Augustus Lorton Mr. Dumby Mr. Cecil Graham Mr. Hopper Parker, Butler Lady Windermere The Duchess of Berwick Lady Agatha Carlisle Lady Plymdale Lady Stutfield Lady Jedburgh Mrs. Cowper-Cowper Mrs. Erlynne Rosalie, Maid THE SCENES OF THE PLAY - ACT I. Morning-room in Lord Windermere's House. ACT II. Drawing-room in Lord Windermere's House. ACT III. Lord Darlington's rooms. ACT IV. Same as ACT I. Time, The Present. Place, London. - The Action of the Play takes place within twenty-four hours, beginning on a Tuesday afternoon at five o'clock, and ending the next day at 7:30 p.m. FIRST_ACT FIRST ACT - SCENE- Morning-room of Lord Windermere's house in Carlton House Terrace. Doors C. and R. Bureau with books and papers R. Sofa with small tea-table L. Window opening on to terrace L. Table R. - [Lady Windermere is at table R., arranging roses in a blue bowl.] - [Enter Parker.] - PAR. Is your ladyship at home this afternoon? LADY WIN. Yes- who has called? PAR. Lord Darlington, my lady. LADY WIN. [Hesitates for a moment.] Show him up- and I'm at home to any one who calls. PAR. Yes, my lady. [Exit C.] LADY WIN. It's best for me to see him before to-night. I'm glad he's come. - [Enter Parker C.] - PAR. Lord Darlington. - [Enter Lord Darlington C.] [Exit Parker.] - LORD DAR. How do you do, Lady Windermere? LADY WIN. How do you do, Lord Darlington? No, I can't shake hands with you. My hands are all wet with these roses. Aren't they lovely? They came up from Selby this morning. LORD DAR. They are quite perfect. [Sees a fan lying on the table.] And what a wonderful fan! May I look at it? LADY WIN. Do. Pretty, isn't it? It's got my name on it, and everything. I have only just seen it myself. It's my husband's birthday present to me. You know to-day is my birthday? LORD DAR. No? Is it really? LADY WIN. Yes; I'm of age to-day. Quite an important day in my life, isn't it? That is why I am giving this party to-night. Do sit down. [Still arranging flowers.] LORD DAR. [Sitting down.] I wish I had known it was your birthday, Lady Windermere. I would have covered the whole street in front of your house with flowers for you to walk on. They are made for you. [A short pause.] LADY WIN. Lord Darlington, you annoyed me last night at the Foreign Office. I am afraid you are going to annoy me again. LORD DAR. I, Lady Windermere? - [Enter Parker and Footman C. with tray and tea-things.] - LADY WIN. Put it there, Parker. That will do. [Wipes her hands with her pocket-handkerchief, goes to tea-table L. and sits down.] Won't you come over, Lord Darlington? [Exit Parker C.] LORD DAR. [Takes chair and goes across L. C.] I am quite miserable, Lady Windermere. You must tell me what I did. [Sits down at table L.] LADY WIN. Well, you kept paying me elaborate compliments the whole evening. LORD DAR. [Smiling.] Ah, now-a-days we are all of us so hard up, that the only pleasant things to pay are compliments. They're the only things we can pay. LADY WIN. [Shaking her head.] No, I am talking very seriously. You mustn't laugh. I am quite serious. I don't like compliments, and I don't see why a man should think he is pleasing a woman enormously when he says to her a whole heap of things that he doesn't mean. LORD DAR. Ah, but I did mean them. [Takes tea which she offers him.] LADY WIN. [Gravely.] I hope not. I should be sorry to have to quarrel with you, Lord Darlington. I like you very much, you know that. But I shouldn't like you at all if I thought you were what most other men are. Believe me, you are better than most other men, and I sometimes think you pretend to be worse. LORD DAR. We all have our little vanities, Lady Windermere. LADY WIN. Why do you make that your special one? [Still seated at table L.] LORD DAR. [Still seated L. C.] Oh, now-a-days so many conceited people go about Society pretending to be good, that I think it shows rather a sweet and modest disposition to pretend to be bad. Besides, there is this to be said. If you pretend to be good, the world takes you very seriously. If you pretend to be bad, it doesn't. Such is the astounding stupidity of optimism. LADY WIN. Don't you want * the world to take you seriously then, Lord Darlington? - * In DOS versions italicized text is enclosed in chevrons . - LORD DAR. No, not the world. Who are the people the world takes seriously? All the dull people one can think of, from the Bishops down to the bores. I should like you to take me very seriously, Lady Windermere, you more than any one else in life. LADY WIN. Why- why me? LORD DAR. [After a slight hesitation.] Because I think we might be great friends. Let us be great friends. You may want a friend some day. LADY WIN. Why do you say that? LORD DAR. Oh!- we all want friends at times. LADY WIN. I think we're very good friends already, Lord Darlington. We can always remain so as long as you don't- LORD DAR. Don't what? LADY WIN. Don't spoil it by saying extravagant silly things to me. You think I am a Puritan, I suppose? Well, I have something of the Puritan in me. I was brought up like that. I am glad of it. My mother died when I was a mere child. I lived always with Lady Julia, my father's eldest sister, you know. She was stern to me, but she taught me, what the world is forgetting, the difference that there is between what is right and what is wrong. She allowed of no compromise. I allow of none. LORD DAR. My dear Lady Windermere! LADY WIN. [Leaning back on the sofa.] You look on me as being behind the age. Well, I am! I should be sorry to be on the same level as an age like this. LORD DAR. You think the age very bad? LADY WIN. Yes. Now-a-days people seem to look on life as a speculation. It is not a speculation. It is a sacrament. Its ideal is Love. Its purification is sacrifice. LORD DAR. [Smiling.] Oh, anything is better than being sacrificed! LADY WIN. [Leaning forward.] Don't say that. LORD DAR. I do say it. I feel it- I know it. - [Enter Parker C.] - PAR. The men want to know if they are to put the carpets on the terrace for to-night, my lady? LADY WIN. You don't think it will rain, Lord Darlington, do you? LORD DAR. I won't hear of its raining on your birthday! LADY WIN. Tell them to do it at once, Parker. [Exit Parker C.] LORD DAR. [Still seated.] Do you think then- of course I am only putting an imaginary instance- do you think, that in the case of a young married couple, say about two years married, if the husband suddenly becomes the intimate friend of a woman of- well, more than doubtful character, is always calling upon her, lunching with her, and probably paying her bills- do you think that the wife should not console herself? LADY WIN. [Frowning.] Console herself? LORD DAR. Yes, I think she should- I think she has the right. LADY WIN. Because the husband is vile- should the wife be vile also? LORD DAR. Vileness is a terrible word, Lady Windermere. LADY WIN. It is a terrible thing, Lord Darlington. LORD DAR. Do you know I am afraid that good people do a great deal of harm in this world. Certainly the greatest harm they do is that they make badness of such extraordinary importance. It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious. I take the side of the charming, and you, Lady Windermere, can't help belonging to them. LADY WIN. Now, Lord Darlington. [Rising and crossing R., front of him.] Don't stir, I am merely going to finish my flowers. [Goes to table R. C.] LORD DAR. [Rising and moving chair.] And I must say I think you are very hard on modern life, Lady Windermere. Of course there is much against it, I admit. Most women, for instance, now-a-days, are rather mercenary. LADY WIN. Don't talk about such people. LORD DAR. Well then, setting mercenary people aside, who, of course, are dreadful, do you think seriously that women who have committed what the world calls a fault should never be forgiven? LADY WIN. [Standing at table.] I think they should never be forgiven. LORD DAR. And men? Do you think that there should be the same laws for men as there are for women? LADY WIN. Certainly! LORD DAR. I think life too complex a thing to be settled by these hard and fast rules. LADY WIN. If we had "these hard and fast rules," we should find life much more simple. LORD DAR. You allow of no exceptions? LADY WIN. None! LORD DAR. Ah, what a fascinating Puritan you are, Lady Windermere! LADY WIN. The adjective was unnecessary, Lord Darlington. LORD DAR. I couldn't help it. I can resist everything except temptation. LADY WIN. You have the modern affectation of weakness. LORD DAR. [Looking at her.] It's only an affectation, Lady Windermere. [Enter Parker C.] PAR. The Duchess of Berwick and Lady Agatha Carlisle. - [Enter the Duchess of Berwick and Lady Agatha Carlisle C.] - [Exit Parker C.] DUCH. [Coming down C., and shaking hands.] Dear Margaret, I am so pleased to see you. You remember Agatha, don't you? [Crossing L. C.] How do you do, Lord Darlington? I won't let you know my daughter, you are far too wicked. LORD DAR. Don't say that, Duchess. As a wicked man I am a complete failure. Why, there are lots of people who say I have never really done anything wrong in the whole course of my life. Of course they only say it behind my back. DUCH. Isn't he dreadful? Agatha, this is Lord Darlington. Mind you don't believe a word he says. [Lord Darlington crosses R. C.] No, no tea, thank you, dear. [Crosses and sits on sofa.] We have just had tea at Lady Markby's. Such bad tea, too. It was quite undrinkable. I wasn't at all surprised. Her own son-in-law supplies it. Agatha is looking forward so much to your ball to-night, dear Margaret. LADY WIN. [Seated L. C.] Oh, you mustn't think it is going to be a ball, Duchess. It is only a dance in honour of my birthday. A small and early. LORD DAR. [Standing L. C.] Very small, very early, and very select, Duchess. DUCH. [On sofa L.] Of course it's going to be select. But we know that , dear Margaret, about your house. It is really one of the few houses in London where I can take Agatha, and where I feel perfectly secure about poor Berwick. I don't know what Society is coming to. The most dreadful people seem to go everywhere. They certainly come to my parties- the men get quite furious if one doesn't ask them. Really, some one should make a stand against it. LADY WIN. I will, Duchess. I will have no one in my house about whom there is any scandal. LORD DAR. [R. C.] Oh, don't say that, Lady Windermere. I should never be admitted! [Sitting.] DUCH. Oh, men don't matter. With women it is different. We're good. Some of us are, at least. But we are positively getting elbowed into the corner. Our husbands would really forget our existence if we didn't nag at them from time to time, just to remind them that we have a perfect legal right to do so. LORD DAR. It's a curious thing, Duchess, about the game of marriage- a game, by the way, that is going out of fashion- the wives hold all the honours, and invariably lose the odd trick. DUCH. The odd trick? Is that the husband, Lord Darlington? LORD DAR. It would be rather a good name for the modern husband. DUCH. Dear Lord Darlington, how thoroughly depraved you are! LADY WIN. Lord Darlington is trivial. LORD DAR. Ah, don't say that, Lady Windermere. LADY WIN. Why do you talk so trivially about life, then? LORD DAR. Because I think that life is far too important a thing ever to talk seriously about it. [Moves up C.] DUCH. What does he mean? Do, as a concession to my poor wits, Lord Darlington, just explain to me what you really mean? LORD DAR. [Coming down back of table.] I think I had better not, Duchess. Now-a-days to be intelligible is to be found out. Good-bye! [Shakes hands with Duchess.] And now [goes up stage], Lady Windermere, good-bye. I may come to-night, mayn't I? Do let me come. LADY WIN. [Standing up stage with Lord Darlington.] Yes, certainly. But you are not to say foolish insincere things to people. LORD DAR. [Smiling.] Ah! you are beginning to reform me. It is a dangerous thing to reform any one, Lady Windermere. [Bows, and exit C.] DUCH. [Who has risen, goes C.] What a charming wicked creature! I like him so much. I'm quite delighted he's gone! How sweet you're looking! Where do you get your gowns? And now I must tell you how sorry I am for you, dear Margaret. [Crosses to sofa and sits with Lady Windermere.] Agatha darling! LADY AGA. Yes mama. [Rises.] DUCH. Will you go and look over the photograph album that I see there? LADY AGA. Yes, mama. [Goes to table L.] DUCH. Dear girl! She is so fond of photographs of Switzerland. Such a pure, taste, I think. But I really am so sorry for you, Margaret. LADY WIN. [Smiling.] Why, Duchess? DUCH. Oh, on account of that horrid woman. She dresses so well, too, which makes it much worse, sets such a dreadful example. Augustus- you know my disreputable brother- such a trial to us all- well, Augustus is completely infatuated about her. It is quite scandalous, for she is absolutely inadmissable into society. Many a woman has a past, but I am told that she has at least a dozen, and that they all fit. LADY WIN. Whom are you talking about, Duchess? DUCH. About Mrs. Erlynne. LADY WIN. Mrs. Erlynne? I never heard of her, Duchess. And what has she to do with me? DUCH. My poor child! Agatha, darling! LADY AGA. Yes, mama. DUCH. Will you go out on the terrace and look at the sunset? LADY AGA. Yes, mama. [Exit through window L.] DUCH. Sweet girl! So devoted to sunsets! Shows such refinement of feeling, does it not? After all, there is nothing like nature, is there? LADY WIN. But what is it, Duchess? Why do you talk to me about this person? DUCH. Don't you really know? I assure you we're all so distressed about it. Only last night at dear Lady Fansen's every one was saying how extraordinary it was that, of all men in London, Windermere should behave in such a way. LADY WIN. My husband- what has he got to do with any woman of that kind? DUCH. Ah, what indeed, dear? That is the point. He goes to see her continually, and stops for hours at a time, and while he is there she is not at home to any one. Not that many ladies call on her, dear, but she has a great many disreputable men friends- my own brother in particular, as I told you- and that is what makes it so dreadful about Windermere. We looked upon him as being such a model husband, but I am afraid there is no doubt about it. My dear nieces- you know the Saville girls, don't you?- such nice domestic creatures- plain, dreadfully plain, but so good- well, they're always at the window doing fancy work, and making ugly things for the poor, which I think so useful of them in these dreadful socialistic days, and this terrible woman has taken a house in Curzon Street, right opposite them- such a respectable street, too. I don't know what we're coming to! And they tell me that Windermere goes there four and five times a week- they see him. They can't help it- and although they never talk scandal, they- well, of course- they remark on it to every one. And the worst of it all is, that I have been told that this woman has got a great deal of money out of somebody, for it seems that she came to London six months ago without anything at all to speak of, and now she has this charming house in Mayfair, drives her pony in the Park every afternoon, and all- well all- since she has known poor dear Windermere. LADY WIN. Oh, I can't believe it! DUCH. But it's quite true, my dear. The whole of London knows it. That is why I felt it was better to come and talk to you, and advise you to take Windermere away at once to Homburg or to Aix, where he'll have something to amuse him, and where you can watch him all day long. I assure you, my dear, that on several occasions after I was first married I had to pretend to be very ill, and was obliged to drink the most unpleasant mineral waters, merely to get Berwick out of town. He was so extremely susceptible. Though I am bound to say he never gave away any large sums of money to anybody. He is far too high-principled for that. LADY WIN. [Interrupting.] Duchess, Duchess, it's impossible! [Rising and crossing stage C.] We are only married two years. Our child is but six months old. [Sits in chair R. of L. table.] DUCH. Ah, the dear pretty baby! How is the little darling? Is it a boy or a girl? I hope a girl- Ah, no, I remember it's a boy! I'm so sorry. Boys are so wicked. My boy is excessively immoral. You wouldn't believe at what hours he comes home. And he's only left Oxford a few months- I really don't know what they teach them there. LADY WIN. Are all men bad? DUCH. Oh, all of them, my dear, all of them, without any exception. And they never grow any better. Men become old, but they never become good. LADY WIN. Windermere and I married for love. DUCH. Yes, we begin like that. It was only Berwick's brutal and incessant threats of suicide that made me accept him at all, and before the year was out he was running after all kinds of petticoats, every colour, every shape, every material. In fact, before the honeymoon was over, I caught him winking at my maid, a most pretty, respectable girl. I dismissed her at once without a character. No, I remember I passed her on to my sister; poor dear Sir George is so short-sighted, I thought it wouldn't matter. But it did, though it was most unfortunate. [Rises.] And now, my dear child, I must go, as we are dining out. And mind you don't take this little aberration of Windermere's too much to heart. Just take him abroad, and he'll come back to you all right. LADY WIN. Come back to me? [C.] DUCH. [L. C.] Yes, dear, these wicked women get our husbands away from us, but they always come back, slightly damaged, of course. And don't make scenes, men hate them! LADY WIN. It is very kind of you, Duchess, to come and tell me all this. But I can't believe that my husband is untrue to me. DUCH. Pretty child! I was like that once. Now I know that all men are monsters. [Lady Windermere rings bell.] The only thing to do is to feed the wretches well. A good cook does wonders, and that I know you have. My dear, Margaret, you are not going to cry? LADY WIN. You needn't be afraid, Duchess, I never cry. DUCH. That's quite right, dear. Crying is the refuge of plain women, but the ruin of pretty ones. Agatha, darling! LADY AGA. [Entering L.] Yes, mama. [Stands back of table L. C.] DUCH. Come and bid good-bye to Lady Windermere, and thank her for your charming visit. [Coming down again.] And by the way, I must thank you for sending a card to Mr. Hopper- he's that rich young Australian people are taking such notice of just at present. His father made a great fortune by selling some kind of food in circular tins- most palatable, I believe- I fancy it is the thing the servants always refuse to eat. But the son is quite interesting. I think he's attracted by dear Agatha's clever talk. Of course, we should be very sorry to lose her, but I think that a mother who doesn't part with a daughter every season has no real affection. We're coming to-night, dear. [Parker opens C. doors.] And remember my advice, take the poor fellow out of town at once, it is the only thing to do. Good-bye, once more; come, Agatha. [Exeunt Duchess and Lady Agatha C.] LADY WIN. How horrible! I understand now what Lord Darlington meant by the imaginary instance of the couple not two years married. Oh! it can't be true- she spoke of enormous sums of money paid to this woman. I know where Arthur keeps his bank book- in one of the drawers of that desk. I might find out by that. I will find out. [Opens drawer.] No, it is some hideous mistake. [Rises and goes C.] Some silly scandal! He loves me! He loves me! But why should I not look! I am his wife, I have a right to look! [Returns to bureau, takes out book and examines it, page by page, smiles and gives a sigh of relief] I knew it, there is not a word of truth in this stupid story. [Puts book back in drawer. As she does so, starts and takes out another book.] A second book- private- locked! [Tries to open it, but fails. Sees paper knife on bureau, and with it cuts cover from book. Begins to start at the first page.] Mrs. Erlynne- L600- Mrs. Erlynne- L700- Mrs. Erlynne- L400. Oh! it is true! it is true! How horrible! [Throws book on floor.] - [Enter Lord Windermere C.] - LORD WIN. Well, dear, has the fan been sent home yet? [Going R. C. sees book.] Margaret, you have cut open my bank book. You have no right to do such a thing! LADY WIN. You think it wrong that you are found out, don't you? LORD WIN. I think it wrong that a wife should spy on her husband. LADY WIN. I did not spy on you. I never knew of this woman's existence till half an hour ago. Some one who pitied me was kind enough to tell me what every one in London knows already- your daily visits to Curzon Street, your mad infatuation, the monstrous sums of money you squander on this infamous woman. [Crossing L.] LORD WIN. Margaret, don't talk like that of Mrs. Erlynne, you don't know how unjust it is! LADY WIN. [Turning to him.] You are very jealous of Mrs. Erlynne's honour. I wish you had been as jealous of mine. LORD WIN. Your honour is untouched, Margaret. You don't think for a moment that- [Puts book back into desk.] LADY WIN. I think that you spend your money strangely. That is all. Oh, don't imagine I mind about the money. As far as I am concerned, you may squander everything we have. But what I do mind is that you who have loved me, you who have taught me to love you, should pass from the love that is given to the love that is bought. Oh, it's horrible. [Sits on sofa.] And it is I who feel degraded. You don't feel anything. I feel stained, utterly stained. You can't realise how hideous the last six months seem to me now- every kiss you have given me is tainted in my memory. LORD WIN. [Crossing to her.] Don't say that, Margaret. I never loved any one in the whole world but you. LADY WIN. [Rises.] Who is this woman, then? Why do you take a house for her? LORD WIN. I did not take a house for her. LADY WIN. You gave her the money to do it, which is the same thing. LORD WIN. Margaret, as far as I have known Mrs. Erlynne- LADY WIN. Is there a Mr. Erlynne- or is he a myth? LORD WIN. Her husband died many years ago. She is alone in the world. LADY WIN. No relations? [A pause.] LORD WIN. None. LADY WIN. Rather curious, isn't it? [L.] LORD WIN. [L. C.] Margaret, I was saying to you- and I beg you to listen to me- that as far as I have known Mrs. Erlynne, she has conducted herself well. If years ago- LADY WIN. Oh! [Crossing R. C.] I don't want details about her life. LORD WIN. I am not going to give you any details about her life. I tell you simply this- Mrs. Erlynne was once honoured, loved, respected. She was well born, she had a position- she lost everything- threw it away, if you like. That makes it all the more bitter. Misfortunes one can endure- they come from outside, they are accidents. But to suffer for one's own faults- ah! there is the sting of life. It was twenty years ago, too. She was little more than a girl then. She had been a wife for even less time than you have. LADY WIN. I am not interested in her- and- you should not mention this woman and me in the same breath. It is an error of taste. [Sitting R. at desk.] LORD WIN. Margaret, you could save this woman. She wants to get back into society, and she wants you to help her. [Crossing to her.] LADY WIN. Me! LORD WIN. Yes, you. LADY WIN. How impertinent of her! [A pause.] LORD WIN. Margaret, I came to ask you a great favour, and I still ask it of you, though you have discovered what I had intended you should never have known, that I have given Mrs. Erlynne a large sum of money. I want you to send her an invitation for our party to-night. [Standing L. of her.] LADY WIN. You are mad! [Rises.] LORD WIN. I entreat you. People may chatter about her, do chatter about her, of course, but they don't know anything definite against her. She has been to several houses- not to houses where you would go, I admit, but still to houses where women who are in what is called Society now-a-days do go. That does not content her. She wants you to receive her once. LADY WIN. As a triumph for her, I suppose? LORD WIN. No; but because she knows that you are a good woman- and if she comes here once she will have a chance of a happier, a surer life, than she has had. She will make no further effort to know you. Won't you help a woman who is trying to get back? LADY WIN. No! If a woman really repents, she never wishes to return to the society that has made or seen her ruin. LORD WIN. I beg of you. LADY WIN. [Crossing to door R.] I am going to dress for dinner, and don't mention the subject again this evening. Arthur [going to him C.], you fancy because I have no father or mother that I am alone in the world, and that you can treat me as you choose. You are wrong, I have friends, many friends. LORD WIN. [L. C.] Margaret, you are talking foolishly, recklessly. I won't argue with you, but I insist upon your asking Mrs. Erlynne to-night. LADY WIN. [R. C.] I shall do nothing of the kind. [Crossing L. C.] LORD WIN. You refuse? [C.] LADY WIN. Absolutely! LORD WIN. Ah, Margaret, do this for my sake; it is her last chance. LADY WIN. What has that to do with me? LORD WIN. How hard good women are! LADY WIN. How weak bad men are! LORD WIN. Margaret, none of us men may be good enough for the women we marry- that is quite true- but you don't imagine I would ever- oh, the suggestion is monstrous! LADY WIN. Why should you be different from other men? I am told there is hardly a husband in London who does not waste his life over some shameful passion. LORD WIN. I am not one of them. LADY WIN. I am not sure of that! LORD WIN. You are sure in your heart. But don't make chasm after chasm between us. God knows the last few minutes have thrust us wide enough apart. Sit down and write the card. LADY WIN. Nothing in the whole world would induce me. LORD WIN. [Crossing to the bureau.] Then I will. [Rings electric bell, sits and writes card.] LADY WIN. You are going to invite this woman? [Crossing to him.] LORD WIN. Yes. - [Pause. Enter Parker.] - Parker! PAR. Yes, my lord. [Comes down L. C.] LORD WIN. Have this note sent to Mrs. Erlynne at No. 84A Curzon Street. [Crossing to L. C. and giving note to Parker.] There is no answer. [Exit Parker C.] LADY WIN. Arthur, if that woman comes here, I shall insult her. LORD WIN. Margaret, don't say that. LADY WIN. I mean it. LORD WIN. Child, if you did such a thing, there's not a woman in London who wouldn't pity you. LADY WIN. There is not a good woman in London who would not applaud me. We have been too lax. We must make an example. I propose to begin to-night. [Picking up fan.] Yes, you gave me this fan to-day; it was your birthday present. If that woman crosses my threshold, I shall strike her across the face with it. LORD WIN. Margaret, you couldn't do such a thing. LADY WIN. You don't know me! [Moves R.] - [Enter Parker.] - Parker! PAR. Yes, my lady. LADY WIN. I shall dine in my own room. I don't want any dinner, in fact. See that everything is ready by half-past ten. And, Parker, be sure you pronounce the names of the guests very distinctly to-night. Sometimes you speak so fast that I miss them. I am particularly anxious to hear the names quite clearly, so as to make no mistake. You understand, Parker? PAR. Yes, my lady. LADY WIN. That will do! [Exit Parker C.] [Speaking to Lord Windermere.] Arthur, if that woman comes here- I warn you- LORD WIN. Margaret, you will ruin us! LADY WIN. Us! From this moment my life is separate from yours. But if you wish to avoid a public scandal, write at once to this woman, and tell her that I forbid her to come here! LORD WIN. I will not- I cannot- she must come! LADY WIN. Then I shall do exactly as I have said. [Goes R.] You leave me no choice. [Exit R.] LORD WIN. [Calling after her.] Margaret! Margaret! [A pause.] My God! What shall I do? I dare not tell her who this woman really is. The shame would kill her. [Sinks down into a chair and buries his face in his hands.] - ACT-DROP SECOND_ACT SECOND ACT - SCENE- Drawing-room in Lord Windermere's house. Door R. U. opening into ball-room, where band is playing. Door L. through which guests are entering. Door L. U. opens on an illuminated terrace. Palms, flowers, and brilliant lights. Room crowded with guests. Lady Windermere is receiving them. - DUCH. [Up C.] So strange Lord Windermere isn't here. Mr. Hopper is very late, too. You have kept those five dances for him, Agatha? [Comes down.] LADY AGA. Yes, mama. DUCH. [Sitting on sofa.] Just let me see your card. I'm so glad Lady Windermere has revived cards. They're a mother's only safeguard. You dear simple little thing! [Scratches out two names.] No nice girl should ever waltz with such particularly younger sons! It looks so fast! The last two dances you must pass on the terrace with Mr. Hopper. - [Enter Mr. Dumby and Lady Plymdale from the ball-room.] - LADY AGA. Yes, mama. DUCH. [Fanning herself.] The air is so pleasant there. PAR. Mrs. Cowper-Cowper. Lady Stutfield. Sir James Royston. Mr. Guy Berkeley. - [These people enter as announced.] - DUM. Good evening, Lady Stutfield. I suppose this will be the last ball of the season? LADY STU. I suppose so, Mr. Dumby. It's been a delightful season, hasn't it? DUM. Quite delightful! Good evening, Duchess. I suppose this will be the last ball of the season? DUCH. I suppose so, Mr. Dumby. It has been a very dull season, hasn't it? DUM. Dreadfully dull! Dreadfully dull! MRS. COW. Good evening, Mr. Dumby. I suppose this will be the last ball of the season? DUM. Oh, I think not. There'll probably be two more. [Wanders back to Lady Plymdale.] PAR. Mr. Rufford. Lady Jedburgh and Miss Graham. Mr. Hopper. - [These people enter as announced.] - HOP. How do you do, Lady Windermere? How do you do, Duchess? [Bows to Lady Agatha.] DUCH. Dear Mr. Hopper, how nice of you to come so early. We all know how you are run after in London. HOP. Capital place, London! They are not nearly so exclusive in London as they are in Sydney. DUCH. Ah, we know your value, Mr. Hopper. We wish there were more like you. It would make life so much easier. Do you know, Mr. Hopper, dear Agatha and I are so much interested in Australia. It must be so pretty with all the dear little kangaroos flying about. Agatha has found it on the map. What a curious shape it is! Just like a large packing case. However, it is a very young country, isn't it? HOP. Wasn't it made at the same time as the others, Duchess? DUCH. How clever you are, Mr. Hopper. You have a cleverness quite of your own. Now I mustn't keep you. HOP. But I should like to dance with Lady Agatha, Duchess. DUCH. Well, I hope she has a dance left. Have you got a dance left Agatha? LADY AGA. Yes, mama. DUCH. The next one? LADY AGA. Yes, mama. HOP. May I have the pleasure? [Lady Agatha bows.] DUCH. Mind you take great care of my little chatterbox, Mr. Hopper. - [Lady Agatha and Mr. Hopper pass into ball-room.] [Enter Lord Windermere L.] - LORD WIN. Margaret, I want to speak to you. LADY WIN. In a moment. [The music stops.] PAR. Lord Augustus Lorton. - [Enter Lord Augustus.] - LORD AUG. Good evening, Lady Windermere. DUCH. Sir James, will you take me into the ball-room? Augustus has been dining with us to-night. I really have had quite enough of dear Augustus for the moment. - [Sir James Royston gives the Duchess his arm and escorts her into the ball-room.] - PAR. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bowden. Lord and Lady Paisley. Lord Darlington. - [These people enter as announced.] - LORD AUG. [Coming up to Lord Windermere.] Want to speak to you particularly, dear boy. I'm worn to a shadow. Know I don't look it. None of us men do look what we really are. Demmed good thing, too. What I want to know is this. Who is she? Where does she come from? Why hasn't she got any demmed relations? Demmed nuisance, relations! But they make one so demmed respectable. LORD WIN. You are talking of Mrs. Erlynne, I suppose? I only met her six months ago. Till then I never knew of her existence. LORD AUG. You have seen a good deal of her since then. LORD WIN. [Coldly.] Yes, I have seen a good deal of her since then. I have just seen her. LORD AUG. Egad! the women are very down on her. I have been dining with Arabella this evening! By Jove! you should have heard what she said about Mrs. Erlynne. She didn't leave a rag on her.... [Aside.] Berwick and I told her that didn't matter much, as the lady in question must have an extremely fine figure. You should have seen Arabella's expression!... But, look here, dear boy. I don't know what to do about Mrs. Erlynne. Egad! I might be married to her; she treats me with such demmed indifference. She's deuced clever, too! She explains everything. Egad! She explains you. She has got any amount of explanations for you- and all of them different. LORD WIN. No explanations are necessary about my friendship with Mrs. Erlynne. LORD AUG. Hem! Well, look here, dear old fellow. Do you think she will ever get into this demmed thing called Society? Would you introduce her to your wife? No use beating about the confounded bush. Would you do that? LORD WIN. Mrs. Erlynne is coming here to-night. LORD AUG. Your wife has sent her a card? LORD WIN. Mrs. Erlynne has received a card. LORD AUG. Then she's all right, dear boy. But why didn't you tell me that before? It would have saved me a heap of worry and demmed misunderstandings. - [Lady Agatha and Mr. Hopper cross and exit on terrace L. U. E.] - PAR. Mr. Cecil Graham! - [Enter Mr. Cecil Graham.] - CEC. [Bows to Lady Windermere, passes over and shakes hands with Lord Windermere.] Good evening, Arthur. Why don't you ask me how I am? I like people to ask me how I am. It shows a wide-spread interest in my health. Now to-night I am not at all well. Been dining with my people. Wonder why it is one's people are always so tedious? My father would talk morality after dinner. I told him he was old enough to know better. But my experience is that as soon as people are old enough to know better, they don't know anything at all. Hullo, Tuppy! Hear you are going to be married again; thought you were tired of that game. LORD AUG. You're excessively trivial, my dear boy, excessively trivial! CEC. By the way, Tuppy, which is it? Have you been twice married and once divorced, or twice divorced and once married? I say, you've been twice divorced and once married. It seems so much more probable. LORD AUG. I have a very bad memory. I really don't remember which. [Moves away R.] LADY PLY. Lord Windermere, I've something most particular to ask you. LORD WIN. I am afraid- if you will excuse me- I must join my wife. LADY PLY. Oh, you mustn't dream of such a thing. It's most dangerous now-a-days for a husband to pay any attention to his wife in public. It always makes people think that he beats her when they're alone. The world has grown so suspicious of anything that looks like a happy married life. But I'll tell you what it is at supper. [Moves toward door of ball-room.] LORD WIN. [C.] Margaret, I must speak to you. LADY WIN. Will you hold my fan for me, Lord Darlington? Thanks. [Comes down to him.] LORD WIN. [Crossing to her.] Margaret, what you said before dinner was, of course, impossible? LADY WIN. That woman is not coming here to-night! LORD WIN. [R. C.] Mrs. Erlynne is coming here, and if you in any way annoy or wound her, you will bring shame and sorrow on us both. Remember that! Ah, Margaret! only trust me! A wife should trust her husband! LADY WIN. [C.] London is full of women who trust their husbands. One can always recognise them. They look so thoroughly unhappy. I am not going to be one of them. [Moves up.] Lord Darlington, will you give me back my fan, please? Thanks.... A useful thing, a fan, isn't it?... I want a friend to-night, Lord Darlington. I didn't know I would want one so soon. LORD DAR. Lady Windermere! I knew the time would come some day; but why to-night? LORD WIN. I will tell her. I must. It would be terrible if there were any scene. Margaret.... PAR. Mrs. Erlynne. - [Lord Windermere starts. Mrs. Erlynne enters, very beautifully dressed, and very dignified. Lady Windermere clutches at her fan, then lets it drop on the floor. She bows coldly to Mrs. Erlynne, who bows to her sweetly in turn, and sails into the room.] - LORD DAR. You have dropped your fan, Lady Windermere. [Picks it up and hands it to her.] MRS. ERL. [C.] How do you do again, Lord Windermere? How charming your sweet wife looks! Quite a picture! LORD WIN. [In a low, voice.] It was terribly rash of you to come! MRS. ERL. [Smiling.] The wisest thing I ever did in my life. And, by the way, you must pay me a good deal of attention this evening. I am afraid of the women. You must introduce me to some of them. The men I can always manage. How do you do, Lord Augustus? You have quite neglected me lately. I have not seen you since yesterday. I am afraid you're faithless. Everyone told me so. LORD AUG. [R.] Now really, Mrs. Erlynne, allow me to explain. MRS. ERL. [R. C.] No, dear Lord Augustus, you can't explain anything. It is your chief charm. LORD AUG. Ah, if you find charm in me, Mrs. Erlynne- - [They converse together. Lord Windermere moves uneasily about the room, watching Mrs. Erlynne.] - LORD DAR. [To Lady Windermere.] How pale you are! LADY WIN. Cowards are always pale. LORD DAR. You look faint. Come out on the terrace. LADY WIN. Yes. [To Parker.] Parker, send my cloak out. MRS. ERL. [Crossing to her.] Lady Windermere, how beautifully your terrace is illuminated. Reminds me of Prince Doria's at Rome. - [Lady Windermere bows coldly, and goes off with Lord Darlington.] - Oh, how do you do, Mr. Graham? Isn't that your aunt, Lady Jedburgh? I should so much like to know her. CEC. [After a moment's hesitation and embarrassment.] Oh, certainly, if you wish it. Aunt Caroline, allow me to introduce Mrs. Erlynne. MRS. ERL. So pleased to meet you, Lady Jedburgh. [Sits beside her on the sofa.] Your nephew and I are great friends. I am so much interested in his political career. I think he's sure to be a wonderful success. He thinks like a Tory, and talks like a radical, and that's so important now-a-days. He's such a brilliant talker, too. But we all know from whom he inherits that. Lord Allandale was saying to me only yesterday in the park, that Mr. Graham talks almost as well as his aunt. LADY JED. [R.] Most kind of you to say these charming things to me! [Mrs. Erlynne smiles and continues conversation.] DUM. [To Cecil Graham.] Did you introduce Mrs. Erlynne to Lady Jedburgh? CEC. Had to, my dear fellow. Couldn't help it. That woman can make one do anything she wants. How, I don't know. DUM. Hope to goodness she won't speak to me! - [Saunters towards Lady Plymdale.] - MRS. ERL. [C. to Lady Jedburgh.] On Thursday? With great pleasure. [Rises and speaks to Lord Windermere, laughing.] What a bore it is to have to be civil to these old dowagers. But they always insist on it. LADY PLY. [To Mr. Dumby.] Who is that well-dressed woman talking to Windermere? DUM. Haven't got the slightest idea. Looks like an edition de luxe of a wicked French novel, meant specially for the English market. MRS. ERL. So that is poor Dumby with Lady Plymdale? I hear she is frightfully jealous of him. He doesn't seem anxious to speak to me to-night. I suppose he is afraid of her. Those straw-coloured women have dreadful tempers. Do you know, I think I'll dance with you first, Windermere. [Lord Windermere bites his lip and frowns.] It will make Lord Augustus so jealous! Lord Augustus! [Lord Augustus comes down.] Lord Windermere insists on my dancing with him first, and, as it's his own house, I can't well refuse. You know I would much sooner dance with you. LORD AUG. [With a low bow.] I wish I could think so, Mrs. Erlynne. MRS. ERL. You know it far too well. I fancy a person dancing through life with you and finding it charming. LORD AUG. [Placing his hand on his white waistcoat.] Oh, thank you, thank you. You are the most adorable of all ladies! MRS. ERL. What a nice speech! So simple and so sincere! Just the sort of speech I like. Well, you shall hold my bouquet. [Goes towards ball-room on Lord Windermere's arm.] Ah, Mr. Dumby, how are you? I am sorry I have been out the last three times you have called. Come and lunch on Friday. DUM. [With perfect nonchalance.] Delighted. - [Lady Plymdale glares with indignation at Mr. Dumby. Lord Augustus follows Mrs. Erlynne and Lord Windermere into the ball-room holding bouquet.] - LADY PLY. [To Mr. Dumby.] What an absolute brute you are! I never can believe a word you say! Why did you tell me you didn't know her? What do you mean by calling on her three times running? You are not to go to lunch there; of course you understand that? DUM. My dear Laura, I wouldn't dream of going! LADY PLY. You haven't told me her name yet! Who is she? DUM. [Coughs slightly and smoothes his hair.] She's a Mrs. Erlynne. LADY PLY. That woman? DUM. Yes, that is what every one calls her. LADY PLY. How very interesting! How intensely interesting! I really must have a good stare at her. [Goes to door of ball-room and looks in.] I have heard the most shocking things about her. They say she is ruining poor Windermere. And Lady Windermere, who goes in for being so proper, invites her! How extremely amusing! It takes a thoroughly good woman to do thoroughly stupid things. You are to lunch there on Friday! DUM. Why? LADY PLY. Because I want you to take my husband with you. He has been so attentive lately, that he has become a perfect nuisance. Now, this woman is just the thing for him. He'll dance attendance upon her as long as she lets him, and won't bother me. I assure you, women of that kind are most useful. They form the basis of other people's marriages. DUM. What a mystery you are! LADY PLY. [Looking at him.] I wish you were! DUM. I am- to myself. I am the only person in the world I should like to know thoroughly; but I don't see any chance of it just at present. - [They pass into the ball-room, and Lady Windermere and Lord Darlington enter from the terrace.] - LADY WIN. Yes. Her coming here is monstrous, unbearable. I know now what you meant to-day at tea-time. Why didn't you tell me right out? You should have! LORD DAR. I couldn't! A man can't tell these things about another man! But if I had known he was going to make you ask her here to-night, I think I would have told you. That insult, at any rate, you would have been spared. LADY WIN. I did not ask her. He insisted on her coming- against my entreaties- against my commands. Oh! the house is tainted for me! I feel that every woman here sneers at me as she dances by with my husband. What have I done to deserve this? I gave him all my life. He took it- used it- spoiled it! I am degraded in my own eyes; and I lack courage- I am a coward! [Sits down on sofa.] LORD DAR. If I know you at all, I know that you can't live with a man who treats you like this! What sort of life would you have with him? You would feel that he was lying to you every moment of the day. You would feel that the look in his eyes was false, his voice false, his touch false, his passion false. He would come to you when he was weary of others; you would have to comfort him. He would come to you when he was devoted to others; you would have to charm him. You would have to be to him the mask of his real life, the cloak to hide his secret. LADY WIN. You are right- you are terribly right. But where am I to turn? You said you would be my friend, Lord Darlington. Tell me, what am I to do? Be my friend now. LORD DAR. Between men and women, there is no friendship possible. There is passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship. I love you- LADY WIN. No, no! [Rises.] LORD DAR. Yes, I love you! You are more to me than anything in the whole world. What does your husband give you? Nothing. Whatever is in him he gives to this wretched woman, whom he has thrust into your society, into your home, to shame you before every one. I offer you my life- LADY WIN. Lord Darlington! LORD DAR. My life- my whole life. Take it, and do with it what you will.... I love you- love you as I have never loved any living thing. From the moment I met you I loved you, loved you blindly, adoringly, madly! You did not know it then- you know it now! Leave this house to-night. I won't tell you that the world matters nothing, or the world's voice, or the voice of society. They matter a good deal. They matter far too much. But there are moments when one has to choose between living one's own life, fully, entirely, completely- or dragging out some false, shallow, degrading existence that the world in its hypocrisy demands. You have that moment now. Choose! Oh, my love, choose! LADY WIN. [Moving slowly away from him, and looking at him with startled eyes.] I have not the courage. LORD DAR. [Following her.] Yes; you have the courage. There may be six months of pain, of disgrace even, but when you no longer bear his name, when you bear mine, all will be well. Margaret, my love, my wife that shall be some day- yes, my wife! You know it! What are you now? This woman has the place that belongs by right to you. Oh! go- go out of this house, with head erect, with a smile upon your lips, with courage in your eyes. All London will know why you did it; and who will blame you? No one. If they do, what matter? Wrong? What is wrong? It's wrong for a man to abandon his wife for a shameless woman. It is wrong for a wife to remain with a man who so dishonours her. You said once you would make no compromise with things. Make none now. Be brave! Be yourself! LADY WIN. I am afraid of being myself. Let me think! Let me wait! My husband may return to me. [Sits down on sofa.] LORD DAR. And you would take him back! You are not what I thought you were. You are just the same as every other woman. You would stand anything rather than face the censure of a world, whose praise you would despise. In a week you will be driving with this woman in the park. She will be your constant guest- your dearest friend. You would endure anything rather than break with one blow this monstrous tie. You are right. You have no courage; none! LADY WIN. Ah, give me time to think. I cannot answer you now. [Passes her hand nervously over her brow.] LORD DAR. It must be now or not at all. LADY WIN. [Rising from the sofa.] Then not at all. [A pause.] LORD DAR. You break my heart! LADY WIN. Mine is already broken. [A pause.] LORD DAR. To-morrow I leave England. This is the last time I shall ever look on you. You will never see me again. For one moment our lives met- our souls touched. They must never meet to touch again. Good-bye, Margaret. [Exit.] LADY WIN. How alone I am in life! How terribly alone! - [The music stops. Enter the Duchess of Berwick and Lord Paisley laughing and talking. Other guests come on from the ball-room.] - DUCH. Dear Margaret, I've just been having such a delightful chat with Mrs. Erlynne. I am so sorry for what I said to you this afternoon about her. Of course, she must be all right if you invite her. A most attractive woman, and has such sensible views of life. Told me she entirely disapproved of people marrying more than once, so I feel quite safe about poor Augustus. Can't imagine why people speak against her. It's those horrid nieces of mine- the Saville girls- they're always talking scandal. Still, I should go to Homburg, dear, I really should. She is just a little too attractive. But where is Agatha? Oh, there she is! [Lady Agatha and Mr. Hopper enter from the terrace L. U. E.] Mr. Hopper, I am very angry with you. You have taken Agatha out on the terrace, and she is so delicate. HOP. [L. C.] Awfully, sorry, Duchess. We went out for a moment and then got chatting together. DUCH. [C.] Ah, about dear Australia, I suppose? HOP. Yes. DUCH. Agatha, darling! [Beckons her over.] LADY AGA. Yes, mama. DUCH. [Aside.] Did Mr. Hopper definitely- LADY AGA. Yes, mama. DUCH. And what answer did you give him, dear child? LADY AGA. Yes, mama. DUCH. [Affectionately.] My dear one! You always say the right thing. Mr. Hopper! James! Agatha has told me everything. How cleverly you have both kept your secret. HOP. You don't mind my taking Agatha off to Australia, then, Duchess? DUCH. [Indignantly.] To Australia? Oh! don't mention that dreadful vulgar place. HOP. But she said she'd like to come with me. DUCH. [Severely.] Did you say that, Agatha? LADY AGA. Yes, mama. DUCH. Agatha, you say the most silly things possible. I think on the whole that Grosvenor Square would be a more healthy place to reside in. There are lots of vulgar people live in Grosvenor Square, but at any rate there are no horrid kangaroos crawling about. But we'll talk about that to-morrow. James, you can take Agatha down. You'll come to lunch, of course, James. At half-past one instead of two. The Duke will wish to say a few words to you, I am sure. HOP. I should like to have a chat with the Duke, Duchess. He has not said a single word to me yet. DUCH. I think you'll find he will have a great deal to say to you to-morrow. [Exit Lady Agatha with Mr. Hopper.] And now good-night, Margaret. I'm afraid it's the old, old story, dear. Love- well, not love at first sight, but love at the end of the season, which is so much more satisfactory. LADY WIN. Good-night, Duchess. [Exit the Duchess of Berwick on Lord Paisley's arm.] LADY PLY. My dear Margaret, what a handsome woman your husband has been dancing with! I should be quite jealous if I were you! Is she a great friend of yours? LADY WIN. No! LADY PLY. Really? Good-night, dear. [Looks at Mr. Dumby, and exit.] DUM. Awful manners young Hopper has. CEC. Ah! Hopper is one of Nature's gentlemen, the worst type of gentleman I know. DUM. Sensible woman, Lady Windermere. Lots of wives would have objected to Mrs. Erlynne coming. But Lady Windermere has that uncommon thing called common sense. CEC. And Windermere knows that nothing looks so like innocence as an indiscretion. DUM. Yes; dear Windermere is becoming almost modern. Never thought he would. [Bows to Lady Windermere, and exit.] LADY JED. Good-night, Lady Windermere. What a fascinating woman Mrs. Erlynne is! She is coming to lunch on Thursday, won't you come too? I expect the Bishop and dear Lady Merton. LADY WIN. I am afraid I am engaged, Lady Jedburgh. LADY JED. So sorry. Come, dear. [Exeunt Lady Jedburgh and Miss Graham.] - [Enter Mrs. Erlynne and Lord Windermere.] - MRS. ERL. Charming ball it has been! Quite reminds me of old days. [Sits on the sofa.] And I see that there are just as many fools in society as there used to be. So pleased to find that nothing, has altered! Except Margaret. She's grown quite pretty. The last time I saw her- twenty years ago, she was a fright in flannel. Positive fright, I assure you. The dear Duchess! and that sweet Lady Agatha! Just the type of girl I like! Well, really, Windermere, if I am to be the Duchess' sister-in-law- LORD WIN. [Sitting L. of her.] But are you-? - [Exit Mr. Cecil Graham with rest of guests. Lady Windermere watches, with a look of scorn and pain, Mrs. Erlynne and her husband. They are unconscious of her presence.] - MRS. ERL. Oh yes! He's to call to-morrow at twelve o'clock! He wanted to propose to-night. In fact he did. He kept on proposing. Poor Augustus, you know how he repeats himself. Such a bad habit! But I told him I wouldn't give him an answer till to-morrow. Of course I'm going to take him. And I dare say I'll make him an admirable wife, as wives go. And there is a great deal of good in Lord Augustus. Fortunately it is all on the surface. Just where good qualities should be. Of course you must help me in this matter. LORD WIN. I am not called upon to encourage Lord Augustus, I suppose? MRS. ERL. Oh, no! I do the encouraging. But you will make me a handsome settlement, Windermere, won't you? LORD WIN. [Frowning.] Is that what you want to talk to me about to-night? MRS. ERL. Yes. LORD WIN. [With a gesture of impatience.] I will not talk of it here. MRS. ERL. [Laughing.] Then we will talk of it on the terrace. Even business should have a picturesque background. Should it not, Windermere? With a proper background women can do anything. LORD WIN. Won't to-morrow do as well? MRS. ERL. No; you see, to-morrow I am going to accept him. And I think it would be a good thing if I was able to tell him that- well, what shall I say?- L2,000 a year left to me by a third cousin- or a second husband- or some distant relative of that kind. It would be an additional attraction, wouldn't it? You have a delightful opportunity now of paying me a compliment, Windermere. But you are not very clever at paying compliments. I am afraid Margaret doesn't encourage you in that excellent habit. It's a great mistake on her part. When men give up saying what is charming, they give up thinking what is charming. But seriously, what do you say to L2,000? L2,500, I think. In modern life margin is everything. Windermere, don't you think the world an intensely amusing place? I do! - [Exit on terrace with Lord Windermere. Music strikes up in ball-room.] - LADY WIN. To stay in this house any longer is impossible. To-night a man who loves me offered me his whole life. I refused it. It was foolish of me. I will offer him mine now. I will give him mine. I will go to him! [Puts on cloak and goes to the door, then turns back. Sits down at table and writes a letter, puts it into an envelope, and leaves it on table.] Arthur has never understood me. When he reads this, he will. He may do as he chooses now with his life. I have done with mine as I think best, as I think right. It is he who has broken the bond of marriage- not I. I only break its bondage. [Exit.] - [Parker enters L., and crosses towards the ball-room R. Enter Mrs. Erlynne.] - MRS. ERL. Is Lady Windermere in the ball-room? PAR. Her ladyship has just gone out. MRS. ERL. Gone out? She's not on the terrace? PAR. No, madam. Her ladyship has just gone out of the house. MRS. ERL. [Starts, and looks at the servant with a puzzled expression on her face.] Out of the house? PAR. Yes, madam- her ladyship told me she had left a letter for his lordship on the table. MRS. ERL. A letter for Lord Windermere? PAR. Yes, madam. MRS. ERL. Thank you. [Exit Parker. The music in the ball-room stops.] Gone out of her house! A letter addressed to her husband! [Goes over to bureau and looks at letter. Takes it up and lays it down again with a shudder of fear.] No, no! It would be impossible! Life doesn't repeat its tragedies like that! Oh, why does this horrible fancy come across me? Why do I remember now the one moment of my life I most wish to forget? Does life repeat its tragedies? [Tears letter open and reads it, then sinks down into a chair with a gesture of anguish.] Oh, how terrible! The same words that twenty years ago I wrote to her father! and how bitterly I have been punished for it! No; my punishment, my real punishment is to-night, is now! [Still seated R.] - [Enter Lord Windermere L. U. E.] - LORD WIN. Have you said good-night to my wife? [Comes C.] MRS. ERL. [Crushing letter in her hand.] Yes. LORD WIN. Where is she? MRS. ERL. She is very tired. She has gone to bed. She said she had a headache. LORD WIN. I must go to her. You'll excuse me? MRS. ERL. [Rising hurriedly.] Oh, no! It's nothing serious. She's only very tired, that is all. Besides, there are people still in the supper-room. She wants you to make her apologies to them. She said she didn't wish to be disturbed. [Drops letter.] She asked me to tell you. LORD WIN. [Picks up letter.] You have dropped something. MRS. ERL. Oh yes, thank you, that is mine. [Puts out her hand to take it.] LORD WIN. [Still looking at letter.] But it's my wife's handwriting, isn't it? MRS. ERL. [Takes letter quickly.] Yes, it's- an address. Will you ask them to call my carriage, please? LORD WIN. Certainly. [Goes L. and exit.] MRS. ERL. Thanks. What can I do? What can I do? I feel a passion awakening within me that I never felt before. What can it mean? The daughter must not be like the mother- that would be terrible. How can I save her? How can I save my child? A moment may ruin a life. Who knows that better than I? Windermere must be got out of the house; that is absolutely necessary. [Goes L.] But how shall I do it? It must be done somehow. Ah! - [Enter Lord Augustus R. U. E. carrying bouquet.] - LORD AUG. Dear lady, I am in such suspense! May I not have an answer to my request? MRS. ERL. Lord Augustus, listen to me. You are to take Lord Windermere down to the club at once, and keep him there as long as possible. You understand? LORD AUG. But you said you wished me to keep early hours! MRS. ERL. [Nervously.] Do what I tell you. Do what I tell you. LORD AUG. And my reward? MRS. ERL. Your reward? Your reward? Oh! ask me that to-morrow. But don't let Windermere out of your sight to-night. If you do I will never forgive you. I will never speak to you again. I'll have nothing to do with you. Remember you are to keep Windermere at your club, and don't let him come back to-night. [Exit L.] LORD AUG. Well, really, I might be her husband already. Positively I might. [Follows her in a bewildered manner.] - ACT-DROP THIRD_ACT THIRD ACT - SCENE- Lord Darlington's Rooms. A large sofa is in front of fire-place R. At the back of the stage a curtain is drawn across the window. Doors L. and R. Table R. with writing materials. Table C. with syphons, glasses, and Tantalus frame. Table L. with cigar and cigarette box. Lamps lit. - LADY WIN. [Standing by the fire-place.] Why doesn't he come? This waiting is horrible. He should be here. Why is he not here, to wake by passionate words some fire within me? I am cold- cold as a loveless thing. Arthur must have read my letter by this time. If he cared for me, he would have come after me, would have taken me back by force. But he doesn't care. He's entrammelled by this woman- fascinated by her- dominated by her. If a woman wants to hold a man, she has merely to appeal to what is worst in him. We make gods of men, and they leave us. Others make brutes of them and they fawn and are faithful. How hideous life is!... Oh! it was mad of me to come here, horribly mad. And yet which is the worst, I wonder, to be at the mercy of a man who loves me, or the wife of a man who in one's own house dishonours one? What woman knows? What woman in the whole world? But will he love me always, this man to whom I am giving my life? What do I bring him? Lips that have lost the note of joy, eyes that are blighted by tears, chill hands and icy heart. I bring him nothing. I must go back- no: I can't go back, my letter has put me in their power- Arthur would not take me back! That fatal letter! No! Lord Darlington leaves England to-morrow. I will go with him- I have no choice. [Sits down for a few moments. Then starts up and puts on her cloak.] No, no! I will go back, let Arthur do with me what he pleases. I can't wait here. It has been madness my coming. I must go at once. As for Lord Darlington- Oh! here he is! What shall I do? What can I say to him? Will he let me go away at all? I have heard that men are brutal, horrible.... Oh! [Hides her face in her hands.] - [Enters Mrs. Erlynne L.] - MRS. ERL. Lady Windermere! [Lady Windermere starts and looks up. Then recoils in contempt.] Thank Heaven I am in time. You must go back to your husband's house immediately. LADY WIN. Must? MRS. ERL. [Authoritatively.] Yes, you must! There is not a second to be lost. Lord Darlington may return at any moment. LADY WIN. Don't come near me! MRS. ERL. Oh! You are on the brink of ruin; you are on the brink of a hideous precipice. You must leave this place at once, my carriage is waiting at the corner of the street. You must come with me and drive straight home. [Lady Windermere throws off her cloak and flings it on the sofa.] What are you doing? LADY WIN. Mrs. Erlynne- if you had not come here, I would have gone back. But now that I see you, I feel that nothing in the whole world would induce me to live under the same roof as Lord Windermere. You fill me with horror. There is something about you that stirs the wildest rage within me. And I know why you are here. My husband sent you to lure me back that I might serve as a blind to whatever relations exist between you and him. MRS. ERL. Oh! You don't think that- you can't. LADY WIN. Go back to my husband, Mrs. Erlynne. He belongs to you and not to me. I suppose he is afraid of a scandal. Men are such cowards. They outrage every law of the world, and are afraid of the world's tongue. But he had better prepare himself. He shall have a scandal. He shall have the worst scandal there has been in London for years. He shall see his name in every vile paper, mine on every hideous placard. MRS. ERL. No- no- LADY WIN. Yes! he shall. Had he come himself, I admit I would have gone back to the life of degradation you and he had prepared for me- I was going back- but to stay himself at home, and to send you as his messenger- oh! it was infamous- infamous. MRS. ERL. [C.] Lady Windermere, you wrong me horribly- you wrong your husband horribly. He doesn't know you are here- he thinks you are safe in your own house. He thinks you are asleep in your own room. He never read the mad letter you wrote to him. LADY WIN. [R.] Never read it! MRS. ERL. No- he knows nothing about it. LADY WIN. How simple you think me! [Going to her.] You are lying to me! MRS. ERL. [Restraining herself.] I am not. I am telling you the truth. LADY WIN. If my husband didn't read my letter, how is it that you are here? Who told you I had left the house you were shameless enough to enter? Who told you where I had gone to? My husband told you and sent you to decoy me back. [Crosses L.] MRS. ERL. [R. C.] Your husband has never seen the letter. I- saw it, I opened it. I- read it. LADY WIN. [Turning to her.] You opened a letter of mine to my husband. You wouldn't dare! MRS. ERL. Dare! Oh! to save you from the abyss into which you are falling, there is nothing in the world I would not dare, nothing in the whole world. Here is the letter. Your husband has never read it. He never shall read it. [Going to fire-place.] It should never have been written. [Tears it and throws it into the fire.] LADY WIN. [With infinite contempt in her voice and look.] How do I know that was my letter after all? You seem to think the commonest device can take me in! MRS. ERL. Oh! why do you disbelieve everything I tell you? What object do you think I have in coming here, except to save you from utter ruin, to save you from the consequences of a hideous mistake? That letter that is burning now was your letter. I swear it to you! LADY WIN. [Slowly.] You took good care to burn it before I had examined it. I cannot trust you. You, whose whole life is a lie, how could you speak the truth about anything? [Sits down.] MRS. ERL. [Hurriedly.] Think as you like about me- say what you choose against me, but go back, go back to the husband you love. LADY WIN. [Sullenly.] I do not love him! MRS. ERL. You do, and you know that he loves you. LADY WIN. He does not understand what love is. He understands it as little as you do- but I see what you want. It would be a great advantage for you to get me back. Dear Heaven! what a life I would have then! Living at the mercy of a woman who has neither mercy nor pity in her, a woman whom it is an infamy to meet, a degradation to know, a vile woman, a woman who comes between husband and wife! MRS. ERL. [With a gesture of despair.] Lady Windermere, Lady Windermere, don't say such terrible things. You don't know how terrible they are, how terrible and how unjust. Listen, you must listen! Only go back to your husband, and I promise you never to communicate with him again on any pretext- never to see him- never to have anything to do with his life or yours. The money that he gave me, he gave me not through love, but through hatred, not in worship, but in contempt. The hold I have over him- LADY WIN. [Rising.] Ah! you admit you have a hold! MRS. ERL. Yes, and I will tell you what it is. It is his love for you, Lady Windermere. LADY WIN. You expect me to believe that? MRS. ERL. You must believe it! It is true. It is his love for you that has made him submit to- oh! call it what you like, tyranny, threats, anything you choose. But it is his love for you. His desire to spare you- shame, yes, shame and disgrace. LADY WIN. What do you mean? You are insolent! What have I to do with you? MRS. ERL. [Humbly.] Nothing. I know it- but I tell you that your husband loves you- that you may never meet with such love again in your whole life- that such love you will never meet- and that if you throw it away, the day may come when you will starve for love, and it will not be given to you, beg for love and it will be denied you- Oh! Arthur loves you! LADY WIN. Arthur? And you tell me there is nothing between you? MRS. ERL. Lady Windermere, before Heaven your husband is guiltless of all offense towards you. And I- I tell you that had it ever occurred to me that such a monstrous suspicion would have entered your mind, I would have died rather than have crossed your life or his- oh! died, gladly died! - [Moves away to sofa R.] - LADY WIN. You talk as if you had a heart. Women like you have no hearts. Heart is not in you. You are bought and sold. [Sits L. C.] MRS. ERL. [Starts, with a gesture of pain. Then restrains herself, and comes over to where Lady Windermere is sitting. As she speaks, she stretches out her hands towards her, but does not dare to touch her.] Believe what you choose about me. I am not worth a moment's sorrow. But don't spoil your beautiful young life on my account! You don't know what may be in store for you, unless you leave this house at once. You don't know what it is to fall into the pit, to be despised, mocked, abandoned, sneered at- to be an outcast! to find the door shut against one, to have to creep in by hideous byways, afraid every moment lest the mask should be stripped from one's face, and all the while to hear the laughter, the horrible laughter of the world, a thing more tragic than all the tears the world has ever shed. You don't know what it is. One pays for one's sin, and then one pays again, and all one's life one pays. You must never know that. As for me, if suffering be an expiation, then at this moment I have expiated all my faults, whatever they have been; for to-night you have made a heart in one who had it not, made it and broken it. But let that pass, I may have wrecked my own life, but I will not let you wreck yours. You- why, you are a mere girl, you would be lost. You haven't got the kind of brains that enables a woman to get back. You have neither the wit nor the courage. You couldn't stand dishonour. No! Go back, Lady Windermere, to the husband who loves you, whom you love. You have a child, Lady Windermere. Go back to that child who even now, in pain or in joy, may be calling to you. [Lady Windermere rises.] God gave you that child. He will require from you that you make his life fine, that you watch over him. What answer will you make to God if his life is ruined through you? Back to your house, Lady Windermere- your husband loves you. He has never swerved for a moment from the love he bears you. But even if he had a thousand loves, you must stay with our child. If he was harsh to you, you must stay with your child. If he ill-treated you, you must stay with your child. If he abandoned you, your place is with your child. - [Lady Windermere bursts into tears and buries her face in her hands.] - [Rushing to her.] Lady Windermere! LADY WIN. [Holding out her hands to her, helplessly, as a child might do.] Take me home. Take me home. MRS. ERL. [Is about to embrace her. Then restrains herself. There is a look of wonderful joy in her face.] Come! Where is your cloak? [Getting it from sofa.] Here. Put it on. Come at once! - [They go to the door.] - LADY WIN. Stop! Don't you hear voices? MRS. ERL. No, no! There is no one! LADY WIN. Yes, there is! Listen! Oh! that is my husband's voice! He is coming in! Save me! Oh, it's some plot! You have sent for him. - [Voices outside.] - MRS. ERL. Silence! I am here to save you if I can. But I fear it is too late! There! [Points to the curtain across the window.] The first chance you have, slip out, if you ever get a chance! LADY WIN. But you! MRS. ERL. Oh! never mind me. I'll face them. - [Lady Windermere hides herself behind the curtain.] - LORD AUG. [Outside.] Nonsense, dear Windermere, you must not leave me! MRS. ERL. Lord Augustus! Then it is I who am lost! [Hesitates for a moment, then looks round and sees door, R., and exit through it.] - [Enter Lord Darlington, Mr. Dumby, Lord Windermere, Lord Augustus Lorton, and Mr. Cecil Graham.] - DUM. What a nuisance their turning us out of the club at this hour! It's only two o'clock. [Sinks into a chair.] The lively part of the evening is only just beginning. [Yawns and closes his eyes.] LORD WIN. It is very good of you, Lord Darlington, allowing Augustus to force our company on you, but I'm afraid I can't stay long. LORD DAR. Really! I am so sorry! You'll take a cigar, won't you? LORD WIN. Thanks! [Sits down.] LORD AUG. [To Lord Windermere.] My dear boy, you must not dream of going. I have a great deal to talk to you about, of demmed importance, too. [Sits down with him at L. table.] CEC. Oh! We all know what that is! Tuppy can't talk about anything but Mrs. Erlynne! LORD WIN. Well, that is no business of yours, is it, Cecil? CEC. None. That is why it interests me. My own business always bores me to death. I prefer other people's. LORD DAR. Have something to drink, you fellows. Cecil, you'll have a whisky and soda? CEC. Thanks. [Goes to the table with Lord Darlington.] Mrs. Erlynne looked very handsome to-night, didn't she? LORD DAR. I am not one of her admirers. CEC. I usen't to be, but I am now. Why! she actually made me introduce her to poor dear Aunt Caroline. I believe she is going to lunch there. LORD DAR. [In surprise.] No? CEC. She is, really. LORD DAR. Excuse me, you fellows. I'm going away to-morrow. And I have to write a few letters. [Goes to writing table and sits down.] DUM. Clever woman, Mrs. Erlynne. CEC. Hallo, Dumby! I thought you were asleep. DUM. I am, I usually am! LORD AUG. A very clever woman. Knows perfectly well what a demmed fool I am- knows it as well as I do myself. [Cecil Graham comes towards him laughing.] Ah! you may laugh, my boy, but it is a great thing to come across a woman who thoroughly understands one. DUM. It is an awfully dangerous thing. They always end by marrying one. CEC. But I thought, Tuppy, you were never going to see her again. Yes! you told me so yesterday evening at the club. You said you'd heard- [Whispering to him.] LORD AUG. Oh, she's explained that. CEC. And the Wiesbaden affair? LORD AUG. She's explained that too. DUM. And her income, Tuppy? Has she explained that? LORD AUG. [In a very serious voice.] She's going to explain that to-morrow. - [Cecil Graham goes back to C. table.] - DUM. Awfully commercial, women now-a-days. Our grandmothers threw their caps over the mills of course, but, by Jove, their granddaughters only throw their caps over mills that can raise the wind for them. LORD AUG. You want to make her out a wicked woman. She is not! CEC. Oh! Wicked women bother one. Good women bore one. That is the only difference between them. LORD AUG. [Puffing a cigar.] Mrs. Erlynne has a future before her. DUM. Mrs. Erlynne has a past before her. LORD AUG. I prefer women with a past. They're always so demmed amusing to talk to. CEC. Well, you'll have lots of topics of conversation with her , Tuppy. [Rising and going to him.] LORD AUG. You're getting annoying, dear boy; you're getting demmed annoying. CEC. [Puts his hands on his shoulders.] Now, Tuppy, you've lost your figure and you've lost your character. Don't lose your temper; you have only got one. LORD AUG. My dear boy, if I wasn't the most good-natured man in London- CEC. We'd treat you with more respect, wouldn't we, Tuppy? [Strolls away.] DUM. The youth of the present day are quite monstrous. They have absolutely no respect for dyed hair. [Lord Augustus looks round angrily.] CEC. Mrs. Erlynne has a very great respect for dear Tuppy. DUM. Then Mrs. Erlynne sets an admirable example to the rest of her sex. It is perfectly brutal the way most women now-a-days behave to men who are not their husbands. LORD WIN. Dumby, you are ridiculous, and Cecil, you let your tongue run away with you. You must leave Mrs. Erlynne alone. You don't really know anything about her, and you're always talking scandal against her. CEC. [Coming towards him L. C.] My dear Arthur, I never talk scandal. I only talk gossip. LORD WIN. What is the difference between scandal and gossip? CEC. Oh! gossip is charming! History is merely gossip.... But scandal is gossip made tedious by morality. Now I never moralize. A man who moralises is usually a hypocrite, and a woman who moralises is invariably plain. There is nothing in the whole world so unbecoming to a man as a Nonconformist conscience. And most women know it, I'm glad to say. LORD AUG. Just my sentiments, dear boy, just my sentiments. CEC. Sorry to hear it, Tuppy; whenever people agree with me, I always feel I must be wrong. LORD AUG. My dear boy, when I was your age- CEC. But you never were, Tuppy, and you never will be. [Goes up C.] I say, Darlington, let us have some cards. You'll play, Arthur, won't you? LORD WIN. No, thanks, Cecil. DUM. [With a sigh.] Good heavens! how marriage ruins a man! It's as demoralising as cigarettes, and far more expensive. CEC. You'll play, of course, Tuppy? LORD AUG. [Pouring himself out a brandy and soda at table.] Can't, dear boy. Promised Mrs. Erlynne never to play or drink again. CEC. Now, my dear Tuppy, don't be led astray into the paths of virtue. Reformed, you would be perfectly tedious. That is the worst of women. They always want one to be good. And if we are good, when they meet us, they don't love us at all. They like to find us quite irretrievably bad, and to leave us quite unattractively good. LORD DAR. [Rising from R. table, where he has been writing letters.] They always do find us bad! DUM. I don't think we are bad. I think we are all good except Tuppy. LORD DAR. No, we are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. [Sits down at C. table.] DUM. We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars? Upon my word, you are very romantic to-night, Darlington. CEC. Too romantic! You must be in love. Who is the girl? LORD DAR. The woman I love is not free, or thinks she isn't. [Glances instinctively at Lord Windermere while he speaks.] CEC. A married woman, then! Well, there's nothing in the world like the devotion of a married woman. It's a thing no married man knows anything about. LORD DAR. Oh! she doesn't love me. She is a good woman. She is the only good woman I have ever met in my life. CEC. The only good woman you have ever met in your life? LORD DAR. Yes! CEC. [Lighting a cigarette.] Well, you are a lucky fellow! Why, I have met hundreds of good women. I never seem to meet any but good women. The world is perfectly packed with good women. To know them is a middle-class education. LORD DAR. This woman has purity and innocence. She has everything we men have lost. CEC. My dear fellow, what on earth should we men do going about with purity and innocence? A carefully thought-out buttonhole is much more effective. DUM. She doesn't really love you then? LORD DAR. No, she does not! DUM. I congratulate you, my dear fellow. In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it. The last is much the worst, the last is a real tragedy! But I am interested to hear she does not love you. How long could you love a woman who didn't love you, Cecil? CEC. A woman who didn't love me? Oh, all my life! DUM. So could I. But it's so difficult to meet one. LORD DAR. How can you be so conceited, Dumby? DUM. I didn't say it as a matter of conceit. I said it as a matter of regret. I have been wildly, madly adored. I am sorry I have. It has been an immense nuisance. I should like to be allowed a little time to myself, now and then. LORD AUG. [Looking round.] Time to educate yourself, I suppose. DUM. No, time to forget all I have learned. That is much more important, dear Tuppy. [Lord Augustus moves uneasily in his chair.] LORD DAR. What cynics you fellows are! CEC. What is a cynic? [Sitting on the back of the sofa.] LORD DAR. A man who knows the price of everything, and the value of nothing. CEC. And a sentimentalist, my dear Darlington, is a man who sees an absurd value in everything, and doesn't know the market price of any single thing. LORD DAR. You always amuse me, Cecil. You talk as if you were a man of experience. CEC. I am. [Moves up to front of fireplace.] LORD DAR. You are far too young! CEC. That is a great error. Experience is a question of instinct about life. I have got it. Tuppy hasn't. Experience is the name Tuppy gives to his mistakes. That is all. [Lord Augustus looks round indignantly.] DUM. Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes. CEC. [Standing with his back to fireplace.] One shouldn't commit any. [Sees Lady Windermere's fan on sofa.] DUM. Life would be very dull without them. CEC. Of course you are quite faithful to this woman you are in love with, Darlington, to this good woman? LORD DAR. Cecil, if one really loves a woman, all other women in the world become absolutely meaningless to one. Love changes one- I am changed. CEC. Dear me! How very interesting! Tuppy, I want to talk to you. [Lord Augustus takes no notice.] DUM. It's no use talking to Tuppy. You might just as well talk to a brick wall. CEC. But I like talking to a brick wall- it's the only thing in the world that never contradicts me! Tuppy! LORD AUG. Well, what is it? What is it? [Rising and going over to Cecil Graham.] CEC. Come over here. I want you particularly. [Aside.] Darlington has been moralising and talking about the purity of love, and that sort of thing, and he has got some woman in his rooms all the time. LORD AUG. No, really! really! CEC. [In a low voice.] Yes, here is her fan. [Points to her fan.] LORD AUG. [Chuckling.] By Jove! By Jove! LORD WIN. [Up by door.] I am really off now, Lord Darlington. I am sorry you are leaving England so soon. Pray call on us when you come back! My wife and I will be charmed to see you! LORD DAR. [Up stage with Lord Windermere.] I am afraid I shall be away for many years. Good-night! CEC. Arthur! LORD WIN. What? CEC. I want to speak to you for a moment. No, do come! LORD WIN. [Putting on his coat.] I can't- I'm off! CEC. It is something very particular. It will interest you enormously. LORD WIN. [Smiling.] It is some of your nonsense, Cecil. CEC. It isn't! It isn't really! LORD AUG. [Going to him.] My dear fellow, you mustn't go yet. I have a lot to talk to you about. And Cecil has something to show you. LORD WIN. [Walking over.] Well, what is it? CEC. Darlington has got a woman here in his rooms. Here is her fan. Amusing, isn't it? [A pause.] LORD WIN. Good God! [Seizes the fan- Dumby rises.] CEC. What is the matter? LORD WIN. Lord Darlington! LORD DAR. [Turning round.] Yes! LORD WIN. What is my wife's fan doing here in your rooms? Hands off, Cecil. Don't touch me. LORD DAR. Your wife's fan? LORD WIN. Yes, here it is! LORD DAR. [Walking towards him.] I don't know! LORD WIN. You must know. I demand an explanation. Don't hold me, you fool. [To Cecil Graham.] LORD DAR. [Aside.] She is here after all! LORD WIN. Speak, sir! Why is my wife's fan here? Answer me! By God! I'll search your rooms and if my wife's here, I'll- [Moves.] LORD DAR. You shall not search my rooms. You have no right to do so. I forbid you! LORD WIN. You scoundrel! I'll not leave your room till I have searched every corner of it! What moves behind that curtain? [Rushes towards the curtain C.] MRS. ERL. [Enters behind R.] Lord Windermere! LORD WIN. Mrs. Erlynne! - [Every one starts and turns round. Lady Windermere slips out from behind the curtain and glides from the room L.] - MRS. ERL. I am afraid I took your wife's fan in mistake for my own when I was leaving your house to-night. I am so sorry. [Takes fan from him. Lord Windermere looks at her in contempt. Lord Darlington in mingled astonishment and anger. Lord Augustus turns away. The other men smile at each other.] - ACT-DROP FOURTH_ACT FOURTH ACT - SCENE- Same as in Act I. - LADY WIN. [Lying on sofa.] How can I tell him? I can't tell him. It would kill me. I wonder what happened after I escaped from that horrible room. Perhaps she told them the true reason of her being there, and the real meaning of that- fatal fan of mine. Oh, if he knows- how can I look him in the face again? He would never forgive me. How securely one thinks one lives- out of reach of temptation, sin, folly. And then suddenly- Oh! Life is terrible. It rules us, we do not rule it. - [Enter Rosalie R.] - ROS. Did your ladyship ring for me? LADY WIN. Yes. Have you found out at what time Lord Windermere came in last night? ROS. His lordship did not come in till five o'clock. LADY WIN. Five o'clock? He knocked at my door this morning, didn't he? ROS. Yes, my lady- at half-past nine. I told him your ladyship was not awake yet. LADY WIN. Did he say anything? ROS. Something about your ladyship's fan. I didn't quite catch what his lordship said. Has the fan been lost, my lady? I can't find it, and Parker says it was not left in any of the rooms. He has looked in all of them and on the terrace as well. LADY WIN. It doesn't matter. Tell Parker not to trouble. That will do. [Exit Rosalie.] LADY WIN. [Rising.] She is sure to tell him. I can fancy a person doing a wonderful act of self-sacrifice, doing it spontaneously, recklessly, nobly- and afterwards finding out that it costs too much. Why should she hesitate between her ruin and mine?... How strange! I would have publicly disgraced her in my own house. She accepts public disgrace in the house of another to save me.... There is a bitter irony in things, a bitter irony in the way we talk of good and bad women.... Oh, what a lesson! and what a pity that in life we only get our lessons when they are of no use to us! For even if she doesn't tell, I must. Oh! the shame of it, the shame of it. To tell it is to live through it all again. Actions are the first tragedy in life, words are the second. Words are perhaps the worst. Words are merciless.... Oh! [Starts as Lord Windermere enters.] LORD WIN. [Kisses her.] Margaret- how pale you look! LADY WIN. I slept very badly. LORD WIN. [Sitting on the sofa with her.] I am so sorry. I came in dreadfully late, and didn't like to wake you. You are crying, dear. LADY WIN. Yes, I am crying, for I have something to tell you, Arthur. LORD WIN. My dear child, you are not well. You've been doing too much. Let us go away to the country. You'll be all right at Selby. The season is almost over. There is no use staying on. Poor darling! We'll go away to-day, if you like. [Rises.] We can easily catch the 4:30. I'll send a wire to Fannen. [Crosses and sits down at table to write a telegram.] LADY WIN. Yes: let us go away to-day. No; I can't go to-day, Arthur. There is some one I must see before I leave town- some one who has been kind to me. LORD WIN. [Rising and leaning over sofa.] Kind to you? LADY WIN. Far more than that. [Rises and goes to him.] I will tell you, Arthur, but only love me, love me as you used to love me. LORD WIN. Used to? You are not thinking of that wretched woman who came here last night? [Coming round and sitting R. of her.] You don't still imagine- no, you couldn't. LADY WIN. I don't. I know now I was wrong and foolish. LORD WIN. It was very good of you to receive her last night- but you are never to see her again. LADY WIN. Why do you say that? [A pause.] LORD WIN. [Holding her hand.] Margaret, I thought Mrs. Erlynne was a woman more sinned against than sinning, as the phrase goes. I thought she wanted to be good, to get back into a place she had lost by a moment's folly, to lead again a decent life. I believed what she told me- I was mistaken in her. She is bad- as bad as a woman can be. LADY WIN. Arthur, Arthur, don't talk so bitterly about any woman. I don't think now that people can be divided into the good and the bad, as though they were two separate races or creations. What are called good women may have terrible things in them, mad moods of recklessness, assertion, jealousy, sin. Bad women, as they are termed, may have in them sorrow, repentance, pity, sacrifice. And I don't think Mrs. Erlynne a bad woman- I know she's not. LORD WIN. My dear child, the woman's impossible. No matter what harm she tries to do us, you must never see her again. She is inadmissable anywhere. LADY WIN. But I want to see her. I want her to come here. LORD WIN. Never! LADY WIN. She came here once as your guest. She must come now as mine . That is but fair. LORD WIN. She should never have come here. LADY WIN. [Rising.] It is too late, Arthur, to say that now. [Moves away.] LORD WIN. [Rising.] Margaret, if you knew where Mrs. Erlynne went last night, after she left this house, you would not sit in the same room with her. It was absolutely shameless, the whole thing. LADY WIN. Arthur, I can't bear it any longer. I must tell you. Last night- - [Enter Parker with a tray on which Lady Windermere's fan and a card.] - PAR. Mrs. Erlynne has called to return your ladyship's fan which she took away by mistake last night. Mrs. Erlynne has written a message on the card. LADY WIN. Oh, ask Mrs. Erlynne to be kind enough to come up. Reads card.] Say I shall be very glad to see her. [Exit Parker.] She wants to see me, Arthur. LORD WIN. [Takes card and looks at it.] Margaret, I beg you not to. Let me see her first, at any rate. She's a very dangerous woman. She is the most dangerous woman I know. You don't realize what you're doing. LADY WIN. It is right that I should see her. LORD WIN. My child, you may be on the brink of a great sorrow. Don't go to meet it. It is absolutely necessary that I should see her before you do. LADY WIN. Why should it be necessary? - [Enter Parker.] - PAR. Mrs. Erlynne. - [Enter Mrs. Erlynne.] [Exit Parker.] - MRS. ERL. How do you do, Lady Windermere? [To Lord Windermere.] How do you do? Do you know, Lady Windermere, I am so sorry about your fan. I can't imagine how I made such a silly mistake. Most stupid of me. And as I was driving in your direction, I thought I would take the opportunity of returning your property in person, with many apologies for my carelessness, and of bidding you good-bye. LADY WIN. Good-bye? [Moves towards sofa with Mrs. Erlynne and sits down beside her.] Are you going away, then, Mrs. Erlynne? MRS. ERL. Yes; I am going to live abroad again. The English climate doesn't suit me. My- heart is affected here, and that I don't like. I prefer living in the south. London is too full of fogs and- and serious people, Lord Windermere. Whether the fogs produce the serious people or whether the serious people produce the fogs, I don't know, but the whole thing rather gets on my nerves, and so I'm leaving this afternoon by the Club Train. LADY WIN. This afternoon? But I wanted so much to come and see you. MRS. ERL. How kind of you! But I am afraid I have to go. LADY WIN. Shall I never see you again, Mrs. Erlynne? MRS. ERL. I am afraid not. Our lives lie too far apart. But there is a little thing I would like you to do for me. I want a photograph of you, Lady Windermere- would you give me one? You don't know how gratified I should be. LADY WIN. Oh, with pleasure. There is one on that table. I'll show it to you. [Goes across to the table.] LORD WIN. [Coming up to Mrs. Erlynne and speaking in a low voice.] It is monstrous your intruding yourself here after your conduct last night. MRS. ERL. [With an amused smile.] My dear Windermere, manners before morals! LADY WIN. [Returning.] I'm afraid it is very flattering- I am not so pretty as that. [Showing photograph.] MRS. ERL. You are much prettier. But haven't you got one of yourself with your little boy? LADY WIN. I have. Would you prefer one of those? MRS. ERL. Yes. LADY WIN. I'll go and get it for you, if you'll excuse me for a moment. I have one upstairs. MRS. ERL. So sorry, Lady Windermere, to give you so much trouble. LADY WIN. [Moves to door R.] No trouble at all, Mrs, Erlynne. MRS. ERL. Thanks so much. [Exit Lady Windermere R.] You seem rather out of temper this morning, Windermere. Why should you be? Margaret and I get on charmingly together. LORD WIN. I can't bear to see you with her. Besides, you have not told me the truth, Mrs. Erlynne. MRS. ERL. I have not told her the truth, you mean. LORD WIN. [Standing C.] I sometimes wish you had. I should have been spared then the misery, the anxiety, the annoyance of the last six months. But rather than my wife should know- that the mother whom she was taught to consider as dead, the mother whom she has mourned as dead, is living- a divorced woman going about under an assumed name, a bad woman preying upon life, as I know you now to be- rather than that, I was ready to supply you with money to pay bill after bill, extravagance after extravagance, to risk what occurred yesterday, the first quarrel I have ever had with my wife. You don't understand what that means to me. How could you? But I tell you that the only bitter words that ever came from those sweet lips of hers were on your account, and I hate to see you next to her. You sully the innocence that is in her. [Moves L. C.] And then I used to think that with all your faults you were frank and honest. You are not. MRS. ERL. Why do you say that? LORD WIN. You made me get you an invitation to my wife's ball. MRS. ERL. For my daughter's ball- yes. LORD WIN. You came, and within an hour of your leaving the house, you are found in a man's rooms- you are disgraced before every one. [Goes up stage C.] MRS. ERL. Yes. LORD WIN. [Turning round on her.] Therefore I have a right to look upon you as what you are- a worthless, vicious woman. I have the right to tell you never to enter this house, never to attempt to come near my wife- MRS. ERL. [Coldly.] My daughter, you mean. LORD WIN. You have no right to claim her as your daughter. You left her, abandoned her, when she was but a child in the cradle, abandoned her for your lover, who abandoned you in turn. MRS. ERL. [Rising.] Do you count that to his credit, Lord Windermere- or to mine? LORD WIN. To his, now that I know you. MRS. ERL. Take care- you had better be careful. LORD WIN. Oh, I am not going to mince words for you. I know you thoroughly. MRS. ERL. [Looking steadily at him.] I question that. LORD WIN. I do know you. For twenty years of your life you lived without your child, without a thought of your child. One day you read in the papers that she had married a rich man. You saw your hideous chance. You knew that to spare her the ignominy of learning that a woman like you was her mother, I would endure anything. You began your blackmailing. MRS. ERL. [Shrugging her shoulders.] Don't use ugly words, Windermere. They are vulgar. I saw my chance, it is true, and took it. LORD WIN. Yes, you took it- and spoiled it all last night, by being found out. MRS. ERL. [With a strange smile.] You are quite right, I spoiled it all last night. LORD WIN. And as for your blunder in taking my wife's fan from her, and then leaving it about in Darlington's rooms, it is unpardonable. I can't bear the sight of it now. I shall never let my wife use it again. The thing is soiled for me. You should have kept it, and not brought it back. MRS. ERL. I think I shall keep it. [Goes up.] It's extremely pretty. [Takes up fan.] I shall ask Margaret to give it to me. LORD WIN. I hope my wife will give it to you. MRS. ERL. Oh, I'm sure she will have no objection. LORD WIN. I wish at the same time she would give you a miniature she kisses every night before she prays- it's the miniature of a young, innocent-looking girl with beautiful dark hair. MRS. ERL. Ah, yes, I remember. How long ago that seems! [Goes to sofa and sits down.] It was done before I was married. Dark hair and an innocent expression were the fashion then, Windermere! [A pause.] LORD WIN. What do you mean by coming here this morning? What is your object? [Crossing L. C. and sitting.] MRS. ERL. [With a note of irony in her voice.] To bid good-bye to my dear daughter, of course. [Lord Windermere bites his underlip in anger. Mrs. Erlynne looks at him, and her voice and manner become serious. In her accents as she talks there is a note of deep tragedy. For a moment she reveals herself.] Oh, don't imagine I am going to have a pathetic scene with her, weep on her neck and tell her who I am, and all that kind of thing. I have no ambition to play the part of a mother. Only once in my life have I known a mother's feelings. That was last night. They were terrible- they made me suffer- they made me suffer too much. For twenty years, as you say, I have lived childless- I want to live childless still. [Hiding her feelings with a trivial laugh.] Besides, my dear Windermere, how on earth could I pose as a mother with a grown up daughter? Margaret is twenty-one, and I have never admitted that I am more than twenty-nine, or thirty at the most. Twenty-nine when there are pink shades, thirty when there are not. So you see what difficulties it would involve. No, as far as I am concerned, let your wife cherish the memory of this dead, stainless mother. Why should I interfere with her illusions? I find it hard enough to keep my own. I lost one illusion last night. I thought I had no heart. I find I have, and a heart doesn't suit me, Windermere. Somehow it doesn't go with modern dress. It makes one look old. [Takes up hand-mirror from table and looks into it.] And it spoils one's career at critical moments. LORD WIN. You fill me with horror- with absolute horror. MRS. ERL. [Rising.] I suppose, Windermere, you would like me to retire into a convent or become a hospital nurse or something of that kind, as people do in silly modern novels. That is stupid of you, Arthur; in real life we don't do such things- not as long as we have any good looks left, at any rate. No- what consoles one now-a-days is not repentance, but pleasure. Repentance is quite out of date. And besides, if a woman really repents, she has to go to a bad dressmaker, otherwise no one believes in her. And nothing in the world would induce me to do that. No; I am going to pass entirely out of your two lives. My coming into them has been a mistake- I discovered that last night. LORD WIN. A fatal mistake. MRS. ERL. [Smiling.] Almost fatal. LORD WIN. I am sorry now I did not tell my wife the whole thing at once. MRS. ERL. I regret my bad actions. You regret your good ones- that is the difference between us. LORD WIN. I don't trust you. I will tell my wife. It's better for her to know, and from me. It will cause her infinite pain- it will humiliate her terribly, but it's right that she should know. MRS. ERL. You propose to tell her? LORD WIN. I am going to tell her. MRS. ERL. [Going up to him.] If you do, I will make my name so infamous that it will mar every moment of her life. It will ruin her and make her wretched. If you dare to tell her, there is no depth of degradation I will not sink to, no pit of shame I will not enter. You shall not tell her- I forbid you. LORD WIN. Why? MRS. ERL. [After a pause.] If I said to you that I cared for her, perhaps loved her even- you would sneer at me, wouldn't you? LORD WIN. I should feel it was not true. A mother's love means devotion, unselfishness, sacrifice. What could you know of such things? MRS. ERL. You are right. What could I know of such things? Don't let us talk any more about it ; as for telling my daughter who I am, that I do not allow. It is my secret, it is not yours. If I make up my mind to tell her, and I think I will, I shall tell her before I leave this house- if not, I shall never tell her. LORD WIN. [Angrily.] Then let me beg of you to leave our house at once. I will make your excuses to Margaret. - [Enter Lady Windermere R. She goes over to Mrs. Erlynne with the photograph in her hand. Lord Windermere moves to back of sofa, and anxiously watches Mrs. Erlynne as the scene progresses.] - LADY WIN. I am so sorry, Mrs. Erlynne, to have kept you waiting. I couldn't find the photograph anywhere. At last I discovered it in my husband's dressing-room- he had stolen it. MRS. ERL. [Takes the photograph from her and looks at it.] I am not surprised- it is charming. [Goes over to sofa with Lady Windermere, and sits down beside her. Looks again at the photograph.] And so that is your little boy! What is he called? LADY WIN. Gerard, after my dear father. MRS. ERL. [Laying the photograph down.] Really? LADY WIN. Yes. If it had been a girl, I would have called it after my mother. My mother had the same name as myself, Margaret. MRS. ERL. My name is Margaret, too. LADY WIN. Indeed! MRS. ERL. Yes. [Pause.] You are devoted to your mother's memory, Lady Windermere, your husband tells me. LADY WIN. We all have ideals in life. At least we all should have. Mine is my mother. MRS. ERL. Ideals are dangerous things. Realities are better. They wound, but they are better. LADY WIN. [Shaking her head.] If I lost my ideals, I should lose everything. MRS. ERL. Everything? LADY WIN. Yes. [Pause.] MRS. ERL. Did your father often speak to you of your mother? LADY WIN. No, it gave him too much pain. He told me how my mother had died a few months after I was born. His eyes filled with tears as he spoke. Then he begged me never to mention her name to him again. It made him suffer even to hear it. My father- my father really died of a broken heart. His was the most ruined life I know. MRS. ERL. [Rising.] I am afraid I must go now, Lady Windermere. LADY WIN. [Rising.] Oh no, don't. MRS. ERL. I think I had better. My carriage must have come back by this time. I sent it to Lady Jedburgh's with a note. LADY WIN. Arthur, would you mind seeing if Mrs. Erlynne's carriage has come back? MRS. ERL. Pray don't trouble Lord Windermere, Lady Windermere. LADY WIN. Yes, Arthur, do go, please. - [Lord Windermere hesitates for a moment and looks at Mrs. Erlynne. She remains quite impassive. He leaves the room.] - [To Mrs. Erlynne.] Oh! What am I to say to you? You saved me last night! [Goes towards her.] MRS. ERL. Hush- don't speak of it. LADY WIN. I must speak of it. I can't let you think that I am going to accept this sacrifice. I am not. It is too great. I am going to tell my husband everything. It is my duty. MRS. ERL. It is not your duty- at least you have duties to others besides him. You say you owe me something? LADY WIN. I owe you everything. MRS. ERL. Then pay your debt by silence. That is the only way in which it can be paid. Don't spoil the one good thing I have done in my life by telling it to anyone. Promise me that what passed last night will remain a secret between us. You must not bring misery into your husband's life. Why spoil his love? You must not spoil it. Love is easily killed. Oh, how easily love is killed! Pledge me your word, Lady Windermere, that you will never tell him. I insist upon it. LADY WIN. [With bowed head.] It is your will, not mine. MRS. ERL. Yes, it is my will. And never forget your child- I like to think of you as a mother. I like you to think of yourself as one. LADY WIN. [Looking up.] I always will now. Only once in my life I have forgotten my own mother- that was last night. Oh, if I had remembered her, I should not have been so foolish, so wicked. MRS. ERL. [With a slight shudder.] Hush, last night is quite over. - [Enter Lord Windermere.] - LORD WIN. Your carriage has not come back yet, Mrs. Erlynne. MRS. ERL. It makes no matter. I'll take a hansom. There is nothing in the world so respectable as a good Shrewsbury and Talbot. And now, dear Lady Windermere, I am afraid it is really good-bye. [Moves up C.] Oh, I remember. You'll think me absurd, but, do you know, I've taken a great fancy to this fan that I was silly enough to run away with last night from your ball. Now, I wonder would you give it to me? Lord Windermere says you may. I know it is his present. LADY WIN. Oh, certainly, if it will give you any pleasure. But it has my name on it. It has "Margaret" on it. MRS. ERL. But we have the same Christian name. LADY WIN. Oh, I forgot. Of course, do have it. What a wonderful chance our names being the same! MRS. ERL. Quite wonderful. Thanks- it will always remind me of you. [Shakes hands with her.] - [Enter Parker.] - PAR. Lord Augustus Lorton. Mrs. Erlynne's carriage has come. - [Enter Lord Augustus.] - LORD AUG. Good morning, dear boy. Good morning, Lady Windermere. [Sees Mrs. Erlynne.] Mrs. Erlynne! MRS. ERL. How do you do, Lord Augustus? Are you quite well this morning? LORD AUG. [Coldly.] Quite well, thank you, Mrs Erlynne. MRS. ERL. You don't look at all well, Lord Augustus. You stop up too late- it is so bad for you. You really should take more care of yourself. Good-bye, Lord Windermere. [Goes towards door with a bow to Lord Augustus. Suddenly smiles, and looks back at him.] Lord Augustus! Won't you see me to my carriage? You might carry the fan. LORD WIN. Allow me! MRS. ERL. No, I want Lord Augustus. I have a special message for the dear Duchess. Won't you carry the fan, Lord Augustus? LORD AUG. If you really desire it, Mrs. Erlynne. MRS. ERL. [Laughing.] Of course I do. You'll carry it so gracefully. You would carry off anything gracefully, dear Lord Augustus. - [When she reaches the door she looks back for a moment at Lady Windermere. Their eyes meet. Then she turns, and exit C., followed by Lord Augustus.] - LADY WIN. You will never speak against Mrs. Erlynne again, Arthur, will you? LORD WIN. [Gravely.] She is better than one thought her. LADY WIN. She is better than I am. LORD WIN. [Smiling as he strokes her hair.] Child, you and she belong to different worlds. Into your world evil has never entered. LADY WIN. Don't say that, Arthur. There is the same world for all of us, and good and evil, sin and innocence, go through it hand in hand. To shut one's eyes to half of life that one may live securely is as though one blinded oneself that one might walk with more safety in a land of pit and precipice. LORD WIN. [Moves down with her.] Darling, why do you say that? LADY WIN. [Sits on sofa.] Because I, who had shut my eyes to life, came to the brink. And one who had separated us- LORD WIN. We were never parted. LADY WIN. We never must be again. Oh, Arthur, don't love me less, and I will trust you more. I will trust you absolutely. Let us go to Selby. In the Rose garden at Selby, the roses are white and red. - [Enter Lord Augustus C.] - LORD AUG. Arthur, she has explained everything! - [Lady Windermere looks horribly frightened. Lord Windermere starts. Lord Augustus takes Lord Windermere by the arm, and brings him to front of stage.] - My dear fellow, she has explained every demmed thing. We all wronged her immensely. It was entirely for my sake she went to Darlington's rooms- called first at club. Fact is, she wanted to put me out of suspense, and being told I had gone on, followed- naturally- frightened when she heard a lot of men coming in- retired to another room- I assure you, most gratifying to me, the whole thing. We all behaved brutally to her. She is just the woman for me. Suits me down to the ground. All the condition she makes is that we live out of England- A very good thing, too!- Demmed clubs, demmed climate, demmed cooks, demmed everything! Sick of it all. LADY WIN. [Frightened.] Has Mrs Erlynne-? LORD AUG. [Advancing towards her with bow.] Yes, Lady Windermere, Mrs. Erlynne has done me the honour of accepting my hand. LORD WIN. Well, you are certainly marrying a very clever woman. LADY WIN. [Taking her husband's hand.] Ah, you're marrying a very good woman. - CURTAIN - - THE END