List of authors
Christian Metaphysics and Neoplatonism
of Greek and Alexandrian speculation, 118n10; on Redemption, 53; on sin and death,
122; in Tarsus, 64–65; on unknown
God, 66; on world as passing away,
  • See also specific epistles
    Pelagianism, 121–22
    Pelagius, 119, 121
    Penance, 58–59
    Pensées (Pascal), 50n19
    Peratae, 81
    Persephone, 84
    Peter, Saint, 57
    Peyri, Henri, 9
    Philaster, 72n17
    Philo, 65, 84–85, 85nn47–48, 118n10, 131
    Philosophumena (Hippolytus), 70, 71,
    71–72nn13–14, 75–76nn26–29, 79, 80,
    Philosophy of Oracles (Porphyry), 48n9
    Philostratus, 64
    Pilate, Pontius, 57
    Pistis Sophia, 79, 82–83
    Plato: Camus on, 20n51; compared with Aristotle, 68; Gnosticism influenced by, 83; on God, 53, 53n37; on Good, 93; Justin influenced by, 63; on knowledge, 53; on soul, 111; on time or history, 23; works by, 102nn48–49 Plotinus: and Augustine, 6, 115, 118, 124, 125, 127; on beauty, 91; on body’s relationship with soul, 99– 101; Camus’ choice of, for dissertation, 4n13, 13; on civic virtues, 89n5; on conversion or path of ecstasy, 101–6, 127; death of, 113n98; on desire, 103–4; on evil, 102, 118; evolution from Epictetus to, 44; on Gnosticism, 67, 67n2, 107–8; on
    God/World Soul/One, 88, 91–108,
    125; and immanence/transcendence argument, 104–5; on Intelligence, 92– 101, 103–4; on light and darkness,
    90n8, 100, 101; and metaphysics, 92, 124; on mystical longing for God and destiny of soul, 5–6, 102–8; on mystic reason, 5–6, 88–108; on nature, 90;
    on One, 42; originality of, 111; on participation, 6, 31n84; on patrie, royaume and exil, 15–17; and Procession, 91–102, 104; on science,
    89–90, 93; on soul, 5–6, 89, 89n4, 92– 93, 96, 99–108, 111; on transparency,
    96–98, 97n29, 100; on virtue, 103;
    Walker on, 15–17
    Plutarch, 42–43n8
    Poirier, René, 4, 6
    Polycarp, Saint, 55, 56, 59
    Poncet, Charles, 3n6
    Porphyry: and Augustine, 48n9; on
    Christianity, 5, 41, 49n10, 54, 54n39,
    107, 109–10; as Egyptian, 42; on
    Incarnation, 54; life of Plotinus by,
    67n2, 106n66; on resurrection, 41,
    Predestination, 72, 123
    Procession: Plotinus on, 91–102, 104
    Prometheus, 34, 83
    Psalms, Book of, 123n30
    Ptolemaeus, 83
    Ptolemy, 42
    Puech, Aimé, 62n78, 118–19n10 Pythagoras, 64
    Quilliot, Roger, 3n6, 4, 7, 42n7
    Rationalism. See Reason
    La Réaction païenne (Labriolle), 64n86 Reason: Augustine on, 127–29; and
    Christianity, 30–31, 63, 91; and faith, 63, 127–29; and Greeks, 29–30, 40–41; and Neoplatonism generally, 130; Plotinus on mystic reason, 5–6, 88–
    Rebel, The (Camus): antithesis in, 23;
    Archambault on, 20n48; Buber on, 21; and Camus as writer versus philosopher, 7n20; on Christian versus Greek accounts of history, 41n4; compared with Christian Metaphysics and Neoplatonism,
    11n33, 26, 31–34; on Gnosticism,
    67n1; on gods of Greeks, 53n37; on
    Greeks, 29n77, 33, 34, 133n3; on Hegel, 11n31; on Judaism, 33–34, 52n26, 73n20; on philosophy of history, 52n26; Sartre on, 7n22; and transcendence/immanence argument, 10–12
    Redemption: and Augustine, 118;
    Barnabas on, 58; and Evangelical
    Christianity, 46, 53, 58; and Redemption: and Augustine (cont.)
    Gnosticism, 45, 67–68, 72–75, 78, 80–
    82, 84; Paul on, 53. See also Salvation
    The Refutation of All Heresies
    (Hippolytus), 71–72nn13–14, 75– 76nn26–29, 79, 80, 80–82nn39–43
    La Religion romaine (Boissier), 64n87 Republic (Plato), 102n48
    Resistance, Rebellion, and Death (Camus), 123n33
    Resurrection: of body, 41, 110; of Christ, 57
    “Return to Tipasa” (Camus), 25
    Revelation, 63
    Roman de la Rose, 76
    Romans, Epistle to, 49n15, 50, 50n17, 53nn31–35, 123n30
    Rougier, Louis, 22n58, 54n38, 61n74 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 11
    Salvation: and Christianity, 68–69; and Gnosticism, 45, 69, 74, 79, 86, 107,
    108–9; Greeks on, 69. See also
    Salvian, 116–17n6
    Sartre, Jean-Paul, 6–7, 7n22, 9n26
    Satan, 73, 120
    Schiller, J. C. F. von, 130
    Schopenhauer, Arthur, 16n35
    Science, 89–90, 93
    Sethians, 81
    Shakespeare, William, 66
    Shepherd (Hermas), 55, 58–59, 59nn63– 64
    Sickness unto Death, The (Kierkegaard),
    Simon of Cyrene, 72
    Sin: of Adam, 53; Augustine on, 50,
    50n18, 119–23; and Evangelical
    Christianity, 49–50, 56, 58–59, 66; Gnosticism on, 68, 70–71; and martyrdom, 71; original sin, 70–71, 121–
    23; of Satan, 120. See also Evil
    Socrates, 28, 40, 64, 132–33, 133n3
    Soliloquia (Augustine), 50–51n20
    Sophia, 77–78, 79, 83
    Sophist (Plato), 102n48
    Sophocles, 40
    Soul, 5–6, 89, 89n4, 92–93, 96, 99–108,
    Sprintzen, David, 15n34
    Stoicism, 23n60, 42, 61, 63, 88, 99
    Stranger, The (Camus), 8
    Stromateis (Clement of Alexandria), 60,
    60–61nn68–71, 63n80, 70, 71n11,
    72n17, 76n29, 78, 78n36
    “Summer in Algiers” (Camus), 106n65
    Supplicatio pro christianos (Athenagoras), 62
    Symposium (Plato), 102n49
    Tatian, 63n80, 64, 86
    Teachings of the Twelve Apostles, The,
    55, 58
    Tertullian: as church father generally, 5,
    55; on Gnosticism, 67, 73n19, 86; on Greeks, 23, 23n60, 60–61, 61n71, 64; writings by, 63n80, 67, 72n17, 74n24
    Theognoste, 113
    Thomas Aquinas, 19
    Tiberius, 74
    Timothy, Epistle of, 53n32
    Tixeront, Joseph, 55nn41–42, 56nn44–
    48, 58nn58–59, 58nn61–62, 59n65,
    62n78, 112n89, 126n47
    Todd, Oliver, 2n4, 4n13, 7, 7n23
    Toussaint, C., 84n45
    Transcendence/immanence argument,
    10–12, 10n30, 16, 16nn38–39, 26–27,
    29–30, 104–5
    Transparency, 96–98, 97n29, 100
    Trinity, 62, 65n89, 112, 124–27
    Ulpain of Tyre, 42
    University of Algiers, 2–5 Upanishads, 75
    Valentinus, 68, 69, 73, 74, 76–80, 83, 84
    Viggiani, M., 7 Virtues, 103, 119, 120
    Vita Apollonii, 64n88 Voegelin, Eric, 21–22
    Walker, I. H., 8, 15–17, 16n35
    Ward, Bruce K., 10n30, 15n34, 28n76 Wisdom of Solomon, Book of, 51n21
    Word of God, 124–26, 130
    Works and faith, 52, 56, 123
    The Wrong Side and the Right Side
    (Camus), 15
    Yazatas, 85–86
    Zeller, Eduard, 104
    Zeus, 43
    Zoroastrianism, 85
  • The End



    of Greek and Alexandrian speculation, 118n10; on Redemption, 53; on sin and death,122; in Tarsus, 64–65; on unknownGod, 66; on world as passing away, See also specific epistlesPelagianism, 121–22Pelagius, 119,