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Reflections on the Guillotine
to a new cell on the eve of his execution, thus informing him of the ceremony that awaits him. 23. The name of an innocent man guillotined in the Courrier de Lyon case.
  • Satisfaction was expressed over the recent reprieve of Sillon, who killed his four-year-old daughter in order to keep her from her mother, who had asked for a divorce. During his detention it was discovered that Sillon was suffering from a brain tumor that could account for the insanity of his action.
  • Revue de Criminologie et de Police technique, Geneva, special number, 1952.
  • Jean Bobognano, Quartier des fauves, prison de Fresnes, Édition du Fuseau.
  • The decision of the jury is preceded by the formula “before God and my conscience. . . .”
  • See also the report on the death penalty made by Representative Dupont to the National Assembly on May 31, 1791: “He [the as-sassin] is consumed by a bitter, burning temper; what he fears above all is repose, a state that leaves him to himself, and to es-cape it he continually faces death and seeks to inflict it; solitude and his conscience are his real tortures. Does this not tell us what kind of punishment we should impose, to what agonies he is most sensi-tive? Is it not in the very nature of the disease that we must seek the remedy which can cure it?” I italicize this last sentence, which makes this little-known Representative a real precursor of our modern psychological theories.
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    to a new cell on the eve of his execution, thus informing him of the ceremony that awaits him. 23. The name of an innocent man guillotined in the Courrier