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A Full Life
and there.

For instance when you ran away from Delphis you said you ‘did not want to raise the roof,’ and when you got married you said you had ‘always really belonged to Mr. Hasbrouk.’

But you never said anything about why you jumped out the window or off the boat. Couldn’t you give me a little clue for my own satisfaction?”

She looked at him closely.

“And if I won’t tell you?”

He had his trump in reserve.

“Then, Countess, I shall be forced to give information to the police of Delphis and collect the reward for information leading to your whereabouts.

While I have conceived a great admiration for you, there are others who might judge otherwise. It would be a salutary story for prospective runaways to find you ending up as an artificial shell.”

She gave a little laugh.

“But I’m not an artificial shell,” she said. “The joke’s on you—I’m full of dynamite so I always thought I’d go off.”

Even as this explanation issued from her lips she exploded with a tremendous bang, which was heard as far as New York City.

There were headlines in all the papers but Dr. Wilkinson was unfortunately killed by the concussion and did not see them. And so another glamor girl passes into history.

The end


and there. For instance when you ran away from Delphis you said you ‘did not want to raise the roof,’ and when you got married you said you had ‘always