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A Natural History of the Dead
to know.”

“See, my poor lieutenant? We dispute about nothing. In time of war we dispute about nothing.”
“F— you,” said the lieutenant of artillery. He still could not see. “You’ve blinded me.”

“It is nothing,” said the doctor. “Your eyes will be all right. It is nothing. A dispute about nothing.”
“Ayee! Ayee! Ayee!” suddenly screamed the lieutenant. “You have blinded me! You have blinded me!”
“Hold him tight,” said the doctor. “He is in much pain. Hold him very tight.”

  • The reader’s indulgence is requested for this mention of an extinct phenomenon. The reference, like all references to fashions, dates the story but it is retained because of its mild historical interest and because its omission would spoil the rhythm.

The End


to know.” “See, my poor lieutenant? We dispute about nothing. In time of war we dispute about nothing.”“F— you,” said the lieutenant of artillery. He still could not see. “You’ve