List of authors
are seamlessly intertwined”.

In 1989, Nina Pelikan Straus wrote a feminist interpretation of The Metamorphosis, noting that the story is not only about the metamorphosis of Gregor but also about the metamorphosis of his family and, in particular, his younger sister Grete.

Straus suggested that the social and psychoanalytic resonances of the text depend on Grete’s role as a woman, daughter, and sister, and that prior interpretations failed to recognize Grete’s centrality to the story.

In 1999, Gerhard Rieck pointed out that Gregor and his sister, Grete, form a pair, which is typical of many of Kafka’s texts: it is made up of one passive, rather austere, person and another active, more libidinal, person.

The appearance of figures with such almost irreconcilable personalities who form couples in Kafka’s works has been evident since he wrote his short story “Description of a Struggle” (e.g. the narrator/young man and his “acquaintance”).

They also appear in “The Judgment” (Georg and his friend in Russia), in all three of his novels (e.g. Robinson and Delamarche in Amerika) as well as in his short stories “A Country Doctor” (the country doctor and the groom) and “A Hunger Artist” (the hunger artist and the panther).

Rieck views these pairs as parts of one single person (hence the similarity between the names Gregor and Grete) and in the final analysis as the two determining components of the author’s personality. Not only in Kafka’s life but also in his oeuvre does Rieck see the description of a fight between these two parts.

Reiner Stach argued in 2004 that no elucidating comments were needed to illustrate the story and that it was convincing by itself, self-contained, even absolute. He believes that there is no doubt the story would have been admitted to the canon of world literature even if we had known nothing about its author.

According to Peter-André Alt (2005), the figure of the insect becomes a drastic expression of Gregor Samsa’s deprived existence. Reduced to carrying out his professional responsibilities, anxious to guarantee his advancement and vexed with the fear of making commercial mistakes, he is the creature of a functionalistic professional life.

In 2007, Ralf Sudau took the view that particular attention should be paid to the motifs of self-abnegation and disregard for reality. Gregor’s earlier behavior was characterized by self-renunciation and his pride in being able to provide a secure and leisured existence for his family.

When he finds himself in a situation where he himself is in need of attention and assistance and in danger of becoming a parasite, he doesn’t want to admit this new role to himself and be disappointed by the treatment he receives from his family, which is becoming more and more careless and even hostile over time.

According to Sudau, Gregor is self-denyingly hiding his nauseating appearance under the sofa and gradually famishing, thus pretty much complying with the more or less blatant wish of his family. His gradual emaciation and “self-reduction” shows signs of a fatal hunger strike (which on the part of Gregor is unconscious and unsuccessful, on the part of his family not understood or ignored). Sudau also lists the names of selected interpreters of The Metamorphosis (e.g. Beicken, Sokel, Sautermeister and Schwarz).

According to them, the narrative is a metaphor for the suffering resulting from leprosy, an escape into the disease or a symptom onset, an image of an existence which is defaced by the career, or a revealing staging which cracks the veneer and superficiality of everyday circumstances and exposes its cruel essence.

He further notes that Kafka’s representational style is on one hand characterized by an idiosyncratic interpenetration of realism and fantasy, a worldly mind, rationality, and clarity of observation, and on the other hand by folly, outlandishness, and fallacy. He also points to the grotesque and tragicomical, silent film-like elements.

Fernando Bermejo-Rubio (2012) argued that the story is often viewed unjustly as inconclusive. He derives his interpretative approach from the fact that the descriptions of Gregor and his family environment in The Metamorphosis contradict each other.

Diametrically opposed versions exist of Gregor’s back, his voice, of whether he is ill or already undergoing the metamorphosis, whether he is dreaming or not, which treatment he deserves, of his moral point of view (false accusations made by Grete), and whether his family is blameless or not. Bermejo-Rubio emphasizes that Kafka ordered in 1915 that there should be no illustration of Gregor.

He argues that it is exactly this absence of a visual narrator that is essential for Kafka’s project, for he who depicts Gregor would stylize himself as an omniscient narrator. Another reason why Kafka opposed such an illustration is that the reader should not be biased in any way before reading.

That the descriptions are not compatible with each other is indicative of the fact that the opening statement is not to be trusted. If the reader isn’t hoodwinked by the first sentence and still thinks of Gregor as a human being, he will view the story as conclusive and realize that Gregor is a victim of his own degeneration.

Volker Drüke (2013) believes that the crucial metamorphosis in the story is that of Grete. She is the character the title is directed at.

Gregor’s metamorphosis is followed by him languishing and ultimately dying. Grete, by contrast, has matured as a result of the new family circumstances and assumed responsibility. In the end – after the brother’s death – the parents also notice that their daughter, “who was getting more animated all the time, […] had recently blossomed into a pretty and shapely girl”, and they want to look for a partner for her.

From this standpoint Grete’s transition, her metamorphosis from a girl into a woman, is the subtextual theme of the story.