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A Diamond Guitar
to be urged even to play his guitar. At daybreak when the guard came to rouse the men, which he did by banging a hammer on the stove, Tico Feo would whimper like a child. Sometimes he pretended to be ill, moaned and rubbed his stomach; but he never got away with this, for the Captain would send him out to work with the rest of the men. He and Mr. Schaeffer were put together on a highway gang. It was hard work, digging at frozen clay and carrying croker sacks filled with broken stone. The guard had always to be shouting at Tico Feo, for he spent most of the time trying to lean on things.

Each noon, when the dinner buckets were passed around, the two friends sat together. There were some good things in Mr. Schaeffer’s bucket, as he could afford apples and candy bars from the town. He liked giving these things to his friend, for his friend enjoyed them so much, and he thought, “You are growing; it will be a long time until you are a grown man.”
Not all the men liked Tico Feo.

Because they were jealous, or for more subtle reasons, some of them told ugly stories about him. Tico Feo himself seemed unaware of this. When the men gathered around him, and he played his guitar and sang his songs, you could see that he felt he was loved. Most of the men did feel a love for him; they waited for and depended upon the hour between supper and lights out. “Tico, play your box,” they would say. They did not notice that afterward there was a deeper sadness than there had ever been. Sleep jumped beyond them like a jack rabbit, and their eyes lingered ponderingly on the firelight that creaked behind the grating of the stove. Mr. Schaeffer was the only one who understood their troubled feeling, for he felt it too. It was that his friend had revived the brown rivers where the fish run, and ladies with sunlight in their hair.

Soon Tico Feo was allowed the honor of having a bed near the stove and next to Mr. Schaeffer. Mr. Schaeffer had always known that his friend was a terrible liar. He did not listen for the truth in Tico Feo’s tales of adventure, of conquests and encounters with famous people. Rather, he took pleasure in them as plain stories, such as you would read in a magazine, and it warmed him to hear his friend’s tropic voice whispering in the dark.

Except that they did not combine their bodies or think to do so, though such things were not unknown at the farm, they were as lovers. Of the seasons, spring is the most shattering: stalks thrusting through the earth’s winter-stiffened crust, young leaves cracking out on old left-to-die branches, the falling-asleep wind cruising through all the newborn green. And with Mr. Schaeffer it was the same, a breaking up, a flexing of muscles that had hardened.

It was late January. The friends were sitting on the steps of the sleep house, each with a cigarette in his hand. A moon thin and yellow as a piece of lemon rind curved above them, and under its light, threads of ground frost glistened like silver snail trails. For many days Tico Feo had been drawn into himself—silent as a robber waiting in the shadows. It was no good to say to him, “Tico, play your box.” He would only look at you with smooth, under-ether eyes.

“Tell a story,” said Mr. Schaeffer, who felt nervous and helpless when he could not reach his friend. “Tell about when you went to the race track in Miami.”
“I not ever go to no race track,” said Tico Feo, thereby admitting to his wildest lie, one involving hundreds of dollars and a meeting with Bing Crosby. He did not seem to care. He produced a comb and pulled it sulkily through his hair. A few days before this comb had been the cause of a fierce quarrel. One of the men, Wink, claimed that Tico Feo had stolen the comb from him, to which the accused replied by spitting in his face.

They had wrestled around until Mr. Schaeffer and another man got them separated. “Is my comb. You tell him!” Tico Feo had demanded of Mr. Schaeffer. But Mr. Schaeffer with quiet firmness had said no, it was not his friend’s comb—an answer that seemed to defeat all concerned. “Aw,” said Wink, “if he wants it so much, Christ’s sake, let the sonofabitch keep it.” And later, in a puzzled, uncertain voice, Tico Feo had said, “I thought you was my friend.” “I am,” Mr. Schaeffer had thought; though he said nothing.

“I not go to no race track, and what I said about the widow woman, that is not true also.” He puffed up his cigarette to a furious glow and looked at Mr. Schaeffer with a speculating expression. “Say, you have money, Mister?”
“Maybe twenty dollars,” said Mr. Schaeffer hesitantly, afraid of where this was leading.

“Not so good, twenty dollar,” Tico said, but without disappointment. “No important, we work our way. In Mobile I have my friend Frederico. He will put us on a boat. There will not be trouble,” and it was as though he were saying that the weather had turned colder.
There was a squeezing in Mr. Schaeffer’s heart; he could not speak.
“Nobody here can run to catch Tico. He run the fastest.”

“Shotguns run faster,” said Mr. Schaeffer in a voice hardly alive. “I’m too old,” he said, with the knowledge of age churning like nausea inside him.
Tico Feo was not listening. “Then, the world. The world, el mundo, my friend.” Standing up, he quivered like a young horse; everything seemed to draw close to him—the moon, the callings of screech owls. His breath came quickly and turned to smoke in the air. “Should we go to Madrid? Maybe someone teach me to bullfight. You think so, Mister?”
Mr. Schaeffer was not listening either. “I’m too old,” he said. “I’m too damned old.”

For the next several weeks Tico Feo kept after him—the world, el mundo, my friend; and he wanted to hide. He would shut himself in the toilet and hold his head. Nevertheless, he was excited, tantalized. What if it could come true, the race with Tico across the forests and to the sea? And he imagined himself on a boat, he who had never seen the sea, whose whole life had been land-rooted. During this time one of the convicts died, and in the yard you could hear the coffin being made. As each nail thudded into place, Mr. Schaeffer thought, “This is for me, it is mine.”

Tico Feo himself was never in better spirits; he sauntered about with a dancer’s snappy, gigolo grace, and had a joke for everyone. In the sleep house after supper his fingers popped at the guitar like firecrackers. He taught the men to cry olé, and some of them sailed their caps through the air.

When work on the road was finished, Mr. Schaeffer and Tico Feo were moved back into the forests. On Valentine’s Day they ate their lunch under a pine tree. Mr. Schaeffer had ordered a dozen oranges from the town and he peeled them slowly, the skins unraveling in a spiral; the juicier slices he gave to his friend, who was proud of how far he could spit the seeds—a good ten feet.

It was a cold beautiful day, scraps of sunlight blew about them like butterflies, and Mr. Schaeffer, who liked working with the trees, felt dim and happy. Then Tico Feo said, “That one, he no could catch a fly in his mouth.” He meant Armstrong, a hog-jowled man sitting with a shotgun propped between his legs. He was the youngest of the guards and new at the farm.
“I don’t know,” said Mr. Schaeffer. He’d watched Armstrong and noticed that, like many people who are both heavy and vain, the new guard moved with a skimming lightness. “He might could fool you.”

“I fool him, maybe,” said Tico Feo, and spit an orange seed in Armstrong’s direction. The guard scowled at him, then blew a whistle. It was the signal for work to begin.
Sometime during the afternoon the two friends came together again; that is, they were nailing turpentine buckets onto trees that stood next to each other. At a distance below them a shallow bouncing creek branched through the woods. “In water no smell,” said Tico Feo meticulously, as though remembering something he’d heard. “We run in the water; until dark we climb a tree. Yes, Mister?”

Mr. Schaeffer went on hammering, but his hand was shaking, and the hammer came down on his thumb. He looked around dazedly at his friend. His face showed no reflection of pain, and he did not put the thumb in his mouth, the way a man ordinarily might.
Tico Feo’s blue eyes seemed to swell like bubbles, and when in a voice quieter than the wind sounds in the pinetops he said, “Tomorrow,” these eyes were all that Mr. Schaeffer could see.
“Tomorrow, Mister?”
“Tomorrow,” said Mr. Schaeffer.

The first colors of morning fell upon the walls of the sleep house, and Mr. Schaeffer, who had rested little, knew that Tico Feo was awake too. With the weary eyes of a crocodile he observed the movements of his friend in the next cot. Tico Feo was unknotting the scarf that contained his treasures. First he took the pocket mirror. Its jellyfish light trembled on his face. For a while he admired himself with serious delight, and combed and slicked his


to be urged even to play his guitar. At daybreak when the guard came to rouse the men, which he did by banging a hammer on the stove, Tico Feo