List of authors
Too Brief a Treat. The Letters of Truman Capote
entirely visual, with a boy’s voice reading the story and a musical score by, say, Virgil Thompson [Thomson]. It is something Jose Quintero could do very well (I think).18 It could be beautiful, if done very simply, and as successful as “The Red Balloon.” Several independent producers are interested, one very much so—but could you let me know if this project at all appeals to you?
Slim wrote what a comfort you were to her in California, and said Jennifer looked “ravishing.”19 Give my love to that other ravishing lady, Mary J.20 I miss you all.
(Truman Capote)
[Collection University of Texas at Austin]

Condado de San Jorge
Playa de Aro
Costa Brava, Spain
[Early June 1960]
Dearest David and Jennifer,
Just a quick follow-up to my letter of the other day. About my friend Alvin Dewey (the hero of my book) and his family (wife, two sons, aged 11 and 13): I told you that they are coming to L.A. from Garden City Kansas for a week’s holiday, and that I would very much appreciate it if you can contact them and arrange some studio tourist-stuff for them? Well, they are arriving July 19th and will be there until the 25th, and you can get in touch with them via Mrs. Dewey’s uncle: EDWARD STOLL, 2516 Veterans Avenue, Los Angeles, 64. I took the liberty of giving them your address, but I think they will be too shy to use it. They are very nice and I am terribly indebted to them. If you should meet them, please don’t say anything caustic about me.
Have never worked so hard; but it is going to be a very fine book … though, God knows, a long one.
I miss you and hope you will have a good summer.
Love and hugs
Truman Capote
P.S. On July 11th, Lippincott is publishing a delightful book: TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD by Harper Lee. Get it. It’s going to be a great success.21 In it, I am the character called “Dill”—the author being a childhood friend.
[Collection University of Texas at Austin]

Condado de San Jorge
Playa de Aro
Costa Brava, Spain 7
June 1960
Dear Bill—
I read your book23 this past week, and do want to congratulate you; really, to have maintained such control, to have sustained such a difficult vision, is an achievement in itself; but, aside from its artistic first-rateness, what I admire most is the book’s bravery, the courage with which it plainly states unpleasant (and unpopular) truths. I don’t know what sort of press it will recieve [sic] (and probably never will know, since I am leading such an incommunicado life), but I suspect, in fact I am darn sure, this novel will arouse the meanest sort of wrath in certain quarters.
I hope it does—final proof you have done something. However, you have never been subjected to any concentrated critical abuse, and it can be exceedingly painful: I know, God knows I do. If such happens, simply remember that you are the rarest thing going, a good artist—which is why you will upset a good many so-called colleagues. But perhaps I am mistaken; perhaps for once the Enemy will lay aside their weapons and give a good writer the praise he deserves. But either way, and whatever happens, you win. Again, my very real congratulations—
P.S. I have a quite charming house (in case you come to Spain). Will be here until end of Sept. Please give my regards to your wife.
[Collection Perkins Library, Duke University]

[Playa de Aro, Spain]
[Mid-June 1960]
Dear ones—
As you can see, the Selznick Co. is at your service.24 Shirley Harden is David’s assistant, a wonderful girl. So, even if they are not in Hollywood, she will arrange everything. Have her arrange for a special tour of CBS’ Television City. Anyway, you are in very good hands and I know it will be fun.
I love your letters, Marie. They are so evocative—I can hear, smell, see everything you’re all doing.
Very interesting about Perry. Please let me know everything you hear about the two of them.25
Alvin was so right when he said “How are you ever going to make a book out of this chaos?” Well, it may take years, but it will be one. But it is like doing the finest needlework—
I love you each and all. Special regards to Mother Dewey. Hugs—
[Collection New York Public Library]

Playa de Aro
Costa Brava, Spain
20 June 1960
Dear Don—
May I bother you again?
First, news: for the last 5 weeks Perry has been on a hunger-strike, having announced: “Dick can wait for the rope, but I’m going to beat it.” He has touched neither food nor water, has lost 40 pounds and is in the prison hospital being fed intravenously.
Now, here is my problem, which is a technical one: no part of the book is narrated in the first-person—that is, “I” do not, and technically cannot, appear. Now, toward the end of the book, I want to include a long scene between you and Perry in which I will use some material from my own conversations with Perry—in other words, substitute you for me. This specific scene will revolve around the quail-dinner (?) Mrs. Meier27 served you in his cell. What I need from you is a detailed physical description of the scene—what did Mrs. M. serve, how was the table set etc. All and anything you remember. Also, it is during this scene that Perry will tell, as he did tell you, his last and final version of what happened in the Clutter house.28
As I wrote, the work goes well but very slowly. It is like doing the finest needlepoint. I have now promised to deliver the final manuscript a year from this October. I have a short story in the July issue of “Esquire” which may amuse you.29
Hope this finds you well—
[Collection Donald Cullivan]

Condado de San Jorge
Playa de Aro
Costa Brava, Spain
27 June 1960
Dear Bennett,
A suggestion: Cecil Beaton, who is free to go to any publisher, has put together a huge book made up of excerpts from his diary; I’ve read it, and it is very indiscreet, very funny, sometimes quite touching, and relentlessly honest: spares no one, especially himself. I think RH should be interested. So why don’t you write him: 8 Pelham Place, London.
I’m all right. Living quietly; see literally no one; and am totally concentrated on IN COLD BLOOD. My enthusiasm is as high as ever. No, higher. It is going to be a masterpiece: I mean that. Because if it isn’t, then it’s nothing, and I shall have wasted two or three years. But—I have great confidence; and that is not always the case.
I have a story in the July “Esquire” … if you have time, please read it.
I liked Styron’s book, or rather I liked much of it, and am surprised that it should have had, on the whole, such a poor critical reception.
Haven’t recieved [sic] my June royalty statement; hope it was sent to Spain and not to Brooklyn … though I suppose it will eventually be forwarded.
And how is my darling Phyllis, my bright particular treasure? Give her my love. Best to Don K [Klopfer].30
[Collection Columbia University Library]

Condado de San Jorge
Playa de Aro
Costa Brava, Spain
[25–31 July 1960]
Sweet Sige—
Not ‘Branca’: ‘Brava’ (the wild coast): otherwise, all correct, and your gratifying letter arrived safely. “Az-zahara” means ‘blossoming’. So here I am blossoming on the wild coast—a strange part of Spain, which is a strange country in any event. I will be here until October, then going elsewhere, maybe Switzerland. Because I don’t want to go home until I have finished my Kansas book, and as it is very long (I should think 150–200 thousand words) that may take another year or more. I don’t care—it has to be perfect, for I am very excited about it, totally dedicated, and believe, if I am very patient, it could be a kind of masterpiece: God knows I have wonderful material, and lots of it—over 4,000 typed-pages of notes. Sometimes, when I think how good it could be, I can hardly breathe. Well, the whole thing was the most interesting experience of my life, and indeed has changed my life, altered my point of view about almost everything—it is a Big Work, believe me, and if I fail I still will have succeeded.
Sorry to have run on so! I hope you have got launched on the Emerson. Will you be going away at all this summer? Perhaps with Ned [Spofford]?31 Give Ned my good wishes—I like him very much. By the way, I was in Kansas until mid-April, and after leaving, came almost directly here. I have a short story in July “Esquire”—rather slight, but you might look at it if you have time. Write me when you can, dearest Sige. Meanwhile, hugs and much love
[Collection Smith College Library]

[Playa de Aro, Spain]
27 July 1960
Dear Don—
Perfect: that was exactly what I wanted—very well observed, and written. Thank you (once again!).
As for the Meiers—no, their kindness only reflects upon them favorably. Don’t worry.
Will send more news of Perry when it arrives—I now have a direct-line of communication with him. But he is quite incoherent, and I think it probable he will be declared insane.
My regards to your wife; gratefully, and always
[Collection Donald Cullivan]


[Postcard] [Playa de Aro, Spain]
July 29 [1960]

Dear ones,
Hope California was great fun. Have sent (via a friend, who will mail it from N.Y) the matador sword for Dewey. But please be careful—it is very sharp. Am going to London for 3 days to talk to a psychiatrist from Menningers who has been examining Perry & Dick and


entirely visual, with a boy’s voice reading the story and a musical score by, say, Virgil Thompson [Thomson]. It is something Jose Quintero could do very well (I think).18 It