[Verbier, Switzerland]
9 Nov. 1960
Sige dear—
Do hope this finds you free of the hospital—and, perhaps, free of Northampton, for I think you will feel very much better once you breathe a different atmosphere. I suppose we will have to be satisfied with the settlement the college has made; but you will certainly have to take up book-reviewing in a serious style. But at least, and at last, your time is your own; and, as you have wonderful work ahead of you, that is most definitely the other side of the coin. Why not ask Maxwell about doing some reviews for the New Yorker—they pay well.
Verbier is a very pretty, very remote, very healthy, extremely snowbound and unutterably boring village. But I didn’t, as they say, come here to be amused: just to try and get on with this book—I’ve now written 35,000 words with 70,000 to go: all uphill work, and the air is getting very thin. This is my last attempt at reportage; and, in any event, if I manage to bring this off, I will have said all I have to say about the particular technique. My interest in the form was always entirely technical; it didn’t, and doesn’t, seem to me as though it had ever been given serious artistic attention. I think “In Cold Blood” (title of this book) has a fair chance of being a work of art—alas, I am rather too much involved emotionally with the material: God, I wish it were over. For one thing, I’d rather like to come home, but I promised myself I wouldn’t until the book was finished.
Don’t bother answering letters, dear Sige. I only want you to know that I am constantly thinking of you, and am right here if you want anything at all. As always, and always,
Mille tendresse [sic]
[Collection Smith College Library]
Poste Restante,
Verbier, Suisse
9 November 1960
Dear Donny,
Do hope you had a nice crossing, and this finds you snug and cozy in your London ‘flat’—as for us, all I have to say is Sir Edmund Hillary is looking for the Yeti in the wrong place: it’s here—and I’m it.53 Actually, though, it’s very nice: if you like lots of snow and spectacular scenery—which, as a matter of fact, I rather do. Of course Jack loves it: this sort of thing is his spiritual home. We have a tiny chalet, but at least (once you get to it: the road ends a mile away and you travel the rest by eagle) it’s very warm and so forth.
Frankly, I don’t think you should let Crowell do “The Warm Country.”54 If a publisher won’t back you at all, then it doesn’t matter how many blurbs or reviews you line up. You should withdraw it, and use your New Yorker stories as bait to lure another publisher, one with a future. If “Warm Country” is published by Crowell, and fares no better than HERO, it will do you more harm than good, and will scare off other editors. Blurbs and reviews don’t mean a thing unless they are combined with promotion. If I were you, I would dismiss this phony bird-in-hand, and count on two in the bush: I think it would pay off. As for my reviewing the book—I don’t quite know how one goes about getting a book to review, since I never have; but I am willing to try, though I suppose the Times would look upon a direct request with some suspicion.
Anyway, I hope the book has the English reception that it deserves, and I’m sure [E. M.] Forster’s Introduction will be a great help. I missed your last story in the New Yorker, but I guess the issue will turn up soon.
We had so much luggage that I left almost all my books in Spain, and so now have nothing to read. I ordered Ackerley’s book but it never arrived.
Where do you go when you leave London? We are going to spend the Christmas holidays in Munich (Dec. 18 to Jan. 8), mainly because I am going to do two Readings there (sponsored by the State Dept); then we return here for the rest of the winter.
Write soon; I want to hear all about London. My love to Sandy; many hugs—
[Collection Beinecke Library, Yale University]
Poste Restante
10 November 1960
Dear Ones,
Listened to the election returns on the Voice of America and picked up my ears considerably whenever Kansas was mentioned. So Gov. Docking was ousted! Now what? It would be rather fitting if the Court heard the appeal next Monday, the 15th of Nov.55 Actually, when will they? And what is the probable date for the final drama? I hope you will be going, Alvin; I shall certainly require your description.
As for Verbier—they are looking for the Abominable Snowman in the wrong place: he’s here, and I’m it. I have a little chalet, very cozy and warm, perched almost on the top of an Alpine peak: the view is spectacular—rather like living in an aeroplane. I have a few friends living not too far away—Noel Coward, Charlie and Oona Chaplin, one or two others. Anyway, I feel very healthy here—the air is marvelous.
Important question: What is the first name of Myrt Clare’s mother, Mrs. Truitt? Is it Sadie? And when did Homer Clare die? You will die when you read the scene in Part One between Mother Truitt and Myrt!56 Very funny. Mr. Shawn was very excited and pleased by Part One—which is 35,000 words, more than half the length of an ordinary book. Am now working on Part Two, and Alvin is all over the place, and so, for that matter, is Marie.
I shall never bring up this matter again; but I am furious about that damn sword. I wrote a very testy letter to the person to whom I entrusted it, so perhaps, if he was hording [sic] it somewhere, he has sent it by now. If not, I will never trust anyone again.
I miss you. Do write soon. Love to All—
[Collection New York Public Library]
[Verbier, Switzerland]
Thanksgiving Day
[24 November 1960]
Dearest Ones—
Was so happy to have Marie’s good letter. And the clippings were very useful. Do let me know what ruling is made as regards Hickock and the clemency hearing.
Poor Foxy: it does sound as though they are keeping you on the run. Hope things are quieter now: more time for a cozy evening with a glass of scotch.
But am sure you are all together today—around a groaning board. Jack Dunphy (a friend who is living here with me) arrived from Paris yesterday with a turkey and some cranberry sauce—so we feel right at home.
I drove down to Lausanne (60 miles) last weekend to stay a few days with Oona and Charlie Chaplin. He has grown very old—but Oona, who is a wonderful girl, seems happy, and she has seven beautiful children. On the way home I skidded into a truck on a mountain-pass—no damage to me, but the car got quite a dent.
Sent a congratulatory telegram to the Kennedys, and recvd. a reply from Jackie who said that at first they thought it was from Harry Truman until they realized a) Harry wasn’t in Switzerland, and B) wouldn’t have signed it “love and hugs.”57 Ha!
Have you seen Nov. issue of McCalls? Has an article called “World’s Most Attractive Men.” Think it will amuse you. It did me.
Haven’t heard from Nelle in several weeks. She’s trying to get started on a new book. I don’t envy that: no harder task.
Yes, Part 3 (of our book) will be as long as Part I; and the other 2 parts are not short. As for their relative difficulty—they are all hard, as far as I’m concerned.
Goodness, I miss you. Write soon. Love to Dewey, Paul, Pete, and whatever is left over belongs to you—
[Collection New York Public Library]
[Pension Biederstein]
[Munich, Germany]
[29 December 1960]
as from: Poste Restante
Dear Bill—
Some stationary [sic]! As you can see, I am staying in a very inexpensive Pension. Have you ever lived in Germany? I do dislike it so; but am stuck here, abed with the flu. Next week, or as soon as I get on my feet, am returning to the above address. But I did want to thank you for your note and Christmas good wishes.
I am delighted about the proposed film-version of ‘Set this House on Fire,’ especially since it is being done by such reputable people.58 So many people have told me how much they admired the book. You are very well known here in Germany, by the way. You, J. [James] Jones and N. [Norman] Mailer (if you can bear the company). Though poor Mailer—!
Many thanks for the encouraging words Re my Clutter book. It is very slow going; I think it will be my last reportage—too frustrating a form.
A wonderful New Year.
[Collection Perkins Library, Duke University]
[Poste Restante]
14 Jan 1961
Dearest M—
We don’t seem to have much luck—because I won’t be here in February but in London. Have interrupted work on my book for 6 weeks to do the film script of “Turn of the Screw,” which is being made in England—hence the London trip.59 Oh dear—well, someday we will get together.
Your tour sounds exhausting, but fun: especially since you will not be travelling alone.
Send cards and let me know how it goes.
Much, much love
[Collection University of Delaware Library]