List of authors
Too Brief a Treat. The Letters of Truman Capote
because Jack had to leave Italy (by request): the whole thing is too much to go into, except that it is all some stupid mistake that has nothing to do with Jack. Anyway, the American Embassy seems to have at last straightened it all out—only who cares. Well, I no sooner got back here (Verbier) than I had a relapse and have just spent a week in a hospital in Lausanne—where my ailment was given an entirely different diagnosis from what they said in London. Seems I have a crushed spinal nerve, and that is why I am in such continuous pain. We had planned to go to Spain from now till end of June, and I have decided to go ahead with it and trust my condition will improve. Anyway, we will come back here in July, and maybe you and Sandy would like to come and visit. I long to see you—though I must say I’m no pleasure to be around. Only maybe everything will be better by then—God, it has to be.
Suppose you have seen a lot of the French-Cadmus trio. Hope it didn’t interfere with your work—since you said it was going well. Do you know James Stern, English critic? He loved “The Warm Country.”68 Funny—I ran into Jimmy Gardiner in the airport in Geneva and he asked if you weren’t a friend of mine.69 But he didn’t say he and Bobby L. [Lewis]70 were doing your play. I hope they do.
As usual, I’ve done nothing but complain. Please forgive your tiresome but always very loving
[Collection Beinecke Library, Yale University]

[Palamós, Spain]
April 23, 1961
Dearest D’s—
Recvd. Marie’s bulletin and Foxy’s “real opinion” just before leaving Verbier. Many thanks for both. As for the “opinion”: I shan’t be angry if it proves incorrect—I shall simply make Alvin rewrite my book, that’s all.
I sent you a cuckoo clock—a modern one, rather small, not a good one, but still the best I could find: hang it in the kitchen—if anywhere. This is definitely not your housewarming present: I shall find something really good.
Took 2 days to drive here via France: lovely trip, all the fruit-trees in flower, and fields of poppies blooming everywhere.
Have taken this house until June 23rd, and am trying to find another for July and August. But a really pleasant house is rare here, and the rents are too high—I had to pay $1,000 a month last year, but if I can’t find something much cheaper this year I won’t stay. Looked at a very small (2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, living room, kitchen) and rather drearily furnished beach house this afternoon and the owner wanted $600 a month! They really are mad.
Anyway, I must get down to work. I absolutely must have this book at least past the midway point by 1st July.
Marie, I liked the fabric-samples you sent, especially the flower-pattern.
Dick Avedon was in Paris the other day, and we talked on the telephone; we talked about you, and he sent his best love. He sounded as cheerful (and as frantic) as ever.
I know the boys must be looking forward to the end of school.
I miss you all. Love and hugs
[Collection New York Public Library]

2 Calle Catifa
Palamos, Costa Brava
22 May 1961
Dearest Both—
Was very pleased today to have Alvin’s note, the clippings, and the Brief (though you ask for the return of the latter, I don’t guarantee that it will be: can’t “The New Yorker” buy another?). Speaking of which, I noticed you spent $2.40 in postage. Why should you? Let’s let the magazine pay for these things! Hence the enclosed check: because, postage aside, I want you to send me a telegram when, and if, the Supreme Court sets a date of execution.
I am now half-way through the book, and have never mentioned Duane West once. Of course, I guess I’ll have to—when it comes to the trial. By the way, Alvin—do you mind if I insert an occasional “Hell” or “Damn” into your dialogue? Because, in some of your scenes, you sound too like a choirboy.
Well, and wasn’t it fine about our dear little Nelle winning the Pulitzer Prize?71 She has really swept the boards.
The Selznicks are here (in Europe), and I expect to see them in July. Jennifer is making a film on location in France and Switzerland: “Tender Is The Night.”72
Please send me a snapshot of the new house.
I miss you. A hug for the boys, and love to all—
[Collection New York Public Library]

Calle Catifa
Palamos, Costa Brava
5 June 1961
So pleased to have your affectionate missive; though very sorry to hear about your leg—even if it does mean you walk now with a stick and look too distinguished. As for my own ailments—gosh, it’s all so complex, different doctors say different things, anyway I have my ups and downs but am getting along fairly well at the moment. Good, I’m glad Gray has a Guggenheim (he ought to have five); though I wouldn’t necessarily urge him to spend it in Europe. At least not during the summer. Crowded, everything overrun with Germans and Cockneys and grumbling, white-haired Americans. Except Greece, which hasn’t been altogether chewed and spit out. You ask if it is expensive here on the Costa Brava; not really, no—but Portugal is both cheaper and far more delightful. Switzerland can be either very expensive or very not—it’s quiet, a good place to work, and one does feel healthy there (though, come to think of it, I’ve never felt sicker in my life than I have this past winter, most of which was spent on an Alpine peak). As for September, I will be right here in Palamos until the 23rd: why don’t you and Gray come and stay with us—we have an excellent cook (Oh God, since I had to stop smoking I’ve gained fifteen pounds). After that, we’re going back to Verbier (Switz.). Actually, I’d like to come home; on the other hand, I promised myself I wouldn’t until I had finished this book. Has Mina [Curtiss] gone in for politics: I mean, why else would anyone buy a house in Georgetown?73 Jack just asked me to send you his kind and affectionate good wishes (he did really; as the years go by, his nature seems to be sweetening). Well, dearheart, I think of you often, and always hope that you are well and happy. Write soon; love to Gray,
[Collection Columbia University Library]

Calle Catifa
Palamos, Costa Brava, Spain
6 June 1961
Dearest Darling Dearheart,
Yes, of course I will write, will try and write, a cameo-something about Carmel [Snow]. What I’d like to write about is the last time I saw her: it’s such a good little study in the meaness [sic] of New York. No longer was she seated at the best table in the Pavillon, a restaurant she’d done a lot to create … oh no, she was shoved into an obscure little corner by the cash-register.74 I’d like to write about all that, this marvelous little woman and what happened to her after she was kicked off the Bazaar. Naming names. But I don’t suppose you want anything like that. I suppose the book will end on a note of continuing fame and success. But if you want the other, believe me I’d love to do it. Anyway, when must you have this? Right away; or end of summer; or what?
Jack is going to the post-office this instant; since the place is never open, I’d best take advantage. Sorry about Agi [Aggie], but hope she is feeling better. Don’t work too hard. Jack sends much love.
So does
[Collection Aswell Family]

[Palamós, Spain]
29 June 1961
Dear hearts—
Arrived back from London yesterday, and found Marie’s letter containing the pictures. The house looks very handsome indeed, almost as handsome as the family installed there. Does seem charming and cozy and I am happy that you are so pleased with it. So looking forward to visiting you there.
It was nice talking on the phone. If Spainish [sic] telephones weren’t so hopeless I’d call you again.
Marie, would you please use the enclosed check to buy a bottle of Chanel No. 5 for Dolores Hope?75 With my compliments? In honor of her 5th child. Perhaps $10. is not enough; let me know if it is more.
Yes, I was in London to see a doctor. I have been not really well since last January. However, am feeling much better now—in body, if not in spirit: I am so depressed by the thought of another year or more of waiting for the case to resolve itself. Please let me know at once what happens July 8—not, I suppose, that it really matters anymore, since it seems certain Dick will appeal to the Federal Court. However, I don’t understand why Alvin keeps referring to the Andrews case—I don’t see any comparison.
Had a letter this morning from Nelle—who said she was writing you. She seems to be in very good spirits.
Much love to you and the boys and Pete. I miss you—
P.S. Hope you had a good visit with your mother and father.
P.S. Congratulations on solving the wheat-swindle so swiftly: that’s our Foxy!!
[Collection New York Public Library]

4 July 1961
Yes, I am feeling better; have just come back here from two weeks of treatments in London, and the Doctor seemed pleased with me. Did not go to the theatre, except one night, when saw “Beyond the Fringe,” a revue that all London is mad about.76 Perhaps I’d heard too much about it—anyway, thought it rather dreary.
The copy of ‘B. at. T.’ you sent has not arrived.77 If I


because Jack had to leave Italy (by request): the whole thing is too much to go into, except that it is all some stupid mistake that has nothing to do