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Too Brief a Treat. The Letters of Truman Capote
2 years (the same house where I found all those letters melting in the courtyard). Why, when I have complained so often about this, why can’t these people get my address straight? Please tell them to send everything to Verbier.
  • I am sending under separate cover the thermofax mss. of “In Cold Blood”; I would like to have this typed triple-space. Three copies. The master copy I would like to have sent to me—air-mail. The other two you keep at Random.
  • The contract with Verluisant has been signed and returned. It is the opinion of my advisor, Mr. Kurt Haller, that it would be better if Random House advanced me some money now. He suggested $15,000. Could a check to that amount (made out to Verluisant, S.A., of course) be sent to Vaduz, Lichtenstein? Mucho graçias [sic].
  • Enclosed, in this bulging-little envelope, is my stock share and the Manuscripts Inc. stuff. The Ginny referred to in the first paragraph is Mrs. [Robert] Ruark and the Bob is the Munster himself.
  • Enclosed also is the proposed contents for ‘Selected Writing.’ This was not done off the top of my head. I’ve analyzed everything and thought it over carefully. As you see, I’ve included “The Grass Harp.” I know that you do not like this book—but I do, really; and so do many people. Moreover, it is out of print.
    Please ask Miss [Daise] Terry at The New Yorker for tear-sheets of the Brando piece, “The Duke In His Domain.”
    Ask “Holiday” for tear-sheets of the Brooklyn article. They published it under a title I’ve forgotten. But in the book I want it called: “A House on the Heights.”
    The story, “Among the Paths to Eden” was published in Esquire July (I think) 1960. Ask Rust Hills at Esquire to send tear-sheets.
  • About Mark Schorer writing an Introduction.104 Before contracting him, please write me what you think of the proposed contents. And wait until I have replied. Then we can get in touch with Schorer.
    If I write any more I won’t be able to get this into the envelope. Why don’t I get a larger envelope? Answer: this is all our simple kiosque sells.
    Outside, a huge blizzard is blowing about. But I shall put on my snow-boots and try to reach the post-office. If you receive this you’ll know I got there. Otherwise—
    Dear Bennett, your enthusiasm for the Work In Progress was the greatest encouragement I could have had. I thank you truly, and only hope the final book will be worthy of your faith.
    And so—back to work!
    My special love to you both
    [Collection Columbia University Library]
    Hotel Continental
    [20 February 1962]
    Coming over the Jura mountain-pass between Switzerland and France the car went into a skid on an icy road, turned around twice, came to a stop, then was hit head on by a truck that, coming behind us, had also gone into a skid. The miracle was no one was hurt. And at least I don’t have to worry about the car anymore. From now on I travel by train.
    Paris is cold and rainy—but a lot of friends here, and so I am enjoying my little holiday. Audrey Hepburn is here making a movie105 with Cary Grant (who talks about nothing but hypnosis and vitamin pills: says they are the two things keeping him eternally youthful.) Go to London Monday and will report from there on the palace-visit.
    Charlie J. loves Paris—he races along the streets delirious with all the delicious other-dog smells. And everybody turns to stare at him—he really is both comic and beautiful at the same time.
    I was amazed by the clipping about Lee Andrews. I thought it would be another few months before we got around to that again. Please send word as soon as you know—it could have great bearing on H & S.
    Love you all and miss you.
    P.S. Yes, am going back to 70 Willow Street106—it’s being repainted now!
    But find a nice cabin for me in Colorado and I will buy it and you can all use it. I mean it!
    [Collection New York Public Library]

    25 Feb 1962
    My darling friend—
    When one is in the grips of raw, hopeless grief there really are no consolations, none. I have always dreaded this for you: the moment when you lost your mother.107 I am so sorry, my dear. She had a very long life, and you did all you could to make it a happy one.
    I am very glad that you will soon be going on your trip to Africa.108 It is the best thing possible. When do you return? My own plans are not too definite. But fairly definite. We expect to be here until early April, then go to Corsica. Henri-Louis de la Grange (remember him?) has a house there, an old convent he turned into a villa, and he is looking for a place for us. He seems quite optimistic. Anyway, if we do get a decent place, please plan on a holiday there.
    As I wrote you, most of my trip was spent in Kansas. Altogether, I was in New York only 5 days, 2 of them in bed with a virus. However, Babe gave for me a large-style party, so I had a swift glimpse of about a hundred familiar faces. Somehow they, it, the whole thing seemed quite unreal, remote. The only thing that seemed real was Kansas, and the people there—I suppose because of my work. Actually, it is rather upsetting—the degree to which I am obsessed by the book. I scarcely think of anything else. The odd part is, I hate to work on it; I mean, actually write. I just want to think about it. Or rather—I don’t want to; but I can’t stop myself. Sometimes I go into sort of trance-like states that last four and five hours. I figure I have another 18-months to go. By which time I should be good and nuts.
    Jack is supposed to have his cast taken off Monday.
    Slim Hayward is in St. Moritz. She is going to take a flat in London, and thinks she might settle there. I do wish a nice man would come along.
    I love you very much, Dearheart. Write me when you can—
    [Collection St. John’s College, Cambridge University]

    26 Feb 1962
    Blessings for your sweet letter. I am so happy about the book, your book; do long to read it.109
    No, I did not know Howard [Doughty] had at last finished, and published, his magnum opus.110 Am not the least surprised to hear it is a first-class book—I always thought it would be, if ever he finished it. However, how fine that he is getting properly enthusiastic reviews. I must send for the book. Meanwhile, tell me his address [and] I will write him a congratulatory note.
    Did you [read] Carson’s novel?111 If so, what did you think of it? I don’t know why you haven’t heard from Andrew [Lyndon] (yes I do: he never writes anybody)—but I can assure you it has nothing to do with the so-called ‘avalanche.’ I saw Andrew in N.Y. the other day and he spoke of you, as always, with interest and affection. Poor boy, his whole life is taken up by Mrs. Crane: he really loves her, though.112
    My life is even quieter than yours—if you can believe it. I see no one month in and month out. Except, of course, Jack. I expect to stay abroad until my book is done. God knows when that will be. I may take as long as Howard.
    I love you very much, my dear. And always will—
    [Collection Smith College Library]

    [Verbier, Switzerland]
    29 Feb 1962
    Was much amused by Marie’s letter today—especially the Mack Nations news! Do tell me more. Is it serious? Will he go to jail? I certainly hope so. Now why can’t they get Shyster Shultz on the same deal? He’s a tax-dodger—you can bet your bottom dollar.
    Also, very intrigued by developements [sic] in the Coffin Case. Perhaps I’ll have to write a book about that, too.113
    Yes, I knew Jackie was doing the T.V. tour, and am delighted to hear it was such a success:114 it was very thoughtful of you to write her, Marie. She knows all about the Dewey family—we’ve discussed you at length. She really is a very sweet girl, and is doing a good job—considering that originally she hated the whole idea. I think she loves it now.
    The enclosed check is for my petty-cash account. Also, am returning the driver’s application—could you send it to the people with the required 50¢ and have them send the license to me in care of you. That way it won’t get lost. As you see, it has been notarized by a Swiss Notary.
    Am still so sad about Kelly. But then, it has been a year since Bunky died and I still grieve for him. But Charlie J. and Sister are great fun—though they quarrel all the time.
    I miss you each and all. Hugs and kisses
    [Self-portrait drawing of Capote with bow tie and eyeglasses] also love from Charlie J.
    [Drawing of a paw print] ← his mark
    [Collection New York Public Library]

    4 March 1962
    Cher B—
    Was happy to have your sweet note from Palm Springs—however, do hope the weather improved.
    First off, some Kansas news. It is now quite definite that the Kansas Supreme Court will reject the appeal for a new trial. The hearing was a fiasco as far as Smith and Hickock are concerned. I understand their lawyer never intended appealing directly to the U.S. Supreme Court. Isn’t it absurd? Oh yes—one very amusing item: Remember Mack Nations, the newspaper bastard who has caused me so much trouble? The one who


    2 years (the same house where I found all those letters melting in the courtyard). Why, when I have complained so often about this, why can’t these people get my