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I do it because I earn more money than I could elsewhere. I have a lot of responsibilities. It doesn’t matter what I do—I must earn a certain amount of money each week. But don’t let’s talk about that, it’s too painful. I know what you’re thinking about, but you’re wrong. Everybody treats me like a queen. The other girls are stupid. I use my intelligence. You notice that my admirers are mostly old men…»

«Like Jerry, you mean?»

«Oh Jerry, he’s an old friend. Jerry doesn’t count.»

I dropped the subject. Better not to inquire too deeply. There was one little thing that bothered me however, and I broached it as gently as I could, Why did she waste time on such trollops as Florrie and Hannah?

She laughed. Why, they were her best friends. They would do anything for her, they worshipped her. One has to have some one he can rely on in a pinch. Why, Hannah would hock her false teeth for her if she asked her to. Speaking of friends, there was a wonderful girl she would like to introduce me to some day—quite another type, almost aristocratic. Lola was her name. She had a little colored blood in her, but it was scarcely noticeable. Yes, Lola was a very dear friend. She was sure I would like her.

«Why not make a date?» I suggested promptly. «We could meet at my friend Ulric’s studio. I’ve wanted you to meet him too.»

She thought that would be excellent. Couldn’t say when it would be, though, as Lola was always going off on trips. But she would try to make it soon. Lola was the mistress of some rich shoe manufacturer; she wasn’t always free. But it would be good to have Lola—she had a racing car. Perhaps we could drive out into the country and stay the night somewhere. Lola had a way about her. She was just a little too haughty, in fact. But that was because of her colored blood. I mustn’t let on that I knew anything about that. And as for my friend Ulric—I wasn’t to breathe a word of that to him.

«But he likes colored girls. He’ll be crazy about Lola.»

«But Lola doesn’t want to be liked for that reason,» said Mara. «You’ll see—she’s very pale and very attractive. Nobody would suspect that she had a drop of colored blood in her.»

«Well, I hope she’s not too proper.»

«Yow don’t need to worry about that,» said Mara promptly. «Once she forgets herself she’s very gay. It won’t be a dull evening, I assure you.»

We had a bit of a walk from the subway station to her home. Along the way we stopped under a tree and started to mush it up. I had my hand up her dress and she was fumbling with my fly. We were leaning against the tree trunk. It was late and not a soul in sight. I could have laid her out on the sidewalk for all it mattered.

She had just got my pecker out and was opening her legs for me to ram it home when suddenly from the branches above a huge black cat pounced on us, screaming as if in heat. We nearly dropped dead with fright, but the cat was even more frightened since its claws had gotten caught in my coat. In my panic I beat the hell out of it and in return was badly clawed and bitten. Mara was trembling like a leaf. We walked into a vacant lot and lay on the grass. Mara was fearful I might get an infection. She would sneak home and come back with some iodine and what not. I was to lie there and wait for her. It was a warm night and I lay back full length looking up at the stars. A woman passed but didn’t notice me lying there. My cock was hanging out and beginning to stir again with the warm breeze. By the time Mara returned it was quivering and jumping. She kneeled beside me with the bandages and the iodine. My cock was staring her in the face. She bent over and gobbled it greedily. I pushed the things aside and pulled her over me. When I had shot my bolt she kept right on coming, one orgasm after another, until I thought it would never stop.

We lay back and rested awhile in the warm breeze. After a while she sat up and applied the iodine. We lit our cigarettes and sat there talking quietly. Finally we decided to go. I walked her to the door of her home and as we stood there embracing one another she grabbed me impulsively and whisked me off. «I can’t let you go yet,» she said. And with that she flung herself on me, kissing me passionately and reaching into my fly with murderous accuracy. This time we didn’t bother to look for a vacant patch of ground, but collapsed right on the sidewalk under a big tree. The sidewalk wasn’t too comfortable—I had to pull out and move over a few feet where there was a bit of soft earth. There was a little puddle near her elbow and I was for taking it out again and moving over another inch or so, but when I tried to draw it out she got frantic. «Don’t ever take it out again,» she begged, «it drives me crazy. Fuck me, fuck me!» I held out on her a long while. As before, she came again and again, squealing and grunting like a stuck pig. Her mouth seemed to have grown bigger, wider, utterly lascivious; her eyes were turning over, as if she were going into an epilectic fit. I took it out a moment to cool it off. She put her hand in the puddle beside her and sprinkled a few drops of water over it. That felt marvelous. The next moment she was on her hands and knees, begging me to give it to her assways. I got behind her on all fours; she reached her hand under and grabbing my cock she slipped it in. It went right in to the womb. She gave a little groan of pain and pleasure mixed. «It’s gotten bigger,» she said, squirming her ass around. «Put it in again all the way… go ahead, I don’t care if it hurts,» and with that she backed up on me with a wild lurch. I had such a cold-blooded erection that I thought I’d never be able to come. Besides, not worrying about losing it, I was able to watch the performance like a spectator. I would draw it almost out and roll the tip of it around the silky, soppy petals, then plunge it in and leave in there like a stopper. I had my two hands around her pelvis, pulling and pushing her at will. «Do it, do it,» she begged, «or I’ll go mad!» That got me. I began to work on her like a plunger, in and out full length without a let-up, she going Oh—Ah, Oh —Ah! and then bango! I went off like a whale.

We brushed ourselves off and started back towards the house once again. At the corner she stopped dead in her tracks and, turning round to face me squarely, she said with a smile that was almost ugly— «And now forthe dirt!»

I looked at her in amazement. «What do you mean? What are you talking about?»

«I mean,» she said, never relinquishing that strange grimace, «that I need fifty dollars. I must have it tomorrow. I must. I must…. Now do you see why I didn’t want you to take me home?»

«Why did you hesitate to ask me for it? Don’t you think I can raise fifty dollars if you need it badly?»

«But I need it at once. Can you get a sum like that by noon? Don’t ask me what it’s for—it’s urgent, very urgent. Do you think you can do it? Will you promise?»

«Why of course I can,» I answered, wondering as I said so where in hell I would get it in such quick time.

«You’re wonderful,» she said, seizing my two hands and squeezing them warmly. «I do hate to ask you. I know you have no money. I’m always asking for money—that seems to be all I can do—get money for others. I hate it, but there’s nothing else to do. You trust me, don’t you? I’ll give it back to you in a week.»

«Don’t talk that way, Mara. I don’t want it back. If you’re in need I want you to tell me. I may be poor but I can raise money too now and then. I wish I could do more. I wish I could take you out of that damned place—I don’t like seeing you there.»

«Don’t talk about that now, please. Go home and get some sleep. Meet me at twelve-thirty to-morrow in front of the drug store at Times Square. That’s where we met before, you remember? God, I didn’t know then how much you would mean to me. I took you for a millionaire. You won’t disappoint me to-morrow—you’re sure?»»

«I’m sure, Mara.»

Money always has to be raised in jig time and paid back at regular stipulated intervals, either by promises or in cash. I think I could raise a million dollars if I were given enough time, and by that I don’t mean sidereal time but the ordinary clock time of days, months, years. To raise money quickly, however, even carfare, is the most difficult task one can set me. From the time


I do it because I earn more money than I could elsewhere. I have a lot of responsibilities. It doesn't matter what I do—I must earn a certain amount of