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it slip out and she rolls her ass around, sinking down on it now and then and clutching it with a feathery beak. Finally she’s had enough of that. She wants to lie down on the floor and put her legs around my neck. «Get it in all the way,» she begs. «Don’t be afraid of hurting me… I want it. I want you to do everything.» I got it in so deep it felt as though I were buried in a bed of mussels. She was quivering and slithering in every ream. I bent over and sucked her breasts; the nipples were taut as nails. Suddenly she pulled my head down and began to bite me wildly—lips, ears, cheeks, neck. «You want it, don’t you?» she hissed. «You want it, you want it….» Her lips twisted obscenely. «You want it… you want it!» And she fairly lifted herself off the floor in her abandon. Then a groan, a spasm, a wild, tortured look as if her face were under a mirror pounded by a hammer. «Don’t take it out yet,» she grunted. She lay there, her legs still slung around my neck, and the little flag inside her began twitching and fluttering. «God,» she said, «I can’t stop it!» My prick was still firm. It hung obedient on her wet lips, as though receiving the sacrament from a lascivious angel. She came again, like an accordion collapsing in a bag of milk. I got hornier and hornier. I pulled her legs down and lay them flat alongside my own. «Now don’t move, damn you,» I said. «I’m going to give it to you straight.» Slowly and furiously I moved in and out. «Ah, ah… Oh!» she hissed, sucking her breath in. I kept it up like a Juggernaut. Moloch fucking a piece of bombazine. Organza Friganza. The bolero in straight jabs. Her eyes were going wild; she looked like an elephant walking the ball. All she needed was a trunk to trumpet with. It was a fuck to a standstill. I fell on top of her and chewed her lips to a frazzle.

Then suddenly I thought of the douche. «Get up! Get up!» I said, nudging her roughly.

«I don’t need to,» she said weakly, giving me a knowing smile.

«You mean…?» I looked at her in astonishment.

«Yes, there’s no need to worry…. Are you all right? Don’t you want to wash?»

In the bathroom she confessed that she had been to the doctor—another doctor. There would be nothing to fear any more.

«So that’s it?» I whistled.

She powdered my cock for me, stretched it like a glove-fitter, and then bent over and kissed it. «Oh God,» she said, flinging her arms around me, «if only….»

«If only what?»

«You know what I mean…»

I unglued myself and turning my head away, I said: «Yes, I guess I do. Anyway, you don’t hate me any more, do you?»

«I don’t hate any one,» she answered. «I’m sorry it’s turned out the way it has. Now I’ll have to share you… with her.»

«You must be hungry,» she added quickly. «Let me fix you something before you go.» She powdered her face carefully first, rouged her lips, and did her hair up negligently but attractively. Her wraps was open from the waist up. She looked a thousand times better than I had ever seen her look. She was like a bright voracious animal.

I walked around in the kitchen with my prick hanging out and helped her fix a cold snack. To my surprise she unearthed a bottle of home made wine—elderberry wine that a neighbor had given her. We closed the doors and kept the gas burning to keep warm. Jesus, it was quite wonderful. It was like getting to know one another all over again. Now and then I got up and put my arms around her, kissed her passionately while my hand slid into her crack. She wasn’t at all shy or balky. On the contrary. When I pulled away, she held my hand, and then with a quick dive she fastened her mouth over my prick and sucked it in.

«You don’t have to go immediately, do you?» she asked, as I sat down and resumed eating.

«Not if you don’t want me to,» I said, in the most amiable state of acquiescence.

«Was it my fault,» she said, «that this never happened before? Was I such a squeamish creature?» She looked at me with such frankness and sincerity I hardly recognized the woman I had lived with all these years.

«I guess we were both to blame,» I said, downing another glass of elderberry wine.

She went to the ice-box to ferret out some delicacy.

«You know what I feel like doing?» she said, coming back to the table with arms laden. «I’d like to bring the gramophone down and dance. I have some very soft needles… Would you like that?»

«Sure,» I said, «it sounds fine.»

«And let’s get a bit drunk… would you mind? I feel so wonderful. I want to celebrate.»

«What about the wine?» I said. «Is that all you have?»

«I can get some more from the girl upstairs,» she said. «Or maybe some cognac—would you like that?»

«I’ll drink anything… if it will make you happy.»

She started to go at once. I jumped up and caught her by the waist. I raised her wrap and kissed her ass.

«Let me go,» she murmured. «I’ll be back in a minute.»

As she came back I heard her whispering to the girl from upstairs. She tapped lightly on the glass panel. «Put something on,» she cooed, «I’ve got Elsie with me.»

I went into the bathroom and wrapped a towel around my loins. Elsie went into a fit of laughter when she saw me. We hadn’t met since the day she found me lying in bed with Mona. She seemed in excellent good humor and not at all embarrassed by the turn of events. They had brought down another bottle, of wine and some cognac. And the gramophone and the records.

Elsie was in just the mood to share our little celebration. I had expected Maude to offer her a drink and then get rid of her more or less politely. But no, nothing of the kind. She wasn’t at all disturbed by Elsie’s presence. She did excuse herself for being half-naked, but with a good-natured laugh, as though it were just one of those things. We put a record on and I danced with Maude. The towel slipped off but neither of us made any attempt to pick it up. When we ungrappled I stood there with my prick standing out like a flag-pole and calmly reached for my glass. Elsie gave one startled look and then turned her head away. Maude handed me the towel, or rather slung it over my prick. «You don’t mind, do you, Elsie?» she said. Elsie was terribly quiet—you could hear her temples hammering. Presently she went over to the machine and turned the record over. Then she reached for her glass without looking at us and gulped it down.

«Why don’t you dance with her?» said Maude. «I won’t stop you. Go ahead, Elsie, dance with him.»

I went up to Elsie with the towel hanging from my prick. As she turned her back to Maude she pulled the towel off and grabbed it with a feverish hand. I felt her whole body quiver, as though a chill had come over her.

«I’m going to get some candles.» Said Maude. «It’s too bright in here.» She disappeared into the next room. Immediately Elsie stopped dancing, put her lips to mine and thrust her tongue down my throat. I put my hand on her cunt and squeezed it. She was still holding my cock. The record stopped. Neither of us pulled away to shut the machine off. I heard Maude coming back. Still I remained locked in Elsie’s arms.

This is where the trouble starts, I thought to myself. But Maude seemed to pay no attention.

She lit the candles and then turned the electric light off. I was pulling away from Elsie when I felt her standing beside us. «It’s all right,» she said. «I don’t mind. Let me join in.» And with that she put her arms around the two of us and we all three began kissing one another.

«Whew! it’s hot!» said Elsie, breaking away at last.

«Take your dress off, if you like,«said Maude. «I’m taking this off,» and suiting action to word she slipped out of the wrap and stood naked before us.

The next moment we were all stark naked.

I sat down with Maude on my lap. Her cunt was wet again. Elsie stood beside us with her arm around Maude’s neck. She was a little taller than Maude and well built. I rubbed my hand over her belly and twined my fingers in the bush that was almost on a level with my mouth. Maude looked on with a pleasant smile of satisfaction. I leaned forward and kissed Elsie’s cunt.

«It’s wonderful not to be jealous any more,» said Maude very simply.

Elsie’s face was scarlet. She didn’t quite know what her role was, how far she dared go. She studied Maude intently, as though not altogether convinced of her sincerity. Now I was kissing Maude passionately, my fingers in Elsie’s cunt the while. I felt Elsie pressing closer, moving herself. The juice was pouring over my fingers. At the same time Maude raised herself and, shifting her bottom, adroitly managed to sink down again with my prick neatly fitted inside her. She was facing forward now, her face pressed against Elsie’s breasts. She raised her head and took the nipple


it slip out and she rolls her ass around, sinking down on it now and then and clutching it with a feathery beak. Finally she's had enough of that. She