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in her mouth. Elsie gave a shudder and her cunt began to quiver with silken spasms. Now Maude’s hand, which had been resting on Elsie’s waist, slid down and caressed the smooth cheeks. In another moment it had slipped farther down and encountered mine. I drew my hand away instinctively. Elsie shifted a little and then Maude leaned forward and placed her mouth on Elsie’s cunt. At the same time Elsie bent forward, over Maude, and put her lips to mine. The three of us were now quivering as if we had the ague.

As I felt Maude coming I held myself in, determined to save it for Elsie. My prick still taut, I gently raised Maude from my lap and reached for Elsie. She straddled me face forward and with uncontrollable passion she flung her arms around me, glued her lips to mine, and fucked away for dear life. Maude had discreetly gone to the bathroom. When she returned Elsie was sitting in my lap, her arm around my neck, her face on fire. Then Elsie got up and went to the bathroom. I went to the sink and washed myself there.

«I’ve never been so happy,» said Maude, going to the machine and putting on another record. «Give me your glass,» she said, and as she filled it she murmured: «What will you say when you get home?» I said nothing. Then she added under her breath: «You could say one of us was taken ill.»

«It doesn’t matter,» I said. «I’ll think of something.»

«You won’t be angry with me?»

«Angry? What for?»

«For keeping you so long.»

«Nonsense,» I said.

She put her arms around me and kissed me tenderly. And with arms around each other’s waist we reached for the glasses and gulped drown a silent toast. At this moment Elsie returned. We stood there, naked as hat racks, our arms entwined, and drank to one another.

We began to dance again, with the candles guttering. I knew that in a few moments they would be extinguished and no one would make a move to get fresh ones. We changed off at rapid intervals, to avoid giving one another the embarrassment of standing apart and watching. Sometimes Maude and Elsie danced together, rubbing their cunts together obscenely, then pulling apart laughingly, and one or the other making a grab for me. There was such a feeling of freedom and intimacy that any gesture, any act, became permissible. We began to laugh and joke more and more. When finally the candles guttered out, first one, then the other, and only a pale shaft of moonlight streamed through the windows, all pretense at restraint or decency vanished.

It was Maude who had the idea of clearing the table. Elsie assisted uncomprehendingly, like some one who had been mesmerized. Quickly the things were whisked to the tubs. There was a quick dash to the next room for a soft blanket which was stretched over the table. Even a pillow. Elsie was beginning to get the drift. She looked on goggle-eyed.

Before getting down to actualities, however, Maude had another inspiration—to make eggnogs. We had to switch the light on for that. The two of them worked swiftly, almost frantically. They poured a liberal dose of cognac into the concoction. As I felt it slipping down my gullet I felt it going straight into my pecker, into my balls. As I was drinking, my head thrown back, Elsie cupped her hand around my balls. «One of them’s bigger than the other,» she said laughingly. Then, after a slight hesitation: «Couldn’t we all do something together?» She looked at Maude. Maude grinned, as if to say—why not? «Let’s put the top light out,» said Elsie, «we don’t need that any more, do we?» She sat down on the chair beside the table. «I want to watch you,» she said, patting the blanket with her hand. She got hold of Maude and lifted her up and on to the table. «This is a new one to me,» she said. «Wait a minute?» She took my hand and drew me to her. Then, looking at Maude…. «May I?» And without waiting for an answer she bent forward and reaching for my cock, placed it in her mouth. After a few moments she withdrew her mouth. «Now… let me watch!» She gave me a little push, as if to hurry me on. Maude stretched out like a cat, her ass hanging over the edge of the table, the pillow under her head. She twined her legs around my waist. Then, suddenly, she untwined them and slung them over my shoulders. Elsie was standing beside me, her head down, watching with breathless absorption. «Pull it out a little,» she said in a hoarse whisper, «I want to see it go in again.» Then swiftly she ran to the window and raised the shades. «Do it!» she said. «Go on, fuck her!» As I plunged it in I felt Elsie slipping down beside me. The next moment I felt her tongue on my balls, lapping them vigorously.

Suddenly, utterly astounded, I heard Maude say: «Don’t come yet. Wait…. Give Elsie a chance.»

I pulled out, pushing my ass in Elsie’s face in doing so, and tumbling her backwards on the floor. She gave a squeal of delight and quickly sprang to her feet. Maude climbed down from the table and Elsie nimbly placed herself in position. «Couldn’t you do something too?» she said to Maude, sitting bolt upright. «I have an idea…» and she sprang off the table and threw the blanket on the floor and the pillow after it. It didn’t take her long to figure out an interesting configuration.

Maude was stretched out on her back, Elsie squatting over her on bent knees, her head facing Maude’s feet but the mouth glued to Maude’s crack. I was on my knees, giving it to Elsie from behind. Maude was playing with my balls, “a light, delicate manipulation with the finger-tips. I could feel Maude squirming around as Elsie licked her furiously and avidly. There was a weird pale light playing over the room and the taste of cunt in my mouth. I had one of those final erections which threaten never to break. Now and then I took it out and, pushing Elsie forward, I sank down farther and offered it to Maude’s nimble tongue. Then I would sink it in again and Elsie would squirm like mad and bury her nozzle in Maude’s crotch, shaking her head like a terrier. Finally I pulled out and pushing Elsie aside I fell on Maude and buried it in her with a vengeance. «Do it, do it!» she begged, as if she were waiting for the axe. Again I felt Elsie’s tongue on my balls. Then Maude came, like a star bursting, with a volley of half-finished words and phrases rippling off her tongue. I pulled away, still stiff as a poker, fearful now that I would never come again, and groped for Elsie. She was terribly gooey, and her mouth was just like a cunt now. «Do you want it?» I said, shoving it around inside her like a drunken fiend. «Go on, fuck, fuck!» she cried, slinging her legs up over my shoulders and dragging her bottom closer. «Give it to me, give it to me, you bugger!» She was almost yelling now. «Yes, I’ll fuck you… I’ll fuck you!» and she squirmed and writhed and twisted and bit and clawed me.

«Oh, oh! Don’t. Please don’t. It hurts!» she yelled.

«Shut up, you bitch you!» I said. «It hurts, does it? You wanted it, didn’t you?» I held her tightly, raised myself a little higher to get it in to the hilt, and pushed until I thought her womb would give way. Then I came—right into that snail-like mouth which was wide open. She went into a convulsion, delirious with joy and pain. Then her legs slid off my shoulders and fell to the floor with a thud. She lay there like a dead one, completely fucked out.

«Jesus,» I said, standing astraddle over her, and the sperm still coming out, dropping on her breast, her face, her hair, «Jesus Christ, I’m exhausted. I’m fucked out, do you know that?» I addressed myself to the room.

Maude was lighting a candle. «It’s getting late,» she said.

«I’m not going home,» I said. «I’m going to sleep here.»

«You are?» said Maude, an irrepressible thrill creeping into her voice.

«Yes, I can’t go back in this condition, can I? Jesus, I’m groggy and boozy and woozy.» I flopped on to a chair. «Give me a drop of that cognac, will you, I need a bracer.»

She poured out a good stiff one and held it to my lips, as if she were giving me medicine. Elsie had risen to her feet, a bit wobbly and lurchy. «Give me one too,» she begged. «What a night! We ought to do this again some time.»

«Yeah, to-morrow,» I said.

«It was a wonderful performance,» she said, stroking my dome. «I never thought you were like that…. You almost killed me, do you know it?»

«You’d better take a douche,»-said Maude.

«I guess so,» Elsie sighed. «I don’t seem to give a damn. If I’m caught I’m caught.»

«Go on in there, Elsie,» I said. «Don’t be a damned fool.»

«I’m too tired,» said Elsie.

Wait a minute,» said I. «I want to have a look at you before you go in there.» I made her climb on the table and open her legs wide. With the glass in one hand I pried her cunt open with the thumb and forefinger of my other hand. The


in her mouth. Elsie gave a shudder and her cunt began to quiver with silken spasms. Now Maude's hand, which had been resting on Elsie's waist, slid down and caressed