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The Wisdom of the Heart (Book)
through a limited conception of, and a slavish devotion to, art.

The criticism of the social structure which Balzac makes, not only in this book but in all his books, is absolutely just. But it is only half the picture. There is a duty which devolves upon every individual, regardless of the state of society into which he is born.

Art is only the stepping-stone to another, larger way of life. If the artist himself is not converted by the Word, what hope can there be for the masses who read him? It is not enough to lead the life of an inspired drudge; will and faith, activated by desire, should carry a man beyond such mode of life.

I have no respect for Balzac’s herculean labors, nor for his colossal output, nor for his genius, when I realize that his life sputtered out ingloriously. If a man cannot find salvation in himself all his words are futile. The real Balzac died in the mythical person of Louis Lambert whose very name he tells us he disliked.

If the foregoing seems like a contradiction to all that I have written hitherto in this essay I am willing to let it remain a contradiction, for it is this contradiction which must be resolved, and especially by the artist. I cannot conclude without expressing my deep appreciation of Ernst-Robert Curtius’ book, Balzac, from which I have liberally drawn both inspiration and material.

This book, which is the most penetrating and comprehensive study of Balzac that I know of, has not enjoyed a great success in France. As in Balzac’s own day, it seems probable that his greatest admirers continue to be foreigners. The canonization and immortalization of the dead, which seems to be the chief characteristic of French culture, has not, despite all the museum work, succeeded in revealing the full measure of Balzac’s genius.

The qualities of his mind which were most important the French still pretend to ignore, if not to deprecate and depreciate. The dead are still more honored than the living, and even the dead sometimes fail to receive their due.

Nothing is changed since Louis Lambert’s day. Perhaps no other people in the world, occupying the high cultural position which the French do, have mistreated and ignored their men of genius so persistently—unless it be the Greeks whom the French pretend to emulate.

The mummification of ideas goes on as before, the forward spirits are crushed, the people, when they have a leader, are delivered over to death. Realism has taken the place of reality, and the true leaders are only discovered after their death.

  • This is the most singular distortion, it is interesting to notice, which Balzac makes in recounting the story of his double’s boyhood.
  • Later, when describing Louis’ feverish anticipation of a union with the woman he loves, Balzac gives us another rupture with the world, this time the final one.
  • (Book of the Golden Precepts)
  • From “L’Ame Romantique et le Réve”—Albert Béguin.
  • “Le Mysticisme Français du 18e Siècle”—Adolphe Franck.

The End


through a limited conception of, and a slavish devotion to, art. The criticism of the social structure which Balzac makes, not only in this book but in all his books,