“Balls,” said the Queen, If I had them I’d be King!”
— Canterbury.
A Black Mass and a Midget
For anyone in Alexandra’s condition I know of just one prescription … . a liberal dosage of two great specifics, liquor and a lay. Her experience at Charenton’s mass has left her trembling and incoherent, but she’s able to find the brandy she keeps in the car. We drive away as fast as we can. I don’t know the roads and Alexandra is too hysterical to be much help, but from this place where she has brought me they all lead to Paris.
Charenton … there’s a man! At least his entertainments aren’t boring, which is more than you can say for his more respectable brethren. And since he apparently doesn’t go to extremes, since there’s no slicing up of babies and no cannibalism, his evil seems innocent enough. A bit more spectacular than the usual brand of evangelism, undoubtedly, but not very much more dangerous. I respect his vitality, and to Hell with the ends toward which it’s applied … too many of the people I know are more than half dead, both ways from the neck.
Alexandra’s opinions on the subject remain her own. After tipping the brandy bottle a few times she becomes quiet. She snuggles across the seat against me, still naked, and offers me the brandy. I take just one drink. I don’t need brandy half as much as I need to screw somebody … the dong I had back at Charenton’s begins to come back after we’ve driven a few kilometers. In a closed car with the windows up, you really begin to get an idea of the potency of that stuff women are continually brewing between their legs… .
Alexandra can’t relax … won’t, probably, until something’s been done for the itch she’s worked up. The brandy has settled her but a very little bit, and she feels like something which might explode in your hands. She claws my clothes open and grabs my cock … not to play with but to hold, as though to be sure that it was still there and that it stayed where it was.
I suggest several times that it might be a good idea for Alexandra to put on at least some of her clothes … I don’t care much to drive through Paris with a naked cunt in the car. But when I bring the car up to the curb in front of her place she’s as naked as when we started back. Even then she won’t put on anything. Holding her clothes in a bundle she gets out of the car and marches around in front of it before I find the light switch. Then we stand for all of five minutes while she looks for her keys.
I’ve never seen Alexandra do anything like this. She’s been a bitch since I’ve known her, but she’s always been one of those discreet cunts … . the kind that get up on their horse if you try feeling them up anywhere but in their bedroom.
But I’m not tremendously surprised. I don’t try to figure them out anymore … . . I just fuck them. It’s a great saving of effort. You can screw a cunt in twenty minutes, but if you consider your time as worth anything you can’t afford to answer all the questions that come up in those twenty minutes.
Alexandra takes me directly to her bedroom, going up the stairs ahead of me with her ass wagging in my face, grinding away like some wonderful machine.
Christ, they have no respect for you, these cunts … . . they’ll wag their tails under your very nose without the slightest concern for what it does to you.
Alexandra’s thighs are slopped up with cunt-juice halfway to her knees … I’m tempted to set my teeth into that fat ass she shows and see what happens when I bite out a steak for tomorrow’s lunch… .
In the bedroom she’s as tense as before. She tries to lie down and wait for me to do the honors, but she’s too nervous. She sits with one elbow propping her up and fiddles with her bush while I’m undressing. And she’s still taking pulls from the bottle although she stopped trembling long ago.
Since Alexandra began playing with it in the car I’ve had a dong as big as my wrist, and my balls feel as though somebody had tied them into knots. It’s such a wonderful erection I have that, after I’ve gotten my clothes off, I stand in front of the mirror and admire myself for a couple of minutes. A man ought to have a photograph taken of himself when he’s in shape like that, just to keep around and look at when he goes in to ask the boss for a raise in salary. Then too, it would be nice to have around and show your grandchildren.
Alexandra admires it with me, but she has her own notions of what to do with it. She grabs for it first thing, and before I’m on the bed she’s trying to fit it into her mouth. That cunt … after all the trouble I had getting her to suck it at first …
She fits her head into my lap and begins making love to John Thursday. She moans … she could suck my prick all night, she tells me … but I have a reason for believing it won’t be that long … I pull the pillow under my shoulders and take the pins out of her hair.
Did I notice the woman who formed the altar at the mass Alexandra asks …
and I wonder how you can believe women to be anything but a race of idiots when even a supposedly intelligent one can frame a question that way. But I tell her that I believe I have some recollection of such a person being there… .
“She’s married, has a child … and nothing of what goes on reaches her husband’s ears. Charenton even goes openly to her house … the husband believes him to be his wife’s confessor, and is happy to have them shut themselves off for hours at a time… . .”
She bows her head again and licks my belly while she rubs John Thursday’s red head over her chin. Her tongue is like a very small snake scurrying down my belly to hide in my mop… . Somehow I can’t help wishing that I had been around on one of the nights when Alexandra was taking a more active part in Canon Charenton’s Hallowe’ening … she’s such a cool, dignified piece of cunt when you see her out of bed.
At times there’s something about Alexandra’s features that remind me of the Egyptians. It must be the way she holds her lips, pouting them, when she’s close to my prick. Or perhaps it’s the angle from which I see her when she’s put her face against my belly, because I don’t think of it unless she happens to be washing John Thursday’s whiskers. But Alexandra should have a band of gold about her head, a viper to play with, and a peacock feather to tickle her cock… …
She lets my dong lay on her hand while she touches the head of it with her lips … . she doesn’t hurry, there’s plenty of time for everything. Alexandra’s nothing like some of these young cunts that hop all over you like a flea. She’s mature, she’s a big woman, and there’s too much meat on her bones for her to go bouncing about like a rubber ball. You get a sense of satisfaction with Alexandra and it’s only when you’ve been screwing someone like that that you can really see how little you get out of those fucks that come off like an explosion. Fireworks may be pretty, but to keep your ass warm in the winter there’s nothing like a slow burning coal fire… .
When she puts John T. into her mouth again I know at once that he’s going to be soft when he comes out. I push Alexandra’s hair over her ears so that I can watch her face . . then I lock my ankles around her waist. It’s not until then that Alexandra realizes that Johnny means business, and she doesn’t care at all for having my dong go down before she had a feel of it under her ass … . she tries to get away, and I have to hold her head and push it down until we come to an understanding about this matter. John Thursday finally settles it himself … .
with his nose shoved almost into her throat he suddenly comes. Once that begins to happen, Alexandra gives up the battle and makes the most of the bargain. I feel that pints of jism are being sucked out of my cock, and Alexandra acts very much as though she were trying to suck my balls inside out. Her mouth gurgles like a straw at the bottom of the glass … she’s not content to swallow my jism