Hasdrubal. See Clitomachus
Hasidim, 314 , 316 , 318 , 321
Hasmoneans. See Maccabees hate, 747
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, American novelist ( 18041864), 679
head, 516 , 703
heart, 92 , 516 , 684 , 685 , 691 *, 693 , 703 , 705
Heath, Sir Thomas Little, English mathematician ( 1861-1940), 36 *, 65
; cited, 147 *, 209 , 214 ; quoted, 215
heaven, 21 , 45 , 786 , 309 , 318 , 408 , 477 , 786
heavenly bodies, 47 , 114 , 131 , 204 , 207 , 113 , 216 , 217 , 292 , 534 ,
539 ; and Aristotle, 167 , 206 -207; and Jews, 318
Hebraic elements in Christianity, 754
Hebrew alphabet, 10 *
Hebrew language, 314 , 318 , 321 , 323 , 329 , 514 ; and Bible, 322 , 326
, 340 , 360 , 361
Hebrew Religion ( Oesterley and Robinson), 331 *
Hecataeus of Miletus, Greek historian (fl. ca. 500 B.C.), 41
Heddernheim, 281
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, German philosopher ( 1770-1831), 44 , 120 , 179 , 199 , 492 , 644 , 729 , 730 -746; academic and scholastic, 704 , 753 ; and Alexander, 160 , 739 ; and Berkeley, 657 , 813 ; and Dewey, 820 , 823 -824, 827 ; and dialectic, 643 , 731 -733, 735 , 788 ; and German philosophy, 718 , 721 , 754 ; and God, 417 , 585 , 734 , 735 , 787 ; and history, 735 -740, 784 ; and Hume, 673 ; influence of, 452 , 703 , 721 , 730 ; and Kant, 709 , 718 , 730 , 741 , 755 ; and knowledge, 734 , 820 -821; and logic, 595 , 732 , 734 , 744 -746; and Marx, 730 , 739 , 782 , 783 , 784 , 788 , 789 ; and mathematics, 804 , 829 ; and Parmenides, 48 , 129 , 731 , 732 , 742 ; and Prussia, 721 , 730 , 738 , 740 ; and relational propositions, 150 , 733 ; and Rousseau, 697 , 701 , 737 , 739 ; and State, 739 746; and subjectivism, 494 , 703 ; quoted, 733 737, 739 -741
Hegira, 419
Heidelberg, 730
Heine, Heinrich, German lyric poet and critic ( 1797-1856), 750 , 751
Heiric of Auxerre (fl. ca. 876), quoted, 401
heliocentric theory, 475 , 526 , 529 , 534 . See also Copernican hypothesis
Heliogabalus or Elogabalus ( Marcus Varius Avitus Bassanius Aurelius Antoninus Heliogab-
alus), Roman Emperor ( 205?-222), 280
hell, 21 , 259 , 305 , 358 , 362 , 408 , 460 , 693 ; and Christianity, 249 ,
477 ; and Judaism, 318 ; and Marx, 364
Hellas, 23
Hellenic world, 10 , 59 , 184 , 204 , 309 ; and Alexander, 160 ; and Asia Minor, 12 ; and Ionia, 13 , 28 ; and Jews, 316 , 318 , 321 ; and Nietzsche, 760 761; and North, 516 ; and the rich, 74 ; and Rome, 217 ; and Sparta,
79 , 99
Hellenism, Hellenistic world, 218 -228, 252 ; and Alexander, 101 , 219 ; decline of, 273 ; freedom dies in, 273 ; and Mohammedans, 271 , 282 283; and other-worldliness, 229 ; and Rome, 270 , 271 ; religiosity in,
250 ; scepticism of, 234
Hellenistic Age, The (by various authors), 225 *†, 232 *, 233
Hellenistic Civilization (Tarn), 252 , 259 â€
Hellenistic philosophy, 218 , 230 , 232 , 240 , 753
Hellespont, 226
Héloïse, mistress and wife of Abélard ( 1101?-1164), 437
helots, 94 -95, 97 , 98 , 103 , 104
Helvétius, Claude Adrien, French philosopher ( 1715-1771), 722 -724,
726 , 773 , 774 , 776 ; quoted, 722
Henry III, Emperor ( 1017-1056), 412 , 431 , 433
Henry III, King of England ( 1207-1272), 479
Henry IV, Emperor ( 1050-1106), 412 , 414 416, 430
Henry IV, King of France and of Navarre ( 1553-1610), 555
Henry V, Emperor ( 10811125), 430 , 431
Henry VI, Emperor ( 1165-1197), 442 , 443
Henry VII, King of England ( 1457-1509), 518
Henry VIII, King of England ( 1491-1547), 396 , 518 , 523 , 555 , 620 ,
Henry Aristippus of Catania, translator of Plato (d. 1162), 440 -441
Heraclides of Pontus, Greek philosopher ( 388?-315 B.C.), 214
Heraclitus, Greek philosopher (fl. ca. 500 B.C.); 38 -47, 53 , 55 , 61 ; and fire, 43 , 44 , 46 ; and flux or change, 40 -41, 43 -48, 150 , 805 ; and modern physics, 70 ; and Nietzsche, 42 , 761 , 772 ; and opposites, 41 , 43 , 48 ; and Plato, 45 , 55 , 105 , 151 -152; and Stoics, 252 , 253 , 257 ;
and strife, 42 , 43 -44, 114 ; and war, 42 , 43 ; quoted, 41 46, 121 , 150
Herbert of Cherbury, Edward Herbert, Baron, English soldier, diplomat,
and philosopher ( 1583-1648), 547
hereditary power or principle, 9 , 617 -623, 629
heresy, -ies, 332 , 374 , 417 , 459 , 461 , 468 , 469 , 480 ; and Abélard, 438 ; and Arnold of Brescia, 432 ; and St. Augustine, 345 , 350 , 352 , 362 , 498 ; and Roger Bacon, 463 ; and St. Bernard, 439 ; and Dominicans, 453 ; in East, 382 ; and St. Francis, 450 ; and Emperor Frederick II, 446 ; and Great Schism, 483 ; and Jesuits, 524 ; and John the Scot, 406 , 407 ; and monasticism, 377 ; and Origen, 327 ; and Protestantism, 529 ; Puritan, before Reformation, 434 ; and Wycliffe, 484 . See also Albigenses; Cathari; iconoclast heresy; Inquisition; Monophysite heresy; Nestorianism; Pelagian heresy; Sabellian heresy; Three Chapters; Waldenses
Hermias, Greek tyrant (fl. 4th cent. B.C.), 160
hermits, 375 -376
Hermodorus of Ephesus, jurist (fl. 5th cent. B.C.), 41
hero, -es, 12 , 600 , 739 , 750 , 752
Herod the Great, King of Judea ( 73?-4 B.C.), 316 , 321
Herodotus, Greek historian (fl. 5th cent. B.C.), 21 , 59 , 99
heroism, 645
Hesiod, Greek epic poet (fl. ca. 800 B.C.), 40 , 41 , 89 , 109
Heytesbury, English scholastic philosopher (fl. 15th cent.), 472 *
High Priests, 321
Hildebrand, 306 , 307 . See also Gregory VII
Hilduin, abbot of Saint Denis (fl. 9th cent.), 403 , 404
Hinduism, 753
Himalayas, 221
Hincmar, archbishop of Rheims ( 806?-882), 403
Hinnom, 311
Hipparchus, Greek astronomer (fl. 161-126 B.C), 215 , 216
Hippasos of Metapontion, follower of Pythagoras, 33
Hippo, 334 , 344
Hiram, King of Tyre ( 969?-936 B.C.), 9
history, 3 , 136 , 706 , 760 ; and St. Augustine, 355 , 363 ; and Catholic philosophy, 305 -307; and Hegel, 735 -739; Jewish,
308 , 309 , 318 , 363 ; and Marx, 784 -788
History of the Ancient World ( Rostovtseff), 10 ‡, 24 *, 273 *, 275 *, 281 *
History of Brunswick ( Leibniz), 582
History of England ( Hume), 605 , 660
History of Greece ( Bury), 75 , 95 *, 98 *
History of India ( James Mill), 776
History of the Inquisition ( Lea), 480
History of Israel ( Oesterley and Robinson), 315 *
History of Sacerdotal Celibacy, A ( Lea), 112 *, 410 â€
History of Science, Technology, and Philosophy in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, A ( A. Wolf), 535 *
Hitler, Adolf, Führer and Chancellor of Germany ( 1889-1945?), 136 ,
505 , 642 , 685 , 719 , 747 , 818
Hittite tablets, 8
Hobbes, Thomas, English philosopher ( 1588-1679), 546 -557, 559 , 570 , 624 , 626 , 644 , 698 ; and Church, 335 , 554 ; and social contract, 550
-551, 630 , 695 ; and sovereign, 551 -552, 553 , 554 ; and State, 546 , 555
-557, 739 ; and war, 550 , 551 , 741 ; quoted, 550 , 557
Hodgskin, Thomas, English Socialist (fl. early 19th cent.), 781 , 782
Hoffmann, August Heinrich, German poet, philologist, and historian of
literature ( 1798-1874), 754
Hohenstaufen, a royal family of Germany, 444 , 469 , 478 , 749
Holbein, Hans (the Younger), German painter ( 1497?-1543), 514
Holland, 523 , 524 , 558 , 559 , 560 , 569 , 602 , 603 , 604 ; freedom and
tolerance in, 559 , 570 ; liberalism in, 597 ; Reformation in, 434
Holy Alliance, 598 , 677 , 741
Holy Roman Empire, 282 , 306 , 389 , 390 -393, 397 , 428 431, 469 , 478 ,
481 -482, 720 , 738
Holy Sepulchre, 686
Homer, 7 , 19 , 40 , 41 , 58 , 89 , 331 , 423 , 548 ; and Hellenic civilization, 10 -12, 60 , 271 ; and Plato, 109 110; and religion, 11 , 23 ;
and Rome, 271
homosexual love, 103
Hong Kong, 220
Honorius I, Pope (reigned 625-638), 389
Honorius III, Pope (reigned 1216-1227), 407 , 444
hope, 262 , 826 . See also cheerfulness; optimism
Hopkins, Arthur John, cited, 283 *
Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus), Roman lyric poet ( 65-8 B.C.), 274 ,
House of Seleucus (Beyan), 222 *, 226 *
hubris, 114 , 827
Hugo, Victor Marie, French poet and author ( 1802-1885), 679
Huguenots, 555 , 559
Huizinga, Johan, 513 *; quoted, 516
humanism, 439 , 486 , 498 , 501 -502, 509 , 513 , 516
humanitarianism, 788
Hume, David, Scottish philosopher and historian ( 1711-1776), 235 , 491 , 605 , 606 , 643 , 644 , 659 -674, 701 , 702 -703; and Berkeley, 659 , 661 , 663 ; and causation, 664 -671, 673 , 707 ; and empiricism, 546 , 612 613, 659 , 673 , 674 , 834 ; influence of, 642 , 704 ; and Locke, 612 -613, 641 , 659 , 672 , 713 ; and perception, 660 , 662 -663, 668 ; and Rousseau, 673 , 690 -691; and subjectivism, 233 , 494 , 713 ; quoted, 659 -661, 664 , 665