Nestorianism, 374 , 420 , 423 -424, 438
Nestorius, Patriarch of Constantinople (?-451), 367 -369
Neuchatel, 690
Neva, 723
New Astronomy ( Kepler), 544
New England, 226 , 819
New Jerusalem, 318
New Testament, 303 , 317 , 318 , 325 , 408 , 447 , 585 , 756 , 764 , 765
New Theory of Vision, A ( Berkeley), 648
New York, 510
Newstead Abbey, 748 Newton, Sir Isaac ( English mathematician) ( 1642-1727), 257 , 371 , 535 , 641 , 677 , 722 , 725 , 726 ; and astronomy, 216 , 217 ; and calculus, 536 , 582 ; and Euclid, 36 -37; and God, 563 ; and gravitation, 207 , 531 , 536 ; and Leibniz, 70 , 582 -583; and motion, 131 , 207 , 532 ; and science, 525 , 537 -540; and space and time, 70 , 71 , 540 ,
715 ; quoted, 535
Niagara, 678
Nicaea, Council of, 329 , 333
Nicene Creed, 309 , 329 , 333 , 391
Nicholas I (Saint), Pope (reigned 858-867), 389 , 395 -398, 402 , 404 , 478
; quoted, 396
Nicholas II, Pope (reigned 1059-1061), 413 -414
Nicholas V, Pope (reigned 1447-1455), 391 , 498
Nicholas of Oresme. See Oresme
Nicomachean Ethics ( Aristotle), 161 *, 171 184, 194
Nicopolis, 261
Niebelungen, 441
Niebelungenlied, 367
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, German philosopher ( 1844-1900), 42 , 116
, 177 , 600 , 673 , 682 , 729 , 760 -773; and Byron, 749 -750, 761 ; and Christianity, 175 , 760 , 764 -768, 770 , 771 -772; and Darwin, 780 -781; and ethics, 760 , 764 , 768 -773, 779 -780; and God, 749 , 765 , 769 ; and liberalism, 642 , 767 ; and Napoleon, 750 , 752 , 762 , 768 , 772 ; and Nazism, 770 , 790 ; and power, 767 , 827 ; and romanticism, 719 , 724 , 760 , 761 ; and Sparta, 94 , 763 ; and will, 759 , 760 ; quoted, 682 683,
749 -750, 761 -767, 769
Nile, 4 , 369
Nilsson, Martin P., cited, 7 *
Nineveh, 25 , 310
nineteenth century, 45 , 719 -729
Nirvana, 756 , 757
Noah, 440 , 465 , 618 ; ark of, 130 , 360
noble man, 761 , 766 , 767 , 769
noble savage, 687
nominalism, 162 , 472 , 549 , 610 , 661
Nonconformists, 603 , 620 , 621
non-resistance, 580
Noodle’s Oration ( Sydney Smith), 189 *
Normandy, 399 , 417
Normans, 305 , 395 , 397 , 399 , 407 , 412 , 416 , 442 , 443 ; and papacy,
413 , 414 , 430 , 432
North, 96 , 101 , 237 *
North Africa, 271 , 282
North America, 220 , 538 , 739
Northanger Abbey ( Austen), 679
Northern Italy, 282 , 430 , 439 , 446 , 634
Northumbria, 386
Norway, 431
not-being, 68 , 71 , 404 , 405
noumena, 713
nous, 62 , 72 , 426 ; and Plotinus, 288 , 291 , 293 , 294 , 296 , 327
Nouvelle Héloïse, La ( Rousseau), 690
Novalis (pseudonym of Baron Friedrich yon Hardenberg), German lyric
poet ( 1770-1801), 754
number(s), 35 , 37 , 143 146, 153 , 155 -157, 801 803, 829 -830
nuns, 377
Nuremberg, 730
Oates, W. J., cited, 243 *, 263 * †‡
obedience, 378
object, 650 , 783 -784, 797 , 808 , 833 ; subject and, 663 , 809 , 812
Objective Idea, 734
objectivity, 785 , 822
observation, 34 , 35 , 39 , 69 , 528 , 663 , 672
Occam (or Ockham), William of, English scholastic philosopher ( 1300?-1350?), 451 , 463 , 468 , 469 , 470 -475, 481 , 525 ; quoted, 469 , 472 ,
Occamists, 513
Occam’s razor, 472
Ockham, 468
Octavius. See Augustus
Ode on a Grecian Urn ( Keats), 249
Odo, Saint, French monk, abbot of Cluny ( 879?942?), 411 , 412
Odovaker, King of the
Ostrogoths (d. 493), 367
Odyssey ( Homer), 10
Oenopides of Chios, Greek astronomer (fl. 5th cent. B.C.), 214
Oesterley and Robinson, cited, 315 *, 331 *
Oinomaos, 12
Old Believers, 384
Old Man of the Mountain, 423
Old Testament, 353 , 331 , 364 , 570 , 585 , 764 ; and Christianity, 313 , 327 , 342 , 363 , 429 , 447 , 478 ; and Jewish history, 309 312; translations
of, 321 322, 340 , 361
oligarchy, desired by Plato, 106
Olympian attitude, 19
Olympian gods, 10 , 11 -12, 14 , 21 , 24 , 28 , 32 , 239 , 249 , 343 *
Olympias, mother of Alexander the Great, 219
Olympic Games, 33 , 193 194
Omax Khayyám, Persian poet and astronomer (d. ca. 1123), 423
“On Civil Dominions” ( Wycliffe), 485
On Divine Omnipotence (St. Peter Damian), 413
On Divine Predestination ( John the Scot), 403
On the Division of Nature ( John the Scot), 404 -407
On Generation and Corruption ( Aristotle), 65 *, 66 *, 68 â€
On the Gods ( Protagoras), 77
On the Heavens ( Aristotle), 203 , 206 -207
On Holiness ( Epicurus), 245
On Interpretation ( Aristotle), 163 *
“On Leaving Newstead Abbey” ( Byron), 748
On Nature ( Parmenides), 48
On the Nature of Things ( Lucretius), 248 -251
On the Sizes and Distances of the Sun and Moon ( Aristarchus), 214 -215
On the Soul ( Aristotle). See De Anima
One, the, 41 , 48 , 55 , 68 -69, 71 , 129 , 288 , 289 , 290 , 295 , 475
O’Neill, Eugene, American playwright (b. 1888), 21
ontological argument, 154 , 417 -418, 454 , 466 , 585 -588, 693 , 694 , 709 , 760 , 786 787
opinion, 49 , 120 -121, 122 , 125 , 129 , 143 , 146
opposites, 41 , 43 -44, 48 , 63 , 139 , 140 , 257
optics, 561
optimism, 167 , 182 , 286 , 581 , 583 , 722 , 725 , 746 , 759 , 778 , 789 ; of liberalism, 597 , 598 , 727 , 746 ; philosophies of, 75 , 753 , 759 , 792 . See also cheerfulness; hope
Opus Majus ( Roger Bacon), 464 -465
Opus Minus ( Roger Bacon), 464
Opus Tertium ( Roger Bacon), 464
oracle(s), 42 , 56 , 86 , 88 , 89 , 90 , 477
Orange, Council of, 365
Orange, House of, 559 , 560 , 569
Oresme. Nicole, bishop of Lisieux ( 1330?-1382), 475
Orestes, 12
organic growth, in politics, 511
orgamsm, 165 , 186 , 727 , 731 , 735 , 821 -824, 825
organizations and individuals, 640
organizing activity, 824
Organon ( Aristotle’s Prior Analytics, Posterior Analytics and Sopbisms),
orgy, 23 , 33
Oriental elements in civilization, 400
Oriental religions, 23 , 239 , 476
Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism ( Cumont), 279 *, 357 *, 476 *
Oriental view of women, 764
Orientals, 219 , 737
Origen (Origenes Adamantius), Greek Father of the Church ( 185?254?), 288 , 301 , 326 -329, 331 , 341 , 406 ; and St. Augustine, 359 , 362 ; and Old Testament, 322 ; and philosophy, 292 , 352 -353, 477 ; cited, 329 *â€
; quoted, 328
Origin of Species ( Darwin), 781
Origin of Tyranny, The ( Ure), 9 *
original sin, 364 , 365 , 458 , 687 , 756
Orpheus, 16 , 17 , 23 , 28 , 89 , 280
Orphism, 16 -24, 33 , 37 , 134 , 138 , 249 , 330 , 331 , 476 ; and Christianity, 308 , 351 ; and philosophy, 29 , 32 , 53 , 57 , 78 , 91 , 134 ,
259 , 761 ; and Plato, 57 , 105 , 120 , 138 , 161 , 786
orthodoxy, 79 , 820 ; Christian, 329 , 333 , 334 , 400 , 435 , 441 , 449 ,
450 , 463 , 465 , 484 ; Jewish, 312 , 322 ; Mohammedan, 426
Osiander, Andreas, German Lutheran theologian ( 1498-1552), 526
Osiris, 4
Ostrogoths, 367
Othello, 516
other world, -liness, 32 , 105 , 120 , 229 , 284 , 305 , 309
Otto IV of Brunswick, Emperor ( 1174?-1218), 443
Ottoman Turks, 420
Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso), Roman poet ( 43 B.C.-A.D. 17?), 343
Owen, Robert, Welsh Socialist ( 1771-1858), 781
Oxford University, 175 *, 440 , 461 , 466 , 468 , 517 , 604 , 642 ; Roger Bacon at, 464 , 465 , 468 ; Hobbes at, 547 , 548 ; Wycliffe at, 484 , 485 ,
Ozymandias, ancient King of Egypt, 227
Pachomius, St., Egyptian Christian, founder of first monastery (fl. ca.
315), 376
pacifism, 642 , 750
Palermo, 440 , 443
Palestine, 4 , 310 , 444
Pan, 13 -14
Panaetius of Rhodes, Stoic philosopher ( 180?110? B.C.), 258 , 259 , 271 , 276 -277
Pangloss, Doctor, Voltaire’s caricature of Leibniz, 581
Pannonias, 343
pantheism, 353 , 370 , 371 , 400 , 406 , 455 , 571 , 755
Paon. See Pan
papacy: absolutism of, 470 , 483 ; at Avignon, 469 ; and Crusades, 434 ; in dark ages, 375 , 387 , 388 -400; declines, 476 -487; and Eastern Empire, 388 -391, 396 ; elections for, 394 , 397 , 412 , 413 , 414 , 431 , 482 , 483 , 505 ; and Empire, 428 , 429 , 430 -431, 738 ; and England, 485 , 486 ; power of, 302 , 381 , 382 , 388 , 395 , 397 , 442 , 443 , 478 , 498 , 506 , 507 ; reform of, 411 , 412 ; revenues of, 502 , 503 ; and Roman population, 412 413, 415 , 481 ; without moral power in 14 th cent., 479 , 481 . See also pope
Papal Domain, 496 , 499
Papal States, 505
Papini, Giovanni, Italian philosopher and writer (b. 1881), 828
parabola, 207 , 210 , 211
Paradise Lost ( Milton), 318
Paradiso ( Dante), 207 , 285 -286
Paraguay, 109
parallelogram law, 533
Paris, 140 , 161 , 466 , 468 , 567 , 582 , 660 , 753 ; Abélard in, 436 , 437 ; Aquinas in, 452 , 453 ; Roger Bacon in, 463 , 464 ; Descartes in, 558 , 559 ; Parlement of, 690 *; Rousseau in, 676 , 686