PROFESSOR (again looks round severely). And just as mathematical calculations have irrefutably proved the existence of imponderable ether which gives rise to the phenomena of light and electricity, so the successive investigations of the ingenious Hermann, of Schmidt, and of Joseph Schmatzhofen, have confirmed beyond a doubt the existence of a substance which fills the universe and may be called spiritual ether.
FAT LADY. Ah, now I understand. I am so grateful….
LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. Yes, but Alexéy Vladímiritch, could you not … condense it a little?
PROFESSOR (not heeding the remark). And so, as I have just had the honor of mentioning to you, a succession of strictly scientific experiments have made plain to us the laws of mediumistic phenomena. These experiments have proved that, when certain individuals are plunged into a hypnotic state (a state differing from ordinary sleep only by the fAct that man’s physiological Activity is not lowered by the hypnotic influence but, on the contrary, is always heightened — as we have recently witnessed), when, I say, any individual is plunged into such a state, this always produces certain perturbations in the spiritual ether — perturbations quite similar to those produced by plunging a solid body into liquid matter. These perturbations are what we call mediumistic phenomena….
Laughter and whispers.
SAHÁTOF. That is quite comprehensible and correct; but if, as you are kind enough to inform us, the plunging of the medium into a trance produces perturbations of the spiritual ether, allow me to ask why (as is usually supposed to be the case in spiritualistic séances) these perturbations result in an Activity on the part of the souls of dead people?
PROFESSOR. It is because the molecules of this spiritual ether are nothing but the souls of the living, the dead, and the unborn, and any vibration of the spiritual ether must inevitably cause a certain vibration of its atoms. These atoms are nothing but human souls, which enter into communication with one another by means of these movements.
FAT LADY (to SAHÁTOF). What is it that puzzles you? It is so simple…. Thank you so, so much!
LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. I think everything has now been explained, and that we may commence.
DOCTOR. The fellow is in a perfectly normal condition: temperature 37 decimal 2, pulse 74.
PROFESSOR (takes out his pocket-book and notes this down). What I have just had the honor of explaining will be confirmed by the fAct, which we shall presently have an opportunity of observing, that after the medium has been thrown into a trance his temperature and pulse will inevitably rise, just as occurs in cases of hypnotism.
LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. Yes, yes. But excuse me a moment. I should like to reply to Sergéy Ivánitch’s question: How do we know we are in communication with the souls of the dead? We know it because the spirit that appears, plainly tells us — as simply as I am speaking to you — who he is, and why he has come, and whether all is well with him! At our last séance a Spaniard, Don Castillos, came to us, and he told us everything. He told us who he was, and when he died, and that he was suffering for having taken part in the Inquisition. He even told us what was happening to him at the very time that he was speaking to us, namely, that at the very time he was talking to us he had to be born again on earth, and, therefore, could not continue his conversation with us…. But you’ll see for yourselves….
FAT LADY (interrupting). Oh, how interesting! Perhaps the Spaniard was born in one of our houses and is a baby now!
LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. Quite possibly.
PROFESSOR. I think it is time we began.
LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. I was only going to say….
PROFESSOR. It is getting late.
LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. Very well. Then we will commence. Antón Borísitch, be so good as to hypnotize the medium.
GROSSMAN. What method would you like me to use? There are several methods. There is Braid’s system, there is the Egyptian symbol, and there is Charcot’s system.
LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH (to the PROFESSOR). I think it is quite immaterial.
GROSSMAN. Then I will make use of my own method, which I showed in Odessa.
GROSSMAN waves his arms above SIMON. SIMON closes his eyes and
stretches himself.
GROSSMAN (looking closely at him). He is falling asleep! He is asleep! A remarkably rapid occurrence of hypnosis. The subject has evidently already reached a state of anaesthesia. He is remarkable, — an unusually impressionable subject, and might be subjected to interesting experiments!… (Sits down, rises, sits down again.) Now one might run a needle into his arm. If you like….
PROFESSOR (to LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH). Do you notice how the medium’s trance Acts on Grossman? He is beginning to vibrate.
LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. Yes, yes … can the lights be extinguished now?
SAHÁTOF. But why is darkness necessary?
PROFESSOR. Darkness? Because it is a condition of the manifestation of mediumistic energy, just as a given temperature is a condition necessary for certain manifestations of chemical or dynamic energy.
LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. But not always. Manifestations have been observed by me, and by many others, both by candlelight and daylight.
PROFESSOR (interrupting). May the lights be put out?
LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. Yes, certainly. (Puts out candles.) Ladies and gentlemen! attention, if you please.
TÁNYA gets from under the sofa and takes hold of a thread tied
to a chandelier.
PETRÍSTCHEF. I like that Spaniard! Just in the midst of a conversation — off he goes head downwards … as the French say: piquer une tête. 12
BETSY. You just wait a bit, and see what will happen!
PETRÍSTCHEF. I have only one fear, and that is that Vovo may be moved by the spirit to grunt like a pig!
VASÍLY LEONÍDITCH. Would you like me to? I will….
LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. Gentlemen! Silence, if you please!
Silence. SIMON licks the matches on his fingers and rubs his
knuckles with them. Leoníd Fyódoritch. A light! Do you see the
SAHÁTOF. A light? Yes, yes, I see; but allow me….
FAT LADY. Where? Where? Oh, dear, I did not see it! Ah, there it is. Oh!…
PROFESSOR (whispers to LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH, and points to GROSSMAN, who is moving). Do you notice how he vibrates? It is the dual influence.
The light appears again.
LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH (to the PROFESSOR). It must be he — you know!
LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. A Greek, Nicholas. It is his light. Don’t you think so, Alexéy Vladímiritch?
SAHÁTOF. Who is this Greek, Nicholas?
PROFESSOR. A certain Greek, who was a monk at Constantinople under Constantine and who has been visiting us lately.
FAT LADY. Where is he? Where is he? I don’t see him.
LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. He is not yet visible … Alexéy Vladímiritch, he is particularly well disposed towards you. You question him.
PROFESSOR (in a peculiar voice). Nicholas! Is that you?
TÁNYA raps twice on the wall.
LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH (joyfully). It is he! It is he!
FAT LADY. Oh, dear! Oh! I shall go away!
SAHÁTOF. Why do you suppose it is he?
LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. Why, the two knocks. It is an affirmative answer; else all would have been silence.
Silence. Suppressed giggling in the young people’s corner.
TÁNYA throws a lampshade, pencil and penwiper upon the table.
LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH (whispers). Do you notice, gentlemen, here is a lamp-shade, and something else — a pencil!… Alexéy Vladímiritch, it is a pencil!
PROFESSOR. All right, all right! I am watching both him and Grossman!
GROSSMAN rises and feels the things that have fallen on the table.
SAHÁTOF. Excuse me, excuse me! I should like to see whether it is not the medium who is doing it all himself?
LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. Do you think so? Well, sit by him and hold his hands. But you may be sure he is asleep.
SAHÁTOF (approaches, TÁNYA lets a thread touch his head. He is frightened, and stoops). Ye … ye … yes! Strange, very strange!
Takes hold of SIMON’S elbow. SIMON howls.
PROFESSOR (to LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH). Do you notice the effect of Grossman’s presence? It is a new phenomenon — I must note it….
Runs out to note it down, and returns again.
LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. Yes…. But we cannot leave Nicholas without an answer. We must begin….
GROSSMAN (rises, approaches Simon and raises and lowers his arm). It would be interesting to produce contrAction! The subject is in profound hypnosis.
PROFESSOR (to LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH). Do you see? Do you see?
GROSSMAN. If you like….
DOCTOR. Now then, my dear sir, leave the management to Alexéy Vladímiritch; the affair is turning out serious.
PROFESSOR. Leave him alone, he (referring to GROSSMAN) is talking in his sleep!
FAT LADY. How glad I now am that I resolved to be present! It is frightening, but all the same I am glad, for I always said to my husband….
LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. Silence, if you please.
TÁNYA draws a thread over the FAT LADY’S head.
LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. What? What is it?
FAT LADY. He took hold of my hair!
LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH (whispers). Never mind, don’t be afraid, give him your hand. His hand will be cold, but I like it.
FAT LADY (hides her hands). Not for the world!
SAHÁTOF. Yes, it is strange, very strange!
LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. He is here and is seeking for intercourse. Who wishes to put a question to him?
SAHÁTOF. I should like to put a question, if I may.
PROFESSOR. Please do.
SAHÁTOF. Do I believe or not?
TÁNYA knocks twice.
PROFESSOR. The answer is affirmative.
SAHÁTOF. Allow me to ask again. Have I a ten rouble note in my pocket?
TÁNYA knocks several times and passes a thread over SAHÁTOF’S head.
Seizes the thread and breaks it.
PROFESSOR. I should ask those present not to ask indefinite or trivial questions. It is unpleasant to him!
SAHÁTOF. No, but allow me! Here I have a thread in my hand!
LEONÍD FYÓDORITCH. A thread? Hold it fast; that happens often, and not only