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The Plays
loves Victor! As if he were his real father!
Sophia Karénina (on sofa L. knitting — back to audience). Tant mieux. Do you think he ever remembers his father?

Lisa (sighing). I can’t tell. Of course I’ve never said anything to him. What’s the use of confusing his little head? Yet sometimes I feel as though I ought. What do you think, Mamma?
Sophia Karénina. I think it’s a matter of feeling. If you can trust your heart, let it guide you. What extraordinary adjustments death brings about! I confess I used to think very unkindly of Fédya, when he seemed a barrier to all this. (She makes a gesture with her hand.) But now I think of him as that nice boy who was my son’s friend, and a man who was capable of sacrificing himself for those he loved. (She knits.) I hope Victor hasn’t forgotten to bring me some wool.
Lisa. Here he comes. (LISA runs to the edge of the veranda.) There’s some one with him — a lady in a bonnet! Oh, it’s mother! How splendid! I haven’t seen her for an age!
Anna Pávlovna (kissing LISA). My darling. (To SOPHIA KARÉNINA.) How do you do? Victor met me and insisted on my coming down.
Sits bench L. C. beside SOPHIA.
Sophia Karénina. This is perfectly charming!

Anna Pávlovna. I did want to see Lisa and the boy. So now, if you don’t turn me out, I’ll stay till the evening train.
Karénin. (L. C., kissing his wife, his mother and the boy). Congratulate me — everybody — I’ve a bit of luck, I don’t have to go to town again for two days. Isn’t that wonderful?
Lisa. (R. C.). Two days! That’s glorious! We’ll drive over to the Hermitage to-morrow and show it to mother.
Anna Pávlovna. (holding the boy). He’s so like his father, isn’t he? I do hope he hasn’t inherited his father’s disposition.
Sophia Karénina. After all, Fédya’s heart was in the right place. Lisa. Victor thinks if he’d only been brought up more carefully everything would have been different.
Anna Pávlovna. Well, I’m not so sure about that, but I do feel sorry for him. I can’t think of him without wanting to cry.
Lisa. I know. That’s how Victor and I feel. All the bitterness is gone. There’s nothing left but a very tender memory.
Anna Pávlovna. (sighing). I’m sure of it. Lisa. Isn’t it funny? It all seemed so hopeless back there, and now see how beautifully everything’s come out!
Sophia Karénina. Oh, by the way, Victor, did you get my wool?

Karénin. I certainly did. (Brings a bag and takes out parcels.) Here’s the wool, here’s the eau-de-cologne, here are the letters — one on “Government Service” for you, Lisa —— (Hands her the letter. LISA opens letter, then strolls R, reading it, suddenly stops.) Well, Anna Pávlovna, I know you want to make yourself beautiful! I must tidy up, too. It’s almost dinner time. Lisa, you’ve put your another in the Blue Room, haven’t you?
LISA is pale. She holds the letter with trembling hands and reads it, KARÉNIN seeing her.
What’s the matter, Lisa? What is it?
Lisa. He’s alive. He’s alive. My God! I shall never be free from him. (VICTOR crosses to LISA.) What does this mean? What’s going to happen to us?
Karénin (taking the letter and reading). I don’t believe it.
Sophia Karénina. What is it? (Rising.) What’s the matter? Why don’t you tell us?

Karénin. He’s alive! They’re accusing us of bigamy! It’s a summons for Lisa to go before the Examining Magistrate.
Anna Pávlovna. No — no! It can’t be!
Sophia Karénina. Oh, that horrible man!
Karénin. So it was all a lie!
Lisa (with a cry of rage). Oh! I hate him so! Victor! — Fédya! —— My God! I don’t know what I’m saying. I don’t know what I’m saying.
Sinks in chair down R.
Anna Pávlovna (rising). He’s not really alive?
Lights dim and out.



The room of the examining magistrate, who sits at a table talking to MÉLNIKOV, a smartly dressed, languid, man-about-town.
At a side-table a CLERK is sorting papers.
Magistrate. (sitting R. of table R. C.). Oh, I never said so. It’s her own notion. And now she is reproaching me with it.
Mélnikov. (sitting C. back to audience). She’s not reproaching you, only her feelings are awfully hurt.
Magistrate. Are they? Oh, well, tell her I’ll come to supper after the performance. But you’d better wait on. I’ve rather an interesting case. (To the CLERK.) Here, you, show them in.
Clerk. (sitting C. facing audience). Both? Excellency. Magistrate. No, only Madame Karénina.
CLERK exits L. I.
Clerk (calling off stage). Madame Protosova, Madame Protosova.
Magistrate. Or, to dot my i’s, Madame Protosova.
Mélnikov (starting to go out). Ah, it’s the Karénin case.
Magistrate. Yes, and an ugly one. I’m just beginning the investigation. But I assure you it’s a first-rate scandal already. Must you go? Well, see you at supper. Good-bye.

The CLERK shows in LISA; she wears a black dress and veil.
Magistrate. Please sit down, won’t you? (He points to a chair L. C. LISA sits down.) I am extremely sorry that it’s necessary to ask you questions.
LISA appears very much agitated. MAGISTRATE appears unconcerned and is reading a newspaper as he speaks.
But please be calm. You needn’t answer them unless you wish. Only in the interest of every one concerned, I advise you to help me reach the entire truth.
Lisa. I’ve nothing to conceal.
Magistrate (looking at papers). Let’s see. Your name, station, religion. I’ve got all that. You are accused of contrActing a marriage with another man, knowing your first husband to be alive.
Lisa. But I did not know it.
Magistrate (continuing). And also you are accused of having persuaded with bribes your first husband to commit a fraud, a pretended suicide, in order to rid yourself of him.
Lisa. All that’s not true.

Magistrate. Then permit me to ask you these questions: Did you or did you not send him 1200 rubles in July of last year?
Lisa. That was his own money obtained from selling his things, which I sent to him during our separation, while I was waiting for my divorce.
Magistrate. Just so. Very well. When the police asked you to identify the corpse, how were you sure it was your husband’s?
Lisa. Oh, I was so terribly distressed that I couldn’t bear to look at the body. Besides, I felt so sure it was he, and when they asked me, I just said yes.
Magistrate. Very good indeed. I can well understand your distrAction, and permit me to observe, Madame, that although servants of the law, we remain human beings, and I beg you to be assured that I sympathize with your situation. You were bound to a spendthrift, a drunkard, a man whose dissipation caused you infinite misery.
Lisa (interrupting). Please, I loved him.

Magistrate (tolerantly). Of course. Yet naturally you desired to be free, and you took this simple course without counting the consequence, which is considered a crime, or bigamy. I understand you, and so will both judges and jury. And it’s for this reason, Madam, I urge you to disclose the entire truth.
Lisa. I’ve nothing to disclose. I never have lied. (She begins to cry.) Do you want me any longer?
Magistrate. Yes. I must ask you to remain a few minutes longer. No more questions, however. (To the CLERK.) Show in Victor Karénin. (To LISA.) I think you’ll find that a comfortable chair. (Sits L. C.)
Enter KARÉNIN, stern and solemn.
Please, sit down.
Karénin. Thank you. (He remains standing L. U.) What do you want from me?
Magistrate. I have to take your deposition.
Karénin. In what capacity?
Magistrate (smiling). In my capacity of investigating magistrate. You are here, you know, because you are charged with a crime.
Karénin. Really? What crime?
Magistrate. Bigamy, since you’ve married a woman already married. But I’ll put the questions to you in their proper order. Sure you’ll not sit down?
Karénin. Quite sure.
Magistrate (writing). Your name?
Karénin. Victor Karénin.
Magistrate. Rank?
Karénin. Chamberlain of the Imperial Court.
Magistrate. Your age?
Karénin. Thirty-eight.
Magistrate. Religion?

Karénin. Orthodox, and I’ve never been tried before of any charge. (Pause.) What else?
Magistrate. Did you know that Fedor Protosov was alive when you married his wife?
Karénin. No, we were both convinced that he was drowned.
Magistrate. All right. And why did you send 1200 rubles to him a few days before he simulated death on July 17th?
Karénin. That money was given me by my wife.
Magistrate (interrupting him). Excuse me, you mean by Madame Protosova.

Karénin. By my wife to send to her husband. She considered this money his property, and having broken off all relations with him, felt it unjust to withhold it. What else do you want?
Magistrate. I don’t want anything, except to do my official duty, and to aid you in doing yours, through causing you to tell me the whole truth, in order that your innocence be proved. You’d certainly better not conceal things which are sure to be found out, since Protosov is in such a weakened condition, physically and mentally, that he is certain to come out with the entire truth as soon as he gets into court, so from your point of view I advise….
Karénin. Please don’t advise me, but remain within the limits of your official capacity. Are we at liberty to leave?
He goes to LISA who takes his arm.
Magistrate. Sorry, but it’s necessary to detain you. (KARÉNIN looks around in astonishment.) No, I’ve no intention of arresting you, although it might be a quicker way of reaching the truth. I merely want to take Protosov’s deposition in your presence, to confront him with you, that you may facilitate your chances by proving his statements to be false. Kindly sit down. (To CLERK.) Show in Fedor Protosov.

There is a pause.


loves Victor! As if he were his real father!Sophia Karénina (on sofa L. knitting — back to audience). Tant mieux. Do you think he ever remembers his father? Lisa (sighing).