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The Plays
But the matter is of no great importance.
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. No? Not to you! Because you men have no religion.

PETER SEMYÓNOVICH. Do let me speak. I say that that is not the point. The point is this: if he denies the Church, what does he want the Gospels for?
MARY IVÁNOVNA. Well, so that we should live according to the Gospels and the Sermon on the Mount, and give everything away.
PETER SEMYÓNOVICH. But how is one to live if one gives everything away?
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. And where has he found in the Sermon on the Mount that we must shake hands with footmen? It says “Blessed are the meek,” but it says nothing about shaking hands!
MARY IVÁNOVNA. Yes, of course, he gets carried away, as he always used to. At one time it was music, then shooting, then the school. But that doesn’t make it any the easier for me!
PETER SEMYÓNOVICH. Why has he gone to town to-day?
MARY IVÁNOVNA. He did not tell me, but I know it is about some trees of ours that have been felled. The peasants have been cutting trees in our wood.
PETER SEMYÓNOVICH. In the pine-tree plantation?
MARY IVÁNOVNA. Yes, they will probably be sent to prison and ordered to pay for the trees. Their case was to be heard to-day, he told me of it, so I feel certain that is what he has gone about.
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. He will pardon them, and to-morrow they will come to take the trees in the park.

MARY IVÁNOVNA. Yes, that is what it leads to. As it is, they break our apple-trees and tread down the green cornfields, and he forgives them everything.
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. That is just why I say that it must not be allowed to go on. Why, if it goes on like that, tout y passera.10 I think it is your duty as a mother to prendre tes mesures.11
MARY IVÁNOVNA. What can I do?
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. What indeed! Stop him! Explain to him that this cannot go on. You have your children! What sort of an example is it for them?
MARY IVÁNOVNA. Of course, it is hard; but I go on bearing it, and hoping it will pass, like his former infatuations.

ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. Yes, but “Aide toi et Dieu t’aidera!”12 You must make him feel that he has not only himself to think of, and that one can’t live like that.
MARY IVÁNOVNA. The worst of all is that he no longer troubles about the children, and I have to decide everything myself. I have an unweaned baby, besides the older children: girls and boys, who have to be looked after, and need guidance. And I have to do it all single-handed. He used to be such an affectionate and attentive father, but now he seems no longer to care. Yesterday I told him that Ványa is not studying properly, and will not pass his exam., and he replied that it would be by far the best thing for him to leave school altogether.
MARY IVÁNOVNA. Nowhere! That’s the most terrible thing about it; everything we do is wrong, but he does not say what would be right.
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. What is there odd about it? It is just your usual way. Condemn everything, and do nothing yourself!
MARY IVÁNOVNA. Styópa has now finished at the University, and ought to choose a career; but his father says nothing about it. He wanted to take a post in the Civil Service, but Nicholas Ivánovich says he ought not to do so. Then he thought of entering the Horse-Guards, but Nicholas Ivánovich quite disapproved. Then the lad asked his father: “What am I to do then — not go and plough after all?” and Nicholas Ivánovich said: “Why not plough? It is much better than being in a Government Office.” So what was he to do? He comes to me and asks, and I have to decide everything, and yet the authority is all in his hands.
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. Well, you should tell him so straight out.

MARY IVÁNOVNA. So I must! I shall have to talk to him.
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. And tell him straight out that you can’t go on like this. That you do your duty, and he must do his; or if not — let him hand everything over to you.
MARY IVÁNOVNA. It is all so unpleasant!
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. I will tell him, if you like. Je lui dirai son fait.13
Enter a young priest, confused and agitated. He carries a book, and shakes hands all round.
PRIEST. I have come to see Nicholas Ivánovich. I have, in fAct, come to return a book.
MARY IVÁNOVNA. He has gone to town, but will be back soon.
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. What book are you returning?
PRIEST. Oh, it’s Mr. Renan’s Life of Jesus.
PETER SEMYÓNOVICH. Dear me! What books you read!
PRIEST much agitated, lights a cigarette It was Nicholas Ivánovich gave it to me to read.

ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA contemptuously Nicholas Ivánovich gave it you! And do you agree with Nicholas Ivánovich and Mr. Renan?
PRIEST. No, of course not. If I really did agree, I should not, in fAct, be what is called a servant of the Church.
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. But if you are, as it is called, a faithful servant of the Church, why don’t you convert Nicholas Ivánovich?
PRIEST. Everyone, in fAct, has his own views on these matters, and Nicholas Ivánovich really maintains much that is quite true, only he goes astray, in fAct, on the main point, the Church.
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA contemptuously And what are the many things that Nicholas Ivánovich maintains that are quite true? Is it true that the Sermon on the Mount bids us give our property away to strangers and let our own families go begging?

PRIEST. The Church, in fAct, sanctions the family, and the Holy Fathers of the Church, in fAct, blessed the family; but the highest perfection really demands the renunciation of worldly advantages.
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. Of course the Anchorites Acted so, but ordinary mortals, I should imagine, should Act in an ordinary way, as befits all good Christians.
PRIEST. No one can tell unto what he may be called.
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. And, of course, you are married?
PRIEST. Oh yes.
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. And have you any children?

ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. Then why don’t you renounce worldly advantages, and not go about smoking a cigarette?
PRIEST. Because of my weakness, in fAct, my unworthiness.
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. Ah! I see that instead of bringing Nicholas Ivánovich to reason, you support him. That, I tell you straight out, is wrong!
Enter Nurse.
NURSE. Don’t you hear baby crying? Please come to nurse him.
MARY IVÁNOVNA. I’m coming, coming! Rises and exit.
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. I’m dreadfully sorry for my sister. I see how she suffers. Seven children, one of them unweaned, and then all these fads to put up with. It seems to me quite plain that he has something wrong here touching her forehead. To Priest Now tell me, I ask you, what new religion is this you have discovered?
PRIEST. I don’t understand, in fAct …
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. Oh, please don’t beat about the bush. You know very well what I am asking you about.
PRIEST. But allow me …
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. I ask you, what creed is it that bids us shake hands with every peasant and let them cut down the trees, and give them money for vódka, and abandon our own families?
PRIEST. I don’t know that …
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. He says it is Christianity. You are a priest of the Orthodox Greek Church, and therefore you must know and must say whether Christianity bids us encourage robbery.

ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. Or else, why are you a priest, and why do you wear long hair and a cassock?
PRIEST. But we are not asked …
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. Not asked, indeed! Why, I am asking you! He told me yesterday that the Gospels say, “Give to him that asketh of thee.” But then in what sense is that meant?
PRIEST. In its plain sense, I suppose.
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. And I think not in the plain sense; we have always been taught that everybody’s position is appointed by God.
PRIEST. Of course, but yet …
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. Oh, yes. It’s just as I was told; you take his side, and that is wrong! I say so straight out. If some young school teacher, or some young lad, lickspittles to him, it’s bad enough — but you, in your position, should remember the responsibility that rests on you.
PRIEST. I try to …
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. What sort of religion is it, when he does not go to church, and does not believe in the sacraments? And instead of bringing him to his senses, you read Renan with him, and interpret the Gospels in a way of your own.

PRIEST excitedly I cannot answer. I am, in fAct, upset, and will hold my tongue.
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. Oh! If only I were your Bishop; I’d teach you to read Renan and smoke cigarettes.
PETER SEMYÓNOVICH. Mais cessez, au nom du ciel. De quel droit?14
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. Please don’t teach me. I am sure the Reverend Father is not angry with me. What if I have spoken plainly. It would have been worse had I bottled up my anger. Isn’t that so?
PRIEST. Forgive me if I have not expressed myself as I should. Uncomfortable pause.
Enter Lyúba and Lisa. Lyúba, Mary Ivánovna’s daughter, is a handsome energetic girl of twenty. Lisa, Alexándra Ivánovna’s daughter, is a little older. Both have kerchiefs on their heads, and are carrying baskets, to go gathering mushrooms. They greet Alexándra Ivánovna, Peter Semyónovich, and the priest.
LYÚBA. Where is Mamma?
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. Just gone to the baby.
PETER SEMYÓNOVICH. Now mind you bring back plenty of mushrooms. A little village girl brought some lovely white ones this morning. I’d go with you myself,


But the matter is of no great importance.ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. No? Not to you! Because you men have no religion. PETER SEMYÓNOVICH. Do let me speak. I say that that is