War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy
Notes to the Opening Chapters
Book One
1. Anna Schérer’s soiree
2. Pierre at Prince Andrew’s
3. Pierre at Anatole Kurágin’s. Dόlokhov’s bet
4. A name day at the Rostόvs’
5. Natásha and Borís
6. Anna Mikháylovna and Borís go to the dying Count Bezúkhov’s
7. Pierre at his father’s house; talks with Borís
8. Countess Rostóva and Ann a Mikháylovna
9. Dinner at the Róstovs’. Márya Dmitríevna
10. Sónya and Natásha. Nicholas sings. The Daniel Cooper
11. At Count Bezúkhov’s. Prince Vasíli and Catiche
12. Anna Mikháylovna and Pierre at Count Bezúkhov’s
13. Anna Mikháylovna and Catiche struggle for the inlaid portfolio
14. Bald Hills. Prince N. A. Bolkónski. Princess Mary’s correspondence with Julie Karágina
15. Prince Andrew at Bald Hills
16. Prince Andrew leaves to join the army. Princess Mary gives him an icon
Book Two
1. Review near Braunau. Zherkóv and Dólokhov
2. Kutúzov and an Austrian general. Le malheureux Mack. Zherkóv’s foolery
3. Nicholas and Denísov. Telyánin and the missing purse
4. Nicholas in trouble with his fellow officers
5. Crossing the Enns. Burning the bridge. Rostóv’s baptism of fire
6. Prince Andrew sent with dispatches to the Austrian court The Minister of War
7. Prince Andrew and Bilíbin
8. Hippolyte Kurágin and les nôtres
9. Prince Andrew received by the Emperor Francis. Bilíbin’s story of the Thabor Bridge
10. Prince Andrew returns to Kutúzov. Bagratión sent to Hollabrünn. Napoleon’s letter to Murat
11. Prince Andrew reports to Bagratión. Captain Túshin. Soldiers at the front. Dólokhov talks to a French grenadier
12. Prince Andrew surveys the position. The first shot
13. Bagratión in action. Túshin’s battery. Setting Schön Grabern on Ere
14. Battle scenes. Quarrelsome commanders. Nicholas injured
15. Panic. Timókhin’s counterattack. Dólokhov’s insistence. Túshin’s battery. Prince Andrew sent to order him to retreat
16. Withdrawal of the forces. Nicholas rides on a gun carnage. Túshin called to account by Bagratión. Prince Andrew defends him. Nicholas’ depression
Book Three
1. Prince Vasíli and Pierre. A soiree at Anna Pávlovna’s. Hélène’s name day. Pierre’s marriage
2. Prince Vasíli and Anatole visit Prince N. A. Bolkónski. Princess Mary’s appearance
3. Lise, Mademoiselle Bourienne, Mary, Anatole, and old Bolkónski
4. Her father’s opposition to Mary’s marrying. She Ends Mademoiselle Bourienne and Anatole in the conservatory; declines marriage
5. A letter from Nicholas. Sónya and Natásha
6. Nicholas visits Borís and Berg in camp. Nicholas tells of Schön Grabern. His encounter with Prince Andrew
7. The Emperor reviews the army. Enthusiasm of Nicholas
8. Borís visits Prince Andrew at Olmütz. Prince Dolgorúkov
9. Nicholas not in the action at Wischau. The Emperor. Nicholas’ devotion to him
10. Preparations for action. Dolgorúkov’s opinion of Napoleon and of his position. Kútuzov’s depression
11. The Council of War. Weyrother’s plans. Kutúzov sleeps. Prince Andrew’s reflections
12. Rostóv at the front. Visit of Bagratión and Dolgorúkov, Rostóv sent to reconnoiter. Napoleons proclamation
13. Battle of Austerlitz. Prince Andrew badly wounded
Book Four
1. Nicholas home on leave
2. Preparations for Club dinner
3. The dinner. Bagratión as guest of honor
4. Pierre challenges Dólokhov
5. The duel
6. Pierre’s separation from Hélène
7. Andrew considered dead
8. Lise’s confinement. Andrew arrives
9. Death of Lise
10. Denísov and Dólokhov at the Rostóvs’
11. Sónya declines Dólokhov’s proposal
12. Iogel’s ball. Denísov’s mazurka
13. Nicholas loses 43,000 rubles to Dólokhov
14. Nicholas at home. Natásha sings
15. Nicholas tells his father of his losses. Denísov proposes to Natásha
Book Five
1. Pierre meets Bazdéev
2. Pierre becomes a Freemason
3. Pierre repulses Prince Vasíli
4. A soiree at Anna Pávlovna’s. Hélène takes up Borís
5. Hippolyte at Anna Pávlovna’s
6. Old Bolkónski as commander in chief of the conscription. An drew’s anxiety. A letter from his father
7. Bilíbin’s letter about the campaign. The baby convalescent
8. Pierre goes to Kiev and visits his estates. Obstacles to the emanci pation of his serfs
9. Pierre visits Prince Andrew
10. Pierre’s and Prince Andrew’s talk on the ferry raft
11. “God’s folk” at Bald Hills
12. Old Bolkónski and Pierre
13. Nicholas rejoins his regiment. Shortage of provisions
14. Denísov seizes transports of food, gets into trouble, is wounded
15. Nicholas visits Denísov in hospital
16. Borís at Tilsit. Nicholas’ inopportune visit
17. Nicholas tries to present Denísov’s petition at the Emperor’s residence, but fails
18. Napoleon and Alexander as allies. Perplexity of Nicholas. “Another bottle”
Book Six
1. Real life. Prince Andrew’s occupations at Boguchárovo. His drive through the forest—the bare oak. His visit to the Rostóvs at Otrádnoe. Overhears Natásha’s talk with Sónya. Return through the forest—the oak in leaf. He decides to go to Petersburg
2. Speránskiy Arakchéev, and Prince Andrew
3. Pierre and the Petersburg Freemasons. He visits Joseph Alexéevich. Reconciliation with Hélène
4. Hélène s social success. Her salon and relations with Borís
5. Pierre’s diary
6. The Rostóvs in Petersburg. Berg engaged to Véra and demands her dowry
7. Natásha and Borís
8. Natásha’s bedtime talks with her mother
9. Natásha’s first grand ball. She dances with Prince Andrew
10. Bítski calls on Prince Andrew. Dinner at Speránski’s. Prince Andrew’s disillusionment with him and his reforms
11. Prince Andrew calls on the Rostóvs. Natásha’s effect on him
12. The Bergs’ evening party
13. Natásha consults her mother. Prince Andrew confides in Pierre
14. Prince N. Bolkónski insists on postponement of his son’s marriage. Natásha’s distress at Prince Andrew’s absence. He returns and they become engaged
15. Prince Andrew’s last days with Natásha
16. Prince N. Bolkónski’s treatment of Mary. Her letter to Julie Karágina
17. Prince N. Bolkónski threatens to marry Mile Bourienne
Book Seven
1. Nicholas Rostóv returns home on leave. His doubts about Natásha’s engagement
2. Nicholas settles accounts with Mítenka
3. Nicholas decides to go hunting
4. The wolf hunt begins
5. The wolf is taken
6. The fox hunt and the huntsmen’s quarrel. Ilágin’s courtesy. Chasing a hare. Rugáy’s triumph
7. An evening at “Uncle’s.” The balaláyka. Natásha’s Russian dance
8. His mother urges Nicholas to marry Julie Karágina, and grumbles at Sónya
9. Christmas at Otrádnoe. Natásha is depressed and capricious
10. Nicholas, Natásha, and Sónya indulge in recollections. Dimmler plays and Natásha sings. The maskers. A troyka drive to the Melyukóvs’
11. At Melyukóvka. Sónya goes to the barn to try her fortune
12. The drive home. Natásha and Sónya try the future with looking glasses
13. His mother opposes Nicholas’ wish to marry Sónya, and he re turns to his regiment. Natásha becomes restless and impatient for Prince Andrew’s return
Book Eight
1. Pierre’s life in Moscow. Asks himself “What for?” and “Why?”
2. Prince N. Bolkónski in Moscow. His harsh treatment of Princess Mary. She teaches little Nicholas. The old prince and Mile Bourienne
3. Dr. Métivier treated as a spy by the old prince. The dinner on the prince’s name day
4. Pierre and Princess Mary discuss Borís and Natásha
5. Borís and Julie. Their melancholy. Borís proposes and is accepted
6. Count Ilyá Rostóv, Natásha, and Sónya stay with Márya Dmiítrievna in Moscow
7. Count Rostóv and Natásha call on Prince N. Bolkónski. They are received by Princess Mary. Prince Bolkonski’s strange behavior. Mary and Natásha dislike one another
8. The Rostóvs at the Opera. Hélène in the next box
9. The Opera described. Anatole and Pierre arrive. Natásha makes Hélène’s acquaintance. Duport dances
10. Hélène presents Anatole to Natásha. He courts her
11. Anatole and Dólokhov in Moscow
12. Sunday at Márya Dmítrievna’s. Hélène calls and invites the Rostóvs to hear Mile George recite. She tells Natásha that Anatole is in love with her
13. The reception at Hélène’s. Mlle George. Anatole dances with Natásha and makes love to her. Her perplexity as to her own feelings
14. Princess Mary’s letter to Natásha, who also receives one from Anatole
15. Sónya Ends Anatole’s letter and remonstrates with Natásha, who writes to Princess Mary breaking off her engagement with Prince Andrew. A party at the Karágins’. Anatole meets Natásha. She is angry with Sónya, who resolves to prevent her elopement
16. Anatole at Dólokliov’s.Balagá
17. Anatole sets off to abduct Natásha, but encounters Márya Dmítrievna’s footman
18. Márya Dinítrievna reproaches Natásha. Count Ilyá Rostóv is kept in ignorance
19. Pierre at Márya Dmítrievna’s. He tells Natásha that Anatole is married
20. Pierre’s explanation with Anatole
21. Natásha tries to poison herself. Prince Andrew returns to Moscow and Pierre talks to him
22. Pierre and Natásha. He tells her of his devotion. The great comet of 1812
Book Nine
1. The year 1812. Rulers and generals are “history’s slaves”
2. Napoleon crosses the Niemen and sees Polish Uhlans drowned swimming the Víliya
3. Alexander I at Vílna. The ball at Count Bennigsen’s. Borís overhears the Emperor speaking to Balashëv and learns that the French have crossed the frontier. Alexander’s letter to Napoleon
4. Balashëv’s mission to Napoleon. He meets Murat, “the King of Naples”
5. Balashëv taken to Davout, who treats him badly, but he is at last presented to Napoleon in Vílna
6. Balashëv’s interview with Napoleon
7. Balashëv dines with Napoleon
8. Prince Andrew on Kutúzov’s staff in Moldavia. He is sent to Barclay’s army. Visits Bald Hills. His talks with his father and Princess Mary
9. Prince Andrew in the army at Drissa. Eight conflicting parties
10. Prince Andrew is introduced to Pfuel
11. An informal Council of War. Pfuel’s dogmatism
12. Nicholas writes to Sónya. He and Ilyín in a storm
13. Mary Hendríkhovna. The officers and the doctor
14. Courage. Rostóv goes into action at