List of authors
War and Peace
of War, “Sila
Andréevich” Michael Mikháylovich Speránski, Secretary of State
Introduced at the hunt on the Rostovs’ country estate at Otrádnoe, Chapters 3-6 Daniel, the Rostóvs’ head huntsman
Michael Nikanórovich, “Uncle,” a distant relative of the Rostóvs’

Nastásya Ivánovna, the Rostóvs’ buffoon
Ilyágin, the Rostóvsf neighbor
Chapter 11 Pelagéya Danílovna Melyukóva, the Rostóvs’ neighbor
Introduced in Nicholas Rostóv’ regiment, Chapters 12-13 Ilyín, Nicholas Rostóv’s protégé
Mary Hendríkhovna, wife of the regimental doctor
Chapter 4 Ferapóntov, an innkeeper at Smolénsk
Introduced at Boguchárovo, between Bald Hills and Moscow, Chapters 9-14 Dron, the village elder of Boguchárovo
Karp, a villager of Boguchárovo
Introduced at Bazdéev’s house (Moscow), Chapters 9-14 Makár Alexéevich Bazdéev, Joseph Bazdéev’s halfinsane brother
Captain Ramballe, a French officer
Morel, Ramballe’s orderly
Introduced in the prison with Pierre (Moscow) Chapter 3 * Platón Karatáev, a captured Russian peasant soldier
Introduced with Denísov’s guerril las near Mikúlino, on the road to Smolénsk, Chapter 2 Esaul Michael Feoklítyeh, a Cossack guerrilla
Tíkhon Shcherbáty, a peasant guerrilla
Introduced at Bolkónskis, now Mary Rostóva’s, Bald Hills estate, Chapter 2 Count Andrew Rostóv, Nicholas Rostóv’s son
Countess Natasha Rostóva, Nicholas Rostóv’s daughte

  • An asterisk before the names indicates the most important characters.
    † [NOTE ON TITLES OF RUSSIAN ARISTOCRATIC RANK] In Imperial Russia, as elsewhere in Europe, a prince ranked above a count, but by the beginning of the nineteenth century certain princely families had become impoverished, so that a man’s place in the hierarchy of aristocracy was not necessarily consistent with his wealth and power.

Count Cyril Bezúkhov, a wealthy nobleman of Catherine the Great’s time
Pierre, his son, who, legitimized after his father’s death, becomes Count Bezukhov—the central character of the novel.
Princess Catiche, Pierre’s cousin
Count Ilyá Rostóv, a wealthy nobleman
Countess Nataly Rostóva, his wife
Count Nicholas Rostóv, their elder son, who goes into the army as a cadet
Count Peter (Pétya) Rostöv, their younger son
Countess Véra Rostóva, their elder daughter
Countess Nataly (Natasha) Rostóva, their younger daughter, the central female character
Sónya, a poor niece of the Rostóvs
Lieutenant Alphonse Kárlovich Berg, an officer who marries Véra
Prince Nicholas Andréevich Bolkónski, a retired general
Prince Andrew Bolkónski, his son, a member of Kutúzov’s staff
Princess Mary Bolkónskaya, his daughter
Princess Elisabeth (Lise) Bolkónskaya, Prince Andrew’s wife, “the most fascinating woman in Petersburg”
Prince Nicholas (Koko) Andréevich Bolkónski, Prince Andrew’s son
Prince Vasíli Kurágin, an elderly nobleman
Prince Hippolyte Kurágin, his weak-minded elder son
Prince Anatole Kurágin, his profligate younger son
Princess Hélène Kurágina, his daughter, “the beautiful Hélène”
Princess Anna Mikháylovna Drubetskáya, an impoverished noblewoman
Prince Borís (Bóry) Drubetskóy, her son, who enters the army
Julie Karágina, an heiress, who later marries Borís

Dates of Principal Historical Events

Oct. 11 Oct. 23 Kutúzov inspects regiment near Braunau. Le malheureux Mack arrives.
Oct. 23 Nov. 4 The Russian army crosses the Enns.
Oct. 24 Nov. 5 Fight at Amstetten.
Oct. 28 Nov. 9 The Russian army crosses the Danube.
Oct. 30 Nov. 11 Defeats Mortier at Dürrenstein.
Nov. 4 Nov. 16 Napoleon writes to Murat from Schönbrunn.
Nov. 4 Nov. 16 Battle of Schön Grabern.
Nov. 19 Dec. 1 The Council of War at Ostralitz.
Nov. 20 Dec. 2 Battle of Austerlitz.
Jan. 27 Feb. 8 Battle of Preussisch-Eylau.
June 2 June 14 Battle of Friedland.
June 13 June 25 The Emperors meet at Tilsit.
May 17 May 29 Napoleon leaves Dresden.
June 12 June 24 Napoleon crosses the Niemen and enters Russia.
June 14 June 26 Alexander sends Balashëv to Napoleon.
July 13 July 25 The Pávlograd hussars in action at Ostróvna.
Aug. 4 Aug. 16 Alpátych at Smolénsk hears distant firing.
Aug. 5 Aug. 17 Bombardment of Smolensk.
Aug. 7 Aug. 19 Prince Nicholas Bolkónski leaves Bald Hills for Boguchárovo.
Aug. 8 Aug. 20 Kutúzov appointed Commander in Chief.
Aug. 10 Aug. 22 Prince Andrew’s column abreast of Bald Hills.
Aug. 17 Aug. 29 Kutúzov reaches Tsárevo-Zaymíshche and takes command of the army.
Aug. 17 Aug. 29 Nicholas Röstov rides to Boguchárovo.
Aug. 24 Sept. 5 Battle of the Shevárdino Redoubt.
Aug. 26 Sept. 7 Battle of Borodinó.
Sept. 1 Sept. 13 Kutúzov orders retreat through Moscow.
Oct. 6 Oct. 18 Battle of Tarútino.
Oct. 6, 7, and 8 Oct. 18, 19, and 20 The French leave Moscow.
Oct. 12 Oct. 24 Battle of Málo-Yaroslávets.
Oct. 21 Nov. 2 Cossacks harry the French at Vyázma.
Oct. 28-Nov. 2 Nov. 9-Nov. 14 The French at Smolensk.
Nov. 4-8 Nov. 16-20 Battles at Krásnoe.
Nov. 9 Nov. 21 Ney, with rearguard, reaches Orshá.
Nov. 14-16 Nov. 26-28 Crossing of the Berëzina.
Nov. 23 Dec. 5 Napoleon abandons the army at Smorgóni.
Dec. 6 Dec. 18 He reaches Paris.


of War, “SilaAndréevich” Michael Mikháylovich Speránski, Secretary of StateBOOK SEVENIntroduced at the hunt on the Rostovs’ country estate at Otrádnoe, Chapters 3-6 Daniel, the Rostóvs’ head huntsmanMichael Nikanórovich, “Uncle,” a