List of authors
Christian Metaphysics and Neoplatonism
on, 15–17
Cicero, 131n1 City of God (Augustine), 48n9
Clement, Saint: on Basilides, 70; as church father generally, 5, 66; on death, 78; influence of, on dogmatic Christianity, 131; on penance, 58–59; on resistance to philosophy, 59–61; writings by, 55, 56, 58–59, 60– 61nn68–71, 63n82, 71n11, 72n17,
76n29, 78n36
Codex Brucianus, 79, 82–83
Colossians, Epistle to, 51n23, 53n31,
Communist Party, 4
Confessions (Augustine), 116, 117nn7–
9, 118, 127–28n51
Contra Haereses (Epiphanius), 70
Conversion: of Augustine, 116, 118; and Plotinus, 101–6, 127
Corinthian Church, 56
Corinthians, Epistles to, 10n84, 49n16,
53n31, 53n36
Cosmopolitanism, 42, 42n6, 65
Council of Carthage, 122
Crafer, T. W., 49n10, 110n83
Croton, 84
Crucifixion, 48, 48n8, 54, 57, 58
Cumont, Franz, 42n5
Cybele, 43
Cyrus, 85
Death: and Evangelical Christianity,
47–50, 58, 65, 78; of Jesus Christ, 48,
48n8, 54, 57, 58; Pascal on, 133
De Beata Vita (Augustine), 117n8, 118
De Faye, Eugene, 69n6, 70n10, 71nn11–
12, 72n16, 73n18, 74n23, 77n30,
77n32, 78nn34–36, 79, 80n38, 81–
Defense of the Nicene Council
(Athanasius), 113, 113n99
Demeter, 43
Demiurge, 73, 96, 107
De Mundi Duratione (Hilarianus), 47, 47n2
De natura et gratia (Augustine), 50n18 De Officiis (Cicero), 131n1
De Principiis (Origen), 72n17
De Reditu suo (Namatianus), 61n74
De Rerum Natura (Lucretius), 43n13
Desire, 30, 103–4
Devaux, André-A, 9, 10
Dialogue with Trypho (Justin), 62, 63,
Diasconides, 42
Dionysius, 43
Doric Apollos, 45
Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 10, 10n10, 28n76,
Doubrovsky, Serge, 7n22
Ecclesiastes, Book of, 48, 48n7
Ecstasy, 105–6
Egypt, 72n15, 131
Eleusis, 42–43n8, 43, 69
Enneads (Plotinus), 5–6, 15, 67n2, 88– 109, 111, 115, 124n39, 125n43
Ephesians, Epistle to, 53n32, 123n30
Epictetus, 41n2, 44
Epicurean ideas, 42
Epiphane pseudo Tertullien (Philaster),
Epiphanius, 70, 71
Epistles. See specific epistles
Epistle to the Ephesians, The (Ignatius),
56n50, 57n56
Epistle to the Romans, The (Ignatius),
Epistle to the Smyrnaens, The (Ignatius),
56n49, 57nn51–55
Eschatology, 72, 110
Essais (Camus), 24n62
“Essay on Music” (Camus), 5, 15, 18n45
Euhemer, 42n7
Eusebius, 114n100
Evangelical Christianity: and Apostolic Fathers, 55–65, 55n42; chapter on, 5,
45, 46–66; and death, 47–50, 58, 65, 78; difficulties and causes of evolution of, 61–66; and faith, 52, 56–61, 63; Greeks as adherents to, 62–63; and hope, 46, 50–55; and immortality, 52; and Incarnation, 44, 45, 46, 52–57, 59, 68–69; and Kingdom of
God, 49, 50–52, 62; and love, 16, 57– 58, 59, 63; and penance, 58–59; and pessimism, 46, 47–50; problems of, 65–66; resistance to, 64–65; and simpliciores, 60; and sin, 49–50, 56, 58– 59, 66; themes of, 45, 46, 47–55,
61–62; and Trinity, 62, 65n89; and Evangelical Christianity (cont.) works and faith, 52, 56; works on, 55–
  1. See also Christianity; Jesus Christ
    Evil: Augustine on, 117, 118–21;
    Christianity on, 70; Gnosticism on,
    67, 67n2, 70–72, 78–79, 84, 86, 107–8;
    Neoplatonism on, 102, 118, 119;
    Plotinus on, 102, 118. See also Sin
    “An Explication of The Stranger”
    (Sartre), 7
    Faith: Augustine on, 120, 123, 127–29; and Evangelical Christianity, 52, 56– 61, 63; and Gnosticism, 70, 77; and morality, 132; and reason, 63, 127–29; and works, 52, 56, 123
    Felix, Minucius, 51, 51n25, 63n80
    La Fin du paganisme (Bossier), 64n87
    First Man, The (Camus), 26
    Followers of the Mother, 79, 80
    Francis, Saint, 23
    Free will, 119–21, 120n18, 121–23
    French Revolution, 11n31
    Future of Tragedy, The (Camus), 18n45
    Galatians, Epistle to, 53n36, 73–74
    Galen, 42
    Genesis, Book of, 77n33
    Gernet, Louis, 6
    Gilson, Etienne, 128n52 Gnosticism: Archambault on, 25,
    25n66; and asceticism, 71, 75; in
    Camus’ Rebel, 67n1; on Christ, 68, 72,
    74–75, 81; and evil, 67, 67n2, 70–72, 78–79, 84, 86, 107–8; in evolution of Christianity, 86–87; and faith, 70, 77; and Followers of the Mother, 79, 80; on God, 69, 71–83; as GrecoChristian collaboration, 5, 67–69, 67n1, 83–87; on history, 84; history of, 68; and human nature, 69, 108; and Incarnation, 67, 68–69; and initiation, 69, 84–85; and intermediaries between God and humans, 75, 85; and light versus darkness, 76, 81, 85; and mysteries, 84–85; and Naasseni, 80; and Neoplatonism, 66, 91; and
    Oriental speculations, 85–86; and Peratae, 81; and Philo, 84–85; Plato’s influence on, 83; Plotinus on, 67, 67n2; and reconciliation of knowledge and salvation, 45, 69, 86; and Redemption, 45, 67–68, 72–75, 78,
    80–82, 84; and salvation, 45, 69, 74,
    79, 86, 107, 108–9; and Sethians, 81;
    on sin, 68, 70–71; Tertullian on, 67,
    73n19; themes of, 70–86, 107
    God: Arius on, 112–13; Augustine on,
    50, 50–51n20, 65, 115–16, 124–25, 125n42; Basilides on, 71–72; compared with circle, 105n62; as Creator, 76, 77–78; fear of, 58; Gnostics on, 69, 71–83; grace of, 69, 120, 122, 123; Hippolytus on, 75–76; intermediaries between humans and, 75, 85; Kingdom of, 49, 50–52, 62; Marcion on, 72–75; of Old Testament, 42, 71– 73, 73n20, 75; omnipotence of, 86;
    Paul on unknown God, 66; Plato on,
    53, 53n37; Plotinus on, 5–6, 88, 91– 108, 125; Porphyry on Creator, 110;
    Son of, 56–57, 112–13, 118, 118– 19n10, 126, 130; and Sophia, 77–78,
    79; as spirit, 62; and Trinity, 62,
    65n89, 112, 124–27; Valentinus on,
    76–80; Word of, 124–26, 130 Gods, Greek, 29, 42–43, 53n37
    Good, 30, 93–94, 103
    Good Shepherd, 39
    Good works, 52, 56
    Gospels. See specific Gospels
    Grace, 69, 120, 122, 123, 128
    Greeks. See Hellenism; Neoplatonism
    Grenier, Jean, 2, 3, 3n8, 4, 4n13, 6
    Guignebert, Ch., 133 Guitton, J., 86n51
    Hadrian, 70
    Hamilton, William, 9
    Hamlet (Shakespeare), 66
    Hardré, Jacques, 8, 15, 17–18
    Harnack, Adolf von, 49n10, 109
    Heaven, 69, 110, 112
    Hegel, G. W. F., 11, 11n31
    “Helen’s Exile” (Camus), 27n72
    Hellenism: antithesis between
    Christianity and, 22–24; and
    Augustine, 6, 118–27; in Camus’ Rebel, 29n77, 33, 34; common aspirations between Christians and Greeks, 42–45, 63; competing interpretations of Christianity and, 26–31, 27n70; and cosmopolitanism, 42, 42n6, 65; differences between Greeks and Christians, 40–42; and gods, 29, 42– 43, 53n37; and history, 41n4; as influence on Gnosticism, 66, 67–69, 67n1, 83–86; and Jesus Christ, 63; Kierkegaard on, 29n79; and mediation, 34; and Old Testament, 63; and pagan Christ, 64; and rational conception of life, 29–30, 40–41; and tragic sense, 27–28, 132, 133n3; and transcendence, 26–27; and virtue and wickedness, 40–41, 41n2. See also Christian Metaphysics and
    Neoplatonism (Camus)
    Heracleon, 83
    Hercules, 64
    Hermas, 55, 58–59, 59nn63–64
    Hermes, 39
    Hermias, 64
    Herod the Tetrarch, 57 Hésèle, 113n97
    Heurgon, Jacques, 4
    Hilarianus, Julius Quintus, 47, 47n2
    Hippolytus, 71, 72, 75–76nn26–29, 76,
    79–81, 80–82nn39–43
    Histoire des dogmes (Tixeront),
    55nn41–42, 56nn44–48, 58nn58–59,
    58nn61–62, 59n65
    History: Christian view of, 22–23, 84,
    132; Greeks on, 23; and Hellenism,
    41n4; philosophy of, and Judaism,
    52, 52n26
    Hoffmann, R. J., 54n38
    Holy Spirit, 78, 126
    Homer, 20n51, 23
    Homeric Hymn to Demeter, 69n7
    Homilies on the Gospel of John
    (Augustine), 120n14, 128n53
    Hope, 46, 50–55, 77
    Human nature: Gnostic view of, 69,
    108; of Jesus Christ, 56–57;
    Valentinus on, 69
    Humility, 56, 128–29, 130
    Iamblicus, 42
    Ignatius, Saint, 5, 55, 56–58
    Immanence/transcendence argument,
    10–12, 10n30, 16, 16nn38–39, 26–27,
    29–30, 104–5
    Immortality, 52
    Incarnation: and Augustine, 45, 116, 118, 126–27; and Christian metaphysics, 130; and Evangelical Christianity, 44, 45, 46, 52–57, 59, 68–
    69; and Gnosticism, 67, 68–69; and
    Judaism, 53; and participation, 112; Porphyry on, 54; as principle theme of Christianity, 132
    India, 131
    Initiation, 69, 84–85
    Intelligence, 92–101, 103–4, 111, 125,
    Irenaeus, 70, 72n17, 80
    Irrisio gentilium philosophorum
    (Hermias), 64n85
    Isaac, Jeffery C., 15n34
    Isidore, 71
    Isis, 43
    Jerome, Saint, 109n80, 132, 132n2
    Jesus Christ: Celsus on, 64; death of, 48,
    48n8, 54, 57, 58; Gnostics on, 68, 72,
    74–75, 81; grace of, 128; humanity of,
    56–57; on Kingdom of God, 49; as
    Logos, 63; as martyr, 71; Porphyry on, 109, 109–10n83; and Redemption, 58, 68, 72–75, 78, 80–82, 84, 118; resurrection of, 57; second coming of, 47; Sermon on the Mount by, 128; as Son of God, 56–57, 112–13, 118, 118– 19n10, 126, 130. See also Incarnation
    Jews. See Judaism
    Job, Book of, 47n5, 48, 48n6, 73, 123n30
    John, Gospel of, 49n16, 62, 62nn76–77,
    112, 112nn91–96, 123n30, 125 John, Saint, 44, 130
    Judaism: Barnabas on, 58; Camus on,
    33–34, 52n26, 73n20, 129n56; Gnostics on, 74; and Incarnation, 53; and Kingdom of God, 51; Marcion on, 72; and philosophy of history, 52, 52n26; separation of Christianity from, 44, 62, 63, 129, 129n56; and Yahweh, 42. See also Old Testament
    Julian, 41, 121
    Justin, 5, 62, 63 Justinus, 81
    Kabbala, 131
    Kierkegaard, Søren, 4, 29n79
    Kingdom of God, 49, 50–52, 62
    Knowledge: Plato on, 53; Plotinus on,
    92; and salvation for Gnostics, 45, 69,
    Koestler, Arthur, 34
    Kroeker, P. Travis, 10n30, 28n76
    Labriolle, P. de, 47nn1–2, 47n4, 48– 49nn9–10, 54n39, 64, 109nn81–83,
    110nn85–87, 132n2
    Le Breton, Jules, 119n10
    Life of Apollonius, The, 64n88
    Life of Plotinus (Porphyry), 67n2,
    Light versus darkness, 76, 81, 85, 90n9,
    100, 101, 114n100, 116
    Logos, 63, 92, 118–19n10
    Loisy, Alfred F., 42–43n8
    Lottman, Herbert R., 2n4, 3, 3n8, 4, 6
    Love, 36, 57–58, 59, 61, 77
    Lucian, 42
    Lucretius, 43, 43n13
    Luke, Gospel of, 47n3, 49nn11–13,
    51n22, 52n29, 64n88, 73, 73nn21–22,
    74, 74n25, 112n90
    Lyrical and Critical Essays (Camus),
    Manduc, 59n63
    Mani, 69
    Manichaeanism, 67, 116–17, 122
    Marcion, 68, 72–75, 80, 83, 84
    Marcos, 83
    Marcus Aurelius, 40, 40n1
    Mark, Gospel of, 47n3, 49n14, 51n24,
    Martin, 118n10
    Martyrdom, 71
    Martyrium (Polycarp), 56
    Marx, Karl, 10n30
    Mary (mother of Jesus), 56–57
    Matter, M., 85nn47–48
    Matthew, Gospel of, 47n3, 49n12,
    49n16, 51n22, 51n24, 52nn27–29, 62
    McBride, Joseph, 8–14
    Mediation, 34
    Melville, Herman, 1, 1n3 Merton, Thomas, 7n22, 9
    Metaphysical rebellion, 24n62
    Metaphysics: and Augustine, 6, 117–18,
    127; and Christianity, 6, 64, 65, 117– 18, 130; and Neoplatonism, 112, 117–
    18; and Plotinus, 92, 124; and
    Valentinus, 76. See also Christian
    Metaphysics and Neoplatonism
    Miltiades, 62
    Mithra, 64
    Monoïmus, 82
    Moses, 72
    Mysticism, 58
    Mystic reason, 5–6, 88–114
    “Myth of Nemesis, The” (Camus), 26, 34–35
    Myth of Prometheus, The (Camus), 35
    Myth of Sisyphus, The (Camus), 8, 25,
    26, 31–32, 32n87, 34, 35
    Naasseni, 80
    Namatianus, Rutilius, 61
    Nature: Augustine on, 23; Plotinus on,
    Nehamas, Alexander, 5n15 Nemesis cycle, 26, 34–35
    Neoplatonism: of Augustine, 115–18, 124, 126; characteristics of, 111;
    Christianity contrasted with, 90–91,
    109–10; and evil, 102, 118, 119; and Gnosticism, 66, 91; meaning and influence of, on Christianity, 110–14, 131; of Plotinus, 88–108, 111; and reason, 130. See also Christian Metaphysics and Neoplatonism
    (Camus); Hellenism
    “The New Mediterranean Culture”
    (Camus), 129n56
    New Testament. See specific Epistles and Gospels
    Nicene Creed, 113
    Nietzsche, Friedrich: Archambault on,
    18n45, 20n48, 22n58; Camus on, 5, 73n20; on Greeks’ tragic sense, 27–
    28, 132, 133n3; as influence on Camus, 5, 8, 18n45, 20n48, 22n58; Walker on, and Ideal, 16n35. See also specific works
    Notebooks (Camus): on Camus on artist versus philosopher, 6–7n20; on Christianity and Hellenism, 1; on
    “The Myth of Nemesis,” 26; on
    Nietzsche, 5
    Nuptials (Camus), 15, 16
    Octavius (Felix), 51, 51n25, 63n80
    Old Testament, 47–48, 47n5, 51n21, 53, 63, 71–73, 73n20, 75. See also Judaism; and specific Old Testament
    Onimus, Jean, 9
    On Prescription against Heretics
    (Tertullian), 23n60, 61n71
    On the Trinity (Augustine), 65n89
    On the True Doctrine (Celsus), 54n38
    Oratio ad Graecos (Tatian), 63n80,
    Oriental religions, 43, 66, 85–86, 129
    Origen, 66, 70, 72n17, 131
    Original sin, 70–71, 121–23. See also Sin
    Orphites, 80
    Osiris, 42–43n8, 43
    Paganism, 35, 43, 63, 64, 64n87. See also Hellenism
    Panarion (Epiphanius), 70n9
    Papias, 56, 59
    Papinian of Herese, 42 Parmenides, 23 Participation, 6, 31n84, 112
    Pascal, Blaise, 49, 49n11, 50, 50n19, 90,
    104n57, 133
    Passions, 71
    Paul, Saint: and Christianity generally,
    44, 74, 130; on empty deceit, 61; on Judaism versus Christianity, 74; and language

on, 15–17Cicero, 131n1 City of God (Augustine), 48n9Clement, Saint: on Basilides, 70; as church father generally, 5, 66; on death, 78; influence of, on dogmatic Christianity, 131; on penance, 58–59;