And around the lawn the rann it rann and this is the rann that Hosty made. Spoken. Boyles and Cahills, Skerretts and Pritchards, viersified and piersified may the treeth we tale of live in stoney. Here line the refrains of. Some vote him Vike, some mote him Mike, some dub him Llyn and Phin while others hail him Lug Bug Dan Lop, Lex, Lax, Gunne or Guinn. Some apt him Arth, some bapt him Barth, Coll, Noll, Soll, Will, Weel, Wall but I parse him Persse O’Reilly else he’s called no name at all. Together. Arrah, leave it to Hosty, frosty Hosty, leave it to Hosty for he’s the mann to rhyme the rann, the rann, the rann, the king of all ranns. Have you here? (Some ha) Have we where? (Some hant) Have you hered? (Others do) Have we whered? (Others dont) It’s cumming, it’s brumming! The clip, the clop! (All cla) Glass crash. The (klikkaklakkaklaskaklopatzklatschabattacreppycrottygraddaghsemmihsammihnouithappluddyappladdypkonpkot!).
Ardite, arditi!
Music cue
“THE BALLAD OF PERSSE O’REILLY Have you heard of one Humpty Dumpty How he fell with a roll and a rumble And curled up like Lord Olofa Crumple By the butt of the Magazine Wall,
(Chorus) Of the Magazine Wall,
Hump, helmet and all? He was one time our King of the Castle Now he’s kicked about like a rotten old parsnip. And from Green street he’ll be sent by order of His Worship To the penal jail of Mountjoy
(Chorus) To the jail of Mountjoy!
Jail him and joy. He was fafafather of all schemes for to bother us Slow coaches and immaculate contraceptives for the populace, Mare’s milk for the sick, seven dry Sundays a week, Openair love and religion’s reform,
(Chorus) And religious reform,
Hideous in form. Arrah, why, says you, couldn’t he manage it? I’ll go bail, my fine dairyman darling, Like the bumping bull of the Cassidys All your butter is in your horns.
(Chorus) His butter is in his horns.
Butter his horns! (Repeat) Hurrah there, Hosty, frosty Hosty, change that shirt
[on ye, Rhyme the rann, the king of all ranns!
Balbaccio, balbuccio! We had chaw chaw chops, chairs, chewing gum, the chicken
[pox and china chambers Universally provided by this soffsoaping salesman. Small wonder He’ll Cheat E’erawan our local lads nicknamed him When Chimpden first took the floor
(Chorus) With his bucketshop store
Down Bargainweg, Lower. So snug he was in his hotel premises sumptuous But soon we’ll bonfire all his trash, tricks and trumpery And’tis short till sheriff Clancy’ll be winding up his unlimited
[company With the bailiff’s bom at the door,
(Chorus) Bimbam at the door.
Then he’ll bum no more. Sweet bad luck on the waves washed to our island The hooker of that hammerfast viking And Gall’s curse on the day when Eblana bay Saw his black and tan man-o’-war.
(Chorus) Saw his man-o’-war.
On the harbour bar. Where from? roars Poolbeg. Cookingha’pence, he bawls Donnez
[moi scampitle, wick an wipin’fampiny Fingal Mac Oscar Onesine Bargearse Boniface Thok’s min gammelhole Norveegickers moniker Og as ay are at gammelhore Norveegickers cod.
(Chorus) A Norwegian camel old cod.
He is, begod. Lift it, Hosty, lift it, ye devil ye! up with the rann, the rhyming
[rann! It was during some fresh water garden pumping Or, according to the Nursing Mirror, while admiring the mon
[keys That our heavyweight heathen Humpharey Made bold a maid to woo
(Chorus) Woohoo, what’ll she doo!
The general lost her maidenloo! He ought to blush for himself, the old hayheaded philosopher, For to go and shove himself that way on top of her. Begob, he’s the crux of the catalogue Of our antediluvial zoo,
(Chorus) Messrs. Billing and Coo.
Noah’s larks, good as noo. He was joulting by Wellinton’s monument Our rotorious hippopopotamuns When some bugger let down the backtrap of the omnibus And he caught his death of fusiliers,
(Chorus) With his rent in his rears.
Give him six years. ‘Tis sore pity for his innocent poor children But look out for his missus legitimate! When that frew gets a grip of old Earwicker Won’t there be earwigs on the green?
(Chorus) Big earwigs on the green,
The largest ever you seen. Suffoclose! Shikespower! Seudodanto! Anonymoses! Then we’ll have a free trade Gaels’ band and mass meeting For to sod the brave son of Scandiknavery. And we’ll bury him down in Oxmanstown Along with the devil and Danes,
(Chorus) With the deaf and dumb Danes,
And all their remains. And not all the king’s men nor his horses Will resurrect his corpus For there’s no true spell in Connacht or hell
(bis) That’s able to raise a Cain.
Finnegan’s Wake – Episode 1: Part 3 Chest Cee! ‘Sdense! Corpo di barragio! you spoof of visibility in a freakfog, of mixed sex cases among goats hill cat and plain mousey, Bigamy Bob and his old Shanvocht! The Blackfriars treacle plaster outrage be liddled! Therewith was released in that kingsrick of Humidia a poisoning volume of cloud barrage indeed. Yet all they who heard or redelivered are now with that family of bards and Vergobretas himself and the crowd of Caraculacticors as much no more as be they not yet now or had they then notever been. Canbe in some future we shall presently here amid those zouave players of Inkermann the mime mumming the mick and his nick miming their maggies, Hilton St Just (Mr Frank Smith), Ivanne Ste Austelle (Mr J. F. Jones), Coleman of Lucan taking four parts, a choir of the O’Daley O’Doyles doublesixing the chorus in Fenn Mac Call and the Serven Feeries of Loch Neach, Galloper Troppler and Hurleyquinn the zitherer of the past with his merrymen all, zimzim, zimzim. Of the persins sin this Eyrawyggla saga (which, thorough readable to int from and, is from tubb to buttom all falsetissues, antilibellous and nonactionable and this applies to its whole wholume) of poor Osti-Fosti, described as quite a musical genius in a small way and the owner of an exceedingly niced ear, with tenorist voice to match, not alone, but a very major poet of the poorly meritary order (he began Tuonisonian but worked his passage up as far as the we-allhang-together Animandovites) no one end is known. If they whistled him before he had curtains up they are whistling him still after his curtain’s doom’s doom. Ei f—. His husband, poor old A’Hara (Okaroff?) crestfallen by things and down at heels at the time, they squeak, accepted the (Zassnoch!) ardree’s shilling at the conclusion of the Crimean war and, having flown his wild geese, alohned in crowds to warnder on like Shuley Luney, enlisted in Tyrone’s horse, the Irish whites, and soldiered a bit with Wolsey under the assumed name of Blanco Fusilovna Bucklovitch (spurious) after which the cawer and the marble halls of Pump Court Columbarium, the home of the old seakings, looked upon each other and queth their haven evermore for it transpires