List of authors
Finnegans Wake
nag. The chorus: the principals. For the rifocillation of their inclination to the manifestation of irritation: doldorboys and doll.

3 After sound, light and heat, memory, will and understanding.

Here (the memories framed from walls are minding) till wranglers for wringwrowdy wready are, F þ, (at gaze, respecting, fourteenth baronet, meet, altrettanth bancorot, chaff) and ere commence commencement catalaunic when Aetius check chokewill Attil’s gambit, (that buxon bruzeup, give it a burl!) lead us seek, O june of eves the jenniest, thou who fleeest flicklesome the fond fervid frondeur to thickly thyself attach with thine efteased ensuer,

4 ondrawer of our unconscionable, flickerflapper fore our unter Bet you fippence, anythesious, there’s no puggatory, are yous game? PREAUSTERIC MAN AND HIS PURSUIT OF PAN HYSTERIC WOMAN.

1 I believe in Dublin and the Sultan of Turkey.

2 I have heard this word used by Martin Halpin, an old gardener from the Glens of Antrim who used to do odd jobs for my godfather, the Rev. B.B. Brophy of Swords.

3 Ravens may rive so can dove deelish.

4 A question of pull. drugged,

1 lead us seek, lote us see, light us find, let us missnot Maidadate, Mimosa Multimimetica, the maymeaminning of maimoomeining! Elpis, thou fountain of the greeces, all shall speer theeward,

2 from kongen in his canteenhus to knivers hind the knoll. Ausonius Audacior and gael, gillie, gall.

3 Singalingalying. Storiella as she is syung. Whence followeup with endspeaking nots for yestures, plutonically pursuant on briefest glimpse from gladrags, pretty Proserpronette whose slit satchel spilleth peas.

Belisha beacon, beckon bright! Usherette, unmesh us! That grene ray of earong it waves us to yonder as the red, blue and yellow flogs time on the domisole,4 with a blewy blow and a windigo. Where flash becomes word and silents selfloud. To brace congeners, trebly bounden and asservaged twainly. Adamman,5 Emhe, Issossianusheen and sometypes Yggely ogs Weib. Uwayoei! 6 So mag this sybilette be our shibboleth that we may syllable her well! Vetus may be occluded behind the mou in Veto but Nova will be nearing as their radient among the Nereids. A one of charmers, ay, Una Unica, charmers, who, under the branches of the elms, in shoes as yet unshent by stoniness, wend, went, will wend a way of honey myrrh and rambler roses mistmusk while still the maybe mantles the meiblume or ever her

There was a sweet hopeful called Cis.

The Big Bear bit the Sailor’s Only. Trouble, trouble, trouble.


1 For Rose Point see Inishmacsaint.

2 Mannequins’ Pose.

3 Their holy presumption and hers sinfly desprit.

4 Anama anamaba anamabapa.

5 Only for he’s fathering law I could skewer that old one and slosh her out many’s the time but I thinks more of my pottles and ketts.

6 All abunk for Tarararat! Look slipper, soppyhat, we’ve a doss in the manger. if have faded from the fleur,

1 their arms enlocked, (ringrang, the chimes of sex appealing as conchitas with sentas stray,

2 rung!), all thinking all of it, the It with an itch in it, the All every inch of it, the pleasure each will preen her for, the business each was bred to breed by.

3 Soon jemmijohns will cudgel about some a rhythmatick or other over Browne and Nolan’s divisional tables whereas she, of minions’ novence charily being cupid, for mug’s wumping, grooser’s grubbiness, andt’s avarice and grossopper’s grandegaffe, with her tootpettypout of jemenfichue will sit and knit on solfa sofa.

4 Stew of the evening, booksyful stew. And a bodikin a boss in the Thimble Theatre. But all is her-inbourne. Intend. From gramma’s grammar she has it that if there is a third person, mascarine, phelinine or nuder, being spoken abad it moods prosodes from a person speaking to her second which is the direct object that has been spoken to, with and at. Take the dative with his oblative

5 for, even if obsolete, it is always of interest, so spake gramma on the impetus of her imperative, only mind your genderous towards his reflexives such that I was to your grappa (Bott’s trousend, hore a man uff!) when him was me hedon6 and mine, what the lewdy saying, his analectual pygmyhop.

7 There is comfortism in the Telltale me all of annaryllies. Will you carry my can and fight the fairies?

Allma Mathers, Auctioneer.


1 One must sell it to some one, the sacred name of love.

2 Making it up as we goes along.

3 The law of the jungerl.

4 Let me blush to think of all those halfwayhoist pullovers.

5 I’d like his pink’s cheek.

6 Frech devil in red hairing! So that’s why you ran away to sea, Mrs Lappy. Leap me, Locklaun, for you have sensed!

7 A washable lovable floatable doll. knowledge that often hate on first hearing comes of love by second sight. Have your little sintalks in the dunk of subjunctions, dual in duel and prude with pruriel, but even the aoriest chaparound whatever plaudered perfect anent prettydotes and haec genua omnia may perhaps chance to be about to be in the case to be becoming a pale peterwright in spite of all your tense accusatives whilstly you’re wallfloored1 like your gerandiums for the better half of a yearn or sob. It’s a wild’s kitten, my dear, who can tell a wilkling from a warthog. For you may be as practical as is predicable but you must have the proper sort of accident to meet that kind of a being with a difference.2 Flame at his fumbles but freeze on his fist.3 Every letter is a godsend, ardent Ares, brusque Boreas and glib Ganymede like zealous Zeus, the O’Meghisthest of all. To me or not to me. Satis thy quest on. Werbungsap! Jeg suis, vos wore a gentleman, thou arr, I am a quean. Is a game over? The game goes on. Cookcook ! Search me. The beggar the maid the bigger the mauler. And the greater the patrarc the griefer the pinch. And that’s what your doctor knows. O love it is the commonknounest thing how it pashes the plutous and the paupe.4 Pop ! And egg she active or spoon she passive, all them fine clauses in Lindley’s and Murrey’s never braught the participle of a present to a desponent hortatrixy, vindicatively I say it, Undante umoroso. M. 50-50.

oþk þþàáoþ ãþþiþþþ

1 With her poodle feinting to be let off and feeling dead in herself. Is love worse living?

2 If she can’t follow suit Ren‚e goes to the pack.

3 Improper frictions is maledictions and mens uration makes me mad.

4 Llong and Shortts Primer of Black and White Wenchcraft. from her postconditional future.1 Lumpsome is who lumpsum pays. Quantity counts though accents falter. Yoking apart and oblique orations parsed to one side, a brat, alanna, can choose from so many, be he a sollicitor’s appendix, a pipe clerk or free functionist flyswatter, that perfect little cad, from the languors and weakness of limberlimbed lassihood till the head, back and heartaches of waxedup womanage and heaps on heaps of other things too. Note the Respectable Irish Distressed Ladies and the Merry Mustard Frothblowers of Humphreystown Associations. Atac first, queckqueck quicks after. Beware how in that hist subtaile of schlangder2 lies liaison to tease oreilles ! To vert embowed set proper penchant. But learn from that ancient tongue to be middle old modern to the minute. A spitter that can be depended on. Though Wonderlawn’s lost us for ever. Alis, alas, she broke the glass! Liddell lokker through the leafery, ours is mistery of pain.3 You may spin on youthlit’s bike and multiplease your Mike and Nike with your kickshoes on the algebrars but, volve the virgil page and view, the O of woman is long when burly those two muters sequent her so from Nebob4 see you never stray who’ll nimm you nice and nehm the day.

One hath just been areading, hath not one, ya, ya, in their memoiries of Hireling’s puny wars, end so, und all, ga, ga, of The O’Brien, I’ll go for that small polly if you’ll suck to your lebbens quatsch. O’Mara Farrell. Verschwindibus. Ulstria, CONCOMI TANCE OF COURAGE,

1 The gaggles all out.

2 He’s just bug nuts on white mate he hasn’t the teath nor the grits to choo and that’s what’s wrong with Lang Wang Wurm, old worbbling goesbelly.

3 Dear and I trust in all frivolity I may be pardoned for trespassing but I think I may add hell.

4 He is my all menkind of every desception.

The O’Connor, The Mac Loughlin and The Mac Namara with summed their appondage, da, da, of Sire Jeallyous Seizer, that gamely torskmester,1 with his duo of druidesses in ready money rompers2 and the tryonforit of Oxthievious, Lapidous and Malthouse Anthemy. You may fail to see the lie of that layout, Suetonia,3 but the reflections which recur to me are that so long as beauty life is body love4 and so bright as Mutua of your mirror holds her candle to your caudle, lone lefthand likeless, sombring Autum of your Spring, reck you not one spirt of anyseed whether trigemelimen cuddle his coddle or nope. She’ll confess it by her figure and she’ll deny it to your face. If you’re not ruined by that one she won’t do you any whim. And then? What afters it? Cruff Gunne may blow, Gam Gonna flow, the gossans eye the jennings aye. From the butts of Heber and Heremon, nolens volens, brood our pansies, brune in brume. There’s a split in the infinitive from to have to have been to will be. As they warred


nag. The chorus: the principals. For the rifocillation of their inclination to the manifestation of irritation: doldorboys and doll. 3 After sound, light and heat, memory, will and understanding. Here