List of authors
Finnegans Wake
the ere turning ptover.) Well, mabby (consolation of shopes) to soon air. With best from cinder Christinette if prints chumming, can be when desires Soldi, for asamples, backfronted or, if all, peethrolio or Get my Prize, using her flower or perfume or, if veryveryvery chumming, in otherwards, who she supposed adeal, kissists my exits. Shlicksheruthr. From Auburn chenlemagne. Pious and pure fair one, all has concomitated to this that she shall tread them lifetrees leaves whose silence hitherto has shone as sphere of silver fastalbarnstone, that fount Bandusian shall play liquick music and after odours sigh of musk. Blotsbloshblothe, one dear that was. Sleep in the water, drug at the fire, shake the dust off and dream your one who would give her sidecurls to. Till later Bibelous hics tory and Barbar assa harestary. A shieling in cop pingers and por rish soup all days. How matches metroosers? Le h‚los tombaut soul sur la jambe de marche. Lammas is led in by baith our washwives, a weird of wonder tenebrous as that evil thorngarth, a field of faery blithe as this flowing wild.

Aujourd’hui comme aux temps le Pline et de Columelle la jacinthe se plait dans les Gaules, la pervenche en Illyrie, la marguerite sur les ruines de Numance 1 et pendant qu’autour d’elles les villes ont chang‚ de maŒtres et de noms, que plusieurs sont entr‚es dans le n‚ant, que les civilisations se sont choqu‚es et bris‚es, leurs paisibles g‚n‚rations ont travers‚ les ages et sont arriv‚es jusqu’… nous, fraŒches et riantes comme aux jours des batailles.

2 Margaritomancy! Hyacinthinous pervinciveness ! Flowers. A cloud. But Bruto and Cassio are ware only of trifid tongues

3 the whispered wilfulness, (’tis demonal!) and shadows shadows multiplicating (il folsoletto nel falsoletto col fazzolotto dal fuzzolezzo),

4 totients quotients, they tackle their quarrel. Sickamoor’s so woful sally. Ancient’s aerger. And eachway bothwise glory signs. What if she love Sieger less though she leave Ruhm moan? That’s how our oxyggent has gotten ahold of half their world. Moving about in the free of the air and mixing with the ruck. Enten eller, either or.


Nay, rather! Mai maintenante elle est venuse. Two Dons Johns Threes Totty Askins. Also Spuke Zerothruster. A saxum shillum for the sextum but nothums for that parridge preast. THE PART PLAYED BY BELLETRI PAX-BEL LUM. MUTUOMOR PHOMUTA TION. SORTES VIR GINIANAE. INTERROGATION. EXCLAMATION.

1 The nasal foss of our natal folkfarthers so so much now for Valsing

giddyrex and his grand arks day triump.

2 Translout that gaswind into turfish, Teague, that’s a good bog and you,

Thady, poliss it off, there’s nateswipe, on to your blottom pulper.

3 You daredevil donnelly, I love your piercing lots of lies and your flashy

foreign mail so here’s my cowrie card, I dalgo, with all my exes, wise and sad.

4 All this Mitchells is a niggar for spending and I will go to the length of

seeing that one day Big Mig will be nickleless himself.

With sobs for his job, with tears for his toil, with horror for his squalor but with pep for his perdition,

1 lo, the boor plieth as the laird hireth him.

Boon on begyndelse.

At maturing daily gloryaims!

2 A flink dab for a freck dive and a stern poise for a swift pounce was frankily at the manual arith sure enough which was the bekase he knowed from his cradle, no bird better, why his fingures were giving him whatfor to fife with. First, by observation, there came boko and nigh him wigworms and nigh him tittlies and nigh him cheekadeekchimple and nigh him pickpocket with pickpocketpumb, pickpocketpoint, pickpocketprod, pickpocketpromise and upwithem. Holy Joe in lay Eden.

3 And anyhows always after them the dimpler he weighed the fonder fell he of his null four lovedroyd curdinals, his element curdinal numen and his enement curdinal marryng and his epulent curdinal weisswassh and his eminent curdinal Kay O’Kay. Always would he be reciting of them, hoojahs koojahs, up by rota, in his Fanden’s catachysm from fursed to laced, quickmarch to decemvers, so as to pin the tenners, thumbs down. And anon an aldays, strues yerthere, would he wile arecreating em om lumerous ways, caiuscounting in the scale of pin puff pive piff, piff puff pive poo, poo puff pive pree, pree puff pive pfoor, pfoor puff pive pippive, poopive,


1 While I’ll wind the wildwoods’ bluckbells among my window’s weeds.

2 Lawdy Dawdy Simpers.

3 But where, O where, is me lickle dig done?

4 That’s his whisper waltz I like from Pigott’s with that Lancydancy step.

Stop. Foughty Unn, Enoch Thortig, endso one, like to pitch of your cap, pac, on to tin tall spillicans. 1 To sum, borus pew notus pew eurus pew zipher. Ace, deuce, tricks, quarts, quims. Mumtiplay of course and carry to their whole number. While on the other hand, traduced by their comedy nominator to the loaferst terms for their aloquent parts, sexes, suppers, oglers, novels and dice. 2 He could find (the rakehelly!) by practice the valuse of thine-tomine articles with no reminder for an equality of relations and, with the helpings from his tables, improduce fullmin to trumblers, links unto chains, weys in Nuffolk till tods of Yorek, oozies ad libs and several townsends, several hundreds, civil-to-civil imperious gallants into gells (Irish), bringing alliving stone allaughing down to grave clothnails and a league of archers, fools and lurchers under the rude rule of fumb. What signifieth whole that 3 but, be all the prowess of ten, ’tis as strange to relate he, nonparile to rede, rite and reckan, caught allmeals dullmarks for his nucleuds and alegobrew. They wouldn’t took bearings no how anywheres. O them doddhunters and allanights, aabs and baas for agnomes, yees and zees for incognits, bate him up jerrybly! Worse nor herman dororrhea. Give you the fantods, seemed to him. They ought to told you every last word first stead of trying every which way to kinder smear it out poison long. Show that the Non plus ulstra, Elba, nec, cashel bum tuum. Dondderwedder Kyboshicksal

1 Twelve buttles man, twentyeight bows of curls, forty bonnets woman and every youthfully yours makes alleven add the hundred.

2 Gamester Damester in the road to Rouen, he grows more like his deed every die.

3 Slash-the-Pill lifts the pellet. Run, Phoenix, run!

median, hce che ech, interecting at royde angles the parilegs of a given obtuse one biscuts both the arcs that are in curveachord behind. Brickbaths. The family umbroglia. A Tullagrove pole 1 to the Height of County Fearmanagh has a septain inclinaison 2 and the graphplot for all the functions in Lower County Monachan, whereat samething is rivisible by nighttim, may be involted into the zeroic couplet, palls pell inhis heventh glike noughty times ì , find, if you are not literally cooefficient, how minney combinaisies and permutandies can be played on the international surd! pthwndxrclzp!, hids cubid rute being extructed, taking anan illitterettes,ififif at a tom. Answers, (for teasers only). 3 Ten, twent, thirt, see, ex and three icky totchty ones. From solation to solution. Imagine the twelve deaferended dumbbawls of the whowl abovebeugled to be the contonuation through regeneration of the urutteration of the word in pregross. It follows that, if the two antesedents be bissyclitties and the three comeseekwenchers trundletrikes, then, Aysha Lalipat behidden on the footplate, Big Whiggler 4 restant upsittuponable, the NCR 5 presents to us (tandem year at lasted length!) an ottomantic turquo-indaco of pictorial shine by pictorial shimmer so long as, gad of the gidday, pictorial summer, viridorefulvid, lits asheen, A stodge An gleshman has been worked by eccentricity. An oxygon is no turally reclined to rest. Ba be bi bo bum.

1 Dideney, Dadeney, Dudeney, O, I’d know that putch on your poll.

2 That is tottinghim in his boots.

3 Come all ye hapney coachers and support the richview press.

4 Braham Baruch he married his cook to Massach McKraw her uncle-in law who wedded his widow to Hjalmar Kjaer who adapted his daughter to Braham the Bear. V for Wadlock, P for shift, H for Lona the Konkubine.

5 A gee is just a jay on the jaunts cowsway. but (lenz alack lends a lot), if this habby cyclic erdor be outraciously enviolated by a mierelin roundtableturning, like knuts in maze, the zitas runnind hare and dart 1 with the yeggs in their muddle, like a seven of wingless arrows, hodgepadge, thump, kick and hurry, all boy more missis blong him he race quickfeller all same hogglepiggle longer house blong him, 2 while the catched and dodged exarx seems himmulteemiously to beem (he wins her hend! he falls to tail!) the ersed ladest mand 3 and (uhu and uhud!) the losed farce on erroroots, 4 twalegged poneys and threehandled dorkeys (madahoy, morahoy, lugahoy, jogahoyaway) MPM brings us a rainborne pamtomomiom, aqualavant to (cat my dogs, if I baint dingbushed like everything!) kaksitoista volts yksitoista volts kymmenen volts yhdeksan volts kahdeksan volts seitseman volts kuusi volts viisi volts nelja volts kolme volts kaksi volts yksi! allahthallacamellated, caravan series to the finish of helve’s fractures.5 In outher wards, one from five, two to fives ones, one from fives two millamills with a mill and a half a mill and twos twos fives fives of bully clavers. For a surview over all the factionables see Iris in the Evenine’s World. 6 Binomeans to be comprendered. Inexcessible as thy by god ways. The aximones. And their prosta Finnfinnotus of Cincinnati. Arthurgink’s hussies and Everguin’s men. Nom de nombres!


the ere turning ptover.) Well, mabby (consolation of shopes) to soon air. With best from cinder Christinette if prints chumming, can be when desires Soldi, for asamples, backfronted or, if