List of authors
Finnegans Wake
The balbearians.

1 Talking about trilbits.

2 Barneycorrall, a precedent for the prodection of curiosity from children

3 A pfurty pscore of ruderic rossies haremhorde for his divelsion.

4 Look at your mad father on his boneshaker fraywhaling round Myriom square.

5 Try Asia for the assphalt body with the concreke soul and the forequarters of the moon behinding out of his phase.

6 Tomatoes malmalaid with De Quinceys salade can be tastily served with Indiana Blues on the violens. lutes. For his neuralgiabrown. Equal to=aosch.


So, bagdad, after those initials falls and that primary taincture, as I know and you know yourself, begath, and the arab in the ghetto knows better, by nettus, nor anymeade or persan, comic cuts and series exerxeses always were to be capered in Casey’s frost book of, page torn on dirty, to be hacked at Hickey’s, hucksler, Wellington’s Iron Bridge, and so, by long last, as it would shuffle out, must he to trump adieu atout atous to those cardinhands he a big deal missed, radmachrees and rossecullinans and blagpikes in suitclover. Dear hearts of my counting, would he revoke them, forewheel to packnumbers, and, the time being no help fort, plates to lick one and turn over.

Problem ye ferst, construct ann aquilittoral dryankle Probe loom! With his primal handstoe in his sole salivarium. Concoct an equoangular trillitter. 1 On the name of the tizzer and off the tongs and off the mythametical tripods. Beatsoon.

Can you nei do her, numb? asks Dolph, 2 suspecting the answer know. Oikkont, ken you, ninny? asks Kev, 3 expecting the answer guess. 4 Nor was the noer long disappointed for easiest of kisshams, he was made vicewise. Oc, tell it to oui, do, Sem! Well, ’tis oil thusly. First mull a mugfull of mud, son. 5 Oglores, Vive Paco Hunter! The hoisted in red and the low-ered in black. The boss’s bess bass is the browd of Mullingar. The aliments of jumeantry. HEPTAGRAMMATON. HYPOTHESES OF COM MONEST EX PERIENCES BEFORE APO THEOSIS OF THE LUSTRAL PRINCIPIUM. INGENIOUS LABOUR TENACITY AS BETWEEN INGENUOUS AND LIBERTINE. PROPE AND PROCUL IN THE CON VERGENCE OF THEIR CONTRAPUL SIVENESS.

1 As Rhombulus and Rhebus went building rhomes one day.

2 The trouveller.

3 Of the disorded visage.

4 Singlebarrelled names for doubleparalleled twixtytwins.

5 Like pudging a spoon fist of sugans into a sotspot of choucolout. the virtuoser prays, olorum What the D.V. would I to that for? That’s a goosey’s ganswer you’re for giving me, he is told, what the Deva would you do that for? 1 Now, sknow royol road to Puddlin, take your mut for a first beginning, big to bog, back to bach. Anny liffle mud which cometh out of Mam will doob, I guess. A.I. Amnium instar. And to find a locus for an alp get a howlth on her bayrings as a prisme O and for a second O unbox your compasses. I cain but are you able? Amicably nod. Gu it! So let’s seth off betwain us. Prompty? Mux your pistany at a point of the coastmap to be called a but pronounced olfa. There’s the isle of Mun, ah! O! Tis just. Bene! Now, whole in applepine odrer 2

(for — husk, hisk, a spirit spires — Dolph, dean of idlers, meager suckling of gert stoan, though barekely a balbose boy, he too, -venite, preteriti,3 sine mora dumque de entibus nascituris decentius in lingua roman mortuorum parva chartula liviana ostenditur, sedentes in letitiae super ollas carnium, spectantes immo situm lutetiae unde auspiciis secundis tantae consurgent humanae stirpes, antiquissimam flaminum amborium Jordani et Jambaptistae mentibus revolvamus sapientiam: totum tute fluvii modo mundo fluere, eadem quae ex aggere fututa iterum inter alveum fore futura, quodlibet sese ipsum per aliudpiam agnoscere contrarium, omnem demun amnem ripis rivalibus amplecti4 — recurrently often, when him moved he would cake their chair, coached rebelliumtending mikes of his same and over his own choirage at Backlane Univarsity, among of which pupal souaves the pizdrool was pulled up, bred and bat- Wolsherwomens at their weirdst.

1 Will you walk into my wavetrap? said the spiter to the shy.

2 If we each could always do all we ever did.

3 Dope in Canorian words we’ve made. Spish from the Doc.

4 Basqueesh, Finnican, Hungulash and Old Teangtaggle, the only pure

way to work a curse. tered, for a dillon a dollar,1 chanching letters for them vice o’verse to bronze mottes and blending tschemes for em in tropadores and doublecressing twofold thruths and devising tingling tailwords too whilest, cunctant that another would finish his sentence for him, he druider would smilabit eggways2 ned, he, to don’t say nothing, would, so prim, and pick upon his ten ordinailed ungles, trying to undo with his teeth the knots made by his tongue, retelling humself by the math hour, long as he’s brood reel of funnish ficts apout the shee, how faust of all and on segund thoughts and the thirds the charmhim girlalove and fourthermore and filthily with bag from Oxatown and baroccidents and proper accidence and hoptohill and hexenshoes, in fine the whole damning letter; and, in point of feet, when he landed in ourland’s leinster3 of saved and solomnones for the twicedhecame time, off Lipton’s strongbowed launch, the Lady Eva, in a tan soute of sails4 he converted it’s nataves, name saints, young ordnands, maderaheads and old unguished P.T. Publikums, through the medium of znigznaks with sotiric zeal, to put off the barcelonas5 from their peccaminous corpulums (Gratings, Mr Dane!) and kiss on their bottes (Master!) as often as they came within bloodshot of that other familiar temple and showed em the celestine way to by his tristar and his flop hattrick and his perry humdrum dumb and numb nostrums that he larned in Hymbuktu,6 and that same galloroman cultous is very prevailend up to this windiest of landhavemiseries all over what was beforeaboots a land of nods, in spite of all the bloot, all the braim, all the brawn, all the brile, that was shod, that were shat, that was shuk all the while, for our massangrey if mosshungry people, the at Wickerworks,7 still hold

1 An ounceworth of onions for a pennyawealth of sobs.

2 Who brought us into the yellow world!

3 Because it’s run on the mountain and river system.

4 When all them allied sloopers was ventitillated in their poppos and, sliding down by creek and veek, stole snaking out to sea.

5 They were plumped and plumed and jerried and citizens and racers, and cinnamondhued.

6 Creeping Crawleys petery parley, banished to his native Ireland from erring under Ryan.

7 Had our retrospectable fearfurther gatch mutchtatches? ford to their healing and 1 byleave in the old weights downupon the Swanny, innovated by him, the prence di Propagandi, the chrism for the christmass, the pillar of the perished and the rock o’ralereality, and it is veritably belied, we belove, that not allsods of esoupcans that’s in the queen’s pottage post and not allfinesof greendgold that the Indus contains would overhinduce them, (o.p.) to steeplechange back once from their ophis workship and twice on sundises, to their ancient flash and crash habits of old Pales time ere beam slewed cable 2 or Derzherr, live wire, fired Benjermine Funkling outa th’Empyre, sin righthand son; which, cummal, having listed curefully to the interlooking and the underlacking of her twentynine shifts or his continental’s curses, pummel, apostrophised Byrne’s and Flamming’s and Furniss’s and Bill Hayses’s and Ellishly Haught’s, hoc, they (t.a.W.), sick or whole, stiff or sober, let drop as a doombody drops, without another ostrovgods word eitherways, in their own lineal descendance, as priesto as puddywhack, 3 coal on: 4 and, as we gang along to gigglehouse, talking of molniacs’ manias and missions for mades to scotch the schlang and leathercoats for murty magdies,of course this has blameall in that medeoturanian world to say to blessed by Pointer the Grace’s his privates judgements 5 whenso to put it, disparito, duspurudo, desterrado, despertieu, or, saving his presents for his own onefriend Bevradge, Conn the Shaughraun; but to return for a moment from the reptile’s age 6 to the coxswain on the first landing (page Ainee Riviere!) if the pretty Lady Elisabbess, Hotel des Ruines — she laid her batsleeve for him two trueveres tell love (on the Ides of Valentino’s, at Idleness, Floods Area, Isolade, Liv’s lonely daughter, with the Comes Tichiami, of Prima Vista, Abroad, suddenly), and beauty alone of all dare say when now, uncrowned,

1 That is to sight, when cleared of factions, vulgure and decimating.

2 They just spirits a body away.

3 Patatapadatback.

4 Dump her (the missuse).

5 Fox him! The leggy colt!

6 Do he not know that walleds had wars. Harring man, is neow king. This is modeln times. deceptered, in what niche of time 1 is Shee or where in the rose world trysting, that was the belle of La Chapelle, shapely Liselle, and the peg-of-my-heart of all the tompull or on whose limbs-tolave her semicupiose eyes now kindling themselves are brightning, 2 O Shee who then (4.32 M.P., old time, to be precise, according to all three doctors waterburies that was Mac Auliffe and poor MacBeth and poor MacGhimley to the tickleticks, of the synchronisms, all lauschening,a time also confirmed seven sincuries later by the quatren medical johnny, poor old MacAdoo MacDollett, with notary, 3 whose presence was required by law of Devine Foresygth and decretal of the Douge) who after the first compliments 4 med darkist day light, gave him then that vantage of a Blinkensope’s cuddlebath at her proper mitts—if she then, the then that matters,—but, seigneur! she could never have forefelt, as she yet will fearfeel, when the lovenext breaks out, such a coolcold douche as him, the totterer, the


The balbearians. 1 Talking about trilbits. 2 Barneycorrall, a precedent for the prodection of curiosity from children 3 A pfurty pscore of ruderic rossies haremhorde for his divelsion. 4 Look