List of authors
Finnegans Wake

1 Picking on Nickagain, Pikey Mikey?

2 Early morning, sir Dav Stephens, said the First Gentleman in youreups.

3 Bag bag blockcheap, have you any will?

4 What a lubberly whide elephant for the men-in-the-straits! quam taughtropes. (Spry him! call a blood lekar! Where’s Dr Brassenaarse?) Es war itwas in his priesterrite. O He Must Suffer ! From this misbelieving feacemaker to his noncredible fancyflame. 1 Ask for bosthoon, late for Mass, pray for blaablaablack sheep. (Sure you could wright anny pippap passage, Eye bet, as foyne as that moultylousy Erewhig, yerself, mick! Nock the muddy nickers! 2 Christ’s Church varses Bellial !) Dear and he went on to scripple gentlemine born, milady bread, he would pen for her, he would pine for her, 3 how he would patpun fun for all 4 with his frolicky frowner so and his glumsome grinner otherso. And how are you, waggy? 5 My animal his sorrafool! And trieste, ah trieste ate I my liver! Se non ‚ vero son trovatore. O jerry! He was soso, harriot all! He was sadfellow, steifel! He was mistermysterion. Like a purate out of pensionee with a gouvernament job. All moanday, tearsday, wailsday, thumpsday, frightday, shatterday till the fear of the Law. Look at this twitches! He was quisquis, floored on his plankraft of shittim wood. Look at him! Sink deep or touch not the Cartesian spring! Want more ashes, griper? How diesmal he was lying low on his rawside laying siege to goblin castle. And, bezouts that, how hyenesmeal he was laying him long on his laughside lying sack to croakpartridge. (Be thou wars Rolaf’s intes Illustration. Ascription of the Active. Proscription of the Passive.

1 And she had to seek a pond’s apeace to salve her suiterkins. Sued!

2 Excuse theyre christianbrothers irish?

3 When she tripped against the briery bush he profused her allover with

curtsey flowers.

4 A nastilow disigraible game.

5 Dear old Erosmas. Very glad you are going to Penmark. Write to the

corner. Grunny Grant. tions, quoths the Bhagavat biskop Leech) Ann opes tipoo soon ear! If you could me lendtill my pascol’s kondyl, sahib, and the price of a plate of poultice. Punked. With best apolojigs and merrymoney thanks to self for all the clerricals and again begs guerdon for bistrispissing on your bunificence. Well wiggywiggywagtail, and how are you,yaggy? With a capital Tea for Thirst. From here Buvard to dear Picuchet. Blott.

Now, (peel your eyes, my gins, and brush your saton hat, me elementator joyclid, son of a Butt ! She’s mine, Jow low jure, 1 be Skibbering’s eagles, sweet tart of Whiteknees Archway) watch him, having caught at the bifurking calamum in his bolsillos, the onelike underworp he had ever funnet without difficultads, the aboleshqvick, signing away in happinext complete, (Exquisite Game of inspiration! I always adored your hand. So could I too and without the scrope of a pen. Ohr for oral, key for crib, olchedolche and a lunge ad lib. Can you write us a last line? From SmithJones-Orbison?) intrieatedly in years, jirryalimpaloop. And i Romain, hup u bn gd grl. 2 Unds alws my thts. To fallthere at bare feet hurryaswormarose. Two dies of one rafflement. Eche bennyache. Outstamp and distribute him at the expanse of his society. To be continued. Anon.

And ook, ook, ook,fanky! All the charictures 3 in the drame! This is how San holy Ensouling Fe male Sustains Agonising Over man. Sesama to the Rescues. The Key Signature. WHEN THE ANSWERER IS A LEMAN. ALL SQUARE AND

1 I loved to see the Macbeths Jerseys knacking spots of the Plumpduffs


2 Lifp year fends you all and moe, fouvenirs foft as fummer fnow, fweet

willings and forget-uf-knots.

3 Gag his tubes yourself. polypools. And this, pardonsky! is the way Romeopullupalleaps. 1 Pose the pen, man, way me does. Way ole missa vellatooth fust show me how. Fourth power to her illpogue ! Bould strokes for your life ! Tip ! This is Steal, this is Barke, this is Starn, this is Swhipt, this is Wiles, this is Pshaw, this is Doubbllinnbbayyates. 2 This is brave Danny weeping his spache for the popers. This is cool Connolly wiping his hearth with brave Danny. And this, regard ! how Chawleses Skewered parparaparnelligoes between brave Danny boy and the Connolly. Upanishadem! Top. Spoken hath L’arty Magory. Eregobragh. Prouf! 3

And Kev was wreathed with his pother.

But, (that Jacoby feeling again. for forebitten fruit and, my Georgeous, Kevvy too he just loves his puppadums, I judge !) after all his autocratic writings of paraboles of famellicurbs and meddlied muddlingisms, thee faroots hof cullchaw end ate citrawn woodint wun able rep of the triperforator awlrite blast through his pergaman hit him where he lived and do for the blessted selfchuruls, what I think, smarter like it done for a manny another unpious of the hairydary quare quandary firstings till at length, you one bladdy bragger, by mercystroke he measured his earth anyway? could not but recken in his adder’s badder cadder way our frankson who, to be plain, he fight him all time twofeller longa kill dead finish bloody face blong you, was misocain. Wince Force Centres of the Fire Serpen ine: heart, throat, navel, spleen, sacral, fontanella, inter temporal eye. Conception of the Compromise and Finding of a Formula. Ideal Present Alone Produces Real Future. ACCORDING TO COCKER. TROTHBLOWERS. FIG AND THISTLE PLOT A PIG AND WHISTLE.

1 He, angel that I thought him, and he not aebel to speel eelyotripes., Mr. Tellibly Divilcult!

2 When the dander rattles how the peacocks prance!

3 The Brownes de Browne — Browne of Castlehacknolan. wan’s won! Rip!

1 And his countinghands rose. Formalisa. Loves deathhow simple! Slutningsbane.

2 Thanks eversore much, Pointcarried ! I can’t say if it’s the weight you strike me to the quick or that red mass I was looking at but at the present momentum, potential as I am, I’m seeing rayingbogeys rings round me. Honours to you and may you be commended for our exhibitiveness! I’d love to take you for a bugaboo ride and play funfer all if you’d only sit and be the ballasted bottle in the porker barrel. You will deserve a rolypoly as long as from here to tomorrow. And to hell with them driftbombs and bottom trailers! If my maily was bag enough I’d send you a toxis. By Saxon Chromaticus, you done that lovely for me! Didn’t he now, Nubilina? Tiny Mite, she studiert whas? With her listeningin coiffure, her dream of Endsland’s daylast and the glorifires of being presainted maid to majesty.

3 And less is the pity for she isn’t the lollypops she easily might be if she had for a sample Virginia’s air of achievement. That might keep her from throwing delph.

4 As I was saying, while retorting thanks, you make me a reborn of the cards. We’re offals boys ambows.

5 For I’ve flicked up all the crambs as they crumbed from your table um, singing glory allaloserem, cog it out, here goes a sum. So Service super seding self. Catastrophe and Anabasis. The rotary pro cessus and its reestablishment of reciprocities. WITH EBONISER. IN PIX. EUCHRE RISK, MERCI BUCKUP, AND MIND WHO YOU’RE PUCKING, FLEBBY.

1 A byebye bingbang boys! See you Nutcracker Sunday!

2 Chinchin Childaman! Chapchopchap!

3 Wipe your glosses with what you know.

4 If I’d more in the cups that peeves thee you could cracksmith your row tureens.

5 Alls Sings and Alls Howls. read we in must book. It tells. He prophets most who bilks the best.

And that salubrated sickenagiaour of yaours have teaspilled all my hazeydency. Forge away, Sunny Sim! Sheepshopp. Bleating Goad, it is the least of things, Eyeinstye! Imagine it, my deep dartry dullard! It is hours giving, not more. I’m only out for celebridging over the guilt of the gap in your hiscitendency. You are a hundred thousand times welcome, old wortsampler, hellbeit you’re just about as culpable as my woolfell merger would be. In effect I could engage in an energument over you till you were republicly royally toobally prussic blue in the shirt after. 1 Trionfante di bestia! And if you’re not your bloater’s kipper may I never curse again on that pint I took of Jamesons. Old Keane now, you’re rod, hook and sinker, old jubalee Keane! Biddy’s hair. Biddy’s hair, mine lubber. Where is that Quin but he sknows it knot but what you that are my popular endphthisis were born with a solver arm up your sleep. Thou in shanty ! Thou in scanty shanty ! ! Thou in slanty scanty shanty! ! ! Bide in your hush! Bide in your hush, do! The law does not aloud you to shout. I plant my penstock in your postern, chinarpot. Ave! And let it be to all remembrance. Vale. Ovocation of maiding waters.

2 For auld lang salvy steyne. I defend you to champ my scullion’s praises. To book alone belongs the lobe. Foremaster’s meed

3 will mark tomorrow, when we are making pilscrummage to whaboggeryin with The Twofold Truth and the Conjunctive Ap petites of Oppo sitional Orexes. Trishagion. COME SI COMPITA CUNCTITI TITILATIO? CONKERY CUNK, THIGH THIGHT TICKELLY THIGH, LIG GERILAG, TITTERITOT, LEG IN A TEE, LUG IN A LAW, TWO AT A TIE, THREE ON A THRICKY TILL OHIO OHIO IOIOMISS.

1 From three shellings. A bluedye sacrifice.

2 Not Kilty. But the manajar was. He! He! Ho! Ho! Ho!

3 Giglamps, Soapy Geyser, The Smell and Gory M Gusty. staff, scarf and blessed wallet and our aureoles round our neckkandcropfs where as and when Heavysciusgardaddy, parent who offers sweetmeats, will gift uns his Noblett’s surprize. With this laudable purpose in loud


SICK US A SOCK WITH SOME SEDI MENT IN IT FOR THE SAKE OF OUR DARNING WIVES. 1 Picking on Nickagain, Pikey Mikey? 2 Early morning, sir Dav Stephens, said