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head, which had been hanging loosely, the eyes helplessly following the frantic movements of her cunt, now thrust itself up taut, the gaze suddenly shifted to some point above my head. An expression of utter selfish pleasure filled the full, roving orbs, and as she began to rotate her ass, my prick only half inside her, she began to chew her underlip. With that I slid a trifle lower and pulling her down with all my force I jabbed it in up to the hilt, so deep that she gave a groan and her head fell forward on the pillow. At this moment, when I could have taken a carrot and shoved it around inside her for all the difference it would have made, there came a loud knock at the door. We were both so startled that our hearts almost stopped beating. As usual, she recovered first. Tearing herself from me, she ran to the door.

«Who’s there?» she asked.

«It’s only me,» came the timid, quaking voice which I recognized immediately.

«Oh, it’s you! Why didn’t you say so? What is it?»

«I only wanted to know,» came the faint, dragging voice with a slowness which was exasperating, «if Henry was there?»

«Yes, of course he’s here,» snapped Maude, pulling herself together. «Oh, Melanie,» she said, as if the latter were torturing her, «is that all you wanted to know? Couldn’t you…?»

«There’s a telephone call for Henry,» said poor old Melanie. And then even more slowly, as if she were just able to get that much more out of her system: «I… think… it’s important.»

«All right,» I yelled, getting up from the couch and buttoning my fly, «I’ll be right there!»

When I picked up the receiver I got quite a shock. It was Curley telephoning from Cockroach Hall. He couldn’t tell me what it was, he said, but I was to get home as fast as I could.

«Don’t talk that way,» I said, «tell me the truth. What’s happened? Is it Mona?»

«Yes,» he said, «but she’ll be all right in a little while.»

«She’s not dead then?»

«No, but it was a close call. Hurry up…», and with that he hung up.

In the hall I ran into Melanie, her bosom half exposed, limping along with melancholy satisfaction. She gave me an understanding look, one of pity, envy and reproach combined.

«I wouldn’t have disturbed you, you know»—her voice drawled painfully upward—«if they hadn’t said it was important. Dear me,» and she started dragging her body towards the stairs, «there’s so much to do. When you’re young….»

I didn’t wait to hear her out. I ran downstairs and almost into Maude’s arms.

«What is it?» she asked solicitously. Then, since I didn’t answer immediately, she added: «Did something happen…. to… to her?»

«Nothing serious, I hope,» said I, fumbling about for my coat and hat.

«Must you go right away? I mean….»

There was more than anxiety in Maude’s voice; there was a hint of disappointment, a faint suggestion of disapproval.

«I didn’t turn the light on,» she continued, moving towards the lamp as if to switch it on, «because I was afraid Melanie might come down with you.» She fussed a little with her bathrobe, as if to bring my mind back to the subject which was uppermost in her mind.

I suddenly realized that it was cruel to run off without a little show of tenderness.

«I’ve really got to run,» I said, dropping my hat and coat and moving swiftly to her side. «I hate to leave you now… like this,» and taking the hand which was about to light the lamp, I drew her to me and embraced her. She offered no resistance. On the contrary, she put her head back and offered her lips. In a moment my tongue was in her mouth and her body, limp and warm, was pressing convulsively against mine. («Hurry, hurry!» came Curley’s words.) «I’ll make it quick,» I said to myself, not caring now whether I made a rash move or not. I slipped my hand under her gown and plunged the fingers into her crotch. To my surprise she reached for my fly, opened it, and took out my prick. I backed her against the wall and let her place my prick against her cunt. She was all aflame now, conscious of every move she made, deliberate and imperious. She handled my prick as if it were here own private property.

It was awkward trying to get at it bolt upright. «Let’s lie here,» she whispered, sinking to her knees I and dragging me down likewise.

«You’ll catch cold,» I said, as she feverishly attempted to slide out of her things.

«I don’t care,» she said, pulling my pants down and pulling me to her recklessly. «Oh God,» she groaned, chewing her lips again and squeezing my balls as I slowly inserted my prick. «Oh God, give it to me… put it all the way in!» and she gasped and groaned with pleasure.

Not wishing to jump up immediately and make a grab for my hat and coat I rested there on top of her, my prick still inside her and stiff as a ramrod. She was like a ripe fruit inside and the pulp seemed to be breathing. Soon I felt the two little flags fluttering; it was like a flower swaying, and the caress of the petals was tantalizing. They were moving uncontrollably, not with hard, convulsive jerks, but like silken flags responding to a breeze. And then it was as though she suddenly assumed the control: with the walls of her cunt she became a soft lemon squeezer inside, plucking and clutching at will, almost as if she had grown an invisible hand.

Lying absolutely still, I surrendered myself to these artful manipulations. («Hurry, hurry!» But I recalled very clearly now that he had said she wasn’t dead.) I could always summon a taxi; a few minutes more or less wouldn’t matter. Nobody would ever imagine that I had stayed behind for this.

(Take your pleasure while it lasts…. Take your pleasure….)

She knew now that I wouldn’t run. She knew that she could draw it out as long as she pleased, especially lying quiet this way, fucking only with that inner cunt, fucking with a mindless mind.

I put my mouth to hers and began to fuck with my tongue. She could do the most amazing things with her tongue, things I had forgotten she knew. Sometimes she slid it into my throat as though to let me swallow it, then withdrew it tantalizingly to concentrate on the signalling below. Once I pulled my prick out all the way, to give it a breath of air, but she reached for it greedily and slipped it back in again, thrusting herself forward so that it would touch bottom. Now I drew it out just to the tip of her cunt and, like a dog with a moist nose, I sniffed at it with the tip of my pecker. This little game was too much for her; she began to come, a long drawn-out orgasm that exploded softly like a five-pointed star. I was in such a cold-blooded state of control that as she went through her spasms I poked it around inside her like a demon, up, sideways, down, in, out again, plunging, rearing, jabbing, snorting, and absolutely certain that I wouldn’t come until I was damned good and ready.

And now she did something she had never done before. Moving with furious abandon, biting my lips, my throat, my ears, repeating like a crazed automaton, «Go on, give it to me, go on, give it, go on, Oh God, give it, give to me!» she went from one orgasm to another, pushing, thrusting, raising herself, rolling her ass, lifting her legs and twining them round my neck, groaning, grunting, squealing like a pig, and then suddenly, thoroughly exhausted, begging me to finish her off, begging me to shoot. «Shoot it, shoot it… I’ll go mad.» Lying there like a sack of oats, panting, sweating, utterly helpless, utterly played out that she was, I slowly and deliberately rammed my cock back and forth, and when I had enjoyed the chopped sirloin, the mashed potatoes, the gravy and all the spices, I shot a wad into the mouth of her womb that jolted her like an electric charge.

In the subway I tried to prepare myself for the ordeal ahead. Somehow I felt certain that Mona was not in danger. To tell the truth, the news was not altogether a shock; I had been expecting an outburst of some sort for weeks. A woman can’t go on pretending that she is indifferent when her whole future is in jeopardy. Particularly a woman who feels guilty. While I didn’t doubt that she had made an effort to do something desperate, I knew also that her instincts would prevent her from accomplishing her end. “What I feared more than anything was that she might have bungled the job. My curiosity was aroused. What had she done? How had she gone about it? Had she planned it knowing that Curley would come to the rescue? I hoped, in some strange, perverted way, that her story would sound convincing; I didn’t want to hear some preposterous, outlandish tale which in my unsettled condition would cause me to burst out into hysterical laughter. I wanted to be able to listen with a straight face— to look sorrowful and sympathetic because I felt sorrowful and sympathetic. Drama always affected me strangely, always aroused the sense of the ridiculous, especially when motivated by love. Perhaps that was why, in moments of desperation, I could always laugh at myself.


head, which had been hanging loosely, the eyes helplessly following the frantic movements of her cunt, now thrust itself up taut, the gaze suddenly shifted to some point above my