List of authors
The History of Western Philosophy
, 87 , 88 , 134 ; and soul, 346 , 523 ; and Spinoza, 123 , 375 -376, 569 , 571 -574, 583 , 742 ; and Stoics, 253 , 254 , 256 , 258 , 259 , 263
-268, 291 ; thoughts of, 37 , 820 ; and Voltaire, 689 ; and Wycliffe, 484 . See also Creator; One; pantheism; Trinity

god (s): and Alexander, 219 ; and Aristotle, 168 , 181 , 455 -456, 462 ; and St. Augustine, 355 -357; in Bacchic ritual, 16 ; and Empedocles, 53 , 56 , 57 ; and Epicurus, 246 , 247 ; and Greeks, 19 , 26 , 27 , 40 , 43 , 77 , 204 , 213 , 295 ; and Homer, 11 , 109 -110; and Jews, 310
-311, 318 ; and Plato, 109 , 112 , 144 -148; of Rome, 278 ; and Socrates, 85 , 87 , 141 , 142 ; and Stoics, 254 , 256 . See also Olympian gods

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, German poet and author ( 1749-1832),
229 , 576 , 720 , 751

Gog and Magog, 362

gold, 43 , 111 , 113 , 283

golden age, 55 , 56 , 262 Golden Fleece, Order of the, 513

golden mean, 161 , 173 , 182 , 189

good,-ness, 44 , 136 , 177 , 179 , 280 , 473 , 687 , 688 , 711 , 763 ; and Aristotle, 173 , 178 , 179 , 182 ; and cynics, 230 , 231 ; Manichæan view of, 325 ; in Persian dualism, 476 ; and Plato, 106 , 117 -118, 126
, 130 , 131 -133; and Plotinus, 284 , 288 ; standards of, 34 , 117

Gordian III (Marcus Antonius Gordianus), Roman Emperor ( 224 ?
244 ), 287

Gordons ( Byron’s maternal ancestors), 748

Gorgias, Greek Sophist and statesman ( 485?380? B.C.), 78 , 233

Gorgias ( Plato), 79

Gospels, 285 , 319 , 320 , 328 , 757 . See also Synoptic Gospels

Goths, 341 , 344 ; conversion of, 386 ; invasions of, 343 , 369 , 399 ,
401 ; and Rome, 334 , 355 , 356 , 357 , 366 -367, 374

Göttingen, 679 , 754

Gottschalk, German Benedictine monk (805?868), 403

government, 5 , 189 -190, 281 -282, 329 , 629 , 711 , 737 , 777 . See also politics; State

Gracchi, the (Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus and Caius Sempronius
Gracchus), Roman statesmen (fl. 2nd cent. B.C.), 272 , 342

grammar, 258

Grand Canyon, 678

Gratian (Flavius Gratianus), Roman Emperor ( 359-383), 336 , 337

gravitation, 207 , 216 , 562 , 598 , 641 , 833

Great Britain, 730 , 773

Great Fire, 548

great man, 750 , 762

Great Mother, 5 , 6 *, 18 , 330

Great Schism, 304 , 470 , 482 -483, 485 “greatest happiness of the
greatest number,” 723 , 768 , 774 , 775

Greece, Greek(s), 100 , 187 , 193 , 196 -198, 258 , 260 , 328 , 486 , 754 ; and Alexander, 219 , 220 , 221 , 281 ; and Arabs, 275 , 423 ; and Asia Minor, 5 , 99 , 223 ; astronomy in, 208 , 212 -217, 526 ; attitudes of,

toward the world, 148 , 305 , 827 ; and barbarians, 219 -220, 252 , 343 ; cities of, 29 , 53 , 58 , 59 , 101 , 219 , 220 , 223 , 224 , 226 , 271 ; civilization and culture of, 3 -24, 58 -61, 97 , 101 , 194 , 220 , 275 , 281 , 314 , 326 ; colonists of, 5 , 226 ; decline of, 273 ; and democracy, 53 , 190 ; and Egypt, 17 , 25 , 212 ; and ethics, 92 , 178 ; genius of, theoretical, 211 -212; and Jews, 223 , 314 , 322 , 324 ; and Hellenism, 218 , 223 , 224 , 226 , 252 ; and logic, 199 , 234 , 269 ; and love of static perfection, 169 ; and mathematics, 36 , 131 ; not addicted to moderation, 48 ; not wholly serene, 19 -21; present-day attitudes toward, 38 -39, 792 ; and Persia, 13 , 58 ; and physics, 203 -204; and politics, 34 , 184 , 185 , 194 , 272 , 491 , 504 , 509 , 554 ; religion of, 22 -24, 27 , 227 , 249 -250, 322 , 408 , 477 ; and Renaissance, 503 , 509 , 525 ; revolutionsin, 190 ; and Rome, 217 , 270 , 272 -273, 276 -279, 281 , 737 ; and science, 68 , 132 , 216 , 217 , 218 ; and slavery, 186 , 192 , 193 , 220 ; and Sparta, 97 , 98 ; three periods of, 218 ; tragedy m, 19 , 58 ; and the West, 275 , 399 ; women in, 96 , 110 . See also Hellenic world; Hellenism

Greek Atomists and Epicurus, The ( Bailey), 64 *, 66 *, 69 *, 71 *, 240 *, 244 *, 245 *

Greek Church, 361 , 388 , 460 , 478 , 484 . See also Eastern Church

Greek Emperor, 388 -389, 390 , 433

Greek Fathers, 406 Greek language, 7 , 132 , 283 , 347 , 517 , 760 ; and Alexander, 101 , 222 , 223 ; and Arabs, 283 ; and biblical books, 5 *, 314 , 318 , 321 , 514 ; and Crusades, 434 -435; and Eastern Empire, 274 , 275 ; and Erasmus, 513 -517; and Gregory the Great, 381 , 382 ; in Ireland, 401 ; and Jews, 323 ; and John the Scot, 400 , 403 -404; in Rome, 237 , 276 , 278 ; in Sicily, 443 ; and translations, 175 *, 314 , 321
, 403 404, 440 , 453 , 464 , 514 ; in Western Empire, 277 , 279

Greek Mathematics ( Heath), 36 *, 65 †, 147 *, 209 *, 215 *

Greek Philosophers, The ( Benn), 16o*, 231 *, 280 â€

Greek philosophy, 12 ; and animism, 537 ; and Arabs, 283 , 427 ; and Aristotle, 159 , 202 , 229 -232, 785 ; in Athens, 373 ; atomism avoids faults of, 65 ; and barbarians, 476 477; and change, 69 ; and Christianity, 309 , 326 , 328 ; and Church, 478 ; and creation, 353 ; and Dionysus worship, 14 ; and ethics, 181 ; and future life, 330 -331; and hypotheses, 528 ; and individualism, 598 ; and justice, 27 , 113 -114, 183 ; and land-owning, 187 ; and leisure, 106 ; and mathematics, 37 , 208 , 223 ; and medieval synthesis, 476 ; and Nietzsche, 761 ; obscurantist bias in, 63 ; and Persians, 402 ; and Plato, 45 , 79 ; and politics, 230 ; religious, 16 , 37 ; scientific, 16 , 55 ; and senses, 233 ; and Sophists’ detachment, 78 ; and Sparta, 94 ; and Stoicism, 252 ; and time, 354 ; vitiated after Democritus, 72 -73. See also Hellenistic philosophy

Green, Thomas Hill, English idealist philosopher ( 1836-1882), 605

Greenwich, 723

Gregory I (the GreatSt.), Pope (reigned 590604), 177 , 303 , 334 , 369 , 381 -387, 394 , 397 , 402 , 414 ; and St. Benedict, 378 381; and growth of papal power, 375 , 478 ; period following, 388 ; quoted, 378 -380, 384 -386

Gregory II (St.), Pope (reigned 715-731), 394

Gregory III (St.), Pope (reigned 731-741), 390

Gregory VI, Pope (reigned 1045-1046), 412 , 414

Gregory VII (St. Hildebrand), Pope (reigned 1073-1085), 408 , 412 , 414 416, 417 , 430 , 478 . See also Hildebrand

Gregory IX, Pope (reigned 1227-1241), 444 , 445 , 448 , 449 , 450 , 479

Gregory XI, Pope (reigned 1370-1378), 482 , 485

Griechische Geschichte ( Beloch), 10 â€

Grosseteste, Robert, English theologian and scholar, Bishop of Lincoln
(d. 1253), 465

Grotius, Hugo (Huig de Groot), Dutch jurist and statesman ( 1583-
1645), 630

ground in logic, 664

Guadalquivir, 723

guardian angel, 265

guardians, in Plato’s Utopia, 108 -109, 111 , 113 , 114 , 122 , 125 , 130 ,

Guelfs, 444 , 450 , 478 , 497

Guericke, Otto von, German physicist ( 16021686), 535

Guicciardini, Francesco, Florentine statesman and


historian ( 1483-1540), quoted, 501

Guiccioli, Countess Teresa, mistress of Lord Byron ( 1801?-1873), 751

Guide to Wanderers (Maimonides), 428

Guillelmi de Ockham Opera Politica, 471 *

Guise, noble house of France, active in wars of religion ( 16th cent.),

gunpowder, 466 , 486

Habeas Corpus Act, 602

habit, 655 , 667 , 669 , 670 , 795 , 797 , 814

Hades, 23 , 42 , 43

Hadrian Ior Adrian (St.), Pope (reigned 772-795), 392

Hadrian IVor Adrian ( Nicholas Breakspeare), English missionary and
Pope (reigned 11541159), 431 -432, 433 *, 440

Hadrian (Publius Aelius Hadrianus), Roman Emperor ( 76-138), 277

Hague, The, 569 , 586

Halicarnassus, 59

Halley, Edmund, English astronomer ( 1656-1742), 536 , 538

Ham, 618

Hamburg, 753 , 754

Hamilton, Sir William, Scottish philosopher ( 1788-1856), 773

Hamlet, 50 , 173 , 586

Hamm, Stephen, 536

Hammurabi, King of Babylon (fl. ca. 2100 B.C.), 5

handicraft production, 634

Hannibal, Carthaginian general ( 247-183 B.C.), 271

Hanover, 582

Hanse towns, 479

happiness, 60 , 286 , 304 , 305 , 645 , 694 , 778 -779, 792 ; and Aristotle, 173 , 178 , 180 -183, 189 ; and Bentham, 183 , 723 , 768 , 777 ; and Boethius, 370 ; and Epicureans, 245 , 248 ; and James, 818 ; and Kant, 710 ; and Locke, 613 -614, 615 ; and Marx, 788 ; and Schopenhauer, 756 ; and Stoics, 258 , 264 , 268 . See also greatest happiness

Hardwick, Lord. See Devonshire, Earl of

Harrison, Jane E., 22 , 249 ; cited, 14 *

Hartley, David, English philosopher ( 1705-1757), 773 , 774

Harun al Rashid, Abbasid Caliph ( 764?-809), 212 , 421 -422

Harvey, William, English physician


, 87 , 88 , 134 ; and soul, 346 , 523 ; and Spinoza, 123 , 375 -376, 569 , 571 -574, 583 , 742 ; and Stoics, 253