List of authors
The History of Western Philosophy
and Christianity, 101 , 284 -285, 303 , 308 , 326 , 478 ; cosmogony of, 143
-148; and deduction, 36 , 199 ; and Descartes, 558 , 567 ; and dialectic, 92 ; and Doctors of the Church, 285 , 351 , 353 , 357 , 358 , 359 , 418 ; dualism of, 303 , 567 ; and Erasmus, 513 , 517 ; ethics of, 172 -173; and existence, 831 ; and Gnosticism, 291 , 325 ; and God, 37 , 353 , 456 , 462 , 585 , 691 , 835 ; and Heraclitus, 44 45, 55 ; and immortality, 132 -143, 172 , 235 , 293 , 331 , 588 , 835 ; influence of, 93 -104, 120 , 143 , 148 , 195 , 218 , 283 , 303 , 418 419, 476 , 509 ; and justice, 183 ; and Kepler, 529 ; and knowledge, 92 , 149 159, 269 , 296 , 452 , 474 , 500 -501, 525 , 610 ; knowledge of, 418 , 452 , 486 ; and logic, 195 , 595 ; and love, 91 , 102 ; and mathematics, 36 , 132 , 208 , 209 210, 211 , 214 , 289 , 820 , 828 , 831 ; and modern philosophers, 120 , 549 , 609 , 735 , 753 , 761 , 786 ; and Orphism, 19 , 161 ; and other-worldliness, 284 , 307 ; and Parmenides, 48 , 119 -120; and perception, 149 -159, 233 , 474 , 546 ; and Philo, 322 ; and pleasure, 180 ; and Plotinus, 286 -289, 294 , 570 ; and politics, 94 , 105 , 106 , 177 , 224 , 229 , 230 , 509 , 554 , 598 ; and Pythagoras, 32 , 37 , 63 , 120 ; and religion, 16 , 169 ; and Rome, 236 , 277 ; and scholastic philosophers, 404 , 405 , 418 , 429 , 435 , 438 , 439 , 440 , 465 , 466 , 467 , 474 ; and science, 537 ; and Socrates, 60 , 63 , 82 -84, 88 , 89 , 91 , 92 , 111 , 142 , 235 , 236 , 463 ; and Sophists, 75 , 77 -78; and soul, 173 , 286 , 327 ; sources of opinions of, 104 -107; and Sparta, 94 , 98 , 100 ; and Stoics, 252 , 253 , 258 ; and subjectivity, 297 ; and time, 206 ; Utopia of, 104 , 108
-119, 188 , 519 ; vices in thought of, 73 , 78 -79; and virtue, 92 , 177 , 297 , 573 , 834 ; and Wycliffe, 484 ; cited, 209 ; quoted, 84 -91, 110 , 111 *, 119 , 121 -123, 125 126, 128 , 133 , 134 , 136 138, 140 -144, 146 -149, 152 , 153 . See also theory of ideas

Platonic Socrates, 60 , 63 , 84 -92, 111 , 116 -117, 122 , 127 -128, 132
-143, 149 -151, 235 , 236 , 371 , 463

Platonopolis, 287

Plautus, Titus Maccius, Roman playwright ( 254?-184 B.C.), 342

pleasure and pain, 15 , 135 136, 179 , 264 , 370 , 645 , 722 , 777 -779, 801 ; and Aristotle, 180 -181; and Bentham, 775 , 776 , 777 778; and Berkeley, 649 , 653 -654; and Epicurus, 243 -245; and Locke, 614 , 616 -617, 644 ; and utilitarians, 777 -779

plenum, 68 , 69 , 70

Pliny the Elder ( Caius Plinius Secundus), Roman scholar and writer ( 23
-79), 516

Plotinus, Greek Neoplatonic philosopher ( 204 270), 284 -297, 325 , 327 , 358 , 371 , 404 , 406 , 418 ,

423 , 735 ; originality of, 430 ; pagan philosophy ends with, 477 ; and Plato, 570 ; cited, 288 *; quoted, 288 -296

pluralism, 65 , 130 , 595

plurality, 708 , 802 , 830

Plutarch, Greek biographer ( 467 -120?), 94 , 100 , 101 -104, 687 , 695 ,
765 ; quoted, 96 , 101 -104, 215 , 237

plutocracy, plutocrat, 34 , 74 , 619

poets, 45 -46, 53 -54, 110 , 115

pogroms, 323 , 368 , 430

Poland, 634

politics, 88 , 94 , 105 , 106 107, 117 , 225 , 570 , 596 597, 703 , 791 ; Arab, 422 ; and Aristotle, 176 , 177 , 181 , 182 , 184 -195; and Bentham, 776 , 777 , 778 , 780 ; and Christianity, 301 , 329 , 332 , 333 , 408 , 410 ; and Darwin, 727 , 780 -781; and Dewey, 819 ; and ethics, 176 , 177 , 179 , 770 , 834 ; and Euclid, 36 ; and evolution, 511 ; and Greeks, 53 , 79 , 101 , 224 , 229 , 230 , 276 , 509 ; and Locke, 605 , 617 -640; and Machiavelli, 504 511, 761 -762; and Marsiglio of Padua, 469 , 470 ; and Marx, 782 , 785 , 786 ; and Middle Ages, 400 , 441 ; modern, 34 , 306 , 719 , 789 -790; and Nietzsche, 761 -762, 768 , 771 ; and Occam, 469 , 470 , 471 ; and romanticism, 675 , 682 ; and Rome, 251 , 276 , 509 ; and Rousseau, 684 , 694 -701

Politics ( Aristotle), 26 , 99 *, 184 -194

Polo, Marco, Venetian traveller and writer ( 1254?-1324?), 679

Polybius, Greek historian ( 200?-122? B.C.), 259 , 271 , 276

Polycrates, tyrant of Samos (reigned ca. 535515 B.C.), 29 -30

polygamy, 373 , 422

polytheism, 4 , 227

poor, 177 , 225 , 329 , 337 , 338 , 631 , 676 , 747 , 765

Poor Men of Lyons, 448 , 449

Pope, Alexander, English

poet ( 1688-1744), 257 , 371 , 752 ; quoted, 538 , 676

pope(s), 304 , 369 , 374 , 375 , 377 , 478 , 479 , 485 , 518 . and emperor, 304 , 363 , 392 -393, 408 , 412 -416, 429 , 443 -446, 469 -470, 471 ; and philosophers, 460 , 463 , 439 -440, 464 , 471 , 515 , 526 , 554 ; power of, 329 -330, 471 , 498 , 509 , 522 , 619 ; and Reformation, 522 , 523 ; and Renaissance, 498 , 501 ; and Roman population, 408 409, 415 . See also papacy

Pope Joan, 398

population: of Athens, 59 , 75 ; of Rome, and papacy, 412 -413, 415 ,
481 ; theory of, 723 , 724 , 726 , 780

Porphyry (Malchus), Greek Neoplatonic philosopher ( 2327-3047), 198 ,
199 , 287 , 296 , 359 , 465 , 472 , 477

Portugal, 368 , 442 , 569

Porrée, Gilbert de la, French scholastic theologian ( 1070-1154), 439

Porus, Indian King (fl. 4th cent. B.C.), 592

Posidonius (or Poseidonius), Syrian Greek Stoic philosopher ( 135?51?
B.C.), 216 , 258 -259, 277 , 297

Posterior Analytics, The ( Aristotle), 200 -202, 440 , 455

poverty, 26 , 72 *, 185 , 378 , 449 -450, 451 , 460 , 468 , 739 , 757

power, 194 , 328 , 509 , 580 , 585 , 620 , 621 , 719 , 728 729, 826 ; and Epicurus, 244 -245; and ethics, 116 , 638 ; and Locke, 617 , 630 ; love of, 100 , 135 , 136 , 230 , 747 ; and Machiavelli, 509 ; and modern State, 491 , 494 , 556 , 727 , 828 ; Nietzsche, 767 ; and philosophy, 230 , 494 , 827 , 828 ; in Plato’s Utopia, 114 ; political, 498 , 500 , 630 , 640 , 790 ;
social, 494 , 827 -828; and Socrates, 83 ; and Thrasymachus, 79

Power ( Russell), 786

practical philosophies, 792

pragmatism, 151 , 792 , 811 , 814 ; and truth, 34 , 77 , 551 , 816 -818

Pragmatism, a New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking ( James), 814 , 816 -818

Praise of Folly, The ( Erasmus), 514 -516

predestination, 363 , 403 , 460 , 523 , 524

predicates, 198 , 706

premisses, 3 *, 196 , 269

pre-Platonic philosophy, 562

Presbyterians, 471 , 602

President, 640

pre-Socratics, 3 , 45 , 73 , 106 , 144 , 761

pressure groups, 332

pride, 538 , 749 , 828

Pride’s Purge, 602

priest(s), priesthood, 23 , 461 , 476 , 477 , 478 , 485 , 486 , 523 . See also clergy

Priestley, Joseph, English clergyman and chemist ( 1733-1804), 775

Prignano, Bartolomeo. See Urban VI, Pope

primary qualities, 605 -607, 650 , 651 , 654 , 713

prime causes, 405

Prime Minister, 639


Primitive Culture in Greece ( Rose), 12 *

primogeniture, 621 Prince, The ( Machiavelli), 505 -509, 761 ; “Of Ecclesiastical Principalities,” 506 ; “In What Way Princes Must Keep
Faith,” 508

Prince Consort. See Albert

“Principal Doctrines” ( Epicurus), 243

Principia ( Newton), 36 , 536 , 563

Principia Mathematica ( Whitehead and Russell), 830

Principia Philosophiae ( Descartes), 561

principle of individuation, 467 -468, 755

Principles of Human Knowledge, The ( Berkeley), 648

Principles of Nature and Grace ( Leibniz), 583

Prior Analytics, The ( Aristotle), 199 , 440

private interests, 614 , 775

private judgement, 470

probability, 238 , 663 , 670 , 673 -674, 815

process, 46 , 47 , 821

Proclus, Greek Neoplatonic philosopher ( 410 ? 485 ), 209 , 418

production, 785

progress, 4 , 38 , 45 , 285 , 398 , 407 , 550 , 727 , 788

projectiles, 532 -533

Prolegomena ( Kant), 712 , 716

Prolegomena for the Study of Greek Religion ( Harrison), 14 *, 22

proletariat, 262 , 364 , 676 , 683 , 728 , 747 , 789

Prometheus, 21 , 232 , 318

propaganda, 116 , 117 , 118 , 191 , 195 , 331 , 510 , 728

“Proper Names” ( Russell), 468

property, 15 , 32 , 114 , 188 189, 485 , 491


and Christianity, 101 , 284 -285, 303 , 308 , 326 , 478 ; cosmogony of, 143-148; and deduction, 36 , 199 ; and Descartes, 558 , 567 ; and