The End
[42] Tolstoy did not fully realise the facts (described in A Peculiar People) of the Doukhobors’ submission to their leader, or of their belief in him as an incarnation of the Deity. In fact, when he wrote this play, Tolstoy regarded the Doukhobors as a type of what all Christians should be.
This play was begun in the ‘eighties, and continued in 1900 and 1902.
The following is a list of corrections made to the original. The first line is the original line, the second the corrected one.
forty-five; and her husband, Peter Semyónovich Kóhovstsef, a fat forty-five; and her husband, Peter Semyónovich Kóhovtsef, a fat
on the verandah at a table with a samovar and coffee-pot. Mary on the verandah at a table with a samovár and coffee-pot. Mary
[9] He was very nice, and like everybody else [9] He was very nice, and like everybody else.
is your duty as a mother to prendre tes mésures.[11] is your duty as a mother to prendre tes mesures.[11]
MARY IVÁNOVNA. I’m coming, coming? [Rises and exit]. MARY IVÁNOVNA. I’m coming, coming! [Rises and exit].
for vodka, and abandon our own families. for vódka, and abandon our own families?
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. Re-heat the samovar, please. ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. Re-heat the samovár, please.
ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. I should think they also need this samovar. ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. I should think they also need this samovár.
other 44,990 trees will very soon be cut down also. There are 449,990 trees remaining. This might either be a typesetting mistake or an error made by Styópa.
can be proved historically; there is but one irrefragible proof…. can be proved historically; there is but one irrefragable proof….
PRIEST. How can we trust in it, when there are contradictions. PRIEST. How can we trust in it, when there are contradictions?
[Enter Nurse]. Enter Nurse.
coming coming!
LYÚBA. Yes, do, and I’ll go and wake Lisa and Tánya. LYÚBA. Yes, do, and I’ll go and wake Lisa and Tónya.
what I feel. (To Tónya) If what I say should offend you–who are our what I feel. [To Tónya] If what I say should offend you–who are our
STARKÓVSKY. And Lyubóv Nikoláyevna?[36] She proposed to dance a great STARKÓVSKY. And Lyúbov Nikoláyevna?[36] She proposed to dance a great
[36] Lyúbov Nikolávna (= Love daughter of Nicholas) is the courteous [36] Lyúbov Nikoláyevna (= Love daughter of Nicholas) is the courteous