LISA. I did not know it.
EXAMINING MAGISTRATE. And also of having persuaded your husband, and bribed him with money, to commit a fraud–a pretended suicide–in order to free yourself of him.
LISA. That is all untrue.
EXAMINING MAGISTRATE. Well then, allow me to put a few questions. Did you send him 1,200 roubles in July of last year?
LISA. It was his own money, the proceeds of the sale of some things of his. At the time I parted from him, and when I was expecting a divorce, I sent him the money.
EXAMINING MAGISTRATE. Just so! Very well. That money was sent to him on the 17th of July, two days before his disappearance?
LISA. I think it was on the 17th, but I don’t remember.
EXAMINING MAGISTRATE. And why was the application to the Consistorium for a divorce withdrawn, just at that time–and the lawyer told not to proceed with the case?
LISA. I don’t know.
EXAMINING MAGISTRATE. Well, and when the police asked you to identify the body, how was it you recognised it as your husband’s?
LISA. I was so excited that I did not look at the body, and I felt so sure it was he, that when they asked me I answered, “I think it is he.”
EXAMINING MAGISTRATE. Yes, you did not see well, in consequence of a very natural excitement. And now may I ask why you have sent a monthly remittance to Sarátov, the very town where your first husband was living?
LISA. My husband sent that money, and I cannot say what it was for, as that is not my secret. But it was not sent to Theodore Vasílyevich, for we were firmly convinced of his death. That I can say for certain.[26]
[26] Had Tolstoy lived to give a final revision to this play, he would probably have made it clearer that Karénin sent a monthly payment to the clockmaker Evgényev, in response to the request contained in the last letter Fédya addressed to Lisa and himself; and that this money found its way to Fédya.
EXAMINING MAGISTRATE. Very well. Only allow me to remark, madam, that the fact of our being servants of the law does not prevent our being men; and believe me I quite understand your position and sympathise with you! You were tied to a man who squandered your property, was unfaithful–in short, brought misfortune….
LISA. I loved him.
EXAMINING MAGISTRATE. Yes; but still the desire to free yourself was natural, and you chose this simpler way, without realising that it would lead you into what is considered a crime–bigamy! I quite understand it. The judges will understand too; and therefore I advise you to confess everything.
LISA. I have nothing to confess. I have never lied. [Cries] Do you want me any longer?
EXAMINING MAGISTRATE. I must ask you to remain here. I will not trouble you with any more questions. Only kindly read this over and sign it. It is your deposition. See whether your answers have been correctly taken down. Please take that seat. [Points to an armchair by the window. To Clerk] Ask Mr. Karénin to come in.
Enter Karénin, stern and solemn.
EXAMINING MAGISTRATE. Please take a seat.
KARÉNIN. Thank you! [Remains standing] What do you want of me?
EXAMINING MAGISTRATE. I have to take your deposition.
KARÉNIN. In what capacity?
EXAMINING MAGISTRATE [smiling] I, in the capacity of Examining Magistrate, am obliged to question you in the capacity of an accused person.
KARÉNIN. Indeed! Accused of what?
EXAMINING MAGISTRATE. Of marrying a woman whose husband was alive. However, allow me to question you properly. Kindly sit down.
KARÉNIN. Thank you.
KARÉNIN. Victor Karénin.
KARÉNIN. Chamberlain and Member of Council.
KARÉNIN. Thirty-eight.
KARÉNIN. Orthodox; and I have never before been tried or questioned! Well?
EXAMINING MAGISTRATE. Did you know that Theodore Vasílyevich Protásov was alive when you married his wife?
KARÉNIN. I did not know it. We were both convinced that he was drowned.
EXAMINING MAGISTRATE. After Protásov’s alleged death, to whom in Sarátov did you send a monthly remittance?
KARÉNIN. I do not wish to reply to that question.
EXAMINING MAGISTRATE. Very well. Why did you send money–1,200 roubles–to Mr. Protásov just before his pretended death on 17th July?
KARÉNIN. That money was given to me by my wife …
KARÉNIN. … by my wife, to send to her husband. She considered that money to be his, and having severed all connection with him, considered it unfair to keep it.
EXAMINING MAGISTRATE. One more question–why did you withdraw the application for divorce?
KARÉNIN. Because Theodore Vasílyevich undertook to apply for a divorce, and wrote me about it.
EXAMINING MAGISTRATE. Have you got his letter?
KARÉNIN. It has been lost.[27]
[27] Karénin does not produce Fédya’s letter because it would have proved connivance in the divorce proceedings.
EXAMINING MAGISTRATE. It is strange that everything which might convince the Court of the truth of your evidence should either be lost or non-existent.
KARÉNIN. Do you want anything more?
EXAMINING MAGISTRATE. I want nothing, except to do my duty; but you’ll have to exonerate yourselves, and I have just advised Mrs. Protásova, and I advise you also, not to try to hide what everyone can see, but to say what really happened. Especially as Mr. Protásov is in such a condition that he has already told everything just as it happened, and will probably do the same in Court, I should advise …
KARÉNIN. I request you to keep within the limits of your duty, and not to give me your advice! May we go? [Approaches Lisa, who rises and takes his arm].
EXAMINING MAGISTRATE. I am very sorry to be obliged to detain you … [Karénin looks round in astonishment] Oh, I don’t mean that I arrest you. Though that would make it easier to get at the truth, I shall not resort to such a measure. I only want to take Protásov’s deposition in your presence, and to confront him with you–which will make it easier for you to detect any falsehood in what he says. Please take a seat. Call in Mr. Protásov!
Enter Fédya, dirty and shabby.
FÉDYA [addresses Lisa and Karénin] Lisa! Elisabeth Andréyevna! Victor! I am not guilty! I wished to act for the best. But if I am guilty … forgive me, forgive me! [Bows low to them].
EXAMINING MAGISTRATE. Please to answer my questions.
FÉDYA. Ask, then.
FÉDYA. Why, you know it!
FÉDYA. Well then, Theodore Protásov.
EXAMINING MAGISTRATE. Your calling, age and religion?
FÉDYA [after a pause] Aren’t you ashamed to ask such nonsense? Ask what you want to know, and not such rubbish!
EXAMINING MAGISTRATE. I beg you to be more careful in your expressions, and to answer my questions!
FÉDYA. Well, if you’re not ashamed of it, here you are: Calling, graduate; age, forty; religion, Orthodox. What next!
EXAMINING MAGISTRATE. Did Mr. Karénin and your wife know that you were alive when you left your clothes on the river bank and disappeared?
FÉDYA. Certainly not! I wished really to commit suicide, but afterwards–but there’s no need to go into that. The thing is, that they knew nothing about it.
EXAMINING MAGISTRATE. How is it that you gave a different account to the police officer?
FÉDYA. What police officer? Oh, when he came to see me at the dosshouse? I was drunk, and was romancing. I don’t remember what I said. All that was rubbish. Now I am not drunk, and am telling the whole truth! They knew nothing. They believed that I was no longer alive, and I was glad of it. And everything would have gone on as it was, but for that rascal, Artémyev! If anyone is guilty, it is I alone.
EXAMINING MAGISTRATE. I understand your wish to be magnanimous, but the law demands the truth. Why was money sent to you?
Fédya is silent.
You received through Semyónov the money sent to you in Sarátov?
Fédya is silent.
Why don’t you answer? It will be put down in the depositions that the accused did not answer these questions, and this may harm you and them very much. Well then, how was it?
FÉDYA [after a pause] Oh, Mr. Magistrate, how is it you are not ashamed! Why do you pry into other people’s lives? You are glad to have power, and to show it, you torment not physically but morally–torment people a thousand times better than yourself!
FÉDYA. You’ve nothing to beg! I shall say what I think, and you [to Clerk] write it down! At least for once there will be sensible human words in a police report! [Raises his voice] There are three people: I, he, and she. Our relations to one another are complex–a spiritual struggle such as you know nothing of, a struggle between good and evil goes on. That struggle ends in a manner which sets them free. They were all at peace. They were happy, and remembered me with affection. I, fallen as I was, was glad that I had acted as I ought, and that I, a good-for-nothing, had gone out of their lives, so as not to stand in the way of people who were good and who had life before them. And so we were all living, when suddenly a blackmailing scoundrel appears who wants me to take part in his rascality, and I send him about his business. Then he comes to you, to the champion of Justice! The guardian of Morality! And you, who receive each month a few pounds for doing your dirty work, put on your uniform, and calmly bully these people–bully people whose little finger is worth more than your whole body and soul! People who would not admit you to their anteroom! But you have got so