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Tolstoy’s Journal
path. And this narrow path is outlined by impulse. If you have impulse and direction, you pass by both dangers. Of the two, the more terrible is artificiality.

The Journal of Leo Tolstoi [1896
3) It is impossible to compel reason to exam-ine and clarify that which the heart does not wish.
4) It is bad when reason wishes to give the meaning of virtue to selfish efforts.
Kudinenko 43 was here. A remarkable man. N. took the oath and is serving. 44 A letter from Makovitsky 45 with an article on the Naz-arenes. 46 Jan. 24. Moscow. If I live.
Jan. 25. Moscow.
During these two days the chief event was the death of Nagornov. Always new and full of meaning is death. It occurred to me : they repre-sent death in the theatre. Does it produce Koooooo of that impression which the nearness of a real death produces?
I continue writing the drama. I have written four acts. All bad. But it is beginning to re-semble a real thing. Jan. 26. Mosc. If I live.
January 26. Moscow.
I am alive, but I don’t live. Strakhov to-day I heard of his death. 47 To-day they buried Nagornov and that is news. I lay down to sleep, but could not sleep, and there appeared before me so clearly and brightly, an un-derstanding of life whereby we would feel

FEBRUARY] The Journal of Leo Tolstoi
ourselves to be travellers. Before us lies a stage of the road with the same well-known conditions. How can one walk along that road otherwise than eagerly, gaily, friendly, and ac-tively together, not grieving over the fact that you yourself are going away or that others are going ahead of you thither, where we shall again be still more together.
To-day I wrote a postscript to the letter to Crosby. A good letter from Kenworthy. Un-pleasantness with N. He is a journalist. Jan. 26 . Moscow. If I live.
Almost a month that I have made no entries. Today, Feb. 13, Moscow.
I wanted to go to the Olsuphievs. 48 …. There is much bustle here and it takes up much time. I sit down late to my work and there-fore write little. I finished somehow the fifth act of the drama and took up Resurrection. I read over eleven chapters and am gradually ad-vancing. I corrected the letter to Crosby.
An event an important one Strakhov’s death, and something else Davydov’s conversa-tion with the Emperor. 49
The article by Ertel 50 that the efforts of the lib-erals are useful, and also the letter by Spielhagen on the same theme, 51 provoke me. But I can not, I must not write. I have no time. The letters

The Journal of Leo Tolstoi [1896
from Sopotsko 52 and Zdziekhovsky 53 on the Orthodox Church and on the Catholic, provoke me on the other hand. However, I shall hardly write. But here yesterday I received a letter from Grinevich’s 54 mother on the religious bringing up of children. That I must do. At least I must use all my strength to do this.
Very much music it is useless. … As re-gards religion, I am very cool at present.
Thought during this time (much I have forgot-ten and have not written down) :
i ) Oh, not to forget death for a moment, into which at any moment you can fall! If we would only remember that we are not standing upon an even plain (if you think we are standing so, then you are only imagining that those who have gone away have fallen overboard and you yourself are afraid that you will fall overboard), but that we are rolling on, without stopping, running into each other, getting ahead and being got ahead of, yonder behind the curtain which hides from us those who are going away, and will hide us from those who remain. If we remember that always, then, how easy and joyous it is to live and roll together, yonder down the same incline, in the power of God, with Whom we have been and in Whose power we are now and will be after-wards and forever. I have been feeling this very keenly.

FEBRUARY] The Journal of Leo Tolstoi
2) There is no more convincing proof of the existence of God, than the faculty of the soul by which we can transport ourselves into other be-ings. Out of this faculty flows both love and rea-son, but neither one nor the other is in us, but they are outside of us and we only coincide with them. (Unclear.)
3 ) The power to kill oneself is free play given to people. God did not want slaves in this life, but free workers. If you remain in this life, then it means that its conditions are advantageous to you. If advantageous then work. If you go away from the conditions here, if you kill yourself, then the same thing will be put before you again there. So there is nowhere to go.
It would be good to write the history of what a man lives through in this life who committed sui-cide in a past life; how, coming up against the same requirements which were placed before him in the other life, he comes to the realisation that he must fufil them. And in this life he is more intelligent than in the others, remembering the lesson given him.
4) How does it happen that a clever, educated man believes in the nonsensical? Man thinks that which his heart desires. Only if his heart desires the truth, and only if it does, will he think the truth. But if his heart desires earthly pleasures and peace, he will think of that which will bring

The Journal of Leo Tolstoi [1896
him earthly pleasures and peace or still something else. But as it is not an attribute of man to have earthly pleasures and peace, he will think falsely; and to be able to think falsely he will hypnotise himself.
(Unclear, not good.) Feb. 14. M. If I live.
To-day February 22. Nicholskoe, at the Olsu-phievs. 55
It is already more than a week that I feel de-pressed in spirit. No life; I can not work on any-thing. Father of my life and of all life ! If my work is already finished here, as I am beginning to think, and the ending of my spiritual life, which I am beginning to feel, means a transfer into that other life that I am already beginning to live there and that here these remnants are being taken away little by little then show it to me more clearly that I may not seek and weary myself. Otherwise it seems to me that I have many well-thought plans, yet I have no means, not only for carrying them through this I know, I ought not to think of but even to do something good, something pleasing to Thee as long as I live here. Or give me strength to work with the consciousness of serving Thee. Still, Thy will be done. If only I always felt that life consisted only in the ful-

FEBRUARY] The Journal of Leo Tolstoi
filment of Thy will, I would not doubt. But doubt comes because I bite the bit and don’t feel the reins.
It is now 2 o’clock. I am going to dinner. I took a walk, slept in the morning, read Trilby. And I want to sleep all the time.
During this time, what has happened? Almost nothing. I thought on the Declaration of Faith. // / live. February 23. Nicholskoe.
To-day February 27. Nicholskoe.
Am writing the drama, it moves very stiffly. Indeed I don’t even know if I am progressing or not. … I am very comfortable here; the impor-tant thing it is quiet.
Read Trilby poor. Wrote letters to Chert-kov, Schmidt, 56 Kenworthy. Read Corneille instructive.
Have been thinking:
i) I made a note that there are two arts. Now thinking it over, I don’t find a clear expres-sion of my thought. Then I thought that there was an art, as they rightly characterise it, which grew from play, from the need of every creature to play. The play of the calf is jumping, the play of man is a symphony, a picture, a poem, a novel.
This is one kind of art, the art of play, of 25

The Journal of Leo Tolstoi [1896
thinking out new plays, producing old ones and inventing new. That is a good thing, useful and valuable because it increases man’s joys. But it is clear that it is possible to occupy oneself with play only when sated. Thus society can only oc-cupy itself with art, when all its members are sated. But as long as all its members are not sated, there can not be real art, there will be an art of the overfed, a deformed one, and an art of the hungry ones rough and poor, just as it is now. And therefore, in the first kind of art of play only that part is of value which is at-tainable to all, which increases the joys of all.
If it is like this, then it is not a bad thing, espe-cially if it does not demand an increase of toil on the part of the oppressed, as happens now.
(This could and should be expressed better.)
But there is yet another art which calls forth in man better and higher feelings. I wrote this just now something I have said many times and I think it isn’t true. Art is only one and con-sists in this: to increase the sinless general joys accessible to all the good of man. A nice build-ing, a gay picture, a song, a story give a little good; the awakening of religious feelings, of the love of good


path. And this narrow path is outlined by impulse. If you have impulse and direction, you pass by both dangers. Of the two, the more terrible is artificiality.19 The Journal