to. Series and Structure
I. Pierre Boulez. Relevis d’apprenti (Paris: Seuil, 1966). p. 297.
Adamov, A.,115 theory, xixii, 6365; and code violaAddinsell, Richard: WarsawConcerto, 214 tion, xxivxxv, 3539, 6365, 67, 195Adomo, Theodor, 195, 242 199, 207208, 255019; and social cornAdvertising,189 mttment, xxiv, II; perceptual, 1617; of Aestheticexperience,2425.27,80.189. signs, 3539, 85, 86, 98, 255019; and SeealsoAestheticpleasure aesthetic value, 4142, 208; in music, Aestheticpleasure,3738,7576,too; 96. See also Indeterminacy; Openness; and openness, 39.42.808/, too, 171, Openwork
205 Amicis, Edmondo de: Cum, xxviii,
The Aesthetics of Thomas Aquinas, xxi
Aesthetic stimulus, 3539. Stealso Aes Anth3ropology,144145,146,147148 theticpleasure Antonioni,Michelangelo:LaNotte,116; Aesthetic theory: idiolect of. xxv; tradi L’Avventura,/16118,121;Eclipse,148149. tional. 24; medieval, 57; defined, 22, 152
toy; incompleteness of, 39; and infor Apocalittici eintegrati,xvi,xviii, xix,xxi, mation theory, 44. See also Art; Art. xxiv
contemporary; Avantgarde art; Open Apollinaire,Guillaume,65,236
work;Poetics Aristotle,14,88,120,184;Poetics,xxxii;on Aestheticvalidity,3,170 poetry,111112,114,118 Aestheticvalue,8o,87,111112,176 Art:cognitivefunctionof,ix,xivxv,xxiv; 178,257n/9;andambiguity, 4142 asreflectionofculture,ix,xivxv,67, .4gudezas,7 1319,2223,80,8793,140142, 153, Alienation: inescapability of Xiv, 126, 155157, 167168,173,174;matterof, 127129, 136137, 26404; defined, 123 ix,tot,160161;politicalfunctionof,xv, 124; and objectification, 124127, 135. xxvi136; economic. 125126, 127129; and xxvii,83,137,14014.2,172,174;con
salvation, 129131, 133135, 136; sumptionof,xxiv,194195;evolutionof, pessimistic attitude toward, 131133; 7980;deathof,170174;autonomyof, positive attitude toward, 133t34; in 174175.SeealsoArt,contemporary; industrial society, 136, 144,145149, 243, Art,productionof;Art,workof;Avant265n5; formal, 137142; aesthetic gardeart;Form,aesthetic; Intention, expression of, 145149, 151158, 243 aesthetic; Open work;Poetry Allegory, 56 Art, contemporary: poetics of, vii, ixxiii,
Ambiguity: in open work, xxii, xxiv, 9 3, 4, 715, 1721, 2223, 44, 61, 6465, 10, II, 17, 1820, 4143, 44, 6869, 8o, 83,86,114121,142143,170
Art. contemporary (continued)
174; as reflection of culture, ix, xivxv, 1419.2_23, 80. 8793. 140. 142. 153, 155157, 167168. 173. 174; ambiguity in, xxii, xxiv, 910. II, 17.
182o, 4143. 44. 6869, 80, 85. 95too. 195; political function of. xv,
83, 137. 140141, 172. 174; aesthetic value of, 174179. See also Avantgarde art; Open work
Art. production of: open work, xxiv, 109110, 112113, 169170. 218; as formative process, 151, 161163, 164, 178, 201. 269n6; dialectics of, 159, 160162; in Kitsch, 186
Art, traditional, nt. 34. 13. 94, 104; lack of ambiguity in, xxii. 24. See also Music
Art, work of: limits of, 8, 1920. 64, 98100; and OpenneSS, 2023. 6465, I00104; as expression of poetics, 27. 151. 169171, 174175. 176178. 201; as message, 5865, 68. 102103, 195200; as perceptible form, 151, 176177, 201; as model, 162163; permanence of,
165166; fetishization of; 195, 198, 200; imitation of. 201205
Audiberti, Jacques, 9293
Avantgarde art, bt. xiii. 88, 150. 2172 ambiguity in. 6365. 140142, 265n9; political function of, 140142. 150. 174. 265159; development of, 186187; and Kitsch, 186188, 190. 192, 193, 203, 215216; and structuralism, 219; Italian. 2362.49; and capitalism, 237: and Marxism, 237238, 241243; features of, 240, 247; French, 245
Bath, J. S., 2, 95
Bad taste: as imposition of effect, 181, 182185. 194195. 203. See also Kitsch Balestrini, Nanni, 240, 244, 249, 268152 Balzac. Honore de, 120, 156 Baroque period, 7. 1314, 81, 85 Barthes, Roland, 245 Baseball, 117118, 119 Bauhaus style, 193 Beardsley, Aubrey, 188
Beatniks, 129130
Beckett. Samuel, 115. 236. 242 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 79, 189 Sense, Max, 69
Berio. Luciano. ix. x, 1. 4, 19. 245 Bohr, Niels, 1516
Boldini. Giovanni. 202203 Boltzmann, Ludwig, 48 BookoftheMonth Club, 192
Sandro. 205
Boulez, Pierre, 2, 217218. 223, 245 Bradbury. Ray: Ina Season of Calm fteathrr. 111213
Brahms. Johannes, 79. 142143 Brecht. Benoit. 7, II. 10. 135, 192193 Breton. André, 236
Broch, Hermann, 183, 192 Bruegel. Pieter, 198
Bruno. Giordano. 41 ¥. Camille, 84, 9293
Buck, Pearl: The Good Earth, 190, 191 Burke, Edmund, 8
Byron, George Gordon. Lord, 173
Calder, Alexander, ix. 12, 85 Calligraphic painting, 222 Calvin, Italo, 150 t 31
Canova, Antonio, z 80
Capitalism, 125, 206, 210211, 237. See
also Industrial society; Marxism Carp0CrateS, 155, 243 Cendrars, Blaise, 135136
Chance, 102, 103, 116117. See also Dis
order. Entropy
Chomsky, Noam, 228, 274158 Chopin. Frederic. 214
Cinema: narrative plot in, 115116, 2671513; openness in, 116118, 120, 142; alienation in, 148149
Classical art. See Art, traditional Clausius, Rudolf, 47
Code: structural vs. historical,
220221, 227229. 230232, 245246, 274158; violation of, xxivxxv. 3539, 5862, 6364, 67, 76. 7980, 83. 95, 195199; and message, 5052, 5658, 6365, 6668, 195200, 219220. 245. 253n/3, 258’127; defined, 56; and ease of communication. 5658, 6465; primary
(Ur), 220221, 227228, 245.
See also Information; Language; Meaning; Message; Music; Structuralism; Tonal system
Coleridge. Samuel Taylor, 26 Combination, axis of, 220, 245 Communication: mass. vii, xxiv, xxvi
xxvii, 187, 270n9; aesthetic, xxvi, 3239, 4142, 5862, 6668, 93100, 102; referential, 2930, 3536; emotive, 3032, 3536; as coded information, 5’52, 5662, 6365, 219220, 224225; and order, 6365. 98100; and avantgarde art. 6365, 140142; psychological aspects of, 7074; television and, 106; artist’s rejection of systems of, 143144; and form, 164165; status of structures of, 226230. See also Code; Information; Language; Message
Communication theory, 6669, 70, 258n27; structuralism in, 219220, 226229
Communism. See Marxism Constructivism, 89
Contemporary art. See Art, Contemporary
Convention: contravention of, xixii, xxivxxv, 137142; and meaning, 93100; in mosaic, 9798; and alienation, 137142. See also Code
Copernicus, 14, 89
Criticism, aesthetic, xiii, 168169, 178179, 247
Croce, Benedetto, xiii, 158; intuition/ expression in, viiiix, 25, 160; totality in, 2526, 28
Cubism, 85, 89, 169, 205
Culture. See Avantgarde art; History; Mass culture; Midcult
Culture industry, 185, 186, 187 Curi, NUM, 242
Dante Alighieri, 5, 6, 94, 237; Divine Comedy, 20, 40, 41, 169, t76
Darwin, Charles, 26
Debussy, Claude, 139
De Sanctis, Francesco, 172173 Detective story, 146148. See also Novel Dewey, John, 2528, 71; experience in,
2527, 110, 133134; transactional
knowledge in, 2728, 3539. Art as Experience, 27
Dialectics. See Logic; Marxism
Diario minima, xxviii
Discontinuity, 13, 18, 9o, 141142. See also Disorder
Disorder (entropy), xxi, 4649, 157; and information, xixfi, 49. 5058, 6367, 78, 8081, 93100, 256112; in contemporary art, xvxvi, xviii, 8081, 8793; organization of, 63, 65; and rationality. 141142
Dubuffct, Jean, 9091, 99, 101 Duchamp, Marcel, 89
Dumetil, Georges, 230, 232233
Egenter, R., 185, 192 Einstein, Albert, to, 1819 Eliot, T. S., 67, 243
Eluard, Paul, 606,, 9495 Engels, Frederick, 156
Enlightenment, the, 78
Entropy 4649, 5058. See also Disorder Evra rd t he G er man , 24 3 Existentialism, 126
Experience: acquired, 7172; unification of, it0111, 112113; and mimesis,
Experimentalism, 246
Fautrier, Pietro, 91, 102 Fauvism, 89
Fetishizedcommodity, 195, 197, 200 Finkelstein, Sidney, 142143 Flaubert,Gustave, 161
Fleming, Ian, xvii
Form, aesthetic: organic, xii, xxv, 42, 159; and openness, xii, 3639, 60, 64, 85, 101104; and style, xxv, 160, 164165, 200201; as reflection of culture, 1320, 2223, 88, 15/157; and memory, 3739, 163; acquired, 72, 76, 7980; artist’s protest against, 95, 101104, 137143; traditional, toe, 103, 104; montage, 107, 114; rhyme, 137139; forming of, 151, 158159, 16tt63, 164, 177178, 201, 269n6; and
interpretation, 163164, 166; artwork as Form.aesthetic (continued) perceptible. 1761 78, 201; VS. content, 178; consumption of, 197200. See also Narrative; Plot; Tonal system Form,perceptual.72,73.8182 Formaggio. Dino: L’idea di arristicitil.
172173 Formalism,Russian.71,257n17.Seealso
Structuralism Formativity.xii,65,158161.165,178,
269n6. SeealsoForm Freud.Sigmund,246 Functionalism,234
Gabo.Naum,85, 86 Galileo,229
Garroni, Emilio, 69 Gelber.Jack:TheConnection,115 Geometry. 89. t02. 120 Gershwin, George. 214215
Gestalt theory,71,7273, 7578.81 Gesture,aesthetic, 102,103 Giorgionc: Tempesta, 198 Giuliani.Alfredo.241 Gnosticism,155.243
Godard,JeanLuc,244,267/113 Goethe.JohannWolfgangVon.173,183 Greenberg,Clement.186 Gruppe47.240241
Gruppo 63: critique of bourgeois society, xiii, 239, 246248; and student unrest, xt, 247249; critique of