List of authors
The History of Western Philosophy
Christianity, 281 , 324 , 326 , 328 , 330 , 332 , 448 , 477 ; and civilization of Western Europe, 279 , 399 ; and God, 144 , 328 ; and Greeks, 25 ; and Gregory the Great, 383 , 384 ; and Hellenism, 223 , 227 ; and miracles, 331 ; and Mohammedans, 283 , 420 ; and Nietzsche, 760 , 764 ; and Old Testament, 340 -341, 361 ; pattern of history


of, 363 -364; persecuted, 323 , 316 -317, 323 , 368 , 420 , 430 , 434 ; religion of, 227 , 308 -323, 330 ; and sense of sin, 345 -346; in Spain, 420 , 427 -428, 449 ; and Spinoza, 569 ; and State, 363 ; theology of, 326 , 428 ; and usury, 636 . See also Hebrew . . .; law; Yahweh

Joachim of Flora or Floris, Italian mystic ( 1145?-1202), 439

Joan of Arc, St. ( 14121431), 90 , 449

Job, 771

Johannes Scotus. See John the Scot

Johannesberg, 226

John, King of England, called John Lackland ( 1267?-1216), 442

John XI, Pope (reigned 931-936), 398

John XII, Pope (reigned 955-964), 398

John XXII, Pope (reigned 1316-1334), 450 , 468 -469, 481

John XXIII (Baldassare Cossa), Pope (reigned 1410-1415), 483

John, St., 326 ; Gospel of, 289 , 438 , 460

John of Brienne, King of Jerusalem ( 1148-1237), 444

John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, son of Edward III of England ( 1340-
1399), 481 , 485

John of Salisbury, Bishop of Chartres (fl. 12th cent.), 437 ; quoted, 440

John the Scot ( Johannes Scotus Erigena), Irishborn philosopher and theologian ( 815?-877?), 306 , 395 , 400 -407, 417 , 418 , 456 ; quoted,

Johnson, Samuel, English lexicographer and man of letters ( 1709-
1784), 678

Jonathan, Jewish high priest (fl. 2nd cent. B.C.), 315 -316

Jonson, Ben, English playwright and poet ( 1573?1637), 547

Joppa, 316

Jordan of Saxony, biographer of St. Dominic (fl. early 13th cent.), 451

Joseph of Arimathea, 475 *

Joshua, Jewish military leader, 528

Jove, 18

Jovinian, heresy of, 459

Jowett, Rev. Benjamin, English Greek scholar, translator of Plato and Aristotle ( 1817-1893), 85 *; quoted, 132 *

Jubilee, 479

Judah, 309 , 310 , 311

Judas Iscariot, 469 , 538

Jude, St. (fl. ca. 100), 318

Judea, 223 , 316 , 321

Judges, 362 †, 363

judiciary, judicial function, 630 , 637 -639

Julian (Flavius Claudius Julianus), called the Apostate, Roman Emperor
( 331-363), 292 , 332 , 334 , 337 , 339 , 477

Julius II, Pope (reigned 1503-1513), 499 , 511 , 517 , 761

Julius exclusus ( Erasmus), 517

Juno, 356

Jupiter, 355 , 357 , 385 ; planet, 534

jus gentium, 270

jus naturale, 270

justice, 183 , 236 , 638 , 710 ; and Aristotle, 174 , 179 , 191 ; and Greeks, 27 ; and Heraclitus, 42 , 44 ; as interest of the stronger, 79 ; and Plato, 108 , 113 117

Justin I, Roman Emperor in the East ( 452-527), 369

Justina, wife of Roman Emperor Valentinian I, 336 , 338

Justinian I (the Great Flavius Anicius Justinianus), Roman Emperor in the East ( 483-565), 61 , 275 , 334 , 369 , 373 -374, 398 , 402 ; closes
Academy, 61 , 277 ; importance of, 381 , 387 ; law of, 439

Jutes, 401

Kant, Immanuel, German philosopher ( 1724-1804), 37 , 472 , 605 , 721 ; academic and scholastic, 704 , 753 ; and arithmetic, 714 , 830 ; and British and Continental philosophy, 546 , 558 , 641 , 642 , 644 ; and Coleridge, 642 , 679 , 773 ; and deductive reasoning, 36 ; ethics of, 183 , 268 , 644 , 645 , 710 -712, 778 ; and German philosophy, 595 , 642 , 701 , 703 -704, 719 , 730 ; and God, 417 , 585 , 586 , 587 , 709 -710, 787 , 835 ; and Hume, 660 , 673 ; influence of, 452 , 704 , 719 , 721 , 773 ; and knowledge, 704 , 706 , 755 ; and liberalism, 642 , 705 , 721 ; and mathematics, 199 , 713 , 828 ; and Nietzsche, 761 , 770 ; and peace, 712 , 741 ; philosophy of, outlined, 704 -712; and Schopenhauer, 753 , 754 , 755 ; and space and time, 146 , 354 -355, 712 -718; and subjectivism, 494 , 703 , 708 ; and Stoics, 256 , 268 ; and will, 759 ; quoted, 705 , 707 , 709 -712, 714 -715

Kantorowicz, Hermann, German jurist and author ( 1877-1940), 446 *

Keats, John, English poet ( 1795-1821), 249 , 680

Kent, 386

Kepler, Johannes, German astronomer ( 15711630), 131 , 207 , 211 , 529 531, 544 , 547 , 549 ; and Copernicus, 492 , 528 ; and Galileo, 534 ; and New-


ton, 539 ; and science, 525

Khiva, 424

Khorassan, 424

Khwarazmi, al- ( Muhammad ibn-Musa), Arab mathematician ( 780 ?
850 ), 423

Kindi, al- (abu-Yusuf Ya ‘qub ibn-Ishak alKindi), Arab philosopher (d. ca. 873 ), 423 , 424 , 465 *

kinetic theory of gases, 66

kingdom of God, and kingdoms of this world, 302

Kingdom of Heaven, 284 , 309

I Kings, 394

Klytaimnestra, 12 knowledge, 67 , 157 , 663 , 745 , 759 , 792 , 832 , 834 ; and Christian ethics, 92 ; and Continental philosophy, 546 ; and Dewey, 823 ; and Hume, 663 ; and Kant, 704 , 706 , 755 ; and Locke, 609 -610, 612 ; and Marx, 784 ; and Matthew of Aquasparta, 466 ; of mystics, 758 ; and Occam, 474 -475; and Plato, 105 , 120 -121, 122 , 129 , 149 -159; and Schopenhauer, 756 , 759 ; and Socrates, 92 , 136 -138, 139 ; and Spinoza, 574 . See also theory of knowledge; mathematics

Knossos, 6 , 238

Knox, Ronald, 647 ; quoted, 648 Königsberg, 704 , 716

Koran, 420 , 426

Kubla Khan (Coleridge), 679

labour, 225 , 634 , 681

Labour Defended Against the Claims of Capital (Hodgskin), 781

labour theory of value, 635 -636, 781

Lacedaemon, 94 , 99 , 343

La Flèche, 558 , 568

La Rochelle, 559

Laches (Plato), 91

Laconia, 94 , 95

laissez-faire, 607 , 624 , 781

laity, 302 , 303 , 390 , 479

Lamarck, de, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, French zoologist
( 1744-1829), 725 , 726

Lampsacus, 226 , 241

land, 4 , 634 , 789

landholding, 94 , 95 , 100 , 102 , 187 , 188 , 272 , 621 623, 634 -636, 788

Lanfranc, Benedictine theologian, Archbishop of Canterbury
( 1005?1089?), 414 , 417

language, 49 -52, 121 , 126 127, 162 , 164 , 549 . See also grammar; logical analysis; meaning; names; syntax; words

Laplace, Pierre Simon, Marquis de, French astronomer and
mathematician ( 1749-1827), 537 , 705

Last Judgement, 318 , 356 , 398 , 454

Later Greek Religion (Bevan), 238 , 256 *

Lateran, 392 , 398

Latin America, 190

Latin Emperor, 442

Latin language, 318 , 346 , 391 , 427 , 486 , 546 , 548 , 604 , 719 ; and Barbarossa, 431 ; and Bible, 335 ; and Charlemagne, 395 ; in Eastern Empire, 277 ; and Erasmus, 513 , 516 , 517 ; and Greeks, 276 ; and hymns, 439 ; and Ireland, 401 ; and philosophy, 283 , 348 ; and Renaissance, 498 , 517 ; and Roman Empire, 274 ; and translations, 143 ,
212 , 322 , 361 , 424 , 428 , 434 , 514

Latin world, and Alexander, 476

Latvia, 634

Laud, English prelate, Archbishop of Canterbury ( 1573-1645), 547 , 601

law(s), legislation, 15 , 100 , 199 , 628 -629, 638 ; and Aristotle, 186 , 191 ; in Athens, 76 , 133 ; and Bentham, 614 , 723 , 774 , 775 , 777 -778; of causality, 545 ; of gravitation, 531 , 535 , 536 , 537 , 539 ; and Greeks, 114 , 119 ; of Hammurabi, 5 ; Hebrew, Jewish, or Mosaic, 309 , 312 , 317 , 320 , 321 , 324 , 326 , 346 , 477 ; and Hegel, 737 ; and Helvétius, 722 ; of inertia, 527 , 532 , 533 ; and Kant, 710 ; of motion, 532 , 535 , 537 , 539 ; natural, 66 ; of nature, 79 , 626 -627; philosophy of, 627 ; of planetary motion, 530 531, 535 ; and Protagoras, 77 . See also contradiction; Roman law; sufficient reason

Lawrence, D. H. ( David Herbert), English novelist ( 1885-1930), 682

Laws (Plato), 209

Laws of Justinian, 381

Lea, Henry C., 112 *, 410 †, 480

leaders, in revolt, 747

League of Cambray, 496

League of Nations, 741

League for Peace, Kant’s, 741

Lear, 767 learning, 283 , 323 , 375 , 377 , 378 , 385 , 401 -402, 451 ; in
Renaissance, 509 , 512

Lebensraum, 95

Lee, Joseph, quoted, 624 Leeuwenhoek, Anton van, Dutch naturalist
( 1632-1723), 536

legal fictions, 392 , 633

legislative function, legislature, 637 -639, 700 , 712

Legnano, 433

Leibniz, Baron Gottfried Wilhelm von, German

philosopher and mathematician ( 1646-1716), 581 -596, 706 ; and calculus, 536 , 829 ; and ethics, 644 ; and Germany, 719 ; and God, 417 , 566 , 691 ; and infinite number, 830 ; influence of, 642 ; and Kant, 704 ; and knowledge, 610 ; and Locke, 609 , 641 ; method of, 643 ; and plenum, 70 ; and principle of individuation, 467 -468; and Spinoza, 569 ; and subjectivism, 493 , 701 ; and substance, 591 ; quoted, 586 -587, 592 -594

Leipzig, 581

leisure, 106 , 786

Lenin, Nikolai ( Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov), Russian Communist leader
( 18701924), 820

Leo I (the Great), St., Pope (reigned 440 -461), 367 , 369

Leo III, St., Pope (reigned 795 -816), 392

Leo IX (Bruno of Toul), St., Pope (reigned 10491054), 412

Leo X (Giovanni dei Medici), Pope (reigned 1513-1521), 498 , 499 , 506

Leo XIII, Pope (reigned 1878-1903), 452

Leo III (the Isaurian), Roman Emperor in the East ( 680 ?- 741 ),


Christianity, 281 , 324 , 326 , 328 , 330 , 332 , 448 , 477 ; and civilization of Western Europe, 279 , 399 ; and God, 144 ,