Leonardo. See Vinci, Leonardo da Leontia, wife of Phocas, Roman
Emperor in the East, 386
Leopardi, Count Giacomo, Italian poet ( 17981837), 229
Lethe, 19
Letter of Aristeas, 315 â€
Letters on Toleration ( Locke), 633
Lettres philosophiques ( Voltaire), 605
Leucippus, Greek atomist philosopher (fl. ca. 440 B.C.), 64 , 65 , 66 , 68 ,
69 *, 70 , 206 , 243 ; quoted, 66
Leuctra, 99
Levant, 750
Leviathan ( Hobbes), 547 , 548 -549, 552
Leviticus, quoted, 312
Leyden, University of, 559
liberal culture, 492
liberalism, liberals, 553 , 556 , 624 , 790 ; and Darwin, 726 , 727 , 780 ; and Dewey, 819 , 820 ; in 18 th and 19 th cents., 101 , 524 , 746 ; and Hegel, 737 , 740 ; in Holland, 569 ; and Kant, 642 , 705 , 721 ; and Locke, 605 ; and Milton, 783 ; and More, 521 -522; and Napoleon, 751 ; New England, 819 ; and Nietzsche, 767 ; philosophical, 596 -603; and
State, 193 , 744 ; in Western Germany, 720
liberty, 304 , 600 , 748 ; and Bentharn, 775 -776; and Churches, 765 ; and Filmer, 618 ; and Hobbes, 550 , 552 -553; and Locke, 613 , 614 , 625 ; and Machiavelli, 508 , 509 ; for nations, 683 ; and Rousseau, 695 , 696 ;
and utilitarianism, 629
Libya, 143
life, 813 ; and Bergson, 792 , 795 , 796 , 799 -800, 810 ; elixir of, 43
Life of Byron (Maurois), 751 *
Life (of Epicurus, by Diogenes Laertius), 240
Life of Lycurgus (Plutarch), 94 , 96
light-waves, 833
Liguria, 336
limitation, 708
Lincoln, Abraham, 16th President of the United States ( 1809-1865), 768
Lippershey, Hans, Dutch inventor of telescope (d. ca. 1619), 535
Lisbon, earthquake of, 689 , 705
Lithuania, 634
Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans (Plutarch), 277
Lives (Plutarch), 237 *, 687 , 765
Livy (Titus Livius), Roman historian ( 59 B.C.A.D. 17 ), 508
Lloyd George, David, Earl of Dwyfor, British statesman and Prime
Minister ( 1863-1945), 635
Loches, 436
Locke, John, English philosopher ( 1632-1704), 262 , 559 , 685 , 701 , 702 , 703 , 785 ; and association of ideas, 774 ; and Bentham, 773 ; and British philosophy, 595 ; on checks and balances, 555 ; and Condorcet, 722 , 723 ; and Democritus, 72 ; on division of powers, 697 ; and empiricism, 659 , 828 , 834 ; and greatest-happiness principle, 775 ; and Helvétius, 722 ; and Hobbes, 546 , 551 ; and Hume, 659 , 672 ; influence of, 641 -647; and liberalism, 600 , 790 ; and mind, 722 ; political philosophy of, 617 -640; and power, 509 ; and private property, 697 ; and social contract, 623 , 626 , 629 633, 695 ; and State, 628 , 640 , 744 ; and subjectivism, 493 -494, 712 ; and theory of knowledge, 604
-617; quoted, 607 -613, 615 -616, 625 -627, 630 632, 638 , 702 , 703
Locri, 30
logarithms, 536
logic, 234 , 609 , 744 , 745 , 787 , 835 ; and Abélard,
437 -438; and Al-Mansur, 425 ; and Aquinas, 462 ; and Arabs, 424 , 427 ; and Aristotle, 160 , 165 , 195 202, 424 , 453 , 493 ; and atomists, 68 *; and Roger Bacon, 464 ; and Bergson, 794 , 795 , 802 , 803 ; deductive, and mathematics, 830 ; and Dewey, 819 , 823 ; and dialectic method, 93 ; and empiricism, 68 , 653 , 834 ; and geometry, 714 , 716 ; and Greek philosophy, 69 ; and Hegel, 703 , 731 -732, 732 -733, 742 , 746 ; and Hume, 663 , 664 , 665 ; and induction, 674 ; and John of Salisbury, 440 ; and Kant, 706 ; language, 52 ; and Leibniz, 591 , 594 595; and Locke, 606 ; and Marx, 786 ; and Occam, 472 , 473 -475; and Parmenides, 32 , 48 , 120 ; and Plato, 121 , 139 , 157 , 159 , 358 ; and Socrates, 136 ; and space, 71 ; and Spinoza, 572 , 578 , 595 ; and Stoics, 258 ; and substance. See also logical analysis
Logic (Hegel), 731 , 734 , 742
Logic of William of Occam, The (Moody), 471
logical analysis, 472 , 828 836. See also language Logos, 289 , 309 ,
326 , 351 , 404 , 405 , 437
Lollards, 486
Lombard cities, 428 , 429 , 431 -435, 444
Lombard League, 430 , 432 , 445
Lombards, 334 , 374 -375, 378 , 384 , 399 ; and Byzantines, 305 , 389
; and Eastern Empire, 382 ; and papacy, 388 -389, 392
Lombardy, 448 , 480
London, 516 , 547 , 678 , 781 , 783
London Times, 754
Long Parliament, 524 , 547 , 548 , 601
Lords, House of, 486 , 552 , 618 , 637
Lorenzo the Magnificent (dei Medici), Florentine statesman ( 1449-
1492), 497 , 498 , 505
Lothar, King of Lorraine ( 825 ?- 869 ), 395 -396
Lotze, Rudolf Hermann, German philosopher ( 1817-1881), 585 , 721
Louis I (the Pious), Emperor ( 778 -840), 404
Louis II, Emperor ( 825 875), 396
Louis IV (the Bavarian), Emperor ( 1287?-1347), 469 , 481
Louis IX (St. Louis), King of France ( 12141270), 445 , 581
Louis XI, King of France ( 1423-1483), 486 , 555 , 621
Louis XII, King of France ( 1462-1515), 499
Louis XIV (Le Roi Soleil), King of France ( 1638-1715), 581 , 602 ,
603 , 621
Louisiana, 750
Louvain, 517
love, 681 , 682 , 771 , 772 ; Christian, 579 , 747 , 767 ; and Empedocles, 55 -56, 57 ; of the eternal, 786 ; and God, 326 , 575 , 576 , 577 , 585 ; and Judaism, 320 ; of neighbours, 326 , 681 ; and Nietzsche, 767 , 768 , 773 ; and Plato, 288 ; and Plotinus, 291 ; and
Stoicism, 256 , 264 , 266
Low Countries, 720
Loyola, St. Ignatius, founder of Society of Jesus ( 1491-1556), 450 ,
523 , 524
Lüber, Thomas (Erastus), Swiss Protestant theologian ( 1524-1583),
739 , 740
Lucan (Marcus Annaeus Lucanus), Roman poet ( 39 -65), 260
Lucian, Greek satirist (fl. 2 nd cent.), 238 , 279
Lucifer, 371
Luck, 224
Lucretia, Roman matron (d. 510 B.C.), 356
Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Carus), Roman philosophical poet ( 99 ?-55 B.C.), 53 -54, 243 , 245 , 248 251, 761 ; quoted, 248 -251
Luitprand, King of the Lombards ( 690 ?- 744 ), 389
Luke, 326
Luther, Martin, leader of the Reformation in Germany ( 1483-1546), 470 , 501 , 502 , 511 , 738 , 757 ; and St. Augustine, 335 ; and Copernicus, 528 ; and Erasmus, 512 , 517 ; and peasants’ war, 485 ;
and philosophy, 525 ; and State, 523 , 739 , 740 ; quoted, 528
Lutheran Church, 739
Lutterworth, 484 , 486
Lycurgus, mythical lawgiver of Sparta, 97 , 100 , 101 -104, 508 , 511 ,
687 , 695 , 699
Lydia, 9 , 24 -25, 110
lying, 112 -113
Lykon, a prosecutor of Socrates, 85
Lyons, 480 , 686 ; Poor Men of, 448 , 449
Lysis ( Plato), 91
Macbeth, 579
Maccabæus, John Hyrcanus, Jewish Hasmonean high priest (fl. 2nd
cent. B.C.), 319
Maccabæus, Judas, Jewish military leader (fl. ca. 164 B.C.), 315 -316
Maccabees or Hasmoneans, family of Jewish patriots and high priests
(fl. ca. 166 -ca. 37 B.C.), 315 -316, 318 , 319 , 364
Maccabees, The Books of the, 221 , 223 , 315 -317; quoted, 317
Macduff, 579
Macedonia,-ns, 160 , 185 , 218 -224, 273 ; and barbarians, 220 , 343 ; and City State, 193 ; bring disorder, 218 , 225 , 251 , 272 ; and Greek
culture, 230 , 281 ; and Rome, 271
Machiavelli, Niccolò, Italian statesman and political philosopher
( 1467-1527), 191 , 493 , 503 , 504 -511, 525 , 546 , 556 , 699 , 738 , 761 -762; quoted, 504 , 506 -508 machine production, 493 , 719 , 725 ,
727 -728, 781 , 826 Maenads, 17 , 20
Magas, Macedonian King (fl. 3 rd cent. B.C.), 222
magic, 5 , 30 , 53 , 147 , 227 , 238 , 247 , 296 , 328 -329, 465 ; black,
476 ; in Renaissance, 502 ; and science, 536 ; sympathetic, 11
Magna Carta, 441
Magma Graecia, 48 , 58 magnanimous man, 175 176, 178
magnet, 26 , 536 , 544
Mahomet (or Mohammed), Prophet and founder of Mohammedan religion ( 570 -632), 325 , 387 , 419 , 421 , 444 . See also Prophet Maimonides (Moses ben Maimon or Ram-Bam), Spanish Jewish rabbi
and philosopher ( 11351204), 323 , 428
Mainz, 581
majority, 77 , 177 , 470 , 551 , 631 -633, 698 , 711 , 712 , 738 , 762
Malchus. See Porphyry Malebranche, Nicolas de, French philosopher
( 1638-1715), 452 , 561 , 582
Malmesbury, 403
Malthus, Thomas Robert, English political economist ( 1766-1834), 723 , 724 , 726 , 780 , 781 man, 19 , 27 ; and Copernicus, 788 ; measure of all things, 77 , 149 , 151 , 153 , 157 ; place of, in universe, 537 -538; undue emphasis on, 73 , 788 . See also brotherhood of man; rights of
man “Man Who Loved Islands, The” (Lawrence), 682
Manchester, 783
Manchester School, 600
Manfred, King of Naples and Sicily ( 1232?-1266), 499
Manfred (Byron), 749 , 751
Manichæus (or Manes), Persian religious philosopher, founder of
Manicharism ( 216 ?- 276 ?), 349
Manichæism, 325 , 448 ; and St. Augustine, 344 , 348 -349, 350 , 351 ,
352 , 353 , 359 ; and evil, 134 , 590
Manilius, Roman senator (fl. 2 nd cent. B.C.), 237
Mansur Al-, Yaqub, Almohade Caliph in Spain (reigned 11841197), 425
many, the, 41 , 55 , 68 -69, 729
Marathon, 58 , 79 , 80 , 490
Marchmen, 343
Marcion, leader of Armenian sect of Paulicians (fl. ca. 150 ), 448
Marco Polo. See Polo Marcomanni, 279
Marcus Aurelius