List of authors
The History of Western Philosophy

Leonardo. See Vinci, Leonardo da Leontia, wife of Phocas, Roman
Emperor in the East, 386

Leopardi, Count Giacomo, Italian poet ( 17981837), 229

Lethe, 19

Letter of Aristeas, 315 â€

Letters on Toleration ( Locke), 633

Lettres philosophiques ( Voltaire), 605

Leucippus, Greek atomist philosopher (fl. ca. 440 B.C.), 64 , 65 , 66 , 68 ,
69 *, 70 , 206 , 243 ; quoted, 66

Leuctra, 99

Levant, 750

Leviathan ( Hobbes), 547 , 548 -549, 552

Leviticus, quoted, 312

Leyden, University of, 559

liberal culture, 492

liberalism, liberals, 553 , 556 , 624 , 790 ; and Darwin, 726 , 727 , 780 ; and Dewey, 819 , 820 ; in 18 th and 19 th cents., 101 , 524 , 746 ; and Hegel, 737 , 740 ; in Holland, 569 ; and Kant, 642 , 705 , 721 ; and Locke, 605 ; and Milton, 783 ; and More, 521 -522; and Napoleon, 751 ; New England, 819 ; and Nietzsche, 767 ; philosophical, 596 -603; and
State, 193 , 744 ; in Western Germany, 720

liberty, 304 , 600 , 748 ; and Bentharn, 775 -776; and Churches, 765 ; and Filmer, 618 ; and Hobbes, 550 , 552 -553; and Locke, 613 , 614 , 625 ; and Machiavelli, 508 , 509 ; for nations, 683 ; and Rousseau, 695 , 696 ;
and utilitarianism, 629

Libya, 143

life, 813 ; and Bergson, 792 , 795 , 796 , 799 -800, 810 ; elixir of, 43

Life of Byron (Maurois), 751 *

Life (of Epicurus, by Diogenes Laertius), 240

Life of Lycurgus (Plutarch), 94 , 96

light-waves, 833

Liguria, 336

limitation, 708

Lincoln, Abraham, 16th President of the United States ( 1809-1865), 768

Lippershey, Hans, Dutch inventor of telescope (d. ca. 1619), 535

Lisbon, earthquake of, 689 , 705

Lithuania, 634

Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans (Plutarch), 277

Lives (Plutarch), 237 *, 687 , 765

Livy (Titus Livius), Roman historian ( 59 B.C.A.D. 17 ), 508

Lloyd George, David, Earl of Dwyfor, British statesman and Prime
Minister ( 1863-1945), 635

Loches, 436

Locke, John, English philosopher ( 1632-1704), 262 , 559 , 685 , 701 , 702 , 703 , 785 ; and association of ideas, 774 ; and Bentham, 773 ; and British philosophy, 595 ; on checks and balances, 555 ; and Condorcet, 722 , 723 ; and Democritus, 72 ; on division of powers, 697 ; and empiricism, 659 , 828 , 834 ; and greatest-happiness principle, 775 ; and Helvétius, 722 ; and Hobbes, 546 , 551 ; and Hume, 659 , 672 ; influence of, 641 -647; and liberalism, 600 , 790 ; and mind, 722 ; political philosophy of, 617 -640; and power, 509 ; and private property, 697 ; and social contract, 623 , 626 , 629 633, 695 ; and State, 628 , 640 , 744 ; and subjectivism, 493 -494, 712 ; and theory of knowledge, 604
-617; quoted, 607 -613, 615 -616, 625 -627, 630 632, 638 , 702 , 703

Locri, 30

logarithms, 536

logic, 234 , 609 , 744 , 745 , 787 , 835 ; and Abélard,


437 -438; and Al-Mansur, 425 ; and Aquinas, 462 ; and Arabs, 424 , 427 ; and Aristotle, 160 , 165 , 195 202, 424 , 453 , 493 ; and atomists, 68 *; and Roger Bacon, 464 ; and Bergson, 794 , 795 , 802 , 803 ; deductive, and mathematics, 830 ; and Dewey, 819 , 823 ; and dialectic method, 93 ; and empiricism, 68 , 653 , 834 ; and geometry, 714 , 716 ; and Greek philosophy, 69 ; and Hegel, 703 , 731 -732, 732 -733, 742 , 746 ; and Hume, 663 , 664 , 665 ; and induction, 674 ; and John of Salisbury, 440 ; and Kant, 706 ; language, 52 ; and Leibniz, 591 , 594 595; and Locke, 606 ; and Marx, 786 ; and Occam, 472 , 473 -475; and Parmenides, 32 , 48 , 120 ; and Plato, 121 , 139 , 157 , 159 , 358 ; and Socrates, 136 ; and space, 71 ; and Spinoza, 572 , 578 , 595 ; and Stoics, 258 ; and substance. See also logical analysis

Logic (Hegel), 731 , 734 , 742

Logic of William of Occam, The (Moody), 471

logical analysis, 472 , 828 836. See also language Logos, 289 , 309 ,
326 , 351 , 404 , 405 , 437

Lollards, 486

Lombard cities, 428 , 429 , 431 -435, 444

Lombard League, 430 , 432 , 445

Lombards, 334 , 374 -375, 378 , 384 , 399 ; and Byzantines, 305 , 389
; and Eastern Empire, 382 ; and papacy, 388 -389, 392

Lombardy, 448 , 480

London, 516 , 547 , 678 , 781 , 783

London Times, 754

Long Parliament, 524 , 547 , 548 , 601

Lords, House of, 486 , 552 , 618 , 637

Lorenzo the Magnificent (dei Medici), Florentine statesman ( 1449-
1492), 497 , 498 , 505

Lothar, King of Lorraine ( 825 ?- 869 ), 395 -396

Lotze, Rudolf Hermann, German philosopher ( 1817-1881), 585 , 721

Louis I (the Pious), Emperor ( 778 -840), 404

Louis II, Emperor ( 825 875), 396

Louis IV (the Bavarian), Emperor ( 1287?-1347), 469 , 481

Louis IX (St. Louis), King of France ( 12141270), 445 , 581

Louis XI, King of France ( 1423-1483), 486 , 555 , 621

Louis XII, King of France ( 1462-1515), 499

Louis XIV (Le Roi Soleil), King of France ( 1638-1715), 581 , 602 ,
603 , 621

Louisiana, 750

Louvain, 517

love, 681 , 682 , 771 , 772 ; Christian, 579 , 747 , 767 ; and Empedocles, 55 -56, 57 ; of the eternal, 786 ; and God, 326 , 575 , 576 , 577 , 585 ; and Judaism, 320 ; of neighbours, 326 , 681 ; and Nietzsche, 767 , 768 , 773 ; and Plato, 288 ; and Plotinus, 291 ; and
Stoicism, 256 , 264 , 266

Low Countries, 720

Loyola, St. Ignatius, founder of Society of Jesus ( 1491-1556), 450 ,
523 , 524

Lüber, Thomas (Erastus), Swiss Protestant theologian ( 1524-1583),
739 , 740

Lucan (Marcus Annaeus Lucanus), Roman poet ( 39 -65), 260

Lucian, Greek satirist (fl. 2 nd cent.), 238 , 279

Lucifer, 371

Luck, 224

Lucretia, Roman matron (d. 510 B.C.), 356

Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Carus), Roman philosophical poet ( 99 ?-55 B.C.), 53 -54, 243 , 245 , 248 251, 761 ; quoted, 248 -251

Luitprand, King of the Lombards ( 690 ?- 744 ), 389

Luke, 326

Luther, Martin, leader of the Reformation in Germany ( 1483-1546), 470 , 501 , 502 , 511 , 738 , 757 ; and St. Augustine, 335 ; and Copernicus, 528 ; and Erasmus, 512 , 517 ; and peasants’ war, 485 ;
and philosophy, 525 ; and State, 523 , 739 , 740 ; quoted, 528

Lutheran Church, 739

Lutterworth, 484 , 486

Lycurgus, mythical lawgiver of Sparta, 97 , 100 , 101 -104, 508 , 511 ,
687 , 695 , 699

Lydia, 9 , 24 -25, 110

lying, 112 -113

Lykon, a prosecutor of Socrates, 85

Lyons, 480 , 686 ; Poor Men of, 448 , 449

Lysis ( Plato), 91

Macbeth, 579

Maccabæus, John Hyrcanus, Jewish Hasmonean high priest (fl. 2nd
cent. B.C.), 319

Maccabæus, Judas, Jewish military leader (fl. ca. 164 B.C.), 315 -316

Maccabees or Hasmoneans, family of Jewish patriots and high priests


(fl. ca. 166 -ca. 37 B.C.), 315 -316, 318 , 319 , 364

Maccabees, The Books of the, 221 , 223 , 315 -317; quoted, 317

Macduff, 579

Macedonia,-ns, 160 , 185 , 218 -224, 273 ; and barbarians, 220 , 343 ; and City State, 193 ; bring disorder, 218 , 225 , 251 , 272 ; and Greek
culture, 230 , 281 ; and Rome, 271

Machiavelli, Niccolò, Italian statesman and political philosopher
( 1467-1527), 191 , 493 , 503 , 504 -511, 525 , 546 , 556 , 699 , 738 , 761 -762; quoted, 504 , 506 -508 machine production, 493 , 719 , 725 ,
727 -728, 781 , 826 Maenads, 17 , 20

Magas, Macedonian King (fl. 3 rd cent. B.C.), 222

magic, 5 , 30 , 53 , 147 , 227 , 238 , 247 , 296 , 328 -329, 465 ; black,
476 ; in Renaissance, 502 ; and science, 536 ; sympathetic, 11

Magna Carta, 441

Magma Graecia, 48 , 58 magnanimous man, 175 176, 178

magnet, 26 , 536 , 544

Mahomet (or Mohammed), Prophet and founder of Mohammedan religion ( 570 -632), 325 , 387 , 419 , 421 , 444 . See also Prophet Maimonides (Moses ben Maimon or Ram-Bam), Spanish Jewish rabbi
and philosopher ( 11351204), 323 , 428

Mainz, 581

majority, 77 , 177 , 470 , 551 , 631 -633, 698 , 711 , 712 , 738 , 762

Malchus. See Porphyry Malebranche, Nicolas de, French philosopher
( 1638-1715), 452 , 561 , 582

Malmesbury, 403

Malthus, Thomas Robert, English political economist ( 1766-1834), 723 , 724 , 726 , 780 , 781 man, 19 , 27 ; and Copernicus, 788 ; measure of all things, 77 , 149 , 151 , 153 , 157 ; place of, in universe, 537 -538; undue emphasis on, 73 , 788 . See also brotherhood of man; rights of
man “Man Who Loved Islands, The” (Lawrence), 682

Manchester, 783

Manchester School, 600

Manfred, King of Naples and Sicily ( 1232?-1266), 499

Manfred (Byron), 749 , 751

Manichæus (or Manes), Persian religious philosopher, founder of
Manicharism ( 216 ?- 276 ?), 349

Manichæism, 325 , 448 ; and St. Augustine, 344 , 348 -349, 350 , 351 ,
352 , 353 , 359 ; and evil, 134 , 590

Manilius, Roman senator (fl. 2 nd cent. B.C.), 237

Mansur Al-, Yaqub, Almohade Caliph in Spain (reigned 11841197), 425

many, the, 41 , 55 , 68 -69, 729

Marathon, 58 , 79 , 80 , 490

Marchmen, 343

Marcion, leader of Armenian sect of Paulicians (fl. ca. 150 ), 448

Marco Polo. See Polo Marcomanni, 279

Marcus Aurelius


389 Leonardo. See Vinci, Leonardo da Leontia, wife of Phocas, RomanEmperor in the East, 386 Leopardi, Count Giacomo, Italian poet ( 17981837), 229 Lethe, 19 Letter of Aristeas, 315 â€