Marduk, 4
Mark, 326 ; quoted, 325
Mark Antony. See Antonius, Marcus Marlborough (John Churchill), 1 st
Duke of, English general and statesman ( 1650-1722), 583
Marozia, wife of Alberic, of Guido of Tuscany, and of King Hugh of
Italy (fl. early 10 th cent.), 398
marriage, 102 , 111 -112, 113 , 134 , 174 -175, 325 , 410 , 459 , 462 ,
Mars, 530
Marseilles, 226 , 259 , 384
Marsiglio (Marsilius) of Padua, Italian political writer and philosopher
( 1270-1342), 469 , 470 , 481 , 485
Marston Moor, 748
Marcel, Charles. See Charles Martel Martin I (St.), Pope (reigned 649
-655), 389
Martin V, Pope (reigned 1417-1431), 483 -484
Martin of Tours, St. ( 315 ?- 399 ?), 376
Marx, Karl, German political philosopher ( 18181883), 724 , 725 , 729 , 773 *, 782 -790; and Bentham, 777 , 783 ; and class struggle, 556 , 739 , 790 ; and Darwinism, 727 ; and Dewey, 820 ; eclecticism of, 641 ; and Hegel, 730 , 782 , 784 , 788 , 789 ; and history, 363 -364, 735 , 784 788; and labour theory of value, 635 , 636 ; and liberalism, 600 , 642 , 790 ; and revolt, 677 , 719 , 747 ; and Plato, 138 ; and State, 785 ; quoted, 784
Mary, Queen of Scots ( 1542-1587), 618
Mary, Queen of England ( 1516-1558), 620
Mason-Dixon line, 220
Master of Animals, 6 *, 7
master class or race, 790
Masuccio di Salerno (Tommaso dei Guardati), Italian story writer (fl. 15 th
cent); quoted, 502
materialism, 69 *, 70 , 72 , 246 , 250 , 286 , 548 , 568 , 582 , 809 , 811 ; and Marx, 364 , 782 , 783 , 784 , 785 , 787 ; in psychology, 774 ; and Stoics, 252 ,
253 , 258 , 288
mathematical logic, 591 592, 596
mathematical theory of probability, 663
mathematics, 33 , 34 ; in Athens, 60 , 61 , 80 ; in Alexandria, 61 , 223 ; and Aquinas, 462 ; and Arabs, 427 ; and Aristotle, 170 ; and astronomy, 131 -132, 208 , 212 -217; and atomists, 68 *; and Francis Bacon, 543 , 545 ; and Roger Bacon, 463 , 464 , 465 ; and Bergson, 795 , 803 -805; and Continental philosophy, 546 ; and deductive logic, 830 ; and Descartes, 558 , 560 , 561 , 566 ; and empiricism, 546 , 828 , 834 ; and Greeks, 3 , 12 , 39 , 208 , 212
-217; in Hellenistic age, 218 ; and Hobbes, 546 ; and Hume, 663 , 664 ; and induction, 199 ; and Kant, 707 , 713 ; and knowledge, 139 , 609 , 663 , 832 , 834 ; and Locke, 606 ; and logical analysis, 831 ; in Magna Grecia, 48 ; and nous, 289 ; and philosophy, 223 , 831 , 835 ; and Plato, 105 , 106 , 120 , 124 , 126 , 132 , 137 , 148 , 155 , 159 , 168 ; and Plotinus, 288 ; and Pythagoras, 29 , 31 , 32 , 33 -34, 137 , 828 829; and scholasticism, 439 ; in 17 th cent., 525 , 536 ; and Socrates, 136 ; and Stoics, 258 ; and syllogisms, 198 -199; and
theology, 37 , 820 ; words of, 159
matter, 47 , 62 , 325 , 655 , 832 , 833 ; and Aristotle, 162 , 165 -167, 170 , 171 , 205 ; defined, 658 -659; and Bergson, 792 , 794 , 795 , 797 , 808 , 809 , 810 ; and Berkeley, 647 , 649 , 702 ; and Descartes, 70 ; and Duns Scotus, 467 ; and Hegel, 736 ; and Hume, 702 ; and Kant, 704 , 715 ; and Marx, 784 -785; and Plato, 146 -147; and Plotinus, 292 , 293 ; and space, 69 -70; and truth, 681 . See also mind and matter Matter and Memory ( Bergson), 796
-798, 808 Matthew, 326 ; cited, 320 ; quoted, 327
Matthew of Aquasparta, Franciscan scholastic philosopher ( 1235?1302), 463
, 466
Maupertuis, President of Berlin Academy (contemporary of Voltaire), 721
Maurice (Flavius Tiberius Mauritius), Roman Emperor in the East ( 539 ?-602 ), 385 , 386 Maurois, quoted, 751 *
Maximus (Magnus Clemens Maximus), Roman Emperor in the West (reigned
383 -388), 336 , 338
Maya, 756 , 758
Mazzini, Giuseppe, Italian patriot ( 1805-1872), 683 meaning, 822 . See also
language; words means, 510 , 744
Mecca, 419 *, 422
mechanical explanations, 63 , 66 , 67 , 106 mechanics, 203 -204, 832
mechanism, 561 -563, 727 , 793
Medea (Euripides), 546
Medes, 221 , 280 , 310
Medici, Italian family, rulers of Florence (fl. 14 th-18th cents.), 9 , 497 498,
500 , 501 , 505 , 506 , 522 , 769
Medici, Cosimo dei, Italian financier and patron of the arts, ruler of
Florentine republic ( 1389-1464), 497 , 501
Medici, Giovanni dei. See Leo X, Pope Medici, Giulio. See Clement VII, Pope Medici, Lorenzo dei (the Magnificent–1449-1492), statesman, poet, and
patron of arts, 497 , 498 , 501 , 505
Medici, Pietro dei, temporary ruler of Florence ( 1471-1503), 497 -498
medicine, 30 , 55 , 314 , 424 , 427 , 516 , 811
Medina, 419 *
medieval synthesis, 441 , 476
Meditations (Descartes), 547 , 563 -567
Meditations (Marcus Aurelius), 261 , 265 -266, 270
Mediterranean Sea, 213 , 259 , 271 , 399 , 618 , 735
Melchizedek, Old Testament priest-king, 440 , 442
Meletus, a prosecutor of Socrates, 85 , 86 , 87 , 88
Malts, 80
Melville, Herman, American novelist ( 1819-1891), 679
Memorabiliamedea (Xenophon), 83
memory, 52 , 151 , 153 , 292 293, 655 , 658 , 661 , 814 ; and Bergson, 796
-797, 798 , 806 -808, 810
Menander, Greek comic dramatist ( 343 ?- 291 ? B.C.), 326 ; quoted, 228
Menander, Greek king of India (fl. ca. 150 B.C.), 222
Meno (Plato), 92 , 139 , 441
Mercury, 214
Merovingians, 390 , 553
Mesopotamia, 3 , 4 , 6 , 222 , 287 , 376 , 377
Messalina, Valeria, wife of Roman Emperor Claudius (d. 48 ), 260
Messenia, 95
Messiah, 309 , 313 , 318 , 319 , 328 , 340 , 364 , 445 metallurgy, 318 , 688
metals, 6
Metaphysic of Morals (Kant), 710
Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Physical Science, The (Burtt), 527
metaphysics, 38 , 52 , 68 , 198 , 285 , 663 ; and Arabs, 425 , 427 ; and Aristotle, 159 -172, 182 , 183 , 195 , 200 -202; and Boethius, 370 , 371 ; and Continental and British philosophy, 644 ; and Epicurus, 246 ; and Hegel, 48 , 732 , 743 , 744 ; in Hellenistic world, 228 ; and Heraclitus, 41 , 43 -47; Jewish, 309 ; and Leibniz, 591 -592, 594 ; and Locke, 609 ; and Kant, 707 , 713 , 714 -716; mistakes in, 35 , 197 , 198 , 200 -202; and Occam, 472 , 473 -475; and Parmenides, 48 , 129 ; and Plato, 121 -122, 129 , 166 , 195 ; and Plotinus, 288 ; and Spinoza, 570 , 571 , 572 , 576 ,
577 -578; and Zeno, 253
Metaphysics (Aristotle), 206 , 424
Metapontion, 30 , 33
Methodism, 22 , 250 , 749
method, 643 -647, 791
Methuselah, 360
metre, 140
Metrodorus, Greek Epicurean philosopher (? 277 B.C.), 242
Mexico, 4 , 620 , 827
Michael II, Roman Emperor in the East (reigned 820 -829), 404
Michael III, Roman Emperor in the East (reigned 842 -867), 396 , 402
Michael of Cesena, General of Franciscan Order (fl. ca. 1328), 468
Michelangelo (Buonarroti), Italian artist ( 14751564), 503 , 531 , 761
microscope, 535
middle ages, 10 , 301 , 600 , 827 ; and Aristotle, 101 , 184 , 195 , 207 , 234 , 418 419, 472 ; and St. Augustine, 363 ; and Boethius, 370 , 373 ; and Byron, 750 ; and Church, 101 , 187 , 282 , 302 , 335 , 395 , 491 , 619 , 739 ; and City of God, 355 ; communist rebels in, 747 ; despised in 15 th cent., 486 ; die hard, 487 ; and Donation of Constantine, 391 ; dualism of, 229 ; and economics, 728 ; and Gregory the Great, 382 ; and individualism, 598 ; and Italian cities, 185 ; Jews in, 323 ; and kings, 340 *; and landholding, 635 ; and law of nature, 623 ; legal fictions in, 392 -393; and logic, 195 , 269 ; and Lucretius, 248 ; Mohammedan civilization in, 323 ; originality and archaism in, 429 -430; and philosophy, 37 , 72 -73, 187 , 199 , 301 , 335 , 418 , 491 , 523 , 525 , 739 ; and Plato, 143 , 418 -419, 452 ; and Plotinus, 285 ; and politics, 184 , 400 ; and pseudo-Dionysius, 403 , 407 ; and romanticism, 678 ; Savonarola characteristic of, 502 ; and sin, 538 ; submissive toward non-human environment, 827 ; and superstition, 527 ; and Stoics, 269 ; and transubstantiation, 408 ; universality of Church and Empire in, 282 ; unscientific, 528 . See also Church; Holy Roman Empire;
papacy middle class, 486 , 597 , 629 , 647 , 728 , 785
Mikado, 113 , 620
Milan, 335 , 336 , 338 , 339 , 340 , 344 , 348 , 350 , 409 ; in conflict of Emperor and Pope, 415 , 430 , 431 , 432 , 433 ; Patarine movement in, 413 -414, 431 , 433 ; in Renaissance, 496 , 499 Milesian school, 24 -29, 41