List of authors
The History of Western Philosophy
; and “realism,” 404 ; and Renaissance, 301 , 493 , 500 . See also Schoolmen

School and Society, The ( Dewey), 819 -820

Schoolmen, 323 , 388 -497, 509 , 786 ; Franciscan, 463 497. See also scholasticism

Schopenhauer, Arthur, German philosopher ( 1788-1860), 673 , 719 , 724 ,
753 -759, 760 ; quoted, 756 , 757

science, 22 , 34 , 42 , 58 , 116 , 118 , 527 , 664 , 678 , 826 , 834 ; in Alexandria, 61 , 223 ; and Aristotle, 67 , 73 , 159 , 202 , 203 , 205 , 478 ; and St. Augustine, 349 ; and Babylonia, 5 -6; and Francis Bacon, 541 , 542 , 544 ; and Roger Bacon, 463 , 465 , 466 ; and Bergson, 798 , 803 ; and causation, 664 ; and civilization, 16 , 399 -400; and Descartes, 560 , 561 , 568 ; and Dewey, 816 , 827 ; and economics, 138 , 724 ; and empiricism, 92 -93, 546 , 703 , 828 , 834 ; and Epicurus, 247 ; and ethics, 181 , 780 ; and flux, 45 , 46 47; and geometry, 36 , 39 ; and Greeks, 3 , 11 , 12 , 22 , 23 , 32 , 38 , 39 , 218 , 220 , 297 ; and Hume, 664 , 671 ; and hypotheses, 28 -29, 131 ; and induction, 674 ; and instruments, 535 -536; and James, 811 ; and Kant, 705 , 706 , 721 ; and knowledge, 67 , 834 ; and liberalism, 598 , 790 ; and Machiavelli, 504 , 510 ; and Marx, 782 , 783 , 789 , 790 ; and mind and matter, 134 ; modern, 65 , 66 , 491 , 492 ; in 19th cent., 719 , 725 ; and Occam, 473 , 475 ; and optimism, 759 ; and philosophy, 492 493, 722 , 787 , 788 , 834 ; and Plato, 60 , 1155, 126 ; and pre-Socratics, 24 , 26 29, 41 , 53 -55, 57 , 61 , 63 -66, 73 ; and purpose, 67 , 73 ; and Pythagoreanism, 32 , 33 , 53 ; and quantum physics, 151 *; and Renaissance, 67 , 495 , 516 ; and Rousseau, 687 ; and scepticism, 234 , 239 ; and scholasticism, 435 ; of 17th cent., 492 , 516 , 525 540, 719 , 725 ; and Socrates, 86 , 91 , 137 , 142 , 143 ; and Spinoza, 570 , 578 ; and Stoics, 258 , 259 , 269 ; and technique, 195 , 494 , 727 ; and truth, 599 , 671 , 836 . See also empiricism

“Science and Religion” (Burner), 22

“Scientific Instruments” ( A. Wolf), 535 *

Scipio, Roman patrician family, 342

Scipio (“the Elder”), Publius Cornelius (Africanus Maior), Roman general
(234?-183 B.C.), 357


Scipio (“the Younger”), Publius Cornelius (Aemilianus Africanus Minor),
Roman general ( 1857-129 B.C.), 258 , 276

Scofists, 513

Scotland, 386 , 466 , 482 , 621 ; Church of, 620

Scott, Michael, classical

scholar and translator (fl. early 13th cent.), 427

Scott, Sir Walter, Scottish novelist and poet ( 17711832), 831

Scribes, 319

script, 7 , 9 . See also writing

Scriptures, 322 , 328 , 352 , 361 , 366 , 437 , 460 , 465 , 470 , 478 , 528

Scythia, 343

Sebastian, St., Roman Christian martyr (?-288), 805

Second Coming, 364 , 790

secondary qualifies, 605 606, 650 , 654 , 712

security, 509 , 775 , 776

Seeliger, Dr. Gerhard, quoted, 393

Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 341 *

Seleucia, 222

Seleucids, 222 , 226 , 258 , 313

Seleucus, Greek astronomer (fl. ca. 150 B.C.), 215 , 222 *

Seleucus I (Nicator), King of Babylon, founder of Seleucid empire ( 358?-
280 B.C.), 221 , 222

self, 297 , 319 , 662 -663, 682 , 702 ; -assertion, 747 ; -consciousness, 734 ; -criticism, 127 ; -development, 682 ; -government, 275 ; -interest, 614 , 647 , 681 , 698 ; -murder, 33 ; -realization, 684 ; -torture, 757 . See also ego

Semele, 17

semi-Pelagian heresy, 364 365

Semites, 4

Senate ( Rome), 237 , 271 274, 280 , 336 , 337 , 369 , 392 , 508

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, Roman Stoic philosopher ( 3? B.C.-65 A.D.),
227 , 252 , 254 , 256 , 259 , 260 , 349 , 370 , 464 ; quoted, 227

Sens, 437

sensation, 147 , 610 , 612 , 650 , 707 , 713 , 784

sense(s), 34 -35, 37 , 48 , 77 , 233 , 286 , 649 , 702 ; -perception, 68 , 72 , 140 , 141 , 734 ; and Plato, 73 , 105 , 121 , 124 , 125 , 134 , 149 , 150 ,
152 -154; and Socrates, 136 , 141 ; and Stoics, 253 , 269

Sense and Sensibility ( Austen), 679

sensibility, 675 , 684 , 686

sensible world, 105 , 291 292, 296 , 309 , 358

sentences, 202

Septuagint, 321 -322, 340 , 360 , 361

sequence and causation, 666 , 668 , 669

serfdom, 4 , 8 , 94 , 275 , 634 , 647 , 720

Sergius III, Pope (reigned 904 -911), 398

Sermon on the Mount, 133 , 319

serpent, 324

seven, 534

Seven Wise Men of Greece, 25 -26

Seven Years’ War, 704

Seville, 382 , 425

sex, 54 , 72 , 245 , 325 , 332 , 359 -360, 406 , 447 , 459 460, 756

Sextus Empiricus, Greek physician and Skeptic philosopher (ft. late 2nd
and early 3rd cents.), 215 , 238 , 265

Sforza, Italian ducal family, rulers of Milan (fl. 1447-1535), 496

Shaftesbury (Anthony Ashley Cooper), 1st Earl of, English statesman
( 1621-1683), 604

Shahnama ( Firdousi), 423

Shakespeare, William ( 1564-1616), 50 , 516 , 523 , 536 , 722 , 726 , 810 ;
quoted, 31 †, 46 , 173 , 516 , 767

Shanghai, 220 , 435

Shaw, George Bernard, Irish dramatist and critic (b. 1856), 791

Shell advertisement, 152 *

Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, née Godwin, English novelist ( 1797-
1851), 680

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, English poet ( 17921822), 72 , 229 , 248 , 642 , 679 , 680 , 749 , 810 ; quoted, 72 , 642 *

Shem, 618

Sheol, 318 , 319

Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, Irish playwright ( 1751-1816), 679

Shiah, 421

Shinto ideology, 400

ship-money, 638

Siam, 608

Sibyl, 42

Sic et Non ( Abélard), 437

Sicilian Vespers, 499

Sicily: and Emperor Frederick II, 443 , 445 ; and Greeks, 8 , 9 , 23 , 30 *, 48 , 53 , 55 , 58 , 80 , 118 , 223 ; and Lombard League, 433 ; and Mohammedans, 283 , 419 ; and Naples, 499 ; and Normans, 305 , 397 ,
399 , 407 , 442 , 443 ; and papacy, 442 ; and Saracens, 395 , 399 , 407

Sidon, 220

Siegfried, 760

Sigwart, 721

Silenus, 90

silver, 111 , 113

Simeon Stylites, St.,

Syrian ascetic (390?459), 376

Simmias, 142


Simon de Monffort, 442 443

simony, 382 , 384 , 409 -410, 412 , 413 , 414

simple life, 232

sin, 319 , 346 , 355 , 371 , 460 , 538 , 562 , 589 ; and St. Augustine, 345 -348, 350 , 359 , 365 ; and Greeks, 21 , 31 , 56 -57, 259 , 292 , 296 ; and Jews, 318 , 319 , 345 -346; and John the Scot, 404 , 405 , 406 ; of priests, 461 ; and Spinoza, 572 , 579 . See also original sin

Singapore, 220

singulars, 457

Sinope, 231

skill, 507

slave morality, 765

slavery, 15 , 24 , 34 , 72 *, 109 , 225 , 231 , 237 , 314 , 384 , 422 ; and Aristotle, 174 , 183 , 186 , 189 , 192 , 193 ; and Epictetus, 263 , 264 ; in
Greece, 9 , 74 , 194 ; in Rome, 262 , 270 , 272 , 278

Slavs, 383 , 783

Smith, Ebenezer Wilkes, 814 -815

Smith, Sydney, English essayist ( 1771-1845 ), 189 *

Smollett, Tobias George, English novelist ( 17211771), 678

Smuts, Jan Christiaan, Marshal, South African soldier and statesman (b.
1870), 744

social behaviour, 681 , 683 684

social causation, 786 , 787

social circumstances, social environment, 261 , 301 , 596 -597, 787 , 826 -827

social cohesion, 225

social contract, 244 , 550 551, 623 , 626 , 629 -633, 640 , 690 , 694 -701

Social Contract, The ( Rousseau), 690 , 694 -701

Social Democratic Party, 789

social disapproval, 15

social disaster, 828

Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire, The ( Rostovtseff), 262 *

social good, 179

social injustice, 637

social order, 495

social organization (s), 503 , 742

social power, 494 , 827

social progress, 285

“Social Question in the Third Century, The” ( Tarn), 225 *â€

social revolution, 783

social science, 777

social structure, and machine production, 719

social system(s), 8 -9, 34 , 177 , 422 , 503 , 522 , 787

social temper, of British empiricists, 701

socialism, 491 , 634 , 636 , 683 , 728 , 781 , 783 ; in England, 485 , 724 , 773 , 780 , 781 -782, 789 ; and Marx, 363 , 782 , 788 ; and Nietzsche,
763 , 765 , 767

society, 228 , 229 , 684 , 820

Socrates, Greek philosopher ( 469-399 B.C.), 59 , 60 , 80 , 82 -93, 122 , 139 , 151 , 162 , 224 , 273 ; and Aristophanes, 59 , 80 ; and Aristotle’s logic, 196 , 197 , 198 , 200 -201; and Boethius, 370 , 371 ; character of, 90 -91, 134 -135, 558 ; and ethics, 73 , 107 , 573 ; and Greek philosophers, 48 , 63 , 64 , 66 , 73 , 105 , 106 , 230 , 253 ; and justice, 116 -117; and knowledge, 136 -138, 149 , 150 ; and mathematics, 209 , 211 ; and Nietzsche, 761 ; prosecution and death of, 62 , 79 , 81 , 82 , 84 -89, 132 , 133 -134, 161 , 194 ,


; and "realism," 404 ; and Renaissance, 301 , 493 , 500 . See also Schoolmen School and Society, The ( Dewey), 819 -820 Schoolmen, 323 , 388 -497, 509