List of authors
The Open Work
culture. 238242. 246247,analysisoflanguage,
239243,246.248249;publicationof Quindin,247249

Hawthorne, Nathaniel: The Scarlet Letter, 24
Haydn.FranzJoseph,79 Hegel,G.W.F.,26,142,235;alienation in,124,126,127;objectin,124125: beautifulsoulin,130131,133Heidegger, Martin,235
Hemingway, Ernest: The Old Man and the Sea,190191
Hilbert, David, 89 History,112;cultural,168169.179

HOlderlin,Friedrich,172 Humanism.153154 Husserl,Edmund,16,71

Imola, Benvenuto da, 243 Impressionism, 85. 186. 202 Improvisation.112113.162 Indeterminacy,,156, 251n9; in open work, 1719, 2223, 6566, 87. 8893. 9899 Industrialsociety.136,144,145149,
Informal MI. 84. 8693. 101104 Information: and disorder. xixii, 49. 5058. 6365. 6667. 78. 8o81. 93100, 256n2; vs. meaning, xixii, 5255. 57. 93100; aesthetic, xixii, 5355, 5863, 66,68,7778,103104;anadditive quality,45.52;calculationof,4546, 5051. 5253. 67. 70; coding of, 5657, 58, 6768; in music,6265, 9597and perception. 8183. Seealso Code; Language;Meaning;Message Information theory, xixii, 4558. 93
too; calculation of information in, 4546. 5051. 5253, 67.70; entropyin,49. 51258;andpoetry.66.68;and communication.6668, 7o; andsemiotictheory,69;andmusic,7778;and perception.8183
Intention,aesthetic:andinterpretation, xxv. 8, 19, 198zoo; in traditional
art, 34: selfreflexive, 35; and communication, 66, 98100, 102104: cultural determination of, 167168; and Kitsch. 185, 205; attributed, 199200 Interpretation: plurality of, viii, xiii, 3. 9to, 11, 1820, 24, 165166. 195 197, 207208;andaestheticintention,
xxv, 8, 19, 198200; VS. performance, 1. 45, 15, 21, 25In1; subjectivity of, 5. 7. 9. 1112; in traditional aesthetics,57, 104;cultural determination of, 7879; in television, 107 110, 112113, 117122; of form, 163164,166 Intuition, viiiix, 25, t60
Invention, Ito, 139,16o161,265n9 lonesco, Eugene, II5
Jakobson,Roman,xviii,69,195 Jalcubinsky,Lev,254n17
Jazz, 1091 to JesusChrist,243 Jone,Hildegard,62
Joyce, James, ix, XV, 1011, 14, 148, 247; Finnegans Wake, x, xii, xvxvi, 10i1, 40, 41, 156, 169, 171, 175176; Ulysses, xvxvi, to, 31, 148

Kafka,Franz,x,9 Kandinsky. 205 Kelly,Grace.108109 Kepler,Johannes,89 Killy,Walther,182184
Kinetic theoryofgases, 5556 Kitsch:aestheticpretensionsof,xvii,
184185, 187188, 190192, 202205, 211213, 214; as production of effect, 181, 182185,194195,203;vs.avantgarde ZIT,036188.190,192,193,203,215216; Midcult as, 188194; as easy consumption, 197, 211213; as imitation aestheticpleasure,203,205206,211213, 214; etymology of, 269n1

1.2C2/1,Jacques,69,232,235,246 Lampedusa,GiuseppiTomasidi:The Leopard,209211,241
Language: poetic use of, 3239, 4143. 5862, 144146, 154156, 195197. 206; referential function of, xxiii, 2930, 31, 32, 3536, 195, 2531513; of pun, 10, 175176; emotive function of, 303 , 37, 2531113,254n17;signambiguity
3637, 4143; as branch system, so; musical, 50, 6265, 7580, 224225, 271n14; redundancy in, 5052, 58, 93. 256n2; televisual, 121122; as reflection of culture, 143144, 241243, 248249; alienationof,154155,243;inGruppo63, 239240, 241243. 246, 248249. See also Code; Communication; Information; Meaning;Message
Laughter, xvii, xviii
Lawrence, D. H.: Women in Love, 180 Lector in fabula, xxvi

LeonardodaVinci:MonaLisa,197 Leopardi,ConteGiacomo,173LeviStrauss,Claude,xviii,xxi,69,235; critiqueofserialism,217,219,221226, 228229;Urcodein,219220,
225;Entretiens, 217, 222; TheRawand the Cooked, 217, 219, 221226, 245 Liberate,78,137
Lillie,R.S.,72 Lipchitz,Jacques,200 Lippold,Friedrich,85
Literature.SeeDetectivestory;Novel; Poetry
Logic:manyvalued,15;bivalent,15,87; dialectic,2.0 Lorentz,HendrikAntoon,120
MacDonald,Dwight,189193 Mandiargues,AndrePieyredc,lot Magnasco,85 Malaparte,Curzio:Lapelle,214
Mallarme,Stephane,8,14,169;Livre, Manzixxon1213,15
Alessandro,198,203204;The Betrothed,198
Maoism,236 Maraviglia, 7
Marcusc, Herbert, 241, 242 Marinetti,Filippo,236
Marx, Karl, 156, 232, 243;object in, 124125;alienationin,124123,126,127,136; productionin,125126,m8,129 Marxism,xviii;andstructuralism,xxiii, 232235; dialectical logic in, 20 Masscommunication,vi,xxiv,xxvixxvii,187,27009 Massconsumption,20o,206 Massculture,vii,xvi,xviixviii,185
210 0 9 , 2 4 , 2 o 89812194,193,2smediation,189,206,

Massmedia,xvixviii,187,214 Mathieu,Georges,8890
Mayakovsky,Vladimir,236 Meaning:vs.information,xixii,5255, 57,93100;iconic,xiixiii,xxiv,36,
Meaning (continued)
263n17; plurality of, 8. 25. 3539. 4043. 60, 95100: poetic, 25, 36, 5960, 263n17, 271015; univocal. 40, 42, 66, 86, 87. 93. 94, 114. 150, 152; in open work. 4143. 87. 95100; in message. 4243. 5051, 5253. 71, 93, 271015; in Gestalt theory. 74: of music. 7576. 7778, 9597; allegorical, 177. See 4130 Ambiguity; Openness; Open work
MerleauPonty,Maurice,07.153154 Message:poetic. 4043.5355. 5862. 66,68.295200,205206.255019, 272nn15,05; meaning in. 4243. 5051,5253,71,271n15;informationin, 4546, 5051. 5253.6365; and code, 5052, 5658, 6365, 6668, 195200, 219220, 245, 253n13, 258n27; interpretation of, 29520o; consumption of, 197200. See 4150 Code; Communication; Information; Language; Meaning Metaphor.10.36
Meyer. Leonard: F11106071 and Meaning in
Music, 7475
Midcult (Midchlture): as Kitsch, 188194; and popularization, 193194; aS commodity, 205,206,zo9211. 213
Mimesis. III
Modern art. seeArt. contemporary Moles. Abraham, 6365, 78 Monet,Claude,85 Montale.Eugenio.138
Moore. Henry, 199 Moreau,Gustave,188
Morgenstern. Oskar: Game Theory, 89 Mortis, C. W., xiixiii, 36, 253013, 2541118
Moths, Desmond, 230231 Mosaic. 9798
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Eine kleine Naclumusik, 62
Music:serial,x,14,1415,18,6263, 120,222224,271n14;tonal(classical),23, 5o, 6263, 7679, 9597, 120,139141,226228,271n14;atonal,14
15,42,9597,140142;twelvetone,62, 139:meaningin,7576,7778,95

97;conventionalityof.7677.78:jazz, to9110. Seealso Tonalsystem
Musil. Robert, 242

Name of the Rose, The, vii, xvi, xix, XXIXXXXII
Narrative, 108, 110, 113Ill, 143. 146148, 152153, 2670010,12.13. See also Plot
Nature, 132,133134 Neopluticism, 89
New Criticism, xii, 166 New Music. 245
New York Review of Books, 247 Noise, 65. 78, 9697, 98
Novel: plotin, 115,118219.143: alienationin,144,146.247148;reflectionof culturein.156t57;popular,186 Novelty. 24, 94, 161

Object: in Hegel, 124125; in Marx, 12{125;andalienation,124125,128134 Ogden, C. K.: The .Sleaning of Meaning,
Xii Oldenburg,Claus,169
Ombredane, Andre,8182
Openness. ixxii; intentional. xii. 3
6, 913. 1820, 3943, 8081, 115106, 205208; and aesthetic form. xii, 3639,60, 64, loolo4; in Baroque period, 7, in Symbolism, 8. 14; in science. 1718. 22; and aesthetic pleasure. 39, 4.2, 7t, 8081, 104, 171, 205; of second degree,4243,74,80;offirstdegree.74: and chance, 116117. See also Ambiguity; Indeterminacy; Openwork
Open work: poetics of. vii, ixxiii, 3. 4. 715,1721,2223,44, 61, 6465,83, 86, 11412o, 121, 142143, 170174: as
reflection of modern culture, ix, xivXV, 1319, 2223, 80, 8793, 153, 155257, 167168;ambiguityin,xxii,xxiv, 910, II, t7, 1820, 4143, 44, 6869, 80,85. 95too, 195; defined, 3: boundariesof, 8,1920, 64, 98100;
works in movement, 1220, 2223; indeterminacy in, 1719, 2223, 6566, 8793. 9899; communicability of, 6465. 6869. 86, 102104; informal art, 8693, 101104; and serialism, 218; in Gruppo 63, 244245. See also Art, contemporary; Avantgarde art;
Optsanpnerresas, xviii, xix, xxi,
Orxder7xxx ixvxxx, 67, 5058. 7481, 139141. 157. See also Disorder; Entropy; Information
Painting, 101, 102103, 142. See also Art; Art, Contemporary; Avantgarde art Pareyson, Luigi, IX, xxvXXVI, 2122, 2.69n6, 270/14; forrnativity in, xii, xiii, 158i61. 165, 26906; organic form in, xxv; style in, xxv. 164165; artistic matter in, 160161; formative process in, 051163; theory of interpretation, 163164,165166
Parody,26509 Pascal,Blaise,89 Paul,Saint,5
Peirce, C. S., xxii, xxxi Perception,7174,76,79,9798,150,
259035;probabilistic,1617,7274.818z;andinformation,8183Performance, 3,45,15,21,251111Perspective,5,85 PP h i s o ph y 15754,5187,56o,61
Phenomenology,16,151 Physics,14,1516,18;complementarity
Puget,Jean.69 2579. Se3ealso Sciencep
Picasso, Pablo, 211213,242 Playboy,Sophit,,5, 1247
Plot,narrative,108,110,113121 Plumr:0a tny,vviii,8.SeealsoAmbiguity;

Poe, Edgar Allan, 201; Theory of Compo

Poetics: of open work, viii, 3, 4, 715, 1721, 2223, 24, 61, 6465, 83, 86,
114120, 121, 142143, 170174; defined, 22;expressedinart work,27,

151,169170,171, 174175,176, 177, 178,201;ofinformalart,84,8693,102104;oftelevision,0)5,10711o,112113, 117120,121122; phenomenological, 151;andaestheticcriticism,167169; developmentof,179;ofGruppo63,240 Poetry: use of language in, xii, 3235,
36, 4143, 5862, 144146, 154156, 195197; openness in, 4043, 142; information in, 5355, 5862; intentional disorder in, 5355, 5862, 196zoo; of alienation, 144, 145146; of poetry, 169, 172; as reflection of culture, 173, 174
Poggioli, Renato: Teoria dell’arted’avanguardia,240
Polyvalence,6869,218,220,246.See alsoAmbiguity; Disorder
Porta, Antonio,244 Pouillon,Jean,218219
Pousseur, Henri, x, 4, 14, 8o, 222, 230; Srambi, 12, 1011, 12; Mobiles, 19 Power,17,238
Proust, Marcel,IO,207208,242 Psychology.SeeTransactionalpsychol
ogy Ptolemy,229
Puns, 10, 175176

Quinditi,247249 Quint, Edgar, 41
Racine,JeanBaptiste,4o;Phaedra,3335 Raffo,Piero,172 Rainier,PrinceofMonaco,108109 Read,Herbert,99
Reader, viii, xxiv, xxvi, 9193, 103. See alsoInterpretation;Response
ReadersDigest, 237 Reading.SeeInterpretation;Reader;Response
Reception.SeeInterpretation;Response Redundancy,5052,58,70,78,82,93, 98,182,25602;defined,51Reichenbach, Hans,4849,152
Relativity, 1S19
Renoir. Auguste, 203
Response. viii, 3235, 93, 9899, 208; to traditional art, 34; to open work. 46. 9. 12t3. 2223, 10:1104; and interpretation. 195200
Rhyme, 137139
Richards, I. A.: The Meaning of Meaning, xii
Rieman, G. F. B.. 120 Rilke, Rainer Maria. 182
RobbeGrillet, Main. 115, 120ill, 15115:
The Role of the Reader, xviii Romanticism. 89, 26, 162, 169, 177. 186, 198
Ruwet, Nicolas, 222
Sade. Marquis de. 246
Salgari, Emilio: The Tigers of Monpratem, 208209, 210
Salvation, 129131, 133135, 136 Sanguineti, Edoardo. 237. 242244, 245; Poesia informale. 134155
Saporta, Max: Composition No. 1, 170171
Sartre, JeanPaul, 16, it; Saussure, Ferdinand de, xxii, 246
Schaeffer, Pierre: Train des objets ‘nun(aux, 225
Scherer,Jacques,12 Scholasticism, xxixxxx
Schonberg, Arnold, 139, 265; Warsaw Survivor, 143
Schuller, Friedrich, 172, 173
Science: reticaed in art, xivxv, 1319, 2223,8793, 141142. 155157, 173
175; disorder in, xv. 4649. See also Physics
Sculpture, 85
Sibag, Lucien: Marxisme a struauralisme, 232235
Selection, axis of, 220, 245 Semantics, 6768. See also Meaning Semiotics, vii, xi, xv, xviii, xxxi; and structuralism, viii, 300, xxiii; methodological structures of, xxi, xxiii; abduction in, xxiixxiii; encyclopedia in, xxiixxiii, xxx; as social criticism, xxvixxvii; shortcomings of, xxviixxviii; and detection, xxxxxxi; and information theory, 69 SemioticsandthePhilosophyofLanguage, xix
Senalism (serial thought): LeviStrauses critique, 217, 219. 221126, 228229; Status of structure in. 218, 226230, 231232, 234, 274118; vs. structuralism, 219226, 228232, 234235. 245246; as idealism, 226; as dialectical materialism. 229230. See also Music
Seurat, Georges. 203
Shakespeare. William: Hamlet, 67. 114Its
Shannon, Claude, 57
Shklovsky. Victor, 2541117, 2571117 Sign: iconic. xiixiii, xxivxxv, 36, 254118; and reference, XXii, XX111,

  1. 31, 32, 35, 195. 2531113; signifier/ signified distinction of, 32. 34. 3637. 199; ambiguity in. 3539. 85. See also Information; Information theory; Message; Structuralism
    Sophocles: Oedipus Rex, 114 Spinoza. Baruch, 1819 Spitzer. Leo, xxv Spontaneity, 113
    Stein. Gertrude, 247
    Stevenson, Charles. 2541117. 255n19 Stockhausen. Karlheinz: ix, x, 1, 4, 220; KlavierstüCk Xi, I, 19
    Stravinsky, Igor, 139, 161, 201, 243 Structural homology, xxiv. 8 Structuralism: and semiotics, viii, xviiixix, xxi, xxiii; French, xxi, 217235,
    245; ontological vs. methodological, xxi, 227228; signs in, xxiii; critiqued. xxvi. 226, 229, 232, 233; SfruCturel vs. structural in, 218219; and avantgarde art, 219, 245; and communication theory, 219220, 226229; vs. serialism, 2,9226, 228232, 234235, 245
    246; ethnological, 226; as materialism, 226; as mechanism, 229230; and Marxism, 232235; Russian, 2541117. See also LeviStrauss, Claude
    Structure. See Code; Form; Structuralism La struttura assente, xviii, xix, xxi, xxvi Style, 51, 7778, 200201, 269116; and form, xxv, 160, 164165, 20020I

Stylenies, 20020 I , 210 Sue, Eugene, 156
Surrealism, 59
Symbolism. x, 8, 9to, 14, 26,

Tachisme, 99too
Tchaikovsky, Peter, 142143
Television. xvii, 187; interpretive choice in, 105, I07110, 112113, 117120, 121122; montage in, 107. 114; live, to6110, 112113, 116, 121; improvisation in. 109, 112113; as open work, 114120, 121122
Tel Quel, 236
Theater, 142.4 Theory of Semiotics, xixxx, xxiv, xxv, xxvi
Thomas Aquinas, Saint. vii, xvi, 5 Time. 106, 152
Tindall, W. Y., 910 Tintoretto, Jacopo, 85
Tomashcvsky, Boris, 254n17
Tonal system, 50, izo; abandonment of,
6263, 9596; conventionality of, 7678, 139141, 227228. See also Music
Totality, 2526, 27, 28, 39 Tragedy. 114115
Transactional psychology, 36, 7174. 76 Transactional rapport. 7174
Travels in Hyperreality, xxix

Understanding, 131 Ungaretti, Giuseppi, 59, 60

Univocity, 40, 42, 66, 86, 87, 93, 94, /14, 152. See also Ambiguity; Meaning

Valery, Paul, 9, 161, 162 VanGogh, Vincent: Sunflowers,205
Verdi, Giuseppe: Aida, 2 Verlaine, Paul: Art poitique, 8 Vico, Giovanni, 41
Visio, 177
Vitality, 99too, 101, 103 Vitruvius, 5
Vittorino, Elio, xiii, xvii, 206 VonNeumann,John:GameTheory,89 VS, xx

Weaver,Warren,57,58, 63,65
Webem, Anton, x, 12, 6263, 84, 9596, 228
Wellek,Rene,225n18 Wertheimer, Max, 7475 Whitehead, A. N., to
Wiener, Norbert, 4950. 5253 Wilder, Thornton: Our Town, 192193 Wilson, Edmund, iv
Wit, 7
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, xxxi
Wols, 84
Works in movement, ixx, 1220, 2223, 8486; and science, 1319, 2223

Yevtushenko, Yevgeny, 129

Zolla, Elemire, 131133, 135136, 149;
Cecilia, 131133


culture. 238242. 246247,analysisoflanguage,239243,246.248249;publicationof Quindin,247249 Hawthorne, Nathaniel: The Scarlet Letter, 24Haydn.FranzJoseph,79 Hegel,G.W.F.,26,142,235;alienation in,124,126,127;objectin,124125: beautifulsoulin,130131,133Heidegger, Martin,235Heisenberg,Werner,1516Hemingway, Ernest: The Old Man and the Sea,190191Hilbert, David, 89 History,112;cultural,168169.179 HOlderlin,Friedrich,172 Humanism.153154 Husserl,Edmund,16,71 Imola, Benvenuto da,