List of authors
Finnegans Wake
ability let us be singulfied. Betwixt me and thee hung cong. Item, mizpah ends.

But while the dial are they doodling dawdling over the mugs and the grubs? Oikey, Impostolopulos? 1 Steady steady steady steady steady studiavimus. Many many many many many manducabimus. 2 We’ve had our day at triv and quad and writ our bit as intermidgets. Art, literature, politics, economy,chemistry, humanity, &c. Duty, the daughter of discipline, the Great Fire at the South City Markets, Belief in Giants and the Banshee, A Place for Everything and Everything in its Place, Is the Pen Mightier than the Sword? A Successful Career in the Civil Service, 3 The Voice of Nature in the Forest, 4 Your Favorite Hero or Heroine, On the Benefits of Recreation, 5 If Standing Stones Could Speak, Devotion to the Feast of the Indulgence of Portiuncula, The Dublin Metropolitan Police Sports at Ballsbridge, Describe in Homely Anglian Monosyllables the Wreck of the Hesperus, 6 What Morals, if any, can be drawn from Diarmuid and Grania? 7 Do you Approve of our Existing Parliamentary System? The Uses and Abuses of Insects, A Abnegation is Adaptation. Cato. Nero. Saul. Aristotle. Julius Caesar. Pericles. Ovid. Adam, Eve. Domitian. Edipus Socrates. Ajax. Homer. Marcus Aurelius. Alcibiades. Lucretius. ENTER THE COP AND HOW. SECURES GUBERNANT URBIS TERROREM.

1 The divvy wants that babbling brook. Dear Auntie Emma Emma Eates.

2 Strike the day off, the nightcap’s on nigh. Goney, goney gone!

3 R.C., disengaged, good character, would help, no salary.

4 Where Lily is a Lady found the nettle rash.

5 Bubabipibambuli, I can do as I like with what’s me own. Nyamnyam.

6 Able seaman’s caution.

7 Rarely equal and distinct in all things. Visit to Guinness’ Brewery, Clubs, Advantages of the Penny Post, When is a Pun not a Pun? Is the Co-Education of Animus and Anima Wholly Desirable? 1 What Happened at Clontarf? Since our Brother Johnathan Signed the Pledge or the Meditations of Two Young Spinsters, 2 Why we all Love our Little Lord Mayor, Hengler’s Circus Entertainment, On Thrift, 3 The Kettle-Griffith-Moynihan Scheme for a New Electricity Supply, Travelling in the Olden Times, 4 American Lake Poetry, the Strangest Dream that was ever Halfdreamt. 5 Circumspection, Our Allies the Hills, Are Parnellites Just towards Henry Tudor? Tell a Friend in a Chatty Letter the Fable of the Grasshopper and the Ant, 6 Santa Claus, The Shame of Slumdom, The Roman Pontiffs and the Orthodox Churches, 7 The Thirty Hour Week, Compare the Fistic Styles of Jimmy Wilde and Jack Sharkey, How to Understand the Deaf, Should Ladies learn Music or Mathematics? Glory be to Saint Patrick! What is to be found in a Dustheap, The Value of Circumstantial Evidence, Should Spelling? Outcasts in India, Collecting Pewter, Eu, 8 Proper and Regular Diet Necessity For, 9 If You Do It Do It Now. Noah. Plato. Horace. Isaac. Tiresias. Marius. Diogenes. Procne, Philo mela. Abraham. Nestor. Cincin natus. Leonidas. Jacob. Theocritus. Joseph. Fabius. Samson. Cain. Esop. Prometheus. Lot. Pompeius Magnus, Miltiades Strategos. Solon. Castor, Pollux. Dionysius. Sappho. Moses. Job. Catilina. Cadmus. Ezekiel. Solomon. Themistocles. Vitellius. Darius.

1 Jests and the Beastalk with a little rude hiding rod.

2 Wherry like the whaled prophet in a spookeerie.

3 What sins is pim money sans Paris!

4 I’ve lost the place, where was I?

5 Something happened that time I was asleep, torn letters or was there


6 Mich for his pain, Nick in his past.

7 He has toglieresti in brodo all over his agrammatical parts of face and as for

that hippofoxphiz, unlucky number, late for the christening!

8 Eh, Monsieur? O— Monsieur? Eu, Monsieur? Nenni No, Monsieur!

9 Ere we hit the hay, brothers, let’s have that response to prayer! Delays are Dangerous. Vitavite! Gobble Anne: tea’s set, see’s eneugh ! Mox soonly will be in a split second per the chancellory of his exticker.





Cush 1





Geg 2

Their feed begins. NIGHTLETTER

With our best youlldied greedings to Pep and Memmy and the old folkers below and beyant, wishing them all very merry Incarnations in this land of the livvey and plenty of preprosperousness through their coming new yonks


jake, jack and little sousoucie

(the babes that mean too)

Xenophon. Pantocracy. Bimutualism. Interchangeabil ity. Naturality. Superfetation. Stabimobilism. Periodicity. Consummation. Interpenetrative ness. Predicam ent. Balance of the factual by the theoric Boox and Coox, Amallaga mated. MAWMAW, LUK, YOUR BEEEFTAY’S FIZZIN OVER! KAKAO POETIC LIPPUDENIES OF THE UNGUMP TIOUS. 1 Kish is for anticheirst, and the free of my hand to him! 2 And gags for skool, and crossbuns and whopes he’ll enjoyimsolff over our drawings on the line!

Finnegan’s Wake — Episode 2: Part 3 It may not or maybe a no concern of the Guinnesses but.

That the fright of his light in tribalbalbutience hides aback in the doom of the balk of the deaf but that the height of bis life from a bride’s eye stammpunct is when a man that means a mountain barring his distance wades a lymph that plays the lazy winning she likes yet that pride that bogs the party begs the glory of a wake while the scheme is like your rumba round me garden, allatheses, with perhelps the prop of a prompt to them, was now or never in Etheria Deserta,as in Grander Suburbia, with Finnfannfawners, ruric or cospolite, for much or moment indispute.

Whyfor had they, it is Hiberio-Miletians and Argloe-Noremen, donated him, birth of an otion that was breeder to sweatoslaves, as mysterbolder, forced in their waste, and as for Ibdullin what of Himana, that their tolvtubular high fidelity daildialler, as modern as tomorrow afternoon and in appearance up to the minute (hearing that anybody in that ruad duchy of Wollinstown schemed to halve the wrong type of date) equipped with supershielded umbrella antennas for distance getting and connected by the magnetic links of a Bellini-Tosti coupling system with a vitaltone speaker, capable of capturing skybuddies, harbour craft emittences, key clickings, vaticum cleaners, due to woman formed mobile or man made static and bawling the whowle hamshack and wobble down in an eliminium sounds pound so as to serve him up a melegoturny marygoraumd, eclectrically filtered for allirish earths and ohmes. This harmonic condenser enginium (the Mole) they caused to be worked from a magazine battery (called the Mimmim Bimbim patent number 1132, Thorpetersen and Synds, Jomsborg, Selverbergen) which was tuned up by twintriodic singulvalvulous pipelines (lackslipping along as if their liffing deepunded on it) with a howdrocephalous enlargement, a gain control of circumcentric megacycles ranging from the antidulibnium onto the serostaatarean. They finally caused,or most leastways brung it about somehows(that)the pip of the lin(to)pinnatrate inthro an auricular forfickle (known as the Vakingfar sleeper, monofractured by Piaras UaRhuamhaighaudhlug, tympan founder Eustache Straight, Bauliaughacleeagh) a meatous conch culpable of cunduncing Naul and Santry and the forty routs of Corthy with the concertiums of the Brythyc Symmonds Guild, the Ropemakers Reunion, the Variagated Peddlars Barringoy Bnibrthirhd, the Askold Olegsonder Crowds of the O’Keef-Rosses ant Rhosso-Keevers of Zastwoking, the Ligue of Yahooth o.s.v. so as to lall the bygone dozed they arborised around, up his corpular fruent and down his reuctionary buckling, hummer, enville and cstorrap (the man of Iren, thore’s Curlymane for you!), lill the lubberendth of his otological life.

House of call is all their evenbreads though its cartomance hallucinate like an erection in the night the mummery of whose deed, a lur of Nur, immerges a mirage in a merror, for it is where by muzzinmessed for one watthour, bilaws below, till time jings pleas, that host of a bottlefilled, the bulkily hulkwight, hunter’s pink of face, an orel orioled, is in.on a bout to be unbulging an o’connell’s, the true one, all seethic, a luckybock, pledge of the stoup, whilom his canterberry bellseyes wink wickeding indtil the teller, oyne of an oustman in skull of skand. Yet is it, this ale of man, for him, our hubuljoynted, just a tug and a fistful as for Culsen, the Patagoreyan, chieftain of chokanchuckers and his moyety joyant, under the foamer dispensation when he pullupped the turfeycork by the greats of gobble out of Lougk Neagk. When, pressures be to our hoary frother, the pop gave his sullen bulletaction and, bilge, sled a movement of catharic emulsipotion down the sloppery slide of a slaunty to tilted lift-ye-landsmen. Allamin. Which in the ambit of its orbit heaved a sink her sailer alongside of a drink her drainer from the basses brothers, those two theygottheres.

It was long after once there was a lealand in the luffing ore it was less after lives thor a toyler in the tawn at all ohr it was note before he drew out the moddle of Kersse by jerkin his dressing but and or it was not before athwartships he buttonhaled the Norweeger’s capstan.

So he sought with the lobestir claw of his propencil the clue of the wickser in his ear. O, lord of the barrels, comer forth from Anow (I have not mislaid the key of Efas-Taem), O, Ana, bright lady, comer forth from Thenanow (I have not left temptation in the path of the sweeper of the threshold), O !

But first, strongbowth, they would deal death to a drinking. Link of a leadder, dubble in it, slake your thirdst thoughts awake with it. Our svalves are svalves aroon! We rescue thee, O Baass, from the damp earth and honour thee. O Connibell, with mouth burial! So was done, neat and trig. Up draught and whet them!

— Then sagd he to the ship’s husband. And in his translatentic norjankeltian. Hwere can a ketch or hook alive a suit and sowterkins? Soot! sayd the ship’s husband, knowing the language, here is tayleren. Ashe and Whitehead, closechop, successor to. Ahorror, he sayd, canting around to


ability let us be singulfied. Betwixt me and thee hung cong. Item, mizpah ends. But while the dial are they doodling dawdling over the mugs and the grubs? Oikey, Impostolopulos?