humility, 319 , 538 , 827 , 828
Hundred Days, 750
Hungarians, 397 , 399 , 407
Hungary, 634
hunger, 747
Huns, 343 , 344 , 367 , 782
Huss, John, Bohemian religious reformer ( 1369?1415), 483 , 486
Hussites, 448
Hutcheson, Francis, Scottish philosopher ( 16941746), 775
Hutton, Ven. W. H., cited, 381
hydrogen, 26
Hyksos, 4 , 6
Hylas, 649 , 652 , 654
Hymn to Zeus (Cleanthes), 257
hymns, 439
Hypatia, Alexandrian mathematician and NeoPlatonist philosopher (d.
415), 368
hypotenuse, 35 -36
hypotheses, 38 , 124 , 126 , 131 , 238 , 526 , 528 , 530 , 531 , 815 -816; and Francis Bacon, 544 -545; and Greeks, 26 , 28 -29, 212 ; and James, 817 , 818 ; and science, 131 , 528 . See also Copernican hypothesis; nebular hypothesis
hypothetical imperative, 710
Hyrcanus, John. See Maccabæus
Hythloday, Raphael, 518 , 519 , 521
Iachimo, 523
Iago, 523
Ialdabaoth, 324
Ibn Rushd. See Averroes
Ibn Sina. See Avicenna
iconoclast heresy, 389
idealism, 124 , 611 , 656 -659, 791 , 808 , 809 , 813 , 818 . See also German philosophy
ideals, and Utopias, 115 116
idea(s): association of, 774 , 833 ; and Bergson, 802 , 803 ; and Berkeley, 651 , 702 ; and Descartes, 565 -566; and Hume, 660 662, 702 ; innate, 269 , 662 ; and Locke, 609 , 702 ; world of, 136 , 284 . See also theory of ideas
identity, 468 , 663 , 664 , 668
ideograms, 4
idolatry, 310 , 311 , 312 , 346
idols, Francis Bacon’s, 544
Ignatius of Constantinople, St., Patriarch of Constantinople ( 799?878), 395 ,
Ikhnatonor Akhnaton ( Amenhotep IV), King of Egypt (reigned ca. 1375-
1358 B.C.), 9 , 450
Iliad ( Homer), 10
illiteracy, 390
image(s), 384 , 420 ; and Bergson, 808 -809
imagination, 39 , 661
Immaculate Conception, 466
immortality, 45 , 328 , 357 ; and Aristotle, 169 -172; and Aquinas, 454 ; and Averroes, 426 , 427 , 453 ; and Epicurus, 246 , 250 ; and Greeks, 331 ; and Jews, 315 , 326 ; and Kant, 709 ; and Plato, 105 , 132 143, 253 , 588 , 835 ; and More, 521 ; and Plotinus, 293 ; and Pythagoras, 32 , 37 ; and Socrates, 89 ; and Spinoza, 571 ; and Stoics, 253 , 265 . See also afterlife; resurrection; soul
imperatives, 710
imperialism, 400 , 723 , 776 , 792
impiety, 828
impression (s), 660 -662, 664 , 702
impulse, 15
Incarnation, 130 , 327 , 333 , 551 , 358 , 367 -369, 420 , 454 , 460 , 514
Incas, 115
incest, 373 , 459
incommensurables, 35 -36
independence, 193 , 682 , 741
Independents, 471 , 555 , 602 , 604
indeterminacy, 246 *
India, 138 , 222 , 231 , 259 †, 282 , 400 , 496 , 538 , 776 ; and Alexander, 233 ; and Arabs, 399 , 419 , 423 , 427 ; Nestorianism in, 368 ; religions of,
23 , 218 , 753
Indian philosophy, 719 , 754 , 756 , 757
Indians, American, 623 , 636
individual(s), -ism, 179 , 183 , 261 , 346 , 633 , 640 , 727 ; and Hegel, 739 -742, 827 ; and Helvétius, 722 ; and liberalism, 598 -599, and Nietzsche, 827 ; and Reformation, 523 ; and Renaissance, 493 , 503 , 828 ; and romanticism, 677 , 679 ; and Rome, 230 ; and Rousseau, 600 , 696 ; and Totalitarian State, 699 . See also rugged individualists
individuation, 467 -468, 755
Indo-European religion, 8 induction, 39 , 199 , 549 , 706 , 795 , 832 ; and Francis Bacon, 541 , 543 , 544 , 545 ; and Hume, 667 -678, 702 ; as
independent logical principle, 674 ; by simple enumeration, 543 , 545 , 667
indulgences, 514 , 523
Indus, 219 , 422
industrial revolution, 640 , 826
industrialism, 34 , 194 -195 597 , 600 , 636 , 647 , 677 , 727 -728, 750 , 827
; and Marx, 785 , 788 , 789
inequality, 191 , 688
inferences, 157 -158, 198 , 199
infinite collection or number, 829 , 830
Inge, William Ralph, English clergyman and author, Dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral, London (b. 1860), 46 , 110 , 289 ; quoted, 284 -285
Innocent III, Pope (reigned 1198-1216), 441 444, 446 , 448 , 449 , 451 , 478
, 479 ; quoted, 442
Innocent IV, Pope (reigned 1243-1254), 445 446
Innocent VIII, Pope (reigned 1484-1492), 502
inquiry, 819 , 822 , 823 , 824 825
Inquiry into Human Understanding ( Hume), 660
Inquiry into Meaning and Truth ( Russell), 468
Inquisition, 448 -449, 450 , 451 , 524 , 526 , 534 , 569 , 697
insight, 123 -124, 137 , 139
instinct, 793 , 798 , 810
instrumentalism, 34 , 564 , 783 , 811 , 820 , 827
instruments, 216 , 535 -536
intellect, -ualism, 37 , 136 , 267 , 416 , 465 , 719 , 724 ; and Bergson, 793 , 798 , 800 , 803 , 810 ; and God, 585 , 709 ; and Plato, 105 , 124 ; and
Plotinus, 289 , 295 ; and truth, 816
intelligence, 60 , 793
interest, 187 -188
internationalism, 557 , 628 , 640 , 683 , 764 . See also world federation
intolerance, 330 . See also religious toleration
intoxication, 14 , 15 , 16 ; of power, 828
intuition, 34 -35, 460 , 612 , 702 , 708 , 713 , 716 , 793 , 798 , 804
investiture, 415 -416, 430 , 431
Iona, 376
Ionia, -ns, 7 , 8 , 9 , 23 , 25 , 30 , 40 , 90 , 110 ; and Athens, 79 , 80 ; commercial cities of, 24 -25; and culture, 28 , 58 ; and Homer, 12 ; laws of, 101 ; and Persia, 13 , 28 , 58 , 79 ; and philosophy, 21 , 41 , 48 , 55 ,
61 , 62 , 65
Iphigenia, 12 , 249
Ireland, 343 *, 366 , 376 , 381 , 386 , 394 , 401 -402, 406
Irene, Empress in Constantinople ( 752-803), 389 , 392 , 421
iron, 8 , 26 , 113
irrationals, 209 -210, 211
irrigation, 422
Isabella, Queen of Castile and León, wife of Ferdinand of Aragon
( 14511504), 555
Isaiah, 312 ; quoted, 313
Ishtar, 5 , 310
Islam, 316 , 325 , 399 , 420 , 421 , 429 , 757 . See also Mohammedans
Ispahan, 424
Israel, 309 , 361
Istria, 383
Italy, 30 , 338 , 361 , 412 , 452 , 547 , 559 , 582 ; Arians in, 334 -335; and Attila, 367 ; and Charlemagne, 389 , 392 ; cities of, 185 , 433 , 482 , 509 ; civilization of, 375 , 443 ; Cluniac Reform in, 411 ; commercial class in, 304 ; and Donation of Constantine, 392 ; Erasmus in, 513 , 514 ; episcopal elections in, 431 ; in 15th cent, 486 , 493 , 505 ; and Germany, 431 , 738 ; and Goths, 367 , 369 ; Inquisition in, 524 ; humanism in, 486 ; rise of laity in, 479 ; landholding in, 634 ; Lombards and Byzantines in, 388 -389; in Middle Ages, 429 , 487 ; modern outlook begins in, 495 ; and Napoleon, 750 ; Normans in, 399 , 414 ; and Frederick II, 446 ; politics in, 304 , 495 500, 505 ; and papacy, 304 , 390 , 414 , 480 ; power of government in, 555 ; pragmatism in, 828 ; Reformation and Counter-Reformation as rebellion against, 522 -523; Renaissance in, 492 , 493 , 494 503, 505 , 507 , 517 , 525 , 526 ; and Rome, 262 , 271 , 272 , 302 ; and science, 492 , 534 ; in 6th cent., 374
-375, 382 ; under Theodoric, 369 -370; in 10th cent., 397 ; unity of, 503 , 507 ; under Valentinian II, 336 . See also northern Italy; Rome; southern Italy
Jacobin (s), -ism, 639 , 642
James, St. (Apostle), 324 , 384
James I, King of England ( 1566-1625), 541
James II, King of England ( 1633-1701), 603 , 620
James, Henry, American novelist, brother of William James ( 1843-
1916), 811
James, Montague Rhode, quoted, 401
James, William, American psychologist and philosopher ( 1842-1910), 759 , 791 , 801 , 811 -818, 819 , 833 , 834 ; and belief, 328 , 814 816, 817 -818; and truth, 123 , 814 -818; quoted, 811 814, 816 -818
James of Venice, classical scholar and translator (fl. 12th cent.), 440
Jansenists, 335
Jansenius, Cornelius (Cornelis Jansen), Dutch theologian ( 1585-1638),
Japan, 113 , 399 , 400 , 538 , 555 , 620
Japheth, son of Noah, 618
Jarrow, 395
Jason, Jewish high priest (fl. ca. 175 B.C.), 314
Jaxartes, 219
Jeans, Sir James Hapwood, English physicist and astronomer (b. 1877),
37 , 822
Jefferson, Thomas, 3rd President of the United States ( 1743-1826), 36
*, 320
Jehovah, 447
Jena, 718 , 720 , 730 , 754
Jeremiah, Jewish prophet, 25 , 310 -311
Jerome, St., Doctor of the Church ( 345?-420), 260 , 334 , 336 , 340
-344, 384 , 464 ; and Bible, 318 , 322 , 327 , 335 , 340 -341, 360 , 361 , 514 ; and Erasmus, 513 , 514 , 517 ; and monasticism, 335 , 376 , 377 ; quoted, 341 -344
Jerusalem, 310 , 311 , 313 , 314 , 315 , 339 , 364 , 392 ; and Crusades,
442 , 444 445; fall of, 317 , 322 ; the Golden, 305 ; patriarch of, 390
Jerusalem, King of. See John of Brienne and Frederick II
Jerusalem under the High Priests ( Bevan), 313 *
Jesuits, 109 , 524 , 526 , 558 , 559 , 694
Jesus, 309 , 324 , 325 , 351 , 378 , 380 , 460 *, 772
Jews, Judaism, 325 , 339 , 578 , 631 ; and after-life, 331 ; and St. Augustine, 358 , 360 -361, 363 ; as bankers and capitalists, 187 , 480 , 683 ; and