List of authors
The History of Western Philosophy

Miletus, 24 , 26 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 62 , 64 , 98

Milhaud, Garcon, French philosopher ( 1858-1918), cited, 68 * Milky Way, 534 Mill, James, Scottish philosopher, historian and economist ( 1773-1836), 722 , 723 , 724 , 776 -777, 781 , 783 ; quoted, 773 , 781
-782, 790 Mill, John Smart, English philosopher and economist ( 1808-1873), 545 , 644 , 721 , 722 , 724 , 762 , 776 , 777 , 778 ; quoted, 777
millennium, 362 , 364

Milton, John, English poet ( 1608-1674), 135 , 340 *, 448 , 705 , 776 , 783
; quoted, 224

mind, 821 , 833 ; and Anaxagoras, 60 , 61 , 62 -63; and Aristotle, 170 , 171 , 172 ; and atomists, 66 ; and Bergson, 795 , 796 , 799 ; and Berkeley, and Locke, 702 ; and Plato, 145 , 146 , 152 , 154 , 155 ; and Plotinus, 289 ,
295 ; and Spinoza, 572 , 577 ; and Zeno, 256

mind and matter, 134 , 812 ; and Bergson, 796 -798, 801 ; and Cartesians, 561 562, 565 , 566 , 567 ; de-


fined, 658 -659; and James, 813 ; and Kant, 704 ; and Leibniz, 583 ; and
logical analysis, 833 , 835

Minoan age or culture, 6 -7, 9 , 281

Minoan-My cenaean Religion and Its Survival in Greek Religion, The ( Nilsson), 7 *

miracle(s), 30 , 53 , 328 , 331 , 340 , 378 -380, 660 ; of the mass, 408

missionaries, 222 , 368 , 375 , 393 , 401 , 435 , 524

Mistress of Animals, 6 , 238

Mithraism, 280 -281

Mitylene, 241

Mnemosyne, 19

Mnesarchos, reputed father of Pythagoras (fl. ca. 500 B.C.), 29

modality, 708

moderation, 48 , 72

modern philosophy, 38 , 472 , 489 ; affected by romanticism, 682 ; Descartes as pioneer in, 558 , 560 ; from Renaissance to Hume, 491 -674; from Rousseau to present day, 675 -836

modern technique, 828

modern world or outlook, 525 , 536

Moderns, 513

Mohammedan(s), 221 , 303 , 321 , 749 ; Africa and Spain become, 275 ; and algebra, 283 ; and Aristotle, 426 , 427 , 428 , 453 ; and chemistry, 43 , 427 ; and Christian philosophy, 427 , 428 ; and Church, 282 ; conquests of, 223 , 333 , 369 , 390 , 399 , 419 -420; and culture, 419 423; and Emperor Frederick II, 444 ; and Greek culture, 275 , 423 , 424 ; and Hellenistic civilization, 271 , 282 -283; and Italy, 399 ; and Jews, 323 , 420 , 428 ; and philosophy, 423 -428; and Sicily, 443 , 445 . See also Arabs; Islam

Mollusc, the. See Nausiphanes

Mommsen, Theodor, German classical scholar and historian ( 18171903),

monadology, monads, 583 -584, 588 , 596 , 643 , 701

Monadology ( Leibniz), 583

monasteries, 375 , 376 , 394 , 402 , 411

monasticism, 329 , 335 , 375 378, 387 , 398 -399, 411 , 515

Monboddo ( James Burnett), Lord ( 1714-1799), Scottish judge and
anthropologist, 624

Monde, Le ( Descartes), 559

money, 137 , 138 , 187

Mongols, 367 , 422 , 423

Monica, St. mother of St. Augustine, 347 , 350 , 352

monism, 57 , 65 , 68 , 114 , 577 , 595 , 813 , 833

Monist, The, 791 *

Monophysite heresy, 369 , 374 , 377 , 420

monopoly, 789

monotheism, 316 , 420

Mont Cenis, 415

Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de, French philosopher and essayist
( 15331592), 516

Montaigu, French ambassador to Venice, employer of Rousseau, 686

Monte Cassino, 377 , 378 , 380 , 397 , 452

Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron de la Brede et de, French
jurist and philosopher ( 1689-1755), 508 , 551 , 605 , 639 , 697 , 700

Montfort, Simon de, French crusader ( 1160?1218), 442 -443

Montfort, Simon de, Earl of Leicester (called father of Parliament),
English statesman ( 1208?-1265), 443

Moody, Ernest L., 471 , 472

moon, 207 , 292 , 318 , 349 , 371 , 534 ; and Greeks, 54 , 62 , 63 , 71 , 87 , 204 , 206 , 213 , 216 , 247 , 257 , 291 ; and Brahe, 529 , 530 , 531 ; and
Galileo and Newton, 535

Moore, George Edward, English philosopher (b. 1873), 657

Moors, 275 , 323 , 382 , 390

moral(s), morality, 5 , 15 , 77 , 78 , 184 , 681 , 835 ; and Bentham, 777 ; and Christianity, 178 , 306 , 308 , 330 , 331 -332; and German idealists, 704 ; in Greece, 278 ; in Hellenistic world, 227 -228, 237 ; and James, 816 ; Jewish, 314 ; and Kant, 709 , 710 , 755 ; and Locke, 613 -614, 615 -616, 628 ; and Machiavelli, 507 , 509 ; and Milesian school, 28 ; and
reform in the 11th cent., 407 ; and religion, 811 -812; in Renaissance, 502 -503; and Rome, 237 , 278 ; and romanticism, 677 , 678 , 683 684; and Rousseau, 687 , 693 ; and States, 741 -742; and Stoics, 240 , 264 . See also ethics

More, Sir Thomas (St. Thomas More), Englistt statesman and author
( 1478-1535), 512 , 513 , 514 , 517 -522, 523 , 542 ; quoted, 518 , 520 ,

Morgan. See Pelagius Morocco, 425

Moses, Hebrew prophet: and lawgiver (fl. 1200? B.C.), 325 , 329 , 330 ,
440 , 444 , 504

Motiers, 690

motion, movement, 27 , 56 , 63 , 69 , 204 , 205 , 537 ,


833 ; and Aristotle, 168 , 205 -207; and atomists, 65 66, 67 , 68 , 69 , 72 ; and Descartes, 561 -563; and Heraclitus, 151 *; and Newton, 70 , 207 , 559 , 562 ; relativity of, 70 , 206 , 217 , 540 , 528 ; and Zeno’s argument of the arrow, 804 -806

multiplication table, 820

Munich, 469 , 505

murder, 627 , 628

Murray, Gilbert, British classical scholar (b. 1866), cited, 241‡, 253 *;
quoted, 11 -12, 17 -18, 20 21, 227 , 231 , 252

Musaeus, legendary Greek poet, 89

music, 35 , 109 , 110 , 120 , 291 , 761

Musset, Alfred de, French poet ( 1810-1857), 751

Mussolini, Benito (Il Duce), Italian Fascist leader ( 1883-1945), 719

Mutiny, 776

Mycenaean civilization, 7 -8

Myrtilos, 12

mysteries, 42 , 43 , 138 , 476 . See also Eleusinian mysteries; mystery religions

Mysteries of Udolpho, The ( Radcliffe), 679

mystery religions, 37 , 308 , 331 , 351 , 478

Mystery Religions and Christianity, The ( Angus), 331 â€

mystic(s), mysticism, 37 , 41 , 46 , 353 , 423 , 439 , 460 , 571 , 681 , 756 , 757 , 758 ; Arab, 426 , 427 ; in Dionysus worship and Orphism, 14 , 19 ; in pre-Socratic philosophy, 48 ; and Hegel, 730 , 731 ; and mathematics, 29 , 37 , 829 ; and Plato, 105 , 106 , 126 , 137 , 138 , 139 , 172 ; and Plotinus,
292 ; and Pythagoras, 29 , 32 , 40 , 126 , 213

Naaman, Syrian general against the Jews, 554

names, 49 , 226 -127, 146 , 155 , 157 , 162 , 163 , 164 , 198 , 468 ; and meaning, 49 -51

Nantes, 436 ; Edict of, 603

Napier (or Neper), John, Laird of Merchiston, Scottish mathematician
( 1550-1617), 536

Naples, 397 , 445 , 452 ; Kingdom of, 496 , 499

Napoleon I ( Bonaparte), Emperor of the French ( 1769-1821), 162 , 393 , 497 , 507 , 582 , 603 , 639 , 642 , 747 ; effect of, 115 , 598 , 677 , 680 , 703 , 750 -752; and German philosophers, 704 , 718 , 730 , 739 , 762 , 768 , 772
; and Germany, 634 , 720 , 738 , 782

Napoleon III ( Charles Louis Napoleon Bonapane), Emperor of the French (
1808-1873), 639

Napoleonic wars, 600 national independence, 509

national monarchies, 304

National Socialism, 94 . See also Nazis

nationalism, 479 , 481 , 600 , 640 , 678 , 727 , 753 , 762 , 764 ; German,
229 , 718 , 752 ; Jewish, 311 -312; and romanticism, 683 , 725

nations, and Hegel, 739 , 788

natural law(s), 255 , 269 , 270 , 623 -629, 688 , 727 ; and Greeks, 11 , 27 ,
66 , 114 , 254

natural man, 693

natural religion, 690 , 693

natural rights, 36 , 269 , 270 , 627 -628

nature, 204 -205, 231 , 291 , 404 , 407 , 711 , 834 ; law of, 623 , 626 ; state
of, 626 , 630 , 640

Nausiphanes (“The Mollusc”), teacher of Epicurus, 241 , 243

Nazis, 98 , 364 , 378 , 634 , 770 , 789 , 790

Near East, 101 , 308

Nehuchadrezzar or Nebuchadnezzar, Chaldean king of Babylon (reigned
605-562 B.C.), 25 , 310 , 322

nebula, 47 , 207

nebular hypothesis, 705

necessity, 11 , 27 , 63 , 66 , 114 , 227 , 746 , 708 , 827 ; and Aristotle, 205 ;
and Empedocles, 55 , 56 , 58 ; and Plato, 145 , 148

Necessity of Atheism, The ( Shelley), 642

negation, 708

Negro spiritual, quoted, 21

Nehemiah, Jewish leader (fl. 5th cent. B.C.), 310 , 312 , 313 , 317 , 321

Neoplatonism, 218 , 251 , 277 , 301 , 368 , 476 -477, 509 ; and Ammonius Saccas, 287 , 327 ; and Arabs, 423 , 424 , 426 , 427 ; and Aristode, 426 , 453 , 500 ; and Christianity, 296 -297, 308 , 358 , 400 , 404 , 406 , 418 , 477 ; and Plato, 143 , 303 , 486 , 500 ; founded by Plotinus, 284 -297

Neo-Pythagoreanism, 259 , 322

Nero ( Nero Claudius Caesar Drnsus Germanicus), Roman Emperor ( 37-
68), 260 , 266 , 571

nervous tissue,


,220 Miletus, 24 , 26 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 62 , 64 , 98 Milhaud, Garcon, French philosopher ( 1858-1918), cited, 68 * Milky Way, 534 Mill,