
Jacobi Friedrich Heinrich (1743–1819), German man of letters, popular novelist, and...

Jainism an Indian religious and philosophical tradition established by Mahavira, a...

James William (1842–1910), American philosopher, psychologist, and one of the founders...

James-Lange theory the theory, put forward by William James and independently by...

Jansenism a set of doctrines advanced by European Roman Catholic reformers,...

Japanese philosophy philosophy in Japan, beginning with Buddhist thought and proceeding to...

Jaspers Karl Theodor (1883–1969), German psychologist and philosopher, one of the...


jen Chinese philosophical term, important in Confucianism, variously translated as 'kindness',...

jen hsin See TAO-HSIN, JEN-HSIN.

jen-yü See T'IEN LI, JEN -YÜ.

Jevons William Stanley (1835–82), British economist, logician, and philosopher of science....

Jewish philosophy. The subject begins with Philo Judaeus (c.20 B.C. – A.D. 40) of Alexandria. Applying Stoic...

jhana a term used by Theravada Buddhists meaning 'pondering' or 'contemplation'...

Joachim of Floris (c.1132/35–1202), Italian mystic who traveled to the Holy Land and,...

Johannes Philoponus (c.490–575), Greek philosopher and theologian, who worked in Alexandria (philoponus,...

John Damascene See JOHN OF DAMASCUS.

John of Damascus Saint, also called John Damascene and Chrysorrhoas (Golden Speaker) (c.675–c.750),...

John of Saint Thomas also known as John Poinsot (1589–1644), Portuguese theologian and philosopher....

Johnson W(illiam) E(rnest) (1858–1931), British philosopher who lectured on psychology and...

John the Scot See ERIGENA.


Juan Chi (210–63), Chinese Neo-Taoist philosopher. Among his extant writings the most...

judgment See AKRASIA, FACULTY PSYCHOLOGY,. KAN. Jung, Carl Gustav (1875–1961), Swiss...

jung ju, Chinese terms that express the Confucian distinction between honor...

jurisprudence the science or knowledge of law; thus, in its widest...

jury theorem See CONDORCET.

jus ad bellum See JUST WAR THEORY.

jus in bello See JUST WAR THEORY.

justice each getting what he or she is due. Formal justice...