
Bañez Domingo (1528–1604), Spanish Dominican theologian and philosopher. Born in Valladolid, he studied at Salamanca, where he also taught for many years. As spiritual director of St. Teresa of Ávila, he exerted considerable influence on her views. He is known for his disputes with Molina concerning divine grace. Against Molina he held physical predetermination, the view that God physically determines the secondary causes of human action. This renders grace intrinsically efficacious and independent of human will and merits. He is also known for his understanding of the centrality of the act of existence (esse) in Thomistic metaphysics. Bañez’s most important works are his commentaries on Aquinas’s Summa theologiae and Aristotle’s On Generation and Corruption. See also AQUINAS , FREE WILL PROBLEM , METAPHYSICS , MOLIN.

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