Ch’ien Mu

Ch’ien Mu (1895–1990), Chinese historian, a leading contemporary New Confucian scholar and cofounder (with T’ang Chün-i) of New Asia College in Hong Kong (1949). Early in his career he was respected for his effort to date the ancient Chinese philosophers and for his study of Confucian thought in the Han dynasty (206 B.C.–A.D. 220). During World War II he wrote the Outline of Chinese History, in which he developed a nationalist historical viewpoint stressing the vitality of traditional Chinese culture. Late in his career he published his monumental study of Chu Hsi (1130–1200). He firmly believed the spirit of Confucius and Chu Hsi should be revived today. See also CHINESE PHILOSOPHY, CHU HSI , T ‘ ANG CHÜN – . S.-h.L.

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