
exportation (1) In classical logic, the principle that (A 8 B) / C is logically equivalent to A / (B / C). (2) The principle ((A 8 B) P C) P (A P (B P C)), which relevance logicians hold to be fallacious when ‘P’ is read as ‘entails’. (3) In discussions of propositional attitude verbs, the principle that from ‘a Vs that b is a(n) f’ one may infer ‘a Vs f-hood of b’, where V has its relational (transparent) sense. For example, exportation (in sense 3) takes one from ‘Ralph believes that Ortcutt is a spy’ to ‘Ralph believes spyhood of Ortcutt’, wherein ‘Ortcutt’ can now be replaced by a bound variable to yield ‘(Dx) (Ralph believes spyhood of x)’. See also QUANTIFYING IN, REL- EVANCE LOGI. G.F.S.

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