Kuo Hsiang

Kuo Hsiang (died A.D. 312), Chinese thinker of the Hsüan Hsüeh (Mysterious Learning) School. He is described, along with thinkers like Wang Pi, as a Neo-Taoist. Kuo helped develop the notion of li (pattern) as the underlying structure of the cosmos, of which each thing receives an individual fen (allotment). All things are ‘one’ in having such ‘natural’ roles to play, and by being tzu jan (spontaneous), can attain a mystical oneness with all things. For Kuo, the fen of human beings included standard Confucian virtues. Kuo is credited with editing the current edition of the Chuang Tzu and composing what is now the oldest extant commentary on it. See also NEO- TAOIS. P.J.I.

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