
biology, autonomy of See UNITY OF SCIENCE.

biology, philosophy of See PHILOSOPHY OF BIOL -. OG.

Berkeley George (1685–1753), Irish philosopher and bishop in the Anglican Church...

Berlin Isaiah (1909–97), British philosopher and historian of ideas. He is...

Bernard of Chartres (fl. 1114–26), French philosopher. He was first a teacher (1114–19)...

Bernard of Clairvaux Saint (1090–1153), French Cistercian monk, mystic, and religious leader. He...

Bernoulli’s theorem also called the (weak) law of large numbers, the principle...

Berry’s paradox See SEMANTIC PARADOXES.

Bertrand’s box paradox a puzzle concerning conditional probability. Imagine three boxes with two...

Bertrand’s paradox an inconsistency arising from the classical definition of an event's...

Beth’s definability theorem a theorem for firstorder logic. A theory defines a term...

Bhagavad Gita (from Sanskrit Bhagavadgita 'song of the blessed one/exalted lord'), Hindu devotional poem composed...

beneficence See VIRTUE ETHICS.

Beneke Friedrich Eduard (1798–1854), German philosopher who was influenced by Herbart...

benevolence See VIRTUE ETHICS.

Bentham Jeremy (1748–1832), British philosopher of ethics and political-legal theory. Born...

Berdyaev Nicolas (1874–1948), Russian religious thinker. He began as a 'Kantian...

Bergmann Gustav (1906–87), Austrian philosopher, the youngest member of the Vienna...

Bergson Henri Louis (1859–1941), French philosopher, the most influential of the...

behavioralism See JURISPRUDENCE.

behaviorism broadly, the view that behavior is fundamental in understanding mental...

behaviorism, supervenient See PHILOSOPHY OF. MIN. behavior therapy, a spectrum of behavior...

being See HEIDEGGER, METAPHYSICS, TRANSCEN -. DENTAL. belief, a dispositional psychological...


belief, degree of See BAYESIAN RATIONALITY.

belief, ethics of See CLIFFORD.

belief, partial See PROBABILITY.

belief, properly basic See EVIDENTIALISM, PLAN -. TING.

belief-desire model See INTENTION.

belief revision the process by which cognitive states change in light of...